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Interim Measures on the Administration of Funds of the Central Financial Assistance Earmarked for Local Geological Prospecting



Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Finance

Document Number:Cai Jian [2001] No.177

Promulgating Date:04/18/2001

Effective Date:04/18/2001


文      号:财建[2001]177号




Chapter 1 General Principles

第一章  总则

  Article 1    In order to boost the development of the geological prospecting enterprise, to strengthen the self-existence and self-development capacity of geological prospecting units after the implementation of the territoriality administration, to strengthen and standardize the administration of funds of central financial assistance earmarked for local geological prospecting projects (hereinafter referred to as the "funds earmarked for the geological prospecting"), and to improve the fund use effect, these Measures are hereby enacted.

       第一条  为了促进地质勘查事业的发展,增强地质勘查单位实行属地化管理后自我生存和自我发展的能力,加强和规范中央财政补助地方地质勘查项目专项资金(以下简称“地勘专项资金”)的管理,提高资金使用效益,制定本办法。

  Article 2    The funds earmarked for the geological prospecting shall mainly be used for the outlay assistance for the geological prospecting units under the territoriality administration.

This country implements the administrative means of declaration based on the project, appraisal of experts, use under financial supervision for the funds earmarked for the geological prospecting.

       第二条  地勘专项资金主要用于对实行属地化管理的地质勘查单位的经费补助。


  Article 3    The funds earmarked for the geological prospecting shall be used for the specified purpose, and shall not be retained, occupied, embezzled by any unit.

       第三条  地勘专项资金必须专款专用,任何单位不得截留、挤占和挪用。

Chapter 2 Application for, Examination and Approval of, and Allocation of Funds Earmarked for the Geological Prospecting

第二章  地勘专项资金的申请、审批和下达

  Article 4    Any geological prospecting unit under the territoriality administration may apply for the funds earmarked for the geological prospecting.

       第四条  凡已实行属地化管理的地质勘查单位均可申请地勘专项资金。

  Article 5    Any project under the application for the funds earmarked for the geological prospecting must accord with the relevant industrial policies of this country, and the prospecting permit must have been obtained from the relevant department of this country.

       第五条  申请地勘专项资金补助的地质勘查项目必须符合国家有关产业政策,并已取得国家有关部门的勘查许可。

  Article 6    Financial departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central People's Government, and municipalities separately listed on the State Planning shall be in charge of organizing the declaration of the local geological prospecting projects, and shall submit the project declaration materials (in duplicate) of the next year to the Ministry of Finance before 31st October of each year.

       第六条  各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市财政厅(局)负责组织本地地质勘查项目的申报工作,并应于每年10月31日前将下一年度项目申报材料(一式两份)报送财政部。

  Article 7    The project declaration materials shall include:

(1) The application report issued by the financial department (bureau); and

(2) The project collection forms (see Appendix II) and the application for project establishment of each project.

       第七条  项目申报材料包括:(一)财政厅(局)出具的申请报告;(二)项目汇总表(见附件二)及每个项目的立项申请书。

  Article 8    The application for project establishment shall include:

(1) The name of the project;

(2) The undertaking unit;

(3) The start and the deadline of the project;

(4) The geological background and the project establishment grounds;

(5) The feasibility demonstration of the target and realization of the target;

(6) The technical channel and technological means;

(7) The specific implementation scheme and the guaranty measures;

(8) The estimated achievements;

(9) The main materials working power;

(10) The outlay budget and resources; and

(11) Other proceedings.

       第八条  项目立项申请书包括:(一)项目名称;(二)承担单位;(三)项目起止时间;(四)地质背景及立项依据;(五)目标任务及实现的可行性论述;(六)技术路线和技术方法;(七)具体实施方案及保障措施;(八)预期成果;(九)主要实物工作量;(十)经费概算及来源;(十一)其他事项。

  Article 9    The Ministry of Finance shall organize the experts to appraise the qualified declaration materials of geological prospecting projects submitted by various localities after the preliminary examination.

       第九条  财政部在对各地报送的地质勘查项目申报材料进行初审后,对符合要求的,组织有关专家进行评审。

  Article 10    The Ministry of Finance shall compile and allocate the budget of financial assistance for the geological prospecting projects according to the appraisal results of experts and the budget of the current year.

       第十条  财政部根据专家评审结果及当年预算安排情况编制和下达地质勘查项目经费补助预算。

  Article 11    The funds earmarked for the geological prospecting shall be used preferentially for the prospecting projects of mining resources in western region and the prospecting projects of national mining resources with short supply of the geological prospecting units, and be used for the local geological disaster prevention and control projects with appropriate amount of funds.

       第十一条  地勘专项资金优先安排地质勘查单位对西部地区矿产资源的勘查项目以及对国家紧缺矿产资源的勘查项目,并适量安排地方地质灾害防治项目。

Chapter 3 Use, Supervision, and Administration of Funds Earmarked for the Geological Prospecting

第三章  地勘专项资金的使用和监督管理

  Article 12    The funds earmarked for the geological prospecting shall be mainly used for the expenses on the topographic surveying and mapping, geological surveying, remote sensing geology, physical control, chemical control, rock mineral experiment, and so on of the geological prospecting projects, and shall not be used for other purposes unrelated to the geological prospecting projects.

       第十二条  地勘专项资金主要用于地质勘查项目的地形测绘、地质测量、遥感地质、物探、化探、钻探、岩矿试验等方面的支出,不得用于与地质勘查项目无关的其他支出。

  Article 13    The financial departments (bureaus) of various localities shall allocate the funds to the project-undertaking units in time upon the receipt of the financial assistance for the geological prospecting projects granted by the Ministry of Finance.

       第十三条  各地财政厅(局)在收到财政部下达的地质勘查项目经费补助预算后,应及时将资金拨付到项目承担单位。

  Article 14    The project-undertaking units shall use the funds earmarked for the geological prospecting for the geological prospecting projects in time after receiving the earmarked funds allocated by the financial departments (bureaus). The accounting processing of the funds earmarked for the geological prospecting shall be handled according to the relevant financial and accounting administration system of the geological prospecting units.

       第十四条  项目承担单位在收到财政厅(局)拨付的地勘专项资金后,应及时用于地质勘查项目的实施,地勘专项资金的账务处理按国家现行地勘单位财务及会计管理制度的有关规定执行。

  Article 15    The financial departments (bureaus) of various localities jointly with the relevant departments shall be in charge of organizing the implementation of the geological prospecting projects. After the completion of the geological prospecting projects, the checkup for the acceptance shall be organized in time.

       第十五条  各地财政厅(局)会同有关部门负责地质勘查项目的组织实施。地质勘查项目完成后,应及时组织项目验收。

  Article 16    The Ministry of Finance and the financial departments (bureaus) of various localities shall be in charge of the supervision and examination of the use of funds earmarked for the geological prospecting regularly or irregularly. The problems discovered in the course of the examination shall be corrected and handled according to the relevant provisions in time.

       第十六条  财政部、各地财政厅(局)负责对地勘专项资金的使用情况进行定期或不定期的监督检查,在检查中发现问题应及时予以纠正并按有关法规进行处理。

Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions

第四章  附则

  Article 17   These measures shall take effect as of the promulgation date.

       第十七条  本办法自发布之日起执行。





中英双语-中央财政补助地方地质勘查项目专项资金管理暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-24 11:17:34