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Administrative Measures for Financial Enterprises on Provisioning



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Jin [2012] No.20

Promulgating Date: 03/30/2012

Effective Date: 07/01/2012



文      号:财金[2012]20号


实施时间: 07/01/2012

Chapter 1: General Provisions

    第一章  总则

  Article 1    These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Financial Rules for Financial Enterprises and other relevant provisions in order to prevent financial risk, strengthen financial enterprises’ abilities to resist risks, and promote the stable operation and healthy development of financial enterprises.

       第一条  为了防范金融风险,增强金融企业风险抵御能力,促进金融企业稳健经营和健康发展,根据《金融企业财务规则》等有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    These Measures shall apply to enterprises legally established within the territory of the People's Republic of China to operate financial business (hereinafter referred to as “financial enterprises”) upon approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, including policy banks, commercial banks, trust investment companies, financial companies, financial leasing companies, financial asset management companies, village and township banks and urban credit cooperatives.

       第二条  经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的政策性银行、商业银行、信托投资公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司、金融资产管理公司、村镇银行和城乡信用社等经营金融业务的企业(以下简称金融企业)适用本办法。

  Article 3    For purposes of these Measures, reserves, also known as provisions, shall mean the reserves set aside by financial enterprises for financial assets that assume risks and losses, including provisions for impaired assets and general reserves.

For purposes of these Measures, reserves for impaired asset shall mean the funds set aside by a financial enterprise for its creditor's right, equity and other financial assets based on reasonable assessment and estimation with respect to the condition where an asset's market value is less than its book value and, the future cash flows to be generated from the asset are less than the net difference between the market value and the book value; and such reserves are included in the cost of the financial enterprise and used for making up for asset losses.

For purposes of these Measures, general reserves shall mean reserves set aside by a financial enterprise out of its net profit after deducting reserves set aside for impaired asset, for the purpose of covering possible losses that have not been specially identified. The financial enterprise decides such reserves according to the dynamic provisioning principle and based on the potential risk estimates for risk asset calculated by means of internal model approach or the standard approach.

Dynamic provisioning is a counter-cyclical method adopted by a financial enterprise to set aside reserves in light of the changes of the macroeconomic situations; which means that a financial enterprise sets aside a relatively larger amount of reserves during the boom cycle of the macro-economy wherein the risk assets' probability of default is relatively low, to enhance the financial buffer capacity; while sets aside a relatively smaller amount of reserves and uses the accumulated provisions to absorb asset losses during the bust cycle of the macro-economy wherein the risk assets' probability of default is relatively high.

For purposes of these Measures, the internal model approach shall mean the method whereby a financial enterprise uses an internally-developed model to calculate and determine the potential risk estimates for risk assets, if conditions allow.

For purposes of these Measures, the standard approach shall mean the method whereby financial enterprises calculate and determine the potential risk estimates according to the standard risk coefficient formulated by the Ministry of Finance after classifying the risks of risk assets according to the standard determined by the financial regulatory department.

For purposes of these Measures, the provision coverage of non-performing loans shall mean the ratio between the loan loss reserves set aside by a financial enterprise and the balance of non-performing loans.

For purposes of these Measures, loan provision ratio shall mean the ratio of the provision for impaired asset set aside by a financial enterprise which is related to loan loss is set aside by a financial enterprise to the balance of all the loans and is also known as the provision-to-loan ratio.

For purposes of these Measures, the total loan loss provision rate shall mean the ratio between all loan loss related reserves (including the provision for impaired assets and general reserves) set aside by a financial enterprise and the balance of all the loans.

       第三条  本办法所称准备金,又称拨备,是指金融企业对承担风险和损失的金融资产计提的准备金,包括资产减值准备和一般准备。









  Chapter 2: Setting Aside of Reserves

  第二章  准备金的计提

  Article 4    Reserves shall be set aside for financial enterprises’ assets that assume risks and losses, including loans and advances granted, financial assets available for sale, held-to-maturity investments, long-term equity investments, due from banks, loans to other banks, debt assets and other receivables.

