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Interim Administrative Measures for the Special Funds for Application of Renewable Energy to Buildings



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Construction

Document Number: Cai Jian [2006] No.460

Promulgating Date: 09/04/2006

Effective Date: 09/04/2006


颁布机关: 财政部; 建设部

文      号: 财建[2006]460号

颁布时间: 09/04/2006

实施时间: 09/04/2006


 Article 1    These Measures are formulated with a view to promoting the application of renewable energy in the construction field, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, protecting the ecological environment, and reducing the consumption of fossil energy.

       第一条  为促进可再生能源在建筑领域中的应用,提高建筑能效,保护生态环境,节约化石类能源消耗,制定本办法。

  Article 2   For the purpose of these Measures, application of renewable energy to buildings shall refer to the provision of heating, cooling, hot water, lighting and cooking energy for buildings by using solar energy, shallow geothermal energy, residue heat of sewage, wind energy, biomass energy, etc.

For the purpose of these Measures, the special funds for application of renewable energy to buildings (hereinafter referred to as the Special Funds) shall refer to funds that are arranged by the central finance and earmarked for supporting the application of renewable energy to buildings.

       第二条  本办法所称“可再生能源建筑应用”是指利用太阳能、浅层地能、污水余热、风能、生物质能等对建筑进行采暖制冷、热水供应、供电照明和炊事用能等。


  Article 3    The principles for the utilization of the Special Funds are as follows: to be under the guidance of government finances and with enterprises serving as the main source of investment; to facilitate the integration of renewable energy and buildings, and the development of relevant industries; to facilitate the formation of the promotional mechanism for application of renewable energy to buildings; to facilitate improvements in building energy-efficiency; and to be conducive to further enhancing the energy conservation awareness of the public.

       第三条  专项资金使用原则:政府公共财政引导,企业投资为主体;有利于促进可再生能源与建筑一体化及相关产业的发展;有利于可再生能源建筑应用的推广机制形成;有利于促进建筑能效的提高;有利于进一步增强全民的节能意识。

  Article 4   Key areas supported by the Special Funds:

(1) solar energy projects integrated with buildings to supply household hot water, heating and cooling, photovoltaic conversion, and lighting;

(2) terrestrial heat pump and shallow groundwater heat pump technologies for heating and cooling supply;

(3) the fresh water heat pump technology for cooling and heating supply in areas rich in surface water resources;

(4) the sea-water heat pump technology for cooling and heating supply in coastal areas;

(5) the sewage water heat pump technology for cooling and heating supply; and

(6) other areas that have been approved to be supported by the Special Funds.

       第四条  专项资金支持的重点领域:







  Article 5   The scope of use of the Special Funds:

(1) subsidies for demonstration projects;

(2) testing and labeling of comprehensive energy efficiency of demonstration projects, and the certification and improvement of technical specifications and standards, etc;

(3) integration, demonstration and promotion of common key technologies related to the application of renewable energy to buildings;

(4) expenses of expert consulting, evaluation, supervision and management for demonstration projects; and

(5) other expenses related to the application of renewable energy to buildings, as approved by the Ministry of Finance.

       第五条  专项资金使用范围:






  Article 6    In accordance with the application requirements concerning the Special Funds for application of renewable energy to buildings issued annually by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction, financial departments of all regions shall, in conjunction with the construction departments at the same level, organize project application according to the principles of "openness, fairness and impartiality", and jointly submit the applications to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction on a level-by-level basis.

       第六条  各地财政部门会同同级建设部门,按照财政部、建设部发布的年度可再生能源建筑应用专项资金申报要求,按照公开、公平、公正的原则组织项目申报,并逐级联合上报至财政部和建设部。

  Article 7   Application materials submitted by all regions shall be registered and archived by the Ministry of Construction. A project database shall be set up for unified management.

