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Provisions of Hebei Province on Administration of Loans from International Financial Institutions and Foreign Governments



Promulgating Institution: People's Government of Hebei Province

Document Number: Decree No. 12 [2002] of the People's Government of Hebei Province

Promulgating Date: 09/10/2002

Effective Date: 10/01/2002


颁布机关: 河北省人民政府

文      号: 河北省人民政府令[2002]第12号

颁布时间: 09/10/2002

实施时间: 10/01/2002

Chapter I   General Provisions

Chapter II   Administration of Loan Onlending

Chapter III   Formulation of and Application for Loan Project Programs 

Chapter IV   Administration of Loan Project Preparation 

Chapter V   Administration of Loan Project Implementation, Supervision and Operation 

Chapter VII   Supplementary Provisions

    第一章  总则 

    第二章  贷款的转贷管理 

    第三章  贷款项目规划的制订和申报 

    第四章  贷款项目前期准备管理 

    第五章  贷款项目执行、监督与运营管理 

    第六章  贷款债务管理 

    第七章  附则


Chapter I   General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1   These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State and in light of the local situations of Hebei Province for the purpose of strengthening the administration of loans from international financial institutions and foreign governments as well as projects financed by such loans in Hebei Province.

       第一条  为加强本省国际金融组织和外国政府贷款及其项目的管理,根据国家有关规定,结合本省实际,制定本规定。

  Article 2   These Provisions shall apply to the use of loans provided by international financial institutions and foreign governments as well as projects financed by such loans in Hebei Province. 

       第二条  本规定适用于本省利用国际金融组织和外国政府贷款及贷款项目。

  Article 3   Loans from international financial institutions mentioned in these Provisions include loans from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and co-financing loans related to these two institutions. 

 Loans from foreign governments mentioned in these Provisions include concessional loans from foreign governments and loans from the Nordic Investment Bank and the Nordic Development Fund.

       第三条  本规定所称国际金融组织贷款,包括世界银行贷款和亚洲开发银行贷款以及与该两机构贷款相关的联合融资贷款。


  Article 4    The financial department and the planning department of the Province, in accordance with the division of responsibility, shall be responsible for administration of the loans used in the Province from international financial institutions and foreign governments. 

       第四条  省财政部门和省计划部门依照职责分工,负责本省利用国际金融组织和外国政府贷款的有关管理工作。

Chapter II   Administration of Loan Onlending

第二章  贷款的转贷管理

  Article 5    Loans from international financial institutions shall be onlent in different ways with respect to the different nature of loan projects: 

 (1) For public welfare projects, including those in such sectors as public health, education, water conservation, environmental protection, poverty reduction and urban utilities, the loan shall be directly onlent from the financial department of the State Council to the Provincial People' s Government. The Provincial financial department, on behalf of the Provincial People's Government, shall onlend the loan to governments of cities divided into districts and/or the competent department in charge of projects at the Provincial level. As representatives of the local governments, the financial departments of cities divided into districts shall bear the responsibility of administration on further onlending and debt servicing, whereas the Provincial competent department shall be responsible for administration and repayment of loans of the Provincial level. 

 (2) For basic projects in such sectors as energy, transportation, telecommunications, agriculture and forestry, the loan shall be directly onlent from the financial department of the State Council to China Development Bank which shall further onlend to related project implementing agencies in the Province. For non-profit-making basic projects (mainly projects in agriculture and forestry), the onlending shall follow the regulations for public welfare projects. 

 (3) For competitive projects mainly in the industrial sector, the loan shall be onlent from the financial department of the State Council to State -owned commercial banks or non-banking financial institutions which shall further onlend the loan to specific project implementing agencies in the Province.

