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Notice of the China Appraisal Society on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures for Members of the China Appraisal Society



Promulgating Institution: China Appraisal Society

Document Number: Zhong Pin Xie

Promulgating Date: 04/11/2012

Effective Date: 05/01/2012

颁布机关: 中国资产评估协会

文      号: 中评协[2012]63号

颁布时间: 04/11/2012

实施时间: 05/01/2012


To asset appraisal associations (certified public accountants associations) in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately designated in the State Plan, and asset appraisal agencies qualified for securities appraisal,


With a view to further strengthening the self-regulation and administration of members of the China Appraisal Society, we revised the Administrative Measures for Members of the China Appraisal Society promulgated on February 6, 2006 in accordance with the Articles of Association of the China Appraisal Society and other relevant provisions. The revised Measures have been deliberate and adopted at the third meeting of the Fourth Executive Council of the China Appraisal Society on February 16, 2012. We hereby print and distribute the revised Administrative Measures for Members of the China Appraisal Society to you for implementation.


Annex: Administrative Measures for Members of the China Appraisal Society


April 11, 2012


Chapter 1: General Provisions

    第一章 总 则

  Article 1    With a view to further strengthening the self-regulation and administration of members of the China Appraisal Society (hereinafter referred to as the “CAS”), these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Articles of Association of the China Appraisal Society (hereinafter referred to as the “Articles of Association”) and other relevant provisions.

       第一条  为加强中国资产评估协会(以下简称本会)会员的自律管理,根据《中国资产评估协会章程》(以下简称《章程》)等有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    CAS members are classified into organizational members and individual members. Organizational members include ex-officio organizational members (including special organizational members) and associate organizational members. Individual members include practicing members, non-practicing members, trainee members, associate individual members, senior members and honorary members.

       第二条  本会会员分为团体会员和个人会员。团体会员包括当然团体会员(含特别团体会员)和联系团体会员;个人会员包括执业会员、非执业会员、见习会员、联系个人会员、资深会员和名誉会员。

  Article 3    CAS members shall enjoy rights and perform obligations as provided in the Articles of Association.

       第三条  会员享有《章程》规定的相应权利,履行《章程》规定的相应义务。

  Article 4    These Measures shall apply to all CAS members.

       第四条  本办法适用于本会会员。

Chapter 2: Qualifications for Membership

    第二章 会员条件

  Article 5    Qualifications for organizational membership:

       第五条  团体会员条件:

(1) Ex-officio organizational members: Asset appraisal agencies established according to law shall join the CAS and become ex-officio organizational members of the CAS.


(2) Special organizational members: ex-officio organizational members that have obtained the qualification for securities appraisal according to law may become special organizational members of the CAS after going through relevant registration procedures.


(3) Associate organizational members: Any of the following organizations that recognize the Articles of Association and wish to join the CAS may apply for associate organizational membership of the CAS:


1. Organizations engaged in research and teaching of asset appraisal;


2. Other non-government organizations, enterprises, institutions and other intermediaries relating to the asset appraisal industry; and


3. Institutions engaged in appraisal business in other countries or Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan regions.


Articled 6     Qualifications for individual membership:

       第六条  个人会员条件:

(1) Practicing members: Individuals who have obtained the qualification as certified public valuers (hereinafter referred to as “CPV”) either by passing relevant exams or as recognized under the law, and have registered with the CAS shall join the CAS and become practicing members of the CAS. CAS may classify practicing members into different categories by specialty.


Partners and shareholders of asset appraisal agencies that are not CPVs shall join the CAS.


(2) Non-practicing members: Individuals who have obtained the qualification as CPVs either by passing the relevant exams or as recognized under the law but do not work with any asset appraisal agencies may apply for non-practicing membership of the CAS if they recognize the Articles of Association and wish to join the CAS.


(3) Trainee members: Individuals who are engaged in asset appraisal in asset appraisal agencies but have not registered with the CAS, or students who are attending bachelor’s or above degree programs in asset appraisal at institutions of higher learning may apply for trainee membership of CAS if they recognize the Articles of Association and wish to join the CAS, and become trainee members of the CAS after attending and passing the admission exam organized by the CAS.