       第七条  建设部对各地申报的材料进行登记、造册,建立项目库,统一管理。

  Article 8   To apply to be listed as a demonstration project, a project shall meet the following requirements:

(1) the area where the project is located shall have good conditions for utilization of renewable energy resources;

(2) the city where the project is located shall have formulated the "Eleventh Five-Year" plan and implementation plan of application of renewable energy to buildings;

(3) the city where the applying project is located shall provide corresponding policies and fiscal support; in the case of cities in northern China, those that have already implemented the heating system reform shall be given priority on demonstration projects;

(4) the entity making the application shall have been qualified as an independent legal person (mainly including developers and owners, etc.);

(5) relevant examination and approval procedures of project establishment shall have been completed, and the construction capital shall have been put in place;

(6) the entity making the application and its technical support organizations shall have sufficient strength and good credit standing necessary for the undertaking of the project;

(7) the Implementation Plan of Demonstration Projects of Application of Renewable Energy to Buildings (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Plan) shall be prepared, and the Application for Demonstration Projects of Application of Renewable Energy to Buildings shall be filled out for the applying project. Specifically, the Implementation Plan shall be prepared by properly qualified institutions, and shall mainly cover:

1. project profile;

2. special technology program and research on the application of renewable energy to buildings;

3. technical and economic feasibility analysis, and a detailed calculation of incremental costs;

4. analysis of economic and social benefits;

5. analysis of project demonstration and project promotion;

6. other resource-saving measures and post-assessment safeguards; and

7. photocopies of the examination and approval documents on project establishment.

       第八条  申报示范项目必须符合以下条件:















  Article 9   Examination and approval of demonstration projects

(1) The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction shall formulate the Measures for Review of Demonstration Projects of Application of Renewable Energy to Buildings.

(2) The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction shall, in accordance with the annual budget of the Special Funds, select a certain proportion of projects from the project database, organize experts to evaluate the demonstration projects, and verify and approve the application funds of the demonstration projects determined. Demonstration projects determined by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction shall be announced on the websites for ten (10) days, during which time, if there is any signed objection to a certain demonstration project, and if the objection is verified as true, the qualification of the demonstration project shall be cancelled.

       第九条  示范项目审批



  Article 10   The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction shall, based on the needs to promote the application of renewable energy to buildings, organize relevant organizations to prepare the project proposals for the integration, demonstration and promotion of common key technologies of application of renewable energy to buildings, the testing and labeling of energy efficiency, as well as the certification and improvement of technical specifications and standards, etc., and, through expert evaluation, determine the demonstration projects and project undertaking entities.

A project proposal shall mainly cover the name of the proposed project, the main research objectives, content and methods, the main outputs, appraisal and assessment indicators, time of completion, and the amount of funds needed, etc.

       第十条  财政部和建设部根据推进可再生能源建筑应用的需要,对可再生能源建筑应用共性关键技术集成及示范推广,能效检测、标识,技术规范标准验证及完善等项目,组织相关单位编写项目建议书,通过专家评审确定项目和项目承担单位。


  Article 11   Relevant institutions of the Ministry of Construction shall be responsible for the daily supervision and administration of the application of renewable energy to buildings. Entities responsible for project implementation shall, according to project progress schedule, report project progress to authorities at higher levels on a level-by-level basis during project implementation. Project progress reports shall contain the situation of project implementation and the utilization of project funds.

       第十一条  建设部相关机构承担可再生能源建筑应用项目的日常监督管理工作。项目执行单位应在项目进行中,根据项目进度,分阶段逐级上报项目进展情况。项目进展报告应包括项目实施情况和项目资金使用情况。

  Article 12   Evaluation and acceptance

After the completion of a demonstration project, the competent construction administrative department of the relevant city shall, in conjunction with the financial department, entrust the relevant national testing institution of application of renewable energy to buildings with testing of the demonstration project and, based on the testing report and other relevant information, organize experts to conduct project acceptance and evaluation. The testing result and the acceptance report shall be submitted to the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Finance on a level-by-level basis.

After the completion of relevant items, e.g. the integration, demonstration and promotion of common key technologies of the application of renewable energy to buildings, the testing and labeling of energy efficiency, and the certification and improvement of technical specifications and standards, etc., the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Finance shall organize experts to conduct project acceptance and evaluation according to the project evaluation and acceptance indicators.

