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Opinions of the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Finance etc. on Regulating the administration over Commercial Prepaid Cards



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Supervision; Ministry of Finance; The People's Bank of China; Ministry of Commerce; State Administration of Taxation; State Administration of Industry and Commerce; The National Bureau of Corruption Prevention

Document Number: Notice of the General Office of State Council [2011] No. 25

Promulgating Date: 05/23/2011

Effective Date: 05/23/2011


颁布机关: 监察部; 财政部; 中国人民银行; 商务部; 国家税务总局; 国家工商行政管理总局; 国家预防腐败局

文      号: 国办发[2011]25号

颁布时间: 05/23/2011

实施时间: 05/23/2011


The commercial prepaid card market has undergone rapid development in recent years due to adaption to the objective needs for the development of information technology as well as that of the innovations in the micropayment service market. It is typically characterized by prepayment and issuance by non-financial agents. On the basis of card issuers, commercial prepaid cards may be divided into two categories: 1. multipurpose prepaid cards, which are issued by specialized card issuing institutions and can be used in one or more regions, industries and corporate bodies; 2. single-purpose prepaid cards, which are issued by commercial enterprises and may be used only for the purchase of goods or services from the enterprises or the franchise enterprises of the same brand. Generally speaking, commercial prepaid cards have played a certain role in reducing the use of cash, facilitating public payment and stimulating consumption as well as some other aspects. However, with the predominance of loose regulation, violations against financial disciplines, lack of risk prevention mechanisms, consumption at public expenses, bribery in the form of prepaid cards and other problems in the commercial prepaid card market, the order for taxation and financial management is severely disturbed and corruptive activities are indulged. In order to regulate the administration over commercial prepaid cards, strictly enforce the financial and economic disciplines, prevent financial risks and boost the fight against corruption and the building of an honest and clean government, the opinions are hereby put forward as follows:


I. Clarifying the responsibilities and duties and intensifying the administration

To regulate the administration over the commercial prepaid cards, the primary step is to intensify the administration over issuers of commercial prepaid cards. It shall be necessary to further clarify the responsibilities and duties of relevant departments and carry out classified regulation. The People’s Bank shall, in strict accordance with the “Administrative Measures on Payment Service Provided by Non-financial Institutions” (Order No. 2 [2010] of the People’s Bank of China), intensify the supervision and examination of issuers of multipurpose prepaid cards, improve the administrative regulations on commercial business and safeguard the safe and steady operation of the payment system. Without approval of the People’s Bank, any non-financial institutions may not issue multipurpose prepaid cards; violators will be investigated and punished for illegally conducting payment and settlement businesses. With respect to single-purpose prepaid cards issued by commercial enterprises, the administrative department of commerce shall intensify the administration thereon, expedite the formulation of industrial standards and promulgate administrative measures in a timely manner. Without approval, any financial institutions may not issue prepaid cards.


II. Improving the systems and regulating the acts

The regulation over the issuance and purchase of commercial prepaid cards shall be an effective way to prevent against money laundering, cash-out, tax evasion and bribery in the form of commercial prepaid cards, and thus it shall be necessary to further establish and improve rules and regulations and intensify law enforcement efforts. The first is to establish the real names registration system for the purchase of commercial cards. If an entity or individual purchases any commercial prepaid cards by registering their identities, or purchases more than RMB 10,000 (inclusive) worth of commercial prepaid cards for one occasion without registering their identities, the card issuer shall register the real name of the purchaser. The second is to establish a non-cash system for the purchase of commercial prepaid cards. If an entity purchases more than RMB 5,000 (inclusive) worth of prepaid cards or an individual purchases more than RMB 50,000 (inclusive) worth of prepaid cards, such entity or individual shall make payment through transfer by bank account rather than by cash; in case of purchase of prepaid cards through transfer by bank account, the card issuer shall register the account names and account numbers of both the remitter’s account and the remittee’s account, the amount, etc. for each transaction. The third is to implement the system of issuing the commercial prepaid cards with limited amount. The face value of an commercial prepaid card without registration of the real name of purchaser shall be not more than RMB 1,000, whereas the face value of a commercial prepaid card registering the real name of purchaser shall be not more than RMB 5,000.

