外刊精读 | 美国的匹克球运动

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本期精读来自The Economist关于美国“匹克球”的一篇文章:Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America


小标题之所以是"The new, old thing"是因为这项运动是1965年发明的,距今已经有一定年头,但是最近这项运动开始流行起来,所以是“又新又老“。



In 1965 three fathers in Washington state faced a dilemma familiar to beleaguered parents in 2021: how to keep their restless children entertained.


familiar to beleaguered parents in 2021是后置定语,用来修饰dilemma,相当于…a dilemma (that is) familiar to beleaguered parents in 2021

beleaguered用来指人或事物面临着很多问题(having a lot of problems or criticism to deal with),比如:The beleaguered party leader was forced to resign. 那位饱受指责的党领导人被迫辞职。


They threw together wooden paddles, a badminton net, and a perforated plastic ball. The sport “pickleball” was born, deriving its name—according to one legend—from a dog named Pickle, which kept running away with the ball.


这里throw together是一个固定搭配,意思是“快速拼凑出某物”(to make or produce something in a hurry),比如:They threw together the bookshelf in less than an hour. 他们在一个小时之内拼凑出了一个书架。


Today pickleball, which is a hybrid of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, is the fastest-growing sport in America.


In the five years to the end of 2019, pickleball participation grew by more than 7%, while Americans’ overall activity level stayed flat, according to the Sport & Fitness Industry Association.


Although data from 2020 have not yet been released, the sport has picked up more swing thanks to covid-19. Last March, when quarantines went into effect and gyms closed, portable pickleball nets temporarily sold out.


picked up more swing这一短语用得很生动,swing起到了双关的作用,它原本的字面含义是“(高尔夫球以及棒球等的)挥杆动作”,这里则引申为“变化”。

Pick up在这里的含义是“(速度、势能等)开始提升”(to begin to have more speed/momentum etc.),句子的意思即“关于匹克球参与度的数据因为疫情原因上升更大”。

Players set up courts, which are half the size of tennis courts, in driveways.


Court在这里指的是“球场”,比如“网球场/篮球场”是a tennis/basketball court,“足球场”则是a football pitch

“It’s the new thing,” says Derek Heil, an employee at Dick’s Sporting Goods in Dallas, who has seen a sales spike for pickleball equipment over the last year, including for higher-end paddles which sell for around $100.



The 3.5m Americans who play pickleball are about one-tenth the number who golf and one-fifth the number who play tennis. Yet there are reasons to bet on the sport’s spread.


Bet在这里不是“下注”的意思,而是引申为“期待,希望”,比如:People were betting on a further easing of credit conditions. 人们期待着贷款条件进一步放宽。

Like many outdoor activities, pickleball is social, but it is easier to learn than tennis and faster and less expensive than golf.


Country clubs and recreation centres across the country are converting some of their tennis courts into pickleball courts to meet demand. The more places there are to play, the more players will try the sport.


Country clubs指的是设在乡下供富人进行体育和社交活动的俱乐部。


Hoping to predict where the ball is going to land, manufacturers of tennis racquets are starting to make pickleball kit too.


where the ball is going to land是双关表达,它的字面意思是“球会落向何方”,这里引申为“这一运动在未来将会如何发展”。

“Pickleball was seen as a threat in the tennis community,” says Stu Upson of USA Pickleball, the sport’s national governing body, who used to work for the International Tennis Hall of Fame. But now, he insists, it is viewed as an opportunity. 


Tennis pros are adding pickleball lessons to their repertoire.


Pro在这里指的是“职业运动员”,比如“职业网球运动员”是tennis pros,除此之外,pro还有另一个含义“好处,益处”,比如要表达“某事的优缺点”,可以说:the pros and cons of something

As more people take up the sport, demand for televised matches and sponsorships will increase. Mr Upson hopes that one day pickleball will become an Olympic sport, although that may be a long shot.


最后一句同样用了双关的手法:shot可以指体育运动中的“射球、击球”,a long shot本身又是一个短语,意思是“不大可能成功的尝试”,这里使用双关手法能让读者印象更加深刻。

发布于 2021-03-17 09:28:45