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Notice of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the Promulgation of the "Provisions on Reporting Use of the Capital Raised in the Previous Time"



Promulgating Institution: China Securities Regulatory Commission

Document Number: Zheng Jian Fa Xing Zi [2007] No. 500

Promulgating Date: 12/26/2007

Effective Date: 12/26/2007

颁布机关: 中国证券监督管理委员会

文      号: 证监发行字[2007] 500号

颁布时间: 12/26/2007

实施时间: 12/26/2007


To each listed company, sponsorship institution, and accounting firms with business qualifications relating to securities and futures:

To regulate the acts of preparation of reports by the listed companies on their use of the funds raised in their previous issuance, in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Issuance of Securities by Listed Companies (Order No.30 of the China Securities Regulatory Commission), the Provisions on Reporting Use of the Capital Raised in the Previous Time formulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission is hereby promulgated and shall take effect as of the promulgation date. The previous Guidelines for Special Report on the Use of Funds Raised in the Previous Issuance(Zheng Jian Gong Si Zi [2001] No.42 promulgated on 10 April 2001) shall be simultaneously repealed.

26 December 2007


   为规范上市公司前次募集资金使用情况报告的编制行为,根据《上市公司证券发行管理办法》(证监会令第30号),我会制定了《关于前次募集资金使用情况报告的规定》,现予发布,自发布之日起实施。原《前次募集资金使用情况专项报告指引》(2001年4月10日 证监公司字[2001]42号)同时废止。


Provisions on Reporting Use of the Capital Raised in the Previous Time


  Article 1   These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Issuance of Securities by Listed Companies (Order No.30 of the China Securities Regulatory Commission) to standardize the preparation of reports by the listed companies on their use of the funds raised in their previous issuance and to protect the lawful rights and interests of the investors.

      第一条  为规范上市公司前次募集资金使用情况报告的编制行为,保护投资者的合法权益,根据《上市公司证券发行管理办法》(证监会令第30号),制定本规定。

  Article 2   Where a listed company applies for the issuance of securities, and it is less than five accounting years from the time when the funds raised in the previous issuance enter the account, the board of directors shall, in accordance with these Provisions, prepare a report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance so as to explain the actual use of the funds raised (at home or abroad) in the issuance nearest to the expiry date of the latest period's audited financial report among the issuance application documents. After making a resolution concerning the report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance, the board of directors shall submit the same to the general meeting of the shareholders for approval.

The board of directors shall guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the contents of the report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance, and shall ensure that there exists no false record, misleading statement, or major omission.

      第二条 上市公司申请发行证券,且前次募集资金到账时间距今未满五个会计年度的,董事会应按照本规定编制前次募集资金使用情况报告,对发行申请文件最近一期经审计的财务报告截止日的最近一次(境内或境 外)募集资金实际使用情况进行详细说明,并就前次募集资金使用情况报告作出决议后提请股东大会批准。


  Article 3   Before the report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance is submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for approval, an attestation report shall be issued by an accounting firm qualified for securities- and futures-related businesses in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Standards for Other Attestation Business of Certified Public Accountants of China No.3101--Attestation Business Other Than Audit or Review of Historical Financial Information.

Certified public accountants shall actively issue attestation opinions on matters such as whether or not the report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance has been prepared in accordance with these Provisions and whether or not the report actually reflects the use of funds raised by the listed company in its previous issuance.

      第三条  前次募集资金使用情况报告在提请股东大会批准前应由具有证券、期货相关业务资格的会计师事务所按照《中国注册会计师其他鉴证业务准则第3101号——历史财务信息审计或审阅以外的鉴证业务》的相关规定出具鉴证报告。


  Article 4   The report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance shall state in it information such as the amount of funds raised in the previous issuance, the time when the said funds enter the account, and the particulars on the deposit of the said capital in that special account (which shall at least include the amount of initial deposits and the balance on the expiry date).

      第四条 前次募集资金使用情况报告应说明前次募集资金的数额、资金到账时间以及资金在专项账户的存放情况(至少应当包括初始存放金额、截止日余额)。

  Article 5   The report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance shall, by making an item by item comparison with the relevant disclosure contents on the use of raised funds specified in the prospectus for the previous issuance or in the relevant information disclosure documents for the previous non-public issuance of stocks, explain in a comparison table such particulars of the actual use of funds raised in the previous issuance as (including but not limited to) the investment project, the total investment amount in the project financed by the raised funds, the accumulative investment amount up to the expiry date of the raised funds, the date when the project is in serviceable condition as expected, and the degree of completion of the project on the expiry date (refer to Appendix 1 for the Comparison Table on the Use of Funds Raised in the Previous Issuance (for reference)).

Where there is any change to the investment project financed by the funds raised in the previous issuance, the listed company shall separately explain information such as the name of the changed project, the amount involved, and its proportion to the total amount of the funds raised in the previous issuance, the reasons for the change, the procedures for the change, the approval authority, and the relevant disclosure information. Where there is any difference between the committed investment amount and the total amount of actual investment financed by the funds raised in the previous issuance, the content and reasons of such difference shall be explained.