       第五条  国际金融组织贷款的转贷管理,按照贷款项目的不同性质采取不同的方式进行:




  Article 6    Foreign government loan projects shall fall into three categories in terms of onlending arrangements with respect to the difference in debt servicing responsibilities: 

 (1) Category I refers to projects for which the financial departments at different levels agree to be the borrower after appraisal and bear the debt servicing responsibilities. Loans as such shall be onlent from the Provincial financial department through governments of cities divided into districts to lower levels; 

 (2) Category II refers to projects for which the project implementing agencies shall be the borrower and bear the debt servicing responsibilities with the financial departments at different levels providing debt servicing guarantee after appraisal; and 

 (3) Category III refers to projects for which the project implementing agencies shall be the borrower and bear the debt servicing responsibilities with onlending bank as the ultimate debtors to the foreign parties. 

       第六条  外国政府贷款的转贷管理,按照贷款不同的还款责任,分为三种类型:




  Article 7    Loans provided by international financial institutions and foreign governments constitute Chinese government's sovereign debt. Governments at different levels shall strengthen administration of sovereign debt, coordinate and solve major issues throughout the borrowing, utilization and repayment of loans in the Province. 

       第七条  国际金融组织和外国政府贷款是我国政府主权外债,各级政府应加强对主权外债工作的领导,协调和解决全省贷款项目借、用、还过程中重大问题。

  Article 8   For loans directly onlent from financial departments at the upper level to local governments, the local financial department, as the creditor and debtor representative of the local government as well as the competent government agency for external debt, shall be responsible for the overall administration, guidance, coordination and supervision of local loans in general, and management of capital, financial affairs and debt in particular. 

 For loans guaranteed by financial departments, financial departments at different levels shall take part in the project preparation, keep themselves informed of the capital and financial status of the projects, tighten control over funds of the projects and project implementing agencies, and urge the project implementing agencies to service the debt on schedule. 

 For loans onlent from onlending banks to project implementing agencies, financial departments at different levels shall, in accordance with relevant clauses of these Provisions, take part in the review of loan application and relevant project preparatory work, conduct necessary debt supervision and statistics without undertaking any debt servicing obligations. 

       第八条  上级财政部门直接转贷给当地人民政府的贷款项目,当地财政部门作为当地人民政府的债权债务代表和外债归口管理机构,应全面负责本地贷款的统一管理、项目指导、协调及监督,实施对贷款项目资金、财务、债务有关的管理工作。



  Article 9    For loans directly onlent from the financial department of the State Council to the Provincial Government, in light of the nature and needs of each project, a temporary project management office (hereinafter referred to as PMO) may be established to organize and coordinate the project preparation and implementation. In principal, the PMO shall be set up within the competent department for the same industry and accept supervision and guidance in its operations from the planning and financial departments. 

       第九条  由国务院财政部门直接转贷给省人民政府的每个贷款项目,可根据项目的性质和需要设立临时项目管理办公室(以下简称项目办),负责具体组织、协调项目的准备以及具体执行工作。项目办一般应设立在项目的行业主管部门。各项目办在业务上接受计划部门和财政部门的监督和指导。

  Article 10   For loans onlent from the Provincial financial department to more than one government at the level of city divided into districts, the Provincial department involved shall set up or designate a temporary PMO in accordance with the project' s actual needs. The PMO shall be responsible for the coordination within the department and project organization, implementation, technical coordination and guidance where necessary. 

       第十条  通过省财政部门直接转贷给设区市人民政府的多市联合项目,省有关部门应根据项目的实际需要,在本部门内建立或确定临时项目办,统一负责本单位内部的协调管理以及必需的项目的组织、实施及技术协调与指导工作。

  Article 11   For loans onlent from the onlending banks, related Provincial department and project implementing agencies may establish project executing agencies in light of actual needs and as required by the onlending bank.

       第十一条  由转贷银行转贷的贷款项目,本省有关部门和项目单位可根据实际和转贷银行的要求成立相应的项目执行机构。

Chapter III   Formulation of and Application for Loan Project Programs 

第三章  贷款项目规划的制订和申报

  Article 12   The Provincial planning department shall, together with the Provincial financial department, be responsible for formulating programs of the Province for using loans from international financial institutions and foreign governments. 

