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Regulation on Government Procurement of Information Products Containing Cryptography Techniques



Promulgating Institution: State Encryption Administration; Ministry of Science and Technology;Ministry of Public Security; Ministry of State Security; Ministry of Finance;Ministry of Information Industry; Ministry of Commerce; State Secrecy Bureau; State Council Informatization Office

Document Number: Guo Mi Ju Lian [2008] No. 1

Promulgating Date: 01/08/2008

Effective Date: 03/01/2008


颁布机关: 国家密码管理局; 科学技术部; 公安部; 国家安全部; 财政部; 信息产业部; 商务部;国家保密局; 国务院信息化工作办公室

文      号: 国密局联[2008]1号

颁布时间: 01/08/2008

实施时间: 03/01/2008


  Article 1    In accordance with the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets, the State Security Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations on the Commercial Passwords and other related laws and regulations, this Regulation is formulated for the purpose of safeguarding State information security and regulating the procurement of information products containing cryptography techniques in government information system and the information system related to State secrets.

       第一条  为保障国家信息安全,规范政府信息系统和涉及国家秘密的信息系统中含有密码技术的信息产品的采购行为,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》、《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》、《中华人民共和国国家安全法》、《商用密码管理条例》和相关法律法规,制定本规定。

  Article 2   Information products containing cryptography techniques mentioned in this Regulation refers to the software and hardware that has the security functions like information encrypted or decrypted, authentication and identification, authorized management, or access control realized by cryptography techniques.

       第二条  本规定所称含有密码技术的信息产品,是指采用密码技术实现信息加解密、认证鉴别、授权管理、访问控制等安全功能的软件、硬件。

  Article 3    This Regulation applies to the procurement of information products containing cryptography techniques in government information system and the information system related to State secrets using financial fund by State organs at all levels, public institutions and social organizations (hereinafter referred to as the "purchaser").

       第三条  各级国家机关、事业单位和团体组织(以下统称采购人),在政府信息系统和涉及国家秘密的信息系统中,使用财政性资金采购含有密码技术的信息产品的活动,适用本规定。

  Article 4   All cipher administrative departments, financial departments and secrecy administrative departments shall supervise the procurement of information products containing cryptography techniques in government information system and the information system related to State secrets in accordance with their respective duties.

Other relevant departments of the people's government at all levels shall perform their administration and supervision duties related to government procurement in this Regulation in accordance with the law.

       第四条  各级密码管理部门、财政部门、保密管理部门依照各自职责,对政府信息系统和涉及国家秘密的信息系统中含有密码技术的信息产品的采购实施监督管理。


  Article 5    The State adopts catalogue administration towards the procurement of information products containing cryptography techniques. 

The purchaser shall purchase the information products containing cryptography techniques listed in that catalogue.

       第五条  国家对含有密码技术的信息产品采购实行目录管理。


  Article 6   The State Encryption Administration shall, along with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Secrecy Bureau and the Informationization Office of the State Council, determine the specific scope of the information products containing cryptography techniques. 

The Ministry of Finance shall, along with the National Cipher Administrative Bureau, formulate the catalogue for government procurement of information products containing cryptography techniques with the specified scope and shall publish that catalogue within the proper range as well as make adjustments when appropriate.

       第六条  国家密码管理局会同科技部、公安部、国家安全部、财政部、信息产业部、商务部、国家保密局、国务院信息化工作办公室,确定含有密码技术的信息产品的具体范围。


  Article 7    The purchasers shall adopt the ways of procurement specified in government procurement laws and policies to determine the bid winner or the provider within the scope of said catalogue in order to ensure that the procurement is impartial, fair and competitive.

The purchaser shall purchase the information products containing cryptography techniques and related services used for the information system related to State s via enterprises with secret or cipher related qualifications.

       第七条  采购人应当在目录产品范围内,采用政府采购法律制度规定的采购方式确定中标或成交供应商,确保采购活动公平、公正和充分竞争。


  Article 8    Procurement, when truly necessary, of the information products containing cryptography techniques beyond the catalogue shall meet the following conditions simultaneously: (1) passing the demand rationality confirmation organized by cipher administrative department (organ) of the same level; (2) passing the security evaluation conducted by security evaluation institutions appointed jointly by the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of National Security, State Secrecy Bureau and the State Encryption Administration; (3) passing the testing by testing institutions appointed by the State Encryption Administration.

       第八条  确需采购未列入目录的含有密码技术的信息产品的,应当同时具备下列条件:(一)通过同级密码管理部门(机构)组织的需求合理性论证;(二)通过公安部、国家安全部、国家保密局、国家密码管理局联合指定的安全评估机构的安全评估;(三)通过国家密码管理局指定的检测机构的检测。

  Article 9    Where the purchaser or its authorized agent violates this Regulation, the Ministry of Finance shall order it to make correction; if the purchaser refuses to make the correction, the Ministry of Finance shall stop providing it funds according to the budget and the competent administrative department at higher level or relevant authorities shall adopt disciplinary measures against its principal and other personnel directly in charge.

       第九条  采购人或其委托的采购代理机构未按本规定要求采购的,由财政部门责令改正;拒不改正的,停止按预算支付资金,由其上级行政主管部门或者有关机关依法给予其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处分。

  Article 10    With regard to other procurement of information products containing cryptography techniques related to State security using financial fund, this Regulation shall apply.

       第十条  其他使用财政性资金采购涉及国家安全的含有密码技术信息产品的,参照本规定执行。

  Article 11    Equipping cipher products in government information system and the information system related to State secrets shall be subject to the relevant regulations on cipher administration. Procurement of secrecy products related to information security shall be subject to the relevant regulations of the State.

       第十一条  政府信息系统和涉及国家秘密的信息系统中装备密码产品的,应当按照国家有关密码管理规定执行。涉及信息安全保密产品采购的,按照国家相关管理规定执行。

  Article 12    This Regulation shall become effective from March 1, 2008.

       第十二条  本规定自2008年3月1日起施行。




中英双语-含有密码技术的信息产品政府采购规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-27 09:23:18