       第十二条  评估验收



  Article 13   The Special Funds shall be granted in the form of gratuitous subsidies.

(1) Each year, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction shall determine the amount of subsidy per unit of floor area for different types of demonstration technologies based on such factors as the incremental cost, technical sophistication, and the fluctuation of market price, etc.

(2) In the case of projects adopting two (2) or more renewable energy technologies, the standards of its subsidies shall be determined after audit according to its specific situations.

(3) The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction shall allow up to 10% fluctuation in the amount of subsidies granted, taking into full account the climatic differences of the regions and the difference in the levels of technology application, etc. 

(4) Full subsidies shall be granted according to the approved amount of project funds for projects of integration, demonstration and promotion of common key technologies of application of renewable energy to buildings, the testing and labeling of energy efficiency, and the certification and improvement of technical specifications and standards, etc.

(5) Other project subsidies related to the application of renewable energy to buildings, as approved by the Ministry of Finance, shall be implemented in accordance with relevant provisions.

       第十三条  专项资金以无偿补助形式给予支持。






  Article 14   The allocation of the Special Funds

(1) As regards approved demonstration projects, the Ministry of Finance shall allocate 50% of the total budgeted subsidies to local finance departments. Local competent construction administrative departments shall conduct special review of the construction design of the demonstration projects of applying renewable energy to buildings, and issue approval for projects meeting the requirements of the Implementation Plan in the review, whereupon the local finance departments shall allocate the subsidies to the project undertaking entities; as regards projects failing to meet the requirements of the Implementation Plan, the local competent construction administrative departments shall order the project undertaking entities that have made the application to modify the construction design, and shall organize a separate review thereafter.

(2) After the completion of a demonstration project, the Ministry of Finance shall, base on the evaluation and acceptance report, appropriate the other 50% of the subsidies to the project undertaking entity through the relevant local finance department should the demonstration project has achieved the demonstration effects.

(3) After the reform of adopting the mode of centralized payment from the State Treasury for the Special Fund, the appropriation of the funds shall follow relevant provisions on centralized payment of the State Treasury.

       第十四条  专项资金拨付




  Article 15   The Ministry of Construction is responsible for preparing the annual budget of evaluation, regulation and testing costs for projects of application of renewable energy to buildings which shall, upon approval by the Ministry of Finance, be managed and used in accordance with relevant requirements on budgetary fund management.

       第十五条  建设部负责编制年度可再生能源建筑应用项目评审、监管及检测费用预算,经财政部核批后,按照预算资金管理的有关要求管理和使用。

  Article 16   The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction shall conduct supervision and inspection over the use of the Special Funds.

       第十六条  财政部和建设部对专项资金的使用情况进行监督检查。

  Article 17   The Special Funds shall be earmarked for the designated purposes, and no entity or individual shall withhold or embezzle the funds. Under any of the following circumstances, the finance departments may suspend or stop the allocation of funds, and handle such cases pursuant to the law:

(1) providing false information to defraud the Special Funds;

(2) transfer of or encroachment on or embezzlement of the Special Funds;

(3) failure to complete the project according to the progress schedule, or failure to comply with relevant requirements during the project implementation process;

(4) failure to pass the testing, acceptance or evaluation; or

(5) failure to comply with any other relevant State provisions.

       第十七条  专项资金应专款专用,任何单位或个人不得截留、挪用。有下列情形之一的,财政部门可以暂缓或停止拨付资金,并依法进行处理:






  Article 18   Local financial departments and construction departments may formulate detailed rules of implementation in accordance with these Measures.

       第十八条  地方财政、建设部门可根据本办法制定实施细则。

  Article 19    These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction.

       第十九条  本办法由财政部、建设部负责解释。

  Article 20   These Measures shall come into effect on the date of printing and distribution.

       第二十条  本办法自印发之日起施行。




中英双语-可再生能源建筑应用专项资金管理暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-31 15:01:34