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Measures for Bid Invitation Conducted by Purchasing Companies for Projects with Foreign Government Loans



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Jin [2005] No. 103

Promulgating Date: 11/01/2005

Effective Date: 11/01/2005

颁布机关: 财政部

文   号: 财金[2005]103号

颁布时间: 11/01/2005

实施时间: 11/01/2005


Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章 总则

 Article 1  These Measures are formulated with a view to strengthening the administration of bid invitation conducted by purchasing companies for projects with foreign government loans, regulating the bid invitation procedures of purchasing companies, increasing the transparency of bid invitation, improving efficiency of bid invitation, and ensuring the fair, impartial, transparent and effective implementation of bid invitation.

    第一条 为加强外国政府贷款项目采购公司招标工作的管理,规范采购公司招标程序,增强招标工作透明度,提高招标工作效率,确保招标工作公平、公正、公开和有效地进行,制定本办法。

 Article 2  These Measures apply to the bid invitation of purchasing companies for the projects with "foreign government loans" (including untied loans of Japan Bank for International Cooperation and loans of Nordic Investment Bank) and with foreign preferential loans which are administered as foreign government loans upon the approval of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as "loan projects").

    第二条 本办法适用于利用“外国政府贷款”(含日本国际协力银行不附带条件贷款、北欧投资银行贷款)和经国务院批准参照外国政府贷款管理的其他国外优惠贷款项目(以下简称贷款项目)采购公司的招标工作。

 Article 3  For the purpose of these Measures, "purchasing companies" shall mean the companies having the Grade A Qualification Certificate of International Bid Invitation issued by the Ministry of Commerce (unless otherwise prescribed by loan countries).

    第三条 本办法所称“采购公司”是指具有商务部颁发的《国际招标资格甲级证书》的公司(贷款国另有要求的除外)。

 Article 4  For the purpose of these Measures, "borrowers" shall mean the institutions or legal entities which execute re-loan agreements with re-loan banks to be liable for the repayment of loans for projects with foreign government loans.

    第四条 本办法所称“借款人”是指与转贷银行签署转贷协议,承担外国政府贷款项目还款义务的机构或法人实体。

Chapter 2: Procedures for Bid Invitation

第二章 招标程序

 Article 5  The Ministry of Finance regularly informs financial authorities of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities specifically designated in the State plan (hereinafter referred to as "local financial authorities") of loan projects meeting the requirements for the convenience of them to conduct bid invitation for electing purchasing companies.

    第五条 财政部定期就符合条件的贷款项目通知各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政部门(以下简称地方财政部门)进行选定采购公司的招标工作。

 Article 6  Local financial authorities shall organize or guide and supervise borrowers in bid invitation for electing purchasing companies after the receipt of the notices of the Ministry of Finance. All bid invitation of loan projects for electing purchasing companies shall be completed within 40 working days after the Ministry of Finance issues notices.

    第六条 地方财政部门收到财政部通知后,应组织或指导、监督借款人进行采购公司招标工作。所有贷款项目的采购公司招标工作必须在财政部发出通知之日起40个工作日内完成。

 Article 7  Borrowers shall send bid invitation (see Appendix 1 for the formant) to three or more purchasing companies. Bid invitation shall be sent for package projects involving two or more sub-projects as one project.

The closing date stipulated in the bid invitation for purchasing companies to submit agent applications (see Appendix 2 for the format) shall not be less than 10 working days from the issuance date of bid invitation to the date the agent applications are served to borrowers (subject to postmarks, or signature of borrowers' entities).

    第七条 借款人应向3家以上(含3家)采购公司同时发出投标邀请书(格式见附1)。涉及2个以上子项目的打捆项目应作为一个项目发出投标邀请书。


 Article 8  Purchasing companies having received bid invitation shall fill in agent applications in accordance with requirements. Agent applications shall be signed by general managers or deputy general managers of purchasing companies and affixed with official seals. Purchasing companies shall seal up agent applications and submit the same to borrowers on the date and in the places as specified in bid invitation. If purchasing companies fail to submit agent applications in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Article, their bids shall be deemed as invalid.