Individuals that have obtained the qualification as CPVs either by passing the relevant exams or as recognized under the law, may become trainee members without attending the admission exam.


(4) Associate individual members: Individuals who are engaged in research or teaching of asset appraisal, or professional or management personnel working in industries or departments relating to asset appraisal, or technical experts providing specialized services in specific industries, or foreign residents or residents in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan regions, who have obtained the qualification for appraisal abroad and are engaged in appraisal business, may apply for associate individual membership of the CAS if they recognize the Articles of Association and wish to join the CAS.


(5) Senior members: Practicing members, non-practicing members or associate individual members who have higher theoretical level, a stronger practical ability and the rich management experiences, and have made significant contributions to the development of the asset appraisal industry or the development of the CAS may become senior members of the CAS by filing an application personally and with the approval of the Executive Council of the CAS.


(6) Honorary members: Social personages who have made significant contributions to the asset appraisal industry, or domestic or foreign celebrities may become honorary members of the CAS upon nomination by the Secretariat of the CAS and approval by the Executive Council of the CAS.


Chapter 3: Membership Management

    第三章 会员会籍管理

Article 7    The CAS shall be responsible for the management of organizational members and individual members throughout the country, and the membership management of the following members:

       第七条  本会管理全国的团体会员和个人会员,并具体负责下列会员的会籍管理:

(1) Senior members and honorary members;


(2) Special organizational members;


(3) Associate organizations members that are institutions engaged in appraisal business in other countries, or Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan regions, or national social organizations or central enterprises or institutions relating to the asset appraisal industry; and


(4) Non-practicing members and associate individual members who work with central State organs or relevant government departments, or centrally administered enterprises or institutions, or national social organizations, or research or educational institutions of asset appraisal, or who are technical experts providing specialized services in specific industries or are engaged in appraisal business in other countries, or Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan regions.


Article 8    The CAS authorizes asset appraisal associations in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately designated in the State Plan (hereinafter referred to as “local branches of the CAS”) to take charge of the management of membership of the following members in their respective administrative regions:

       第八条  本会授权各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市资产评估协会(以下简称地方协会)负责本地区下列会员的会籍管理:

(1) Ex-officio organizational members, practicing members and trainee members;


(2) Associate organizational members other than those specified in Item (3) of Article 7 of these Measures; and


(3) Non-practicing members and associate individual members other than those specified in Item (4) of Article 7 of these Measures.


Article 9    Procedures for enrolment as an organizational member of the CAS:

       第九条  团体会员入会程序:

(1) Ex-officio organizational member: An asset appraisal agency established according to law shall file an enrolment application and relevant approval documents with the local branch of CAS of the place where it is located in accordance with relevant provisions, and become an ex-officio organizational member after its application is verified by the local branch of CAS and approved by the CAS.


(2) Special organizational member: An ex-officio organizational member that has obtained the qualification for securities appraisal according to law may file an application and send a copy of its Certificate of Qualification for Business Appraisal Relating to Securities and Futures, and become a special organizational member after its application is verified by the CAS.


(3) Associate organizational member: An organization may file an enrolment application with the CAS or the local branch of the CAS of the place where it is located according to the limit of authority for membership management as provided for in these Measures, and become an associate organizational member with the approval of the CAS or the local branch of the CAS. Local branches of the CAS shall report the associate organizational membership granted by them to the CAS for record-filing.


Article 10    Procedures for becoming an individual member of the CAS:

       第十条  个人会员入会程序:

(1) Practicing member: An individual may shall file an enrolment application and send his Certificate for Certified Public Valuer with the local branch of the CAS in the place where he resides and become a practicing member after his application is verified by the local branch of the CAS.


A partner or shareholder of an asset appraisal agency who is not a CPV shall submit relevant evidentiary materials to the local branch of the CAS and shall be managed as a practicing member after his evidentiary materials are verified by the local branch of the CAS.