Reserves shall be set aside for financial enterprises’ overseas loans that are on-lent and for which the financial enterprises assume responsibility for repayment to overseas parties, including loans from international financial organizations, credit from foreign buyers, loans from foreign governments, unconditional loans from Japan Bank for International Cooperation and assets such as mixed loans from foreign governments.

Reserves shall not be set aside for financial enterprises’ assets that do not assume risks, such as entrusted loans and government bonds purchased.

       第四条  金融企业承担风险和损失的资产应计提准备金,具体包括发放贷款和垫款、可供出售类金融资产、持有至到期投资、长期股权投资、存放同业、拆出资金、抵债资产、其他应收款项等。



  Article 5    On the balance sheet date, a financial enterprise shall examine all the assets, analyze and assess whether the assets have been impaired, and set aside the reserve for impaired assets according to the prudential principle. A financial enterprise shall analyze the loans and advances granted at least on a quarterly basis, conduct impairment test on each single item or a portfolio, and set aside the loan loss reserves.

       第五条  金融企业应当在资产负债表日对各项资产进行检查,分析判断资产是否发生减值,并根据谨慎性原则,计提资产减值准备。对发放贷款和垫款,至少应当按季进行分析,采取单项或组合的方式进行减值测试,计提贷款损失准备。

  Article 6    A financial enterprise shall, at the end of each year, set aside the general reserves for assets that assume risks and losses. The general reserves shall be set aside and managed by the head office (headquarters) of the financial enterprise in a unified manner.

A financial enterprise shall, in light of its own actual situation, adopt the internal model approach or the standard approach to conduct quantitative analysis on the risks with which the risk assets are faced and determine the potential risk estimates. Where the potential risk estimate is higher than the provision for impaired assets, a general reserve shall be set aside for such difference. It is unnecessary to set aside the general reserve if the potential risk estimate is lower than the provision for impaired asset. In principle, the balance of the general reserve shall not be less than 1.5% of the balance of the risk assets at the end of the period.

       第六条  金融企业应当于每年年度终了对承担风险和损失的资产计提一般准备。一般准备由金融企业总行(总公司)统一计提和管理。


  Article 7     A financial enterprise that meets the conditions may adopt the internal model approach to determine the potential risk estimate. When using the internal model approach, the historical data that at least cover a complete economic cycle shall be used, factors such as the quantities of risk assets and the change of such quantities, the long-term average loss ratios of risk assets, the average coverage ratio of potential loss, the reserve for average asset impairment for a relatively long period shall be taken into account, the internal model shall be established and the potential risk estimate shall be determined by the regression analysis of the bank's own historical data on the loss of risk assets or other reasonable methods.

       第七条  具备条件的金融企业可采用内部模型法确定潜在风险估计值。运用内部模型法时应当使用至少包括一个完整经济周期的历史数据,综合考虑风险资产存量及其变化、风险资产长期平均损失率、潜在损失平均覆盖率、较长时期平均资产减值准备等因素,建立内部模型,并通过对银行自身风险资产损失历史数据的回归分析或其他合理方法确定潜在风险估计值。

  Article 8    If a financial enterprise adopts the internal model approach, such approach shall be implemented upon the completion of the procedure for the examination and approval by the board of directors in the case of a restructured financial enterprise; while shall be implemented upon the examination and approval by the office meeting of the chief executive officer (general manager, president) where a financial enterprise has not carried out the restructuring.

A financial enterprise that adopts the internal model approach shall submit the internal model and the detailed explanation to the finance department at the same level for record-filing.