If the purchasing companies that have received agent applications are less than three prior to the deadline, borrowers shall invite other purchasing companies to bring up to three companies to attend the bidding in addition to the purchasing companies to which bid invitation is sent. If the accumulated purchasing companies that have received agent application are still less than three after re-bidding, no invitation is required and tenderees may conduct bid evaluation of purchasing companies that have received agent application.

    第八条 收到投标邀请书的采购公司应按要求填写代理申请书。代理申请书须由采购公司总经理或副总经理签字,并加盖公司公章。采购公司应将代理申请书密封,按投标邀请书中规定的时间和地址提交借款人。采购公司不按本条规定提交代理申请书的视为无效投标。


 Article 9  Purchasing companies may make consortium bidding in line with the principle of voluntary consultation. All parities to such consortiums shall designate a party as initiator, and shall jointly execute cooperation agreements, specifying duties, rights and obligations of all parties as well as revenue distribution plans. Initiators shall submit agent agreements attached with cooperation agreements and basic information to their partners; in bid evaluation, the final score of such consortium shall be based on that of initiators.

    第九条 采购公司可按自愿协商的原则联合投标。联合投标各方应明确一方作为牵头单位,并共同签订合作协议,规定各方的责任、权利、义务和收益分配方案。牵头单位在报送代理申请书时应附合作协议和其合作伙伴的基本情况,评标时打分以牵头单位得分为准。

 Article 10  Borrowers shall organize and establish an evaluation committee consisting of five to seven evaluation members (hereinafter referred to as "judges"). Representatives of borrowers' entities serve as the person in charge of evaluation committee, responsible for the overall evaluation.

In the case of Category II projects, local financial authorities may send representatives to attend evaluation committees and perform duties of judges; in the case of Category III projects, local financial authorities will, in principle, not send representatives to attend evaluation committees.

    第十条 借款人应组织成立由5至7名评审委员(以下简称评委)组成的评审委员会(以下简称评委会)。借款人单位代表任评委会负责人,全面负责评定工作。


 Article 11  Agent agreements of purchasing companies shall be sealed up and submitted to borrowers. Heads of evaluation committees preside over meetings of bid evaluation, open all agent applications at the same time, and all judges score independently according to the evaluation standards prescribed in Chapter 3 hereof.

After scores are given by all judges, the purchasing companies with highest scores resulted from the addition of all scores given by judges with the highest and lowest scores dropped.

If there are two or more purchasing companies whose scores are the same and are higher than other companies, judges shall vote for these companies (without scoring) on the spot and those with most votes shall be successful bidders.

    第十一条 采购公司的代理申请书应密封提交借款人。评委会负责人主持评标会议,将所有代理申请书同时启封,各评委按照本办法第三章规定的评委会评分标准当场独立打分。



 Article 12  Evaluation committees shall keep agent agreement submitted by purchasing companies in confidential and may not divulge any content thereof prior to the issuance of bid evaluation results. Purchasing companies bidding for projects may not exert any influence on judges by whatsoever improper means and no entities or individuals may interfere in bid evaluation.

    第十二条 评委会应对采购公司提交的代理申请书内容保密,各评委在评标结果公布前不得泄露。严禁参加投标的采购公司采用不正当手段对评委施加影响,严禁任何单位和个人干预评标工作。

 Article 13  Evaluation committees shall, within five working days after the completion of bid evaluation, submit the composition of evaluation committees, evaluation process, detailed information on scoring each purchasing company and bid evaluation results to local financial authorities. Local financial authorities shall examine and verify bid evaluation results in accordance with relevant provisions set forth herein after the receipt of the same, and shall, within five working days, submit the same to the Ministry of Finance for future reference and send the same to successful purchasing companies and relevant borrowers. Local financial authorities may not alter the bid evaluation results of evaluation committees and may propose their different opinions, if any, in registration reports for future reference.