 Formulation of and application for programs for using loans from international financial institutions shall follow such procedures: 

 (1) Cities divided into districts or Provincial competent departments of the same industry shall, in accordance with the strategies and priorities of the local or sector economic development, submit the plan and application of their own for utilizing international financial institution loans, together with preliminary documents, to the planning department and the financial department of the Province; 

 (2) The Provincial planning department shall, together with the Provincial financial department, review the loan applications and project preliminary documents presented by cities divided into districts and other departments, formulate the Province's three-year rotating program for utilizing the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank loans and, after consultation with the Provincial competent departments, jointly submit to the Provincial Government for approval; and 

 (3) After approval of the loan program by the Provincial Government, the planning department and the financial department of the Province shall, jointly or separately, submit loan applications to the planning department and the financial department of the State. 

 Formulation of and application for programs for using loans from foreign governments shall follow such procedures: 

 (1) Cities divided into districts or Provincial competent departments of the same industry shall, in accordance with the strategies and priorities of the local or sector economic development, submit the plan and application of their own for utilizing foreign government loans to the Provincial planning department and financial department. The planning department and the financial department of the Province shall, after consultation with each other, formulate the annual plan for utilizing foreign government loans; 

 (2) For projects listed in the foreign government loan plan, the project proposal for examination and approval shall be completed through the planning department in accordance with relevant regulations of the State, 

 (3) The financial departments of cities divided into districts shall review the loan projects and project implementing agencies, and take comprehensive account of the local fiscal affordability and debt repayment capacity before submitting foreign government loan applications and related documents to the Provincial financial department; and 

 (4) For eligible loan projects, the Provincial planning and financial departments shall, jointly or separately, present foreign government loan applications and relevant documents to the planning and financial departments of the State. 

       第十二条  本省利用国际金融组织贷款和外国政府贷款规划,由省计划部门会同省财政部门研究制订。










  Article 13   For loans involving only one city divided into districts, the city planning department shall, with consent of the city financial department, jointly or separately, submit loan applications to the Provincial planning and financial departments. For loans initiated by Provincial competent departments of the same industry and involving one or more cities divided into districts that bear the debt servicing responsibilities, consent by the corresponding planning and financial departments thereof shall be obtained before submission to the higher level.

       第十三条  各设区市独立项目的贷款申请应由各设区市计划部门商市财政部门同意后,分别或联合上报省计划部门和省财政部门;由省行业主管部门牵头提出的涉及市的贷款申请,如贷款债务由项目市承担,则需经项目所涉及市财政与计划部门的同意后方可上报。

  Article 14   Cities divided into districts and/or Provincial competent departments of the same industry shall, only after receiving the notification from the Provincial planning and financial departments that their proposed projects have been listed in the international financial institution and foreign government loan program, formally commence follow-up activities regarding loan utilization, and submit project proposals and feasibility study reports for approval as required by the State project construction procedures. Before approval of the feasibility study report by the planning department, no city divided into districts or department of the same industry shall make any commitment during contact with the external parties. 

       第十四条  各设区市或省行业主管部门在接到省计划部门与省财政部门关于其项目列入国际金融组织和外国政府贷款规划的通知后,方可正式进行与利用贷款有关的后续工作,并按照国家项目建设程序的要求,按规定报批项目建议书和可行性研究报告。对未经计划部门批准可行性研究报告的项目,各地方、各部门在对外联系交往中一律不得做出承诺。

Chapter IV   Administration of Loan Project Preparation 

第四章  贷款项目前期准备管理

  Article 15    At the stage of loan project preparation, relevant domestic procedures shall be followed and necessary domestic approvals shall be obtained. The project implementing agencies shall, with the help of international financial institutions and lending agencies of foreign governments, formulate action plans for implementing the loan projects.