Where an investment project financed by the funds raised in the previous issuance has been transferred or swapped (excluding those investment projects financed by the funds raised in the previous issuance which have been transferred or swapped wholly during the process of material asset reorganizations of the listed company), such information shall be explained separately as the investment amount of the said project financed by the raised funds before the transfer and swap, the degree of completion, and the realized profit of the investment project, the basis on which such transfer or swap is priced and the relevant proceeds, the collection and the use of the transfer price, and the operation of swapped assets (including at least such information as the change to the assets ownership, the change to the book value of the assets, the production and the operation as well as its contribution to the proceeds).

Where the idle raised funds are temporarily used for other purposes, such information shall be explained separately as the amount of the idle funds used, the purpose, the time of such use, the approval authority, the approval procedures, and the recovery of the funds. Where the funds raised in the previous issuance are not fully used, such information shall be explained as the unused funds and its proportion to the total funds raised in the previous issuance, the reason and the plan and arrangement of use of the remaining funds.

      第五条  前次募集资金使用情况报告应通过与前次募集说明书或非公开发行股票相关信息披露文件中关于募集资金运用的相关披露内容进行逐项对照,以对照表的方式对比说明前次募集资金实际使用情况,包括(但不限于)投资项目、项目中募集资金投资总额、截止日募集资金累计投资额、项目达到预定可使用状态日期或截止日项目完工程度。(《前次募集资金使用情况对照表(参考格式)见附件一》)




  Article 6    The report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance shall, by making an item by item comparison with the relevant disclosure contents on profit forecast for investment project financed by the raised funds as specified in the prospectus for the previous issuance or in the relevant information disclosure documents for the previous non-public issuance of stocks, explain in a comparison table such particulars of the profit realized in the last three years by the investment projects financed by the funds raised in the previous time as (including but not limited to) the actual investment project, the total accumulative use rate of productive capacity of the investment projects up to the expiry date, the committed profit of the investment projects, the actual profit of the last three years, the accumulative realized profit up to the expiry date, and whether or not the actual proceeds meet the forecasted proceeds (Refer to Appendix 2 for the Comparison Table on the Proceeds Realized by the Investment Projects Financed by the Funds Raised in the Previous Issuance (for reference)). The calculation scope and calculation methods of the realized proceeds shall be in conformity with those of the committed proceeds, which shall also be specified in the report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance.

Where the proceeds of an investment project financed by the funds raised in the previous issuance cannot be calculated separately, reasons shall be explained and a qualitative analysis shall be made on the influence of such investment project on the financial status and operation performance of the company.

If the realized accumulative proceeds of an investment project financed by the raised funds are less than the committed accumulative proceeds by 20 percent (including 20 percent), explanations shall be made in details as to the reasons for such difference.

      第六条 前次募集资金使用情况报告应通过与前次募集说明书或非公开发行股票相关信息披露文件中关于募集资金投资项目效益预测的相关披露内容进行逐项对照,以对照表的方式对比说明前次募集资金投资项目最近3年实现效益的情况,包括(但不限于)实际投资项目、截止日投资项目累计产能利用率、投资项目承诺效益、最近3年实际效益、截止日累计实现效益、是否达到预计效益(《前次募集资金投资项目实现效益情况对照表(参考格式)见附件二》)。实现效益的计算口径、计算方法应与承诺效益的计算口径、计算方法一致,并在前次募集资金使用情况报告中明确说明。



  Article 7   Where subscription of shares with assets is involved in the previous issuance of securities, the operation status of such assets shall be explained in the report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance. The operation status of the said assets shall at least include such information as the change to the assets ownership, the change to the book value of the assets, the production and operation as well as their contributions to the proceeds, whether or not the actual proceeds meet the forecasted proceeds, and the fulfillment of the commitments.

      第七条 前次发行涉及以资产认购股份的,前次募集资金使用情况报告应对该资产运行情况予以详细说明。该资产运行情况至少应当包括资产权属变更情况、资产账面价值变化情况、生产经营情况、效益贡献情况、是否达到盈利预测以及承诺事项的履行情况。

  Article 8   The report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance shall compare item by item the actual use of the raised funds with the contents disclosed in the regular reports of the company and in other information disclosure documents, state whether or not there is any difference between the actual situation and the disclosed information. In the event of any difference, the content and reasons of such difference shall be explained in details.

      第八条 前次募集资金使用情况报告应将募集资金实际使用情况与公司定期报告和其他信息披露文件中披露的有关内容做逐项对照,并说明实际情况与披露内容是否存在差异。如有差异,应详细说明差异内容和原因。

  Article 9    Both the report on the use of funds raised in the previous issuance and the attestation report of the accounting firm are necessary application documents for the listed company applying for issuance of securities.

      第九条 前次募集资金使用情况报告和会计师事务所鉴证报告均为上市公司证券发行申请文件的必备内容。

  Article 10   These Provisions shall take effect as of the date of promulgation. The previousGuidelines for Special Report on the Use of Funds Raised in the Previous Issuance (Zheng Jian Gong Si Zi [2001] No.42 promulgated on 10 April 2001) shall be simultaneously repealed.

      第十条 本规定自发布之日起实施。原《前次募集资金使用情况专项报告指引》(2001年4月10日 证监公司字[2001]42号)同时废止。




中英双语-中国证券监督管理委员会关于发布《关于前次募集资金使用情况报告的规定》的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-12 09:53:16