(2) Non-practicing member: An individual may file an enrolment application and send a copy of his Certificate of Certified Public Valuer or documents certifying his qualification as a CPV with the CAS or its local branch in the place where he resides according to limit of authority for membership management as provided in these Measures, and become a non-practicing member with the approval of the CAS or its local branch.


(3) Trainee member: An individual may file an enrolment application with the local branch of the CAS in the place where he resides according to the limit of authority for membership management as provided for in these Measures, and become a probationer member after attending and passing the admission exam and with the approval of the local branch of the CAS. Individuals who have obtained the qualification as CPVs either by passing the relevant exams or as recognized under the law may be exempt from attending the admission exam.


(4) Associate individual member: An individual may file an enrolment application with the CAS or its local branch in the place where he resides in accordance with the power to manage membership as provided in these Measures, and become an associate individual member with the approval of the CAS or the local branch of the CAS. Local branches of the CAS shall report the associate individual membership granted by them to the CAS for record-filing.


Article 11    The CAS accepts enrolment applications at all times. Local branches of the CAS may decide the time and frequency of acceptance of enrolment applications at their own discretions, provided that they shall accept enrolment applications for no less than four times every year.

       第十一条  本会随时受理入会申请。地方协会受理入会申请的时间和次数自行确定,但受理次数每年应当不少于四次。

Article 12    An individual member meeting the conditions set forth in Item (5) of Article 6 of these Measures may apply with the CAS or its local branch where he resides for senior membership. An individual member under the jurisdiction of the CAS shall directly file his application with the CAS. An individual member under the jurisdiction of a local branch of the CAS shall file his application with the local branch of the CAS, and the local branch of the CAS shall, after preliminary examination of his application, submit his application to the CAS for examination and approval.

       第十二条  符合本办法第六条第(五)项规定的个人会员,可以向本会或地方协会申请成为资深会员。本会具体管理的个人会员,直接向本会提出申请;授权地方协会管理的个人会员,向所在地地方协会提出申请,由地方协会初审后报本会审核批准。

Article 13    Social personages who have made significant contributions to the asset appraisal industry, or domestic or foreign celebrities may be granted honorary membership upon nomination by the Secretariat of the CAS and approval by the Standing Council of the CAS.

       第十三条  对资产评估行业做出重大贡献的社会人士,或境内、外知名人士,由本会秘书处提名,经常务理事会批准后,授予其名誉会员。

Article 14    After being enrolled in the CAS, each member will receive a membership certificate (card) from the CAS or a local branch of the CAS. The membership certificates (cards) will be collectively produced and numbered by the CAS.

       第十四条  会员经批准入会后,由本会或地方协会颁发会员证(卡)。会员证(卡)由本会统一制作,统一编号。

Article 15    Where a member falls under any of the following circumstances, his membership shall be terminated:

       第十五条  会员有下列情形之一的,其相应会员资格终止:

(1) Where a member applies for withdrawal from the CAS;


(2) Where a member becomes disqualified for membership as specified in these Measures;


(3) Where an organizational member stops being a legal person or a partnership asset appraisal agency has been dissolved;


(4) Where a special organizational member is disqualified for securities appraisal;


(5) Where a member is deprived of his membership by the CAS;


(6) Where a member is subject to any administrative penalty due to serious faults in financial, accounting, audit, asset appraisal, business management or other economic management work; or


(7) Where a member is subject to any criminal penalty.


Where the membership of a member is terminated, the CAS or the competent local branch of the CAS will take back the membership certificate (card) issued thereto and announce the termination of his membership on the website of the CAS or the relevant local branch of the CAS, or other public media.


Article 16    Where a member intends to withdraw from CAS, he shall file a withdrawal application in writing with the CAS or its local branch in the place where he resides according to limit of authority for membership management as provided for in these Measures; and he should return the membership certificate (card) is his application is approved.

       第十六条  会员申请退出协会,应当按会员会籍管理权限,向本会或所在地地方协会提交书面退会申请,经批准予以退会的,交回会员证(卡)。

Article 17    The enrolment and withdrawal procedures for practicing members and trainee members engaged in asset appraisal in asset appraisal agencies shall be collectively handled by the organizational members to which they belong.