       第八条  金融企业采用内部模型法的,已改制金融企业履行董事会审批程序后实施,未改制金融企业由行长(总经理、总裁)办公会审批后实施。


  Article 9    A financial enterprise that does not adopt the internal model approach shall calculate the potential risk estimates according to the standard approach, and set aside the general reserve for risk assets according to the difference between the potential risk estimates and the provision for impaired assets. The risk of credit assets shall be classified in accordance with the relevant provisions of the financial regulatory department. The standard risk coefficients are tentatively set as follows: passed type 1.5%, special mention type 3%, sub-standard type 30%, doubtful type 60%, loss type 100%. The risk classification of credit assets shall apply as the reference for the risk classification of other risk assets and the standard risk coefficients adopted for other risk assets shall not be lower than the above standard risk coefficients for credit assets.

       第九条  金融企业不采用内部模型法的,应当根据标准法计算潜在风险估计值,按潜在风险估计值与资产减值准备的差额,对风险资产计提一般准备。其中,信贷资产根据金融监管部门的有关规定进行风险分类,标准风险系数暂定为:正常类1.5%,关注类3%,次级类30%,可疑类60%,损失类100%;对于其他风险资产可参照信贷资产进行风险分类,采用的标准风险系数不得低于上述信贷资产标准风险系数。

  Article 10    A financial enterprise that has not implemented risk classification for non-credit assets may set aside a general reserve based on 1% to 1.5% of the balance of the non-credit assets.

The formula for calculating the potential risk estimates according to the standard approach:

The potential risk estimate = Risk assets falling within the passed type × 1.5% + risk assets falling within the special mention type × 3% + risk assets falling within the sub-standard type × 30% + risk assets falling within the doubtful type ×60% + risk assets falling within the loss type ×100%

The Ministry of Finance will, based on the changes of the macroeconomic situations and in light of a financial enterprise’s situations such as the amount of non-performing loans, ratio of non-performing loans, provision coverage of non-performing loans, loan provision ratio and total loan loss provision ratio, make timely adjustments to the scope of risk assets for which the general reserve shall be set aside, the standard risk coefficients and the requirement on the ratio of general reserve to risk assets.

       第十条  金融企业对非信贷资产未实施风险分类的,可按非信贷资产余额的1%—1.5%计提一般准备。




  Article 11    A financial enterprise shall set aside adequate reserves in a timely manner based on the risk levels of the assets. In principle, after-tax profit distribution shall not be made if the reserves set aside are inadequate.

       第十一条  金融企业应当根据资产的风险程度及时、足额计提准备金。准备金计提不足的,原则上不得进行税后利润分配。

  Article 12    A financial enterprise shall provide the finance department at the same level with the status of the setting aside of the reserves (including the separate items and classification of assets for which reserves are set aside and the method of assessing the risks of assets) and the status of the changes of the balances of the relevant reserves by categories (the amount at the beginning of the period, the amount set aside during the period, the amount reversed during the period, the amount written off during the period, and the amount at the end of the period) and the status of the non-performing assets and the provision coverage of non-performing loans within 60 days after the end of each quarter.

Central financial enterprises shall report the status of the setting aside of reserves to the Ministry of Finance. The branches of central financial enterprises in all areas shall report the status of the setting aside of reserves to the local financial supervision commissioner's offices under the Ministry of Finance. Local financial enterprises shall report the status of the setting aside of reserves to the finance departments at the same level. With regard to financial enterprises with reserves set aside and managed by the head offices (headquarters) in a unified manner, the status of the setting aside of reserves shall be provided by the head offices (headquarters) to the finance departments at the same level in a unified manner.

       第十二条  金融企业应当于每季度终了后60天内向同级财政部门提供其准备金计提情况(包括计提准备金的资产分项、分类情况、资产风险评估方法),并按类别提供相关准备金余额变动情况(期初、本期计提、本期转回、本期核销、期末数),以及不良资产和不良贷款拨备覆盖率情况。


  Article 13    The financial supervision commissioner's offices under the Ministry of Finance in all areas shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the setting aside of reserves by the local branch institutions of financial enterprises managed by the Central Government. Where any institutions fail to set aside adequate reserves as required, the situation shall be stopped and rectified in a timely manner.

