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Measures for the Administration of the Use of Special-Purpose Subsidiary Funds for Small and Medium Enterprise Service Systems (Trial)



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Jian [2004] No. 124

Promulgating Date: 05/28/2004

Effective Date: 05/28/2004

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号:财建[2004]124号

颁布时间: 05/28/2004

实施时间: 05/28/2004


Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1   These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Boosting Small and Medium Enterprises for the purposes of regulating the management of special-purpose subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprise service systems (hereinafter referred to as "subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises") and improving the efficiency of fund use.

       第一条  根据《中华人民共和国中小企业促进法》,为了规范中小企业服务体系专项补助资金(以下简称中小企业补助资金)的管理,提高资金使用效益,制定本办法。

  Article 2   For the purposes of these Measures, subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises shall mean subsidiary funds arranged in the Central financial budget for small and medium enterprise service institutions to carry out services boosting the development of small and medium enterprises.

       第二条  本办法所称中小企业补助资金是指中央财政预算安排的,用于支持中小企业服务机构开展有关促进中小企业发展的服务业务所发生支出的补助资金。

Chapter 2: Principle and Scope of Fund Use

第二章  资金使用原则与范围 

  Article 3   The use of subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises shall be scientific, just, and transparent and shall be conducive to improving the business environment of small and medium enterprises, boosting the sound development of small and medium enterprises and expand employment in urban and rural areas.

       第三条  中小企业补助资金的使用应当科学、公正、透明,有利于改善中小企业经营环境,促进中小企业健康发展,扩大城乡就业。

  Article 4   The subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises shall be used for subsidizing small and medium enterprise service institutions to carry out the following services:

(1) Training services, including startup training, training for operating and managing small and medium enterprises and for professional technical personnel, training for practitioners in small and medium enterprise service institutions, and training for staff in governmental departments that are directly responsible for the administration of small and medium enterprises;

(2) Credit services, including establishing credit archives for small and medium enterprises and carrying out collection and evaluation of credit of small and medium enterprises and credit worthiness activities;

(3) Startup services, which shall mean guidance on startup, integrated services, etc., carried out by small and medium enterprise service institutions for starting small businesses;

(4) Management consultancy services, which shall mean management consultancy, enterprise diagnosis, information services, etc., carried out by small and medium enterprise service institutions for improving the management ability of small and medium enterprises; and

(5) Other expenditures approved by the Ministry of Finance.

       第四条  中小企业补助资金主要用于中小企业服务机构开展以下服务业务的补助:






Chapter 3: Ways and Standards for Financial Aid

第三章  资金资助方式与标准 

  Article 5   Subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises shall be managed by business expenditure type and shall be allocated by means of gratuitous financial aid.

       第五条  中小企业补助资金按业务支出类别进行管理,采用无偿资助方式下达。

  Article 6   The subsidizing standards on subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises:

(1) Training services. Venue fees, teaching fees, textbook fees can be fully funded according to normal standards, and small and medium enterprise service institutions that have been fully funded with venue fees, teaching fees, textbook fees shall not charge relevant fees separately. Boarding and lodging fees for the training can be subsidized on an appropriate standard, that is, subsidiary for one person shall be no more than RMB 150 per day;

(2) Credit services. Appropriate subsidies shall be granted hereto according to the actual amount spent;

(3) Startup services. Appropriate subsidies shall be granted hereto according to the actual amount spent; and

(4) Management consultancy services. Appropriate subsidies shall be granted hereto according to the actual amount spent;

Appropriate subsidies granted shall mean that the relevant services have been partially subsidized by the government and therefore the relevant institutions shall lower the corresponding charging standards when collecting fees.

       第六条  中小企业补助资金的补助标准:






Chapter 4: Selection of Organizations to be Funded

第四章  资助单位的选择 

  Article 7   Small and medium enterprise service institutions applying for financial aid shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) Having legal person qualification and the corresponding business qualification for serving small and medium enterprises;

(2) Familiar with the national and local laws, regulations, and policies for boosting small and medium enterprises, the policies and provisions on industry entry, industrial and commercial registration and taxation registration, etc., and familiar with the establishment procedures of enterprises and the management of enterprises;

(3) Having professionals engaged in small and medium enterprise services, including professionals in legal, technical and economic areas;

(4) Having rich experience in the business areas for which subsidiary is applied and have relevant achievements;

(5) Having fixed work premises; 

(6) Having well-established financial management system; and

(7) Other conditions to be satisfied.

       第七条  申请资助的中小企业服务机构应具备以下条件:








Chapter 5: Procedures for Application for and Allocation of Funds

第五章  资金申请拨付程序 

  Article 8   Organizations that meet the provisions specified in the preceding paragraph can file applications for the funds. Organizations affiliated to the Central Government can file applications with the National Development and Reform Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "NDRC") and send a copy thereof to the Ministry of Finance. Organizations affiliated to local governments shall file applications with the provincial competent authority for small and medium enterprises, which shall, together with the financial department at the same level report such applications to the National Development and Reform Commission and send a copy thereof to the Ministry of Finance.

       第八条  符合前款规定条件的单位提出申请。中央所属单位向国家发展和改革委员会(以下简称“国家发展改革委)提出申请,并抄报财政部;地方所属单位向省级中小企业主管部门提出申请,省级中小企业主管部门联合同级财政部门上报国家发展改革委,并抄报财政部。

  Article 9   The NDRC shall consolidate the application reports and material it has received and then formulate a fund use plan and submit the same to the Ministry of Finance (refer to Annexes 1-5 for the format).

       第九条  国家发展改革委将收到的申请报告和资料汇总后提出资金使用计划报送财政部(具体报送格式详见附表1—5)。

  Article 10   The Ministry of Finance shall review the plan on using the subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises and give replies and allocate funds in accordance with the relevant procedures.

       第十条  财政部审核批复中小企业补助资金使用计划,并按规定的程序拨付资金。

Chapter 6: Supervision and Examination of Funds

第六章  资金监督与检查 

  Article 11   The Ministry of Finance and the NDRC shall be responsible for the supervision and examination of the use of subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises and the implementation of the specific projects.

       第十一条  财政部和国家发展改革委负责对中小企业补助资金的使用情况和项目的执行情况实施监督与检查。

  Article 12   The subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises must be used for designated purposes, and retention or misappropriation shall be strictly prohibited. With regard to acts of practicing falsity and fraud, retention and misappropriation of funds, etc., in violation of the financial and economic disciplines, in addition to imposing administrative and economic penalties on the funded organizations and the relevant responsible persons in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, the following punishment shall be imposed: recovering the subsidiary funds for small and medium enterprises allocated thereto in full amount and turning over such funds to the Ministry of Finance, and the wrong doers shall not be allowed to file any application for subsidiary funds within three years.

       第十二条  中小企业补助资金必须专款专用,严禁截留、挪用。对弄虚作假、截留、挪用等违反财经纪律的行为,除按国家有关规定对资助单位和有关责任人给予行政和经济处罚外,还将进行以下处理:将已经拨付的中小企业补助资金全额收回上缴财政部;三年内不得申报中小企业补助资金。

Chapter 7: Supplementary Provisions

第七章  附则 

  Article 13   These Measures shall become effective on the promulgation date.

       第十三条  本办法自发布之日起施行。

  Article 14   The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretations of these Measures.

       第十四条  本办法由财政部负责解释。





中英双语-中小企业服务体系专项补助资金使用管理办法(暂行)(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-15 18:20:37