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Guidelines for the Application of Internal Control in Enterprises No. 15 - Comprehensive Budgeting


Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; China Securities Regulatory Commission; National Auditing Office; China Banking Regulatory Commission; China Insurance Regulatory Commission

Document Number: Cai Kuai [2010] No. 11

Promulgating Date: 04/15/2010

Effective Date: 04/15/2010

颁布机关: 财政部; 中国证券监督管理委员会; 审计署; 中国银行业监督管理委员会; 中国保险监督管理委员会

文   号: 财会[2010]11号

颁布时间: 04/15/2010

实施时间: 04/15/2010


Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章 总 则

 Article 1  With a view to helping enterprises achieve their development strategies, and displaying the role of comprehensive budgeting management, these Guidelines are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the Basic Norms for the Internal Control of Enterprises.

   第一条 为了促进企业实现发展战略,发挥全面预算管理作用,根据有关法律法规和《企业内部控制基本规范》,制定本指引。

 Article 2  For the purpose of these Guidelines, comprehensive budgeting shall refer to the budget arrangements made by an enterprise for its business activities, investment activities and financial activities during a certain period.

   第二条 本指引所称全面预算,是指企业对一定期间经营活动、投资活动、财务活动等作出的预算安排。

 Article 3  An enterprise shall, at least, pay attention to the following risks in comprehensive budgeting management:

(1) The risks of the lack of a budget or a well-prepared budget, which may lead to the lack of constraint in business operations or blind operation of the enterprise;

(2) The risks that the budget targets are unreasonable and that the budget preparation is not scientific, which may lead to waste of resources or make it difficult for the enterprise to achieve its development strategies; and

(3) The risks of the lack of rigidity of the budget, or poor execution, or lax appraisal, which may make budgeting management a mere formality.

   第三条 企业实行全面预算管理,至少应当关注下列风险:




 Article 4  An enterprise shall strengthen the organization and leadership of comprehensive budgeting, specify the budgeting management system, and make clear the duties and authority, the authorization and approval procedures, and the coordination mechanisms of all budget execution entities.

The enterprise shall establish a budgeting management committee to perform the duties of comprehensive budgeting management. Members of the said committee shall consist of the person in charge of the enterprise, and the persons in charge of relevant internal departments.

The budgeting management committee shall mainly be responsible for drafting budget targets and budget policies, formulating the specific measures and methods for budgeting management, organizing the preparation and balancing of the draft budget, issuing the approved budget, coordinating the resolution of the issues encountered in budget preparation and execution, appraising budget execution and supervising the achievement of budget targets. The budgeting management committee shall establish a budgeting management agency thereunder to perform routine management duties. The budgeting management agency shall generally be within the financial and accounting department.

The chief accountant or the person in charge of accounting shall assist the person in charge of the enterprise in organizing and leading the comprehensive budgeting management of the enterprise.

   第四条 企业应当加强全面预算工作的组织领导,明确预算管理体制以及各预算执行单位的职责权限、授权批准程序和工作协调机制。




Chapter 2: Budget Preparation

第二章 预算编制

 Article 5  An enterprise shall establish and improve the budget preparation system, and make clear the preparation basis, procedures and methods, so as to ensure that the budget is prepared on a reasonable basis, following appropriate procedures and using scientific methods, and to avoid the budget targets being too high or too low.

The enterprise shall finish the preparation of the draft comprehensive budget prior to the commencement of a given fiscal year.

   第五条 企业应当建立和完善预算编制工作制度,明确编制依据、编制程序、编制方法等内容,确保预算编制依据合理、程序适当、方法科学,避免预算指标过高或过低。


 Article 6  An enterprise shall prepare the annual comprehensive budget by adhering to its development strategies and annual production and operation plan, by taking into comprehensive consideration the economic policies, market conditions and other factors during the budget period, and by following the procedures of combining information at the higher and lower levels, and preparing the budget and making consolidation level by level.

The enterprise may choose one or more of the following methods in budget preparation: fixed budget, flexible budget and/or rolling budget.

   第六条 企业应当根据发展战略和年度生产经营计划,综合考虑预算期内经济政策、市场环境等因素,按照上下结合、分级编制、逐级汇总的程序,编制年度全面预算。


 Article 7  The budgeting management committee of an enterprise shall conduct study and argumentation of the budget plan submitted by the budgeting management agency on the basis of overall balancing, put forward suggestions from the perspective of the overall development of the enterprise, form a draft comprehensive budget, and submit the same to the board of directors.

   第七条 企业预算管理委员会应当对预算管理工作机构在综合平衡基础上提交的预算方案进行研究论证,从企业发展全局角度提出建议,形成全面预算草案,并提交董事会。

 Article 8  In reviewing a draft comprehensive budget, the board of directors of an enterprise shall focus on whether the draft is scientific and feasible, and ensure comprehensive budgeting is coordinated with the development strategies and the annual production and operation plan of the enterprise.

The comprehensive budget of the enterprise shall be submitted for deliberation and approval in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, as well as its articles of association. Once approved, the comprehensive budget shall be issued in writing for execution.

   第八条 企业董事会审核全面预算草案,应当重点关注预算科学性和可行性,确保全面预算与企业发展战略、年度生产经营计划相协调。


Chapter 3: Budget Execution

第三章 预算执行

 Article 9  An enterprise shall strengthen the management of budget execution, make clear the approaches to dissect budget targets, the authority and requirements of the examination and approval of budget execution, and the reporting of budget execution information, and enforce the budget execution accountability system to ensure budgetary rigidity and effective budget execution.

