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We know screens are extremely addictive too, they shape our children’s minds in ways we are now slowly starting to understand.

这个句子不同寻常之处在于:它用逗号连接了两个结构完整的句子。这种现象在英文中称为comma splice(逗号粘连),对此,维基百科给出了这样的定义:

In English grammar, a comma splice or comma fault is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses.

逗号粘连具体是指使用逗号将两个或两个以上的可以独立成句的结构连接起来,这里所指的“可以独立成句的结构”是指含有主语和谓语的结构,比如上面BBC的句子中,"we know screens are extremely addictive too"以及"they shape our children’s minds in ways we are now slowly starting to understand"都含有主谓结构,是独立的句子。

逗号粘连有时候会在文学作品或者一些非正式写作中出现,比如小说To Kill a Mockingbird(杀死一只知更鸟)里面就有这样的句子:

Miss Caroline began the day by reading us a story about cats. The cats had long conversations with one another, they wore cunning little clothes and lived in a warm house beneath a kitchen stove.


She was beautiful, she was gorgeous, she was ravishing.


William Strunk Jr.在他的写作指南The Elements of Style(风格的要素)中也提到,对于几个结构相似的短句子,可以使用逗号连接,比如:

The gate swung apart, the bridge fell, the portcullis was drawn up.

凯撒的名言 "I came, I saw, I conquered." 也属于同样的例子。




句子如果直接写成:It's good weather today, we decided to go for a picnic. 就出现了语法问题,实际上“今天天气不错,我们决定去野餐”隐藏了一个逻辑关系:因为今天天气不错,所以我们决定去野餐。因此英文句子应该写成:It's good weather today, so we decided to go for a picnic.



我们可以根据两个句子间的逻辑关系添加适当的连接词,比如对于句子:The cure for bad teaching is good teachers, good teachers cost money. 可以改为:

The cure for bad teaching is good teachers, and/but good teachers cost money.


当两个分句地位平等且联系紧密时,可以用分号连接起来,比如:My wife would like tea; I would prefer coffee.


Some of the food crops failed, however, the cotton did quite well.


Some of the food crops failed; however, the cotton did quite well.


如果两个分句的连接相对没有那么紧密,我们可以直接将逗号改为句号,形成两个完整的句子,比如对于句子:The hurricane will reach the island this evening, meanwhile, residents are being evacuated.

我们可以改为:The hurricane will reach the island this evening. Meanwhile, residents are being evacuated.

除了逗号粘连,一些同学可能还听说过流水句(run-on sentences)。实际上,逗号粘连可以看成是流水句的一种,除此之外,流水句还包括两个独立分句之间不加标点符号的情况,比如:

I love to write papers I would write one every day if I had the time.


I love to write papers. I would write one every day if I had the time.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma_splice

[2] https://literarydevices.net/comma-splice/

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentence_clause_structure#Run-on_sentences

发布于 2021-02-04 15:06:21