       第十五条  贷款项目的前期准备应符合国内有关程序,在项目前期准备阶段应完成国内有关各项报批工作;项目单位应在国际金融组织和外国政府贷款机构的帮助下,制订出与贷款项目实施有关的各项行动计划。

  Article 16    The project implementing agencies shall take major responsibility in loan project preparation. For projects directly onlent to local governments, financial departments at the same level shall review and supervise the project preparation. For non-technical issues in the design and implementation plan, especially for those regarding economic and financial aspects, planning, counterpart funding availability, loan utilization and repayment plan, financial departments at different levels shall conduct review and present review comments in writing to financial departments at the higher level. 

 Planning departments at different levels shall participate in the consultation with external parties regarding key projects (including project appraisal by external lending agencies) and make the final check of the project scale and contents of construction. 

       第十六条  贷款项目的前期准备工作主要由项目单位负责完成。各级财政部门应对直接转贷给当地政府的贷款项目的前期准备工作进行监督和检查,对于项目设计和实施方案中的非技术性问题,尤其是经济、财务、计划、配套资金落实及贷款使用和偿还方案等方面的问题,各级财政部门应负责进行审查,并向上级财政部门出具书面审查意见。


  Article 17   At the stage of project preparation, project implementing agencies shall ensure the full availability of domestic counterpart funds, specify sources of funding and formulate financing plans, and present valid documents of funding commitment. 

       第十七条  项目单位应在项目前期准备阶段充分落实项目所需的国内配套资金,提出具体的资金来源和安排计划,并提供有效的资金承诺文件。

  Article 18   At the stage of project preparation, financial departments at different levels shall primarily determine the terms of onlending. Project implementing agencies shall make economic and financial forecasts according to the onlending terms as agreed by the financial departments. 

       第十八条  在项目前期准备阶段,各级财政部门基本确定贷款转贷条件。项目单位在准备项目时,其经济与财务的预测应按照财政部门同意的转贷条件进行。

  Article 19   The Provincial financial department shall arrange the negotiating, signing, and effectuating of relevant agreements of loans directly onlent to the projects of the Provincial government. Relevant cities divided into districts and competent departments shall, as required, prepare and provide documents necessary for the negotiating, signing and effectuating of agreements. 

       第十九条  省财政部门负责安排直接转贷给本省人民政府项目相关协定的谈判、签署与生效工作。有关市及主管部门应按要求准备和提供完成协定谈判、签署和生效所需的有关文件。

Chapter V   Administration of Loan Project Implementation, Supervision and Operation 

第五章  贷款项目执行、监督与运营管理

  Article 20    The Provincial financial department shall exercise control over and provide policy guidance to the implementation of loan projects directly onlent from the financial department of the State Council to the Province and those guaranteed by the government. 

 Any proposed amendment to loan agreements during project implementation shall be raised through the Provincial financial department to the financial department of the State Council, which shall consult with related lending agencies afterwards. No other departments or units shall be entitled to formally raise the issue or make any commitments. 

       第二十条  省财政部门负责对国务院财政部门直接转贷给本省及通过政府担保的贷款项目的执行进行监控与政策指导。


  Article 21   The project implementing agencies shall be responsible for the specific implementation of the loan project. Related activities shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the financial departments of the State and the Province as well as those of the corresponding external lending agencies. 

 The project implementing agencies shall, through the financial department at the same level, present project progress report and financial reports to financial departments at the higher level and corresponding international financial institutions and lending agencies of foreign governments. 

       第二十一条  项目单位负责贷款项目的具体执行。项目执行中的有关活动,应按照国家和省财政部门及相关贷款机构的规定和要求组织进行。


  Article 22    Utilization of loan proceeds shall conform to the scope and usage as stipulated in the loan agreements signed with lending agencies. No unit or individual shall be allowed to misappropriate loan proceeds or change the usage in any form without authorization. 