   第九条 企业应当加强对预算执行的管理,明确预算指标分解方式、预算执行审批权限和要求、预算执行情况报告等,落实预算执行责任制,确保预算刚性,严格预算执行。

 Article 10  Once the comprehensive budget of an enterprise is approved and issued, all budget execution entities shall carefully organize the execution of the budget, and dissect the budget targets level by level, so that all internal departments, operation links and positions, horizontal or vertical, are assigned with budget execution, thus forming an all-round accountability system for budget execution.

The enterprise shall take its annual budget as the basis for organizing and coordinating all production and operation activities, break down the annual budget into quarterly and monthly budget, and achieve annual budget targets by exercising budgetary control during different stages.

   第十条 企业全面预算一经批准下达,各预算执行单位应当认真组织实施,将预算指标层层分解,从横向和纵向落实到内部各部门、各环节和各岗位,形成全方位的预算执行责任体系。


 Article 11  An enterprise shall organize various production and operation activities, and investment and financing activities as required by comprehensive budgeting management, and shall enforce budget execution and control.

The enterprise shall strengthen the budget control of fund collection and payment, promptly collect funds, strictly control the payment of funds, and balance fund collection and payment to prevent payment risks. Payment of funds exceeding the budget or not covered under the budget shall be subject to rigorous examination and approval.

The enterprise shall meet budget requirements in terms of its procurement and payment, sales and collection, costs and expenses, engineering projects, outward investment and financing, research and development, information systems, human resources, work safety and environmental protection, asset acquisition and maintenance, and other services and issues. Relevant plans, quotas and fixed rates shall apply where the production process and costs and expenses are involved.

The enterprise shall closely follow the progress and completion status of, and exercise rigorous control over, engineering projects, outward investment and financing, and other major budgetary items.

   第十一条 企业应当根据全面预算管理要求,组织各项生产经营活动和投融资活动,严格预算执行和控制。




 Article 12  The budgeting management agency of an enterprise shall strengthen the communication with all budget execution entities, monitor budget execution by use of financial information and other relevant data, report and provide feedback on the progress of budget execution, execution discrepancies and their impact on budget targets to the decision-making body and all budget execution entities by appropriate means in a timely manner, and facilitate the achievement of the comprehensive budgeting targets of the enterprise.

   第十二条 企业预算管理工作机构应当加强与各预算执行单位的沟通,运用财务信息和其他相关资料监控预算执行情况,采用恰当方式及时向决策机构和各预算执行单位报告、反馈预算执行进度、执行差异及其对预算目标的影响,促进企业全面预算目标的实现。

 Article 13  The budgeting management agency and all budget execution entities of an enterprise shall establish a system for analyzing budget execution information, hold budget execution analysis meetings on a regular basis, circulate information on budget execution, analyze and resolve problems encountered in budget execution, and put forward suggestions for improvement.

In analyzing budget execution information, the enterprise shall collect sufficient information and materials related to finance, business, market, technologies, policies, law, etc., and adopt ratio analysis, comparative analysis or factor analysis according to different circumstances, so as to fully reflect the status quo, the development trend and the potential of budget execution entities from both the quantitative qualitative perspectives.

   第十三条 企业预算管理工作机构和各预算执行单位应当建立预算执行情况分析制度,定期召开预算执行分析会议,通报预算执行情况,研究、解决预算执行中存在的问题,提出改进措施。


 Article 14  The budget approved and issued by an enterprise shall remain stable, and shall not be adjusted at will. Where the budget genuinely needs to be adjusted due to material discrepancies in execution caused by market environment, State policies, force majeure or other objective factors, rigorous examination and approval process shall be performed.

   第十四条 企业批准下达的预算应当保持稳定,不得随意调整。由于市场环境、国家政策或不可抗力等客观因素,导致预算执行发生重大差异确需调整预算的,应当履行严格的审批程序。

Chapter 4: Budget Assessment

第四章 预算考核

 Article 15  An enterprise shall establish a stringent budget execution assessment system to appraise the performance of all budget execution entities and individuals, so that rewards are given and punishments are meted out where they are due.

   第十五条 企业应当建立严格的预算执行考核制度,对各预算执行单位和个人进行考核,切实做到有奖有惩、奖惩分明。

 Article 16  The budgeting management committee of an enterprise shall carry out regular assessment of budget execution, verify the budget execution report singed and submitted by the person in charge of each budget execution entity with the dynamic monitoring information available, and confirm the budget completion situation of each budget execution entity. Where necessary, internal audit shall be conducted for budget execution.

   第十六条 企业预算管理委员会应当定期组织预算执行情况考核,将各预算执行单位负责人签字上报的预算执行报告和已掌握的动态监控信息进行核对,确认各执行单位预算完成情况。必要时,实行预算执行情况内部审计制度。

 Article 17  An enterprise shall assess budget execution by adhering to the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality. The complete records shall be kept for the entire assessment process and results.

   第十七条 企业预算执行情况考核工作,应当坚持公开、公平、公正的原则,考核过程及结果应有完整的记录。




中英双语-企业内部控制应用指引第15号——全面预算(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-02-06 10:02:13