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Administrative Measures for the Special Fund for Wireless Coverage of Central Radio and Television Programs



Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Finance; State Administration of Radio Film and Television

Document Number:Cai Jiao [2009] No. 36

Promulgating Date:04/24/2009

Effective Date:04/24/2009

颁布机关:财政部; 国家广播电影电视总局

文      号:财教[2009]36号




Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1   In accordance with the State laws/regulations and current fiscal and financial system and based on actual situations, these Measures are formulated with a view to strengthening the administration of the special fund for wireless coverage of Central radio and television program (hereinafter referred to as the "Special Fund") and enlarging the benefits from financial fund.

       第一条  为加强中央广播电视节目无线覆盖专项资金(以下简称专项资金)管理,提高财政资金使用效益,根据国家法律法规和现行财政财务制度,结合实际情况,制定本办法。

  Article 2   For the purpose of these Measures, the "Special Fund" shall mean special subsidiary fund established ed by the Central Finance for the purposes of supporting the construction of a public radio and TV service system with the primary function of ground wireless coverage, ensuring the public to receive free Central radio and television programs and promoting the sustainable development of the radio and television undertakings.

       第二条  专项资金是中央财政为支持构建以地面无线覆盖为基础的广播电视公共服务体系,确保人民群众免费收听、收看中央广播电视节目,促进广播电视事业可持续发展而建立的专项补助资金。

  Article 3   The use and administration of the Special Fund shall follow the principle of overall planning, level-to-level administration and special funds for special purpose.

       第三条  专项资金的使用和管理坚持统筹安排、分级管理、专款专用的原则。

  Article 4   The use and administration of the Special Fund shall be subject to the supervision and inspection of the finance, audit and radio, film and television departments.

       第四条  专项资金的使用和管理接受财政、审计、广电部门的监督检查。

Chapter 2: Scope and Content of Expenditures

第二章  支出范围和内容

  Article 5   Scope of use for the Special Fund:

The Special Fund shall be used to subsidize the renewal, repair and maintenance of the transmission system, auxiliary system and relevant monitoring equipments of the transmission and relay stations within the scope of wireless coverage for rebroadcasting the programs of China National Radio Channel 1 (MW and FM) and the TV programs of CCTV 1 and CCTV 7.

The transmission system shall include transmitter, antenna, feeders and multiplexe.

The auxiliary system shall include the program transmission and control system (mainly including the satellite antenna, satellite receiver, analog audio and video switching matrix, monitor and test instrument), power supply and distribution system (mainly including the transformer, stabilized voltage supply, distribution box and cables), ground network and lightning protection and grounding system (mainly including the high frequency grounding and lightning-proof grounding), etc.

       第五条  专项资金的使用范围:




  Article 6   Expenditures of the Special Fund shall include: 

(1)   Outlay for renewal and improvement, including expenses for renewal and improvement of the abovementioned transmission system, auxiliary system and monitoring equipments and indirect expenses for relevant engineering design, inspection and acceptance;

(2)   Outlay for repair, including expenses for the overhaul of abovementioned facilities and equipments such as transmission and auxiliary systems;

(3)   Outlay for maintenance, including electricity fee, transmitter maintenance materials, spare parts and components and rotine maintenance expenses for ventilation installations, signal sources, antenna feeders and multiplexe; and

(4)   Other outlays approved by the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as the "MOF") and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (hereinafter referred to as the "SARFT").

       第六条  专项资金的支出内容包括:





  Article 7   The Special Fund shall not be used for the following items:

(1)   Personnel expenses of the relevant stations and Infrastructure construction expenditures such as the machinery room and environmental control and treatment of the surrouding area;

(2)   Renewal, repair and maintenance of equipments of transmission and auxiliary systems beyond the wireless coverage of the Central radio and television program; and

(3)   Other expenditures beyond the scope provided herein.

       第七条  专项资金不得用于以下项目的开支:




Chapter 3: Application, Examination and Approval

第三章  申请和审批

  Article 8   The MOF and the SARFT shall formulate a plan for the use of the Special Fund for the the current year and issue the budget control amounts of the Special Fund to the departments (bureaus) of finance and the bureaus (departments) of radio, film and television in the relevant provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specially designated in the State plan.