       第十三条  财政部驻各地财政监察专员办事处负责对当地中央管理的金融企业分支机构准备金计提的监督管理,对未按规定足额计提准备金的,应当及时进行制止和纠正。

    Chapter 3: Financial Treatment

第三章  财务处理

  Article 14    The general reserve set aside by a financial enterprise as required shall be treated as profit distribution. The general reserve is a part of the owner’s equity. A financial enterprise shall, after the end of a year, formulate the plan for the setting aside of the general reserve for that year in accordance with these Measures. and implement the same after completing the corporate governance procedures.

After completing the corporate governance procedures and reporting to the finance department at the same level for record-filing, a financial enterprise may use the general reserve to make up for the loss, but may not use the general reserve to distribute bonuses. Under special circumstances, a financial enterprise may convert the general reserve to undistributed profit after completing the corporate governance procedures and reporting to the finance department at the same level for record-filing.

       第十四条  金融企业按规定计提的一般准备作为利润分配处理,一般准备是所有者权益的组成部分。金融企业在年度终了后,按照本办法提出当年一般准备计提方案,履行公司治理程序后执行。


  Article 15    The provision for the relevant impaired assets shall be included in the financial enterprise's profit and loss statement of the current period. When the quality of the assets for which the provision for impaired asset has been set aside improves, a reversal shall be made within the scope of the provision for impaired asset that has been set aside, to be treated as the increase in the profits losses in the current period.

       第十五条  金融企业计提的相关资产减值准备计入当期损益。已计提资产减值准备的资产质量提高时,应在已计提的资产减值准备范围内转回,增加当期损益。

  Article 16    After the asset loss that meets the conditions is written off upon approval, the provision for the relevant impaired assets shall be off-set or reduced. The interest receivable on the balance sheet that has been approved to be written off and has been accounted for in the profit and loss statement shall be treated as the reduction or offset of interest income regardless of whether the principal or interest has been overdue.

If the asset loss has been recovered after being written off, the provision for the relevant impaired assets that has been written off shall be reversed. Where the recovered amount of the assets that has been written off is more than the principal, the excessive part shall be included as the interest income, and among other things. The reversed provision for impaired asset shall be treated as the increase in the profit or loss for the current period.

       第十六条  对符合条件的资产损失经批准核销后,冲减已计提的相关资产减值准备。对经批准核销的表内应收利息,已纳入损益核算的,无论其本金或利息是否已逾期,均作冲减利息收入处理。


  Article 17    The provision for impaired asset shall be set aside in the original currency, and be confirmed after converting into the reporting currency based on the spot exchange rate.

       第十七条  资产减值准备以原币计提,按即期汇率折算为记账本位币后确认。

    Chapter 4: Supplementary Provisions

第四章  附则

  Article 18    A financial enterprise may formulate specific measures according to these Measures and report the same to the finance department at the same level for record-filing.

       第十八条  金融企业可以根据本办法制定具体办法,报同级财政部门备案。

  Article 19    If a financial enterprise’s ratio of the balance of the general reserve to the balance of the risk assets at the end of the period cannot reach 1.5% on a one-off basis, the financial enterprise in principle achieve the target ratio within five years.

       第十九条  金融企业一般准备余额占风险资产期末余额的比例,难以一次性达到1.5%的,可以分年到位,原则上不得超过5年。

  Article 20    These Measures shall come into force on July 1, 2012. The Measures for the Administration of Setting Aside Provisions for Doubtful Debts by Financial Enterprises (Cai Jin [2005] No.49) shall be simultaneously repealed.

       第二十条  本办法自2012年7月1日起施行,《金融企业呆账准备提取管理办法》(财金[2005]49号)同时废止。




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发布于 2021-01-31 14:03:46