 The Provincial audit office shall be responsible for the annual auditing of all loan projects in the Province. Audit offices at the level of city divided into districts or at (or above) county level shall, with authorization of audit offices at the higher level, audit the financial status and final accounts of loan projects. Financial departments at different levels, project implementing agencies and onlending banks shall cooperate with the audit offices in the auditing. The Provincial audit office shall advise the Provincial financial department of major issues found out during the auditing, and send copies of audit reports to the Provincial financial department while presenting to the National Audit Office, international financial institutions and lending agencies of foreign governments. 

       第二十二条  贷款资金的使用应符合与相关贷款机构签署的贷款协定中所规定的范围与用途,任何单位和个人均不得以任何形式擅自挪用贷款资金或改变贷款用途。


  Article 23   Financial departments at different levels shall conduct financial management of projects whose loans are directly onlent from the financial department at the higher level to the local government and those projects whose loans are guaranteed by the local government, review and supervise all major activities throughout the project implementation. 

       第二十三条  各级财政部门应负责由上级财政部门直接转贷给当地政府及通过当地政府担保的贷款项目的财务管理工作,负责对项目执行的各项主要活动进行监督与检查。

  Article 24    After completion of the project, the project implementing agencies shall conduct final accounting in a timely manner, make a comprehensive appraisal and summing-up of the implementation process, and prepare the project completion report. 

 Financial departments at different levels shall participate in the evaluation and summing-up of loan projects directly onlent to or guaranteed by local governments.

       第二十四条  贷款项目完工后,项目单位应及时办理竣工决算并对项目的实施过程进行全面的评价和总结,编写项目竣工报告。


  Article 25    After completion, the project implementing agencies shall formulate the future operational plan and monitor the actual operations accordingly. 

 Financial departments at different levels shall participate in formulating the operational plan for loan projects directly onlent to or guaranteed by local governments, and strengthen examination and supervision over the implementation of the operational plan. 

       第二十五条  项目建设完成后,项目单位应制订出项目未来的运营计划,并根据该运营计划,监测项目的实际运营情况。


  Article 26    During project implementation, the project implementing agencies shall conduct independent financial management and accounting for projects utilizing loans provided by international financial institutions and foreign governments. 

 After completion and final accounting, the project implementing agencies shall follow the financial accounting system governing the sector that the project belongs to. 

       第二十六条  各项目单位在项目实施阶段,应就利用国际金融组织和外国政府贷款的项目,进行独立的财务管理和会计核算。


  Article 27   After completion of projects utilizing loans provided by international financial institutions and foreign governments, transfer of operational rights and adjustment of ownership structure shall be allowed in principle if such transfer and adjustment is conducive to achieving expected benefits and investment recovery. Such transfer and adjustment, however, must conform to relevant laws, regulations and policies of the State and be subject to approval from relevant government agencies at the national level. 

       第二十七条  利用国际金融组织和外国政府贷款建成的项目,在有利于项目效益的发挥和投资回收的情况下,原则上可以进行经营权转让或所有权结构的调整,但必须符合国家的有关法规、政策,并得到国家有关审批部门的批准。


  Article 28    After signing loan agreements, the project implementing agencies and departments concerned shall, in a timely manner, conduct external debt registration with the foreign exchange administrative agencies. The buying and selling of foreign exchange and external debt registration shall follow relevant laws of the State and the regulations of foreign exchange administrative agencies. 

       第二十八条  贷款签约后,项目单位和有关部门应及时到外汇管理部门办理外债登记。有关贷款的结售汇及具体外债登记等事宜,按国家有关法律和外汇管理部门的有关规定执行。

  Article 29    The people's governments of cities divided into districts shall strictly comply to the guarantee agreements and onlending agreements signed with the Provincial financial department, make repayment estimation and preparation of principal, interest and commission charges in advance and ensure the availability of funds to service debt in a timely manner and to the full amount at the time of maturity. 