If the Ministry of Finance does not demur to the bid evaluation conclusions, the bid evaluation results shall come into effect in 10 working days after the registration reports for future reference served to the Ministry of Finance. If the Ministry of Finance demurs to the bid evaluation conclusions, it shall, within 10 working days after the receipt of such reports, inform local financial authorities and relevant purchasing companies of disposing opinions by letters.

Borrowers shall, within 15 working days after the bid evaluation results come into effect, execute the Agent Agreement (see Appendix 3 for format) with successful purchasing companies.

    第十三条 评委会应在评标工作完成后5个工作日内,向地方财政部门报送评委组成情况、评标过程、对各采购公司打分的详细情况及评标结果。地方财政部门收到评标结果报告后,根据本办法的有关规定进行审核,在5个工作日内将评标结果报财政部备案,并抄送中标的采购公司和有关借款人。地方财政部门不得更改评委会的评标结果,如对评标结果有不同意见,可在备案报告中提出。



 Article 14  After the completion of bidding of purchasing companies, all original documents and scoring records of bid invitation and bidding shall be preserved by borrowers for five years for reference.

    第十四条 采购公司招标工作结束后,所有招投标原始文件和打分记录应由借款人存档5年备查。

 Article 15  In the case of the following special circumstances, the Ministry of Finance will inform local financial authorities of the adoption of different methods for conducting bid invitation for purchasing companies:

(1) Borrowers are unclear but it is required to determine purchasing companies;

(2) Projects of two or more authorities or provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities specially designated in the State plan) are implemented in package;

(3) Lending countries have particular requirements;

(4) Bid invitation of purchasing companies are unable to be completed on schedule on account of urgent implementation of projects; or

(5) Other circumstances.

    第十五条 对下列特殊情况,财政部将通知地方财政部门采用不同方法对采购公司进行招标:






Chapter 3: Evaluation Standards of Evaluation Committees

第三章 评委会评分标准

 Article 16  In the case of loan projects of USD5 million or more:

(1) For entrusted loan projects in the last three years, if the accumulative amount is up to USD30 million or more, it shall be scored 25 points; from USD20 million (including USD20 million) to USD30 million, 20 points; USD10 million (including USD10 million) to USD20 million, 15 points; USD5 million (including USD5 million) to USD10 million, 10 points; and less than USD5 million, 5 points.

(2) For non-loan projects in the last three years, if the accumulative amount of delivered imported complete set of equipment is up to USD30 million or more, it shall be scored 20 points; USD10 million (including USD10 million) to USD30 million, 15 points; USD5 million (including USD5 million) to USD10 million, 10 points; and less than USD5 million, 5 points.

(3) Performance of bid invitation of similar industry projects, 0 ~ 10 points.

(4) Qualification, competence and performance of responsible purchasing agents, 0 ~ 15 points.

(5) Working plans and proposed workload, 0 ~ 15 points.

(6) Technical factors to be considered based on the characteristics of projects, 0 ~10 points.

    第十六条 对500万美元以上(含500万美元)贷款项目:







 Article 17  In the case of loan projects of less than USD5 million:

(1) for entrusted loan projects in the last three years, if the accumulative amount is up to USD20 million or more, it shall be scored 25 points; from USD10 million (including USD10 million) to USD20 million, 20 points; USD5 million (including USD5 million) to USD10 million, 15 points; USD3 million (including USD3 million) to USD5 million, 10 points; and less than USD3 million, 5 points.

(2) for non-loan projects in the last three years, if the accumulative amount of delivered imported complete set of equipment is up to USD20 million or more, it shall be scored 20 points; USD10 million (including USD10 million) to USD20 million, 15 points; USD5 million (including USD5 million) to USD10 million, 10 points; and less than USD5 million, 5 points.

(3) Performance of bid invitation of similar industry projects, 0 ~ 10 points.

(4) Qualification, competence and performance of responsible purchasing agents, 0 ~ 15 points.