       第十七条  执业会员、在资产评估机构从事资产评估业务的见习会员,其入会、退会手续由所在团体会员单位统一办理。

Chapter 4: Day-to-day Management of Members

    第四章 会员日常管理

Article 18    The CAS and its local branches shall carry out the day-to-day management of members according to the limits of authority for management as stipulated in Articles 7 and 8 in Chapter 3 of these Measures.

       第十八条  本会和地方协会按照本办法第三章第七条、第八条规定的管理权限,分别对会员进行日常管理。

Article 19    The CAS will establish a liaison system for organizational members. Each organizational member shall designate a specially-assigned person to act as its liaison person.

       第十九条  本会建立团体会员联络员制度,团体会员单位应指定专人担任联络员。

Article 20    All members shall pay their membership dues in full in a timely manner pursuant to provisions of the Administrative Measures for Membership Dues of the China Appraisal Society.

       第二十条  会员应当按照《中国资产评估协会会费管理办法》的规定,按时、足额交纳会费。

Article 21    In the case of change of the name, registered address, legal representative (or chief partner), contact information or other registration particulars of an organizational member, the organizational member shall, within 30 days of such changes, report such changes to the CAS or the local branch of the CAS in the place where it is located for record-filing according to the limit of authority for the membership management.

       第二十一条  团体会员的单位名称、注册地址、法定代表人(或首席合伙人)、通讯方式等登记项目变更的,应当在变更之日起30日内,按照管理权限将变更的信息报本会或所在地地方协会备案。

Article 22    In the case of change of the name, identity card number, political background, professional title, educational background, academic degree, employer, contact information or other registration particulars of an individual member, he shall, within 30 days of such changes, change the relevant information through the Internet and report such changes to the CAS or the local branch of the CAS of the place where he resides for record-filing according to the limit of authority for the membership management.

       第二十二条  个人会员的姓名、身份证号、政治面貌、职称、学历、学位、工作单位、通讯方式等登记项目发生变更的,应当在变更之日起30日内,通过互联网更改相关信息,并按管理权限将变更的信息报本会或所在地地方协会备案。

Article 23    Where an individual member transfers to another province, he shall go through procedures for transfer of his membership with the local branch of the CAS of the place in which he transfers on the strength of his membership certificate (card).

       第二十三条  个人会员跨省工作变动的,应当携带会员证(卡)到转入地方协会办理会籍转移手续。

Article 24    Where a practicing member stops working with an asset appraisal agency, he may file an application with the local branch of the CAS of the place where he resides to change to a non-practicing member.

       第二十四条  执业会员不在资产评估机构执业,可以向所在地地方协会申请,转为非执业会员。

Article 25    Ex-officio organizational members, practicing members, non-practicing members and trainee members shall accept regular inspections by the CAS and local branches of the CAS.

       第二十五条  当然团体会员、执业会员、非执业会员和见习会员应当接受本会和地方协会组织的定期检查。

Article 26    The CAS and local branches of the CAS may reward or punish organizational members and individual members in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association and relevant management systems of the asset appraisal industry.

       第二十六条  本会或地方协会可以根据《章程》和资产评估行业相关管理制度对团体会员、个人会员进行奖励或惩戒。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

    第五章 附 则

Article 27    The CAS will directly mange organizational members and individual members relating to jewelry appraisal business.

       第二十七条  本会直接管理与珠宝评估业务相关的团体会员和个人会员。

Article 28    The CAS shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

       第二十八条  本办法由中国资产评估协会负责解释。

Article 29    These Measures shall come into force on May 1, 2012. The Administrative Measures for Members of the China Appraisal Society adopted at the first meeting of the Third Executive Council of the CAS on August 31, 2005, and promulgated by the CAS on February 6, 2006 shall be repealed simultaneously.

       第二十九条  本办法自2012年 5月1 日起施行。2005年8月31日中国资产评估协会第三届常务理事会第一次会议通过的,中国资产评估协会2006年2月6日发布的《中国资产评估协会会员管理办法》同时废止。




中英双语-中国资产评估协会关于印发《中国资产评估协会会员管理办法》的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-12 09:57:49