       第二十九条  各设区市人民政府应严格遵守出具的担保协议和与省财政部门签订的转贷协议,提前做好贷款项目还本付息付费的资金需求预测和准备,保证到期债务按时足额偿还。

  Article 30    Debt servicing expenditures onlent from the financial department at the higher level to the local government, for which the local financial department shall bear full repayment responsibility, shall be incorporated into the local public budgetary management. 

       第三十条  通过上级财政部门转贷给当地政府并由当地财政负责统还的贷款债务支出,应统一纳入当地财政预算管理。

  Article 31    Governments at different levels and project implementing agencies shall set up debt servicing provisions according to related regulations. The financial department shall set up and manage the debt servicing provisions on behalf of the government at the same level. The debt servicing provisions of project implementing agencies shall be deposited in special accounts and be subject to the supervision of financial departments. 

       第三十一条  各级政府、各项目单位应按规定设立贷款还贷准备金。各级政府的还贷准备金由各级财政部门设立并管理;项目单位的还贷准备金应在财政部门监管下,专户储存。

  Article 32   The Provincial financial department shall institute a strict penalty system for overdue loan repayment. 

 In case of overdue repayment by cities divided into districts for loans onlent or guaranteed by the Provincial financial department, the Provincial financial department shall make corresponding deductions during its annual transfer payment settlement with the financial departments of the said cities. In case of overdue repayment by relevant departments of the Provincial Government for loans onlent or guaranteed by the Provincial financial department, the Provincial financial department shall make corresponding deductions from their special funds or operating expenses while preparing departmental budgets for the following year, or take other necessary measures to liquidate the debt. Before full repayment of the arrearages, the Provincial financial department shall suspend preparation of projects undertaken by the city divided into districts or the Provincial department of the same industry, and impose overdue charges for the arrearages thereupon. 

       第三十二条  省财政部门应建立严格的贷款债务拖欠处罚制度。


  Article 33   The Provincial financial department shall strengthen credit review over other departments, cities divided into districts and project implementing agencies, adopt credit rating and supervision systems, and set up appropriate debt control and warning limits according to regulations of the financial department of the State Council and international common standards, so as to avoid difficulties in debt service. 

 Onlending banks shall assist local financial departments in establishing regional debt monitoring system, provide loan onlending information in an active manner and contribute to the debt statistics and analysis.

       第三十三条  省财政部门应加强对各部门、各地区和项目单位的债信审查,实行债信等级评审和监督制度,并按照国务院财政部门规定和国际通用的标准,设立相应的债务控制警戒线,以防止债务偿还出现困难。


  Article 34   In case of need to use financial derivatives for risk mitigation purposes, debtors at different levels shall, through the Provincial financial department, report to related government agencies and submit applications to the financial department of the State Council for approval, and abide by related regulations of the State. Meanwhile, internal control and supervision systems shall be set up accordingly and speculation in the name of risk management shall be forbidden. 

       第三十四条  各级债务人为降低风险需使用金融衍生工具的,应报有关部门和通过省财政部门报国务院财政部门批准,并遵守国家的有关规定,同时应建立相应的内部监督和控制系统,禁止以风险管理为名进行投机。

Chapter VI  Supplementary Provisions

第六章  附则

  Article 35    Existing rules and regulations of this Province regarding administration of loans provided by international financial institutions and foreign governments shall continue to be effective after the promulgation of these Provisions. In case of any disparities, these Provisions shall prevail.

       第三十五条  本省现行与国际金融组织和外国政府贷款管理有关的各项规定及办法在本规定颁布后仍继续有效,但其中与本规定有冲突的,以本规定为准。

  Article 36    These Provisions shall go into effect as of October 1, 2002. 

       第三十六条  本规定自2002年10月1日起施行。




中英双语-河北省国际金融组织和外国政府贷款管理规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-27 11:16:20