       第八条  财政部商广电总局制定当年专项资金使用方案,向有关省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)和广电局(厅)下达专项资金预算控制数。

  Article 9   Departments (bureaus) of finance of relevant provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specially designated in the State plan shall, in consultation with the bureaus (departments) of radio, film and television at the same level, propose specific fund demand plans based on the actual circumstances of construction projects and within the budget control scope, and submit fund application plans and statements on the use and balance of Central Special Fund for the previous year to the MOF and the SARFT prior to the end of every April.

       第九条  有关省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)商同级广电局(厅),在预算控制数范围内,根据工程实施情况提出具体资金需求计划,并于每年4月底前向财政部、广电总局报送资金申请方案及上一年度中央专项资金使用和结余情况。

  Article 10   The SARFT shall propose the Special Fund allocation plan for the current year after initial review of local applications. After review of the allocation plan,the MOF shall, jointly with the SARFT, issue the Special Fund and copy the relevant documents to the inspection commissioner's offices of the MOF in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the State plan.

       第十条  广电总局对各地申请报告初步审核后提出当年专项资金分配方案,财政部对分配方案审核后与广电总局联合下达专项资金,同时抄送财政部驻各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政监察专员办事处。

  Article 11   Finance departments at all levels shall promptly verify and allocate the Special Fund according to relevant provisions on the administration of the national treasury.

       第十一条  各级财政部门按国库管理的有关规定及时核算和拨付专项资金。

Chapter 4: Administration and Supervision

第四章  管理和监督

  Article 12   Finance departments at all levels shall promptly allocate the Special Fund in full amount, and may not appropriate, intercept or embezzle such Special Fund; they shall be aware of the use and effect of the Special Fund in a timely manner, so as to ensure the proper and safe use of the Special Fund.

       第十二条  各级财政部门要及时足额拨付专项资金,不得挤占、截留和挪用;要及时了解专项资金的使用和效益情况,确保专项资金使用合理、安全。

  Article 13   Departments of radio, film and television at all levels shall apply for and use the Special Fund as provided for herein, and may not use such Special Fund for other purposes on any grounds, so as to ensure that special funds are used for special purposes.

       第十三条  各级广电部门要严格按照本办法规定的开支范围申请和安排使用专项资金,不得以任何借口挪作他用,确保专款专用。

  Article 14   Entities using the Special Fund shall establish and improve a mechanism for the administration and supervision of internal use of such fund, so as to ensure special funds for special purposes, complete formalities, maintain clear accounts and correct settlement.

       第十四条  专项资金使用单位应建立健全内部使用管理和监督约束机制,做到专款专用、手续完备、账目清楚、结算准确。

  Article 15  The Special Fund projects involving government procurement shall be carried out according to relevant provisions on government procurement. Domestically manufactured equipments shall be preferred, provided that the quality of and services for construction projects are ensured.

       第十五条  专项资金中属于政府采购范围的项目,应按政府采购相关规定组织实施。在满足工程质量和服务的前提下,优先采用国产设备。

  Article 16   Where the Special Fund is used in violation of relevant provisions, intercepted or appropriated for other purposes, after such situation is substantiated, a criticism shall be circulated and the misused fund shall be recovered. The person in charge and those directly responsible shall be hold liable according to the law.

       第十六条  对于未按规定使用或将专项资金截留和挪作他用的,一经查实,将予以通报批评并追回违规资金,根据情节依法追究主管人员和直接责任人员的责任。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 17   The departments (bureaus) of finance and the bureaus (departments) of radio, film and television of relevant provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specially designated in the State plan shall formulate detailed implementing rules, and establish administrative measures for equipment management and fund use, so as to improve the effectiveness of use of financial funds.

       第十七条  有关省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)和广电局(厅)应相应制订实施细则,建立健全设备管理、资金使用等管理办法,切实提高财政资金的使用效益。

  Article 18   These Measures shall be interpreted by the MOF and the SARFT.

       第十八条  本办法由财政部和广电总局负责解释。

  Article 19   These Measures shall become effective as of the date of promulgation. 

       第十九条  本办法自发布之日起执行。





中英双语-中央广播电视节目无线覆盖专项资金管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-24 13:48:40