Strictly carrying out the administration over invoices and financial management. Card issuers shall produce invoices in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Measures for Administration of Invoices of the People’s Republic of China”. Tax authorities shall intensify invoice management and tax check, so as to resolutely investigate and deal with such acts as issuance of false invoices by card issuers in sale of prepaid cards, pre-tax deduction by card purchasers of expenditure unrelated to production and business operation, etc. Financial authorities shall intensify financial management, so as to stringently investigate and deal with such acts as embezzling budgetary funds, consuming at public expenses by means of card purchase, etc.



III. Resolutely breaking down the irregularities to prevent bribery and boosting the honesty and cleanness of the People's Government at all levels

To intensify the fight against corruption and the building of an honest and clean government, one of the pressing requirements and important stages is to break down irregularities, including taking bribes in the form of prepaid cards. It shall be necessary to further take vigorous measures to break down such irregularities and intensify the investigation and punishment efforts. According to the provisions of the “Several Rules on Incorruptible Practice by Party-member Leading Cadres of the Communist Party of China” and the “Notice of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council on Prohibiting Party and Government Agencies and the Staff Thereof from Accepting and Presenting Cash Gifts and Negotiable Securities” (Zhong Ban Fa [1993] No. 5), state functionaries, especially leading cadres, are prohibited from accepting commercial prepaid cards of any form in the fulfillment of their official responsibilities duties. Whoever has accepted commercial prepaid cards but failed to turn them over in a timely manner as required would be punished for taking bribes in the form of cash of equivalent amount. Whoever is suspected of bribery would be strictly investigated and punished according to the provisions of law.


IV. Prevent Risks and Safeguard Rights and Interests

To prevent against financial risks, one of the important instruments is to intensify the administration over prepaid fund and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of card holders. It shall be necessary to pay enough attention thereon and further improve the work mechanism. The prepaid fund received by an issuer of multipurpose prepaid cards and to be used by a client for the purpose of future payment is not the issuer's own property, and may not be embezzled or seized by the issuer. An issuer of multipurpose prepaid cards shall establish a specialized payment reserve deposit account with a commercial bank to deposit prepaid fund, conclude a custody agreement therewith and accept the supervision from the bank over the utilization of payment reserve. The People's Bank shall intensify the regulation over the establishment and utilization of specialized payment reserve deposit accounts for multipurpose prepaid cards. The administrative department of commerce shall take effective measures to intensify the regulation over the prepaid fund as to single-purpose prepaid cards to prevent against fund risks.

The People's Bank and the Ministry of Commerce shall continue improving the rules on the administration over charging, complaint, confidentiality, redemption, settlement, etc., of commercial prepaid cards, so as to overall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of card holders. In order to prevent the card issuers from possessing the residual value of cards without compensation and facilitate card holders, no term of validity shall be set for commercial prepaid cards with registration of the real name of purchaser, and the term of validity for commercial prepaid cards without registration of the real name of purchaser shall be not less than three (3) years. If there is any balance in expired cards, the card issuers shall provide activation, renewal and other relevant services. The administrative department of commerce shall further intensify the supervision and inspection, reinforce the efforts in consumption rights defense, severely break down the irregularities infringing upon consumers' rights and interests, release relevant consumption prompts in a timely manner and create a sound consumption environment.

As the administration over commercial prepaid cards involves a number of departments and the situation is complicated, the task of regulation and rectification is extremely difficult. All relevant departments shall fulfill their respective responsibilities and duties accordingly, and establish a mechanism for joint supervision and examination over commercial prepaid cards, under which they shall further intensify coordination and cooperation and proactively collaborate with each other to form a concerted effort. By the end of 2011, the People's Bank, the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant departments shall jointly carry out a special inspection and examination in the commercial prepaid cards market to boost the rectification work and accelerate the regularized development of the market.

People's Bank of China

Ministry of Supervision

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Commerce

State Administration of Taxation

State Administration for Industry and Commerce

National Bureau of Corruption Prevention

May 23, 2011















中英双语-监察部、财政部、中国人民银行、商务部、国家税务总局、国家工商行政管理总局、国家预防腐败局关于规范商业预付卡管理的意见(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-27 14:25:29