(5) Working plans and proposed workload, 0 ~ 15 points.

(6) Technical factors to be considered based on the characteristics of projects, 0 ~10 points.

    第十七条 对500万美元以下贷款项目:







 Article 18  Purchasing companies which are praised or criticized by the Ministry of Finance for excellent performance or bad performance may add or decrease 0 ~ 5 points in the bid invitation within a year as of the circulation of praise or criticism.

    第十八条 采购公司因工作优异得到财政部通报表扬或因工作出现问题被财政部通报批评的,可在自通报之日起1年内的评标中增加0~5分或减少0~5分。

 Article 19  If the proceeds to be collected by purchasing companies are not consistent with the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Procurement with Foreign Government Loans (Cai Zhai Zi [1999] No. 34, their bids shall be regarded as invalid ones.

    第十九条 采购公司拟收取的手续费不符合财政部印发的《外国政府贷款项下采购工作管理暂行规定》(财债字[1999]34号),按废标处理。

Chapter 4: Supervision, Inspection and Administration of Bid Invitation

第四章 招标的监督检查和管理

 Article 20  Local financial authorities shall strengthen the supervision, inspection and administration of bid invitation and performance of agent agreement. In the case that borrowers fail to conduct bid invitation for purchasing companies in accordance with these Measures, local financial authorities shall forthwith take effective measures to resolve and rectify such inconsistency within a specified term and shall report the issues and disposals thereof to the Ministry of Finance and relevant competent authorities.

    第二十条 地方财政部门应加强对招标过程和委托协议的执行情况的监督、检查和管理。如在工作中发现借款人未按本办法办理采购公司招标工作,地方财政部门应及时采取有效措施,限期予以解决和纠正,并将问题和处理情况通报财政部和有关主管部门。

 Article 21  In the case of gross violation detected in inspection, local financial authorities shall forthwith report the same to disciplinary inspection, supervision and judicial authorities and the Ministry of Finance, and shall cooperate with relevant authorities in investigation and verification. In the case of issues proved through investigation, local financial authorities shall refer such issues to authorities concerned.

    第二十一条 如在检查中发现重大违法违纪问题,地方财政部门应及时向纪检、监察、司法部门和财政部汇报,并配合有关部门做好调查核实工作。对调查属实的问题,应及时移交有关部门处理。

 Article 22  With respect to entities which conduct bid invitation of purchasing companies for loan projects in violation of relevant laws and regulations of China and lending countries, the Ministry of Finance will take necessary measures such as circulated criticism and suggestion of invalidating bidding qualification, as the case may be.

    第二十二条 对不遵守国内有关法律、法规及贷款国相关规定,违规办理贷款项目采购公司招标工作的单位,财政部将视情节采取公开通报批评、建议废除投标资格等必要措施。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

第五章 附则

 Article 23  Local financial authorities shall formulate implementation rules in accordance with these Measures and relevant provisions of the Ministry of Finance related to purchasing with foreign government loans, without prejudice to these Measures.

    第二十三条 地方财政部门应根据本办法及财政部关于外国政府贷款采购工作有关规定制定实施细则,实施细则不得与本办法相抵触。

 Article 24  Bid invitation for purchasing companies of relevant departments under the State Council, enterprise groups separately designated in the State plan and enterprises directly under the Central Government shall be subject to these Measures.

    第二十四条 国务院有关部门、计划单列企业集团及中央直属企业贷款项目采购公司的招标工作,参照本办法办理。

 Article 25  In the case of any discrepancy between existing provisions related to the administration of foreign government loans and these Measures, these Measures shall prevail.

    第二十五条 现行外国政府贷款管理的有关规定与本办法不符的,以本办法为准。

 Article 26  These Measures shall come into effect as of the date of issuance.

    第二十六条 本办法自印发之日起施行。




中英双语-外国政府贷款项目采购公司招标办法(可下载).pdf 下载
中英双语-外国政府贷款项目采购公司招标办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-31 21:31:47