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Administrative Measures for Risks in Agency Business Activities of Financial Asset Management Companies



Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Jin [2004] No. 40

Promulgating Date: 04/28/2004

Effective Date: 04/28/2004



文      号: 财金[2004]40号

颁布时间: 04/28/2004

实施时间: 04/28/2004


Article 1   These Measures are formulated with a view to regulating the agency business of financial asset management companies (hereinafter referred to as "companies") and effectively preventing and controlling risks in non-performing asset agency.

       第一条  为规范金融资产管理公司(以下简称“公司”)委托代理业务,有效防范和控制不良资产委托代理业务的风险,制定本办法。

  Article 2   For the purpose of these Measures, companies shall mean such China Huarong Asset Management Corporation, China Great Wall Asset Management Corporation, China Orient Asset Management Corporation and China Cinda Asset Management Corporation as are incorporated upon the approval of the State Council.

       第二条  本办法所称公司,是指经国务院批准成立的中国华融资产管理公司、中国长城资产管理公司、中国东方资产管理公司和中国信达资产管理公司。

  Article 3   For the purpose of these Measures, the agency business shall mean the business where companies agree to represent principals in the management and disposal of assets of said principals as covenanted by both parties.

       第三条  本办法所称委托代理业务,是指公司接受委托方的委托,按双方约定,代理委托方对其资产进行管理和处置的业务。

  Article 4    Companies shall establish administrative measures and control measures with regard to risks in the agency business.

       第四条  公司应针对委托代理业务中的风险制定具体的管理办法和控制措施。

  Article 5   The scope of agency business mainly is:

(1) liquidation upon the closure of financial institutions approved by financial regulatory authorities;

(2) management and disposal of non-performing assets entrusted by the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China and state-owned banks;

(3) management and disposal of non-performing assets entrusted by other financial institutions and enterprises; and

(4) other agency businesses approved by governing authorities.

       第五条  委托代理业务主要范围包括:





  Article 6   Companies may, in line with requirements of asset principals and market practice, engage in the agency business, choose appropriate charging modes, and ensure profits in the agency business.

       第六条  公司可根据资产委托方要求和市场交易原则开展委托代理业务,选择适当的收费方式,确保委托代理业务收入大于支出。

  Article 7   Companies shall conduct due diligence investigations on entrusted assets before they accept the entrustment, assess and analyze such factors as asset conditions, ownership and market potential, and reasonably predict risks. Companies shall not bear risks and losses of principals.

       第七条  公司接受委托前,应对被委托资产进行尽职调查,对资产状况、权属关系、市场前景等进行评价分析,合理预测风险。公司不得承担委托人的风险和损失。

  Article 8    Companies shall conclude commission contracts when undertaking the agency business, and shall manage and dispose of assets in compliance with contracts.

       第八条  公司开展委托代理业务应签订委托合同,并严格按照合同约定管理和处置资产。

  Article 9   Head offices and representative offices of companies shall establish institutions specially responsible for the deliberation and decision-making of agency businesses. Deliberation and decision-making institutions shall consist of persons in charge of companies or representative offices and relevant departments, and observe the principle of "group deliberation, prudence, standard compliance and high efficiency and scientific decision-making" in the deliberation. Companies may determine limits of authority for the examination and approval of agency businesses according to risks in agency projects.

       第九条  公司总部和办事处应分别设有委托代理业务审议决策机构。审议决策机构由公司或办事处和相关部门负责人组成,按照“集体审议、稳健严谨、规范高效、科学决策”原则开展审议工作。公司可根据委托代理项目风险大小,确定总部和办事处对委托代理业务的审批权限。

  Article 10   Companies shall control the scale of agency businesses in light of the progress of policy-based asset disposal, and shall reasonably determine limits of authority for examination and approval of representative offices thereof.

       第十条  公司应根据政策性资产处置任务的完成进度控制委托代理业务规模,合理确定对办事处的审批权限。

  Article 11    Companies shall earnestly calculate incomes and costs of agency businesses, make decisions prudently, prevent risks and secure profits; they shall establish and refine performance appraisal mechanisms and conduct appraisal on a regular basis. Except for necessary disposal expenditures, companies shall not advance their principals any capital.

       第十一条  公司应认真测算委托代理业务收入和成本,审慎决策,防范风险,确保盈利;同时建立健全绩效考评机制,定期进行考核。除必需的处置费用支出外,公司不得替委托人垫付任何资金。

  Article 12    The financial revenue and expenditure, as well as accounting of companies engaged in agency businesses, shall be differentiated from their proprietary businesses and managed in separate accounts.

       第十二条  公司开展委托代理业务的财务收支和会计核算必须与自营业务严格区分,分账管理。

  Article 13   Companies shall establish and refine audit systems and accountability systems. Any entities or individuals who cause losses due to rule-breaking operations or neglect of duties shall be punished according to the degree of violation; those who violate criminal laws of the State shall be referred to judicial authorities for criminal liabilities.

       第十三条  公司应建立健全审计制度、责任追究制度。对于违规操作、玩忽职守造成损失的单位或个人,应视其情节轻重给予相应的处罚,触犯国家刑律的移交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

  Article 14   Companies shall voluntarily accept the supervision and examination of agency businesses by competent regulatory authorities, and shall regularly report the operation of such agency businesses.

       第十四条  公司应自觉接受有关监管部门对委托代理业务的监督检查,定期报告委托代理业务的运营情况。

  Article 15   The introduction of agency businesses by companies shall be subject to verification and approval by such competent authorities as the Ministry of Finance and the China Banking Regulatory Commission. Companies shall frame implementation rules pursuant to these Measures, and submit the same to such competent authorities as the Ministry of Finance and the China Banking Regulatory Commission for record.

       第十五条  公司委托代理业务的开办应报财政部和银监会等部门审核批准。公司应按照本办法规定制定实施细则,报财政部和银监会等部门备案。

  Article 16    These Measures shall come into effect as of the date of printing and distribution.

       第十六条  本办法自印发之日起施行。




中英双语-金融资产管理公司委托代理业务风险管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-31 14:39:59