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Notice of the People's Government of Shanghai Pudong New Area on Printing and Distributing the Measures of Pudong New Area on Financial Support for Development of the Headquarters Economy



Promulgating Institution: People's Government of Shanghai Pudong New Area

Document Number: Pu Fu [2011] No. 151

Promulgating Date:06/24/2011

Effective Date: 06/24/2011

颁布机关: 上海市浦东新区人民政府

文号: 浦府[2011]151号

颁布时间: 06/24/2011

实施时间: 06/24/2011


To all commissions, offices and bureaus under the new area government, management committees of all development areas, directly subordinate companies, district offices, town governments and Chuansha New Town:


We hereby print and distribute the Measures of Pudong New Area on Financial Support for Development of the Headquarters Economy to you for your implementation.


People's Government of Shanghai Pudong New Area


June 24, 2011


Measures of Pudong New Area on Financial Support for Development of the Headquarters Economy


  Article 1   With a view to effectively promoting the building of Pudong New Area into the core functional zone in Shanghai serving as the "four centers", focusing on innovation drive and transformation, encouraging multinational companies and large-sized domestic enterprises to establish headquarters in Pudong New Area, strengthening headquarters agglomeration and promoting the sustainable development of headquarters, these Measures are hereby formulated.

       第一条 为紧紧围绕创新驱动、转型发展,有效推进上海“四个中心”核心功能区建设,鼓励跨国公司和国内大企业在浦东新区设立总部,加强总部集聚,促进总部持续发展,制定本办法。

  Article 2   The headquarters mentioned herein include newly introduced headquarters, newly introduced regional headquarters and existing headquarters.

       第二条 本办法所称总部包括新引进的总部、新引进的区域性总部和现有总部。

Newly introduced headquarters refer to the regional headquarters of multinational companies and headquarters of large-sized domestic enterprises established on or after January 1, 2011.


Newly introduced regional headquarters refer to the companies that are established by large-sized domestic and overseas enterprises on or after January 1, 2011 for integrated management, unified operations, settlement and R & D, and other functions.


Existing headquarters refer to the regional headquarters of multinational companies and headquarters of large-sized domestic enterprises that were established in Pudong New Area prior to January 1, 2011 and still exist so far.


  Article 3   These Measures shall apply to the headquarters that are established and registered in, and shall be subject to tax administration in Pudong New Area upon acknowledgement.

       第三条 在浦东新区范围内设立的总部,工商注册地和税收户管地在浦东新区的,经认定,适用本办法。

  Article 4   Key subsidies shall be granted to newly introduced headquarters of multinational companies within a certain number of years, based on enterprise (staff) contributions to Pudong New Area.

       第四条 对新引进的跨国公司地区总部,根据企业(含员工)对新区的贡献程度,在一定年限内给予重点补贴。

  Article 5   Key subsidies shall, within a certain number of years, be granted to newly introduced headquarters of large-sized domestic enterprises, based on enterprise contributions to Pudong New Area; and appropriate subsidies shall, within a certain number of years, be granted to newly introduced regional headquarters, based on enterprise contributions to Pudong New Area. At the same time, appropriate subsidies shall, within a certain number of years, be granted to senior managers, middle-level managers and professionals of headquarters of large-sized domestic companies, based on individual contributions to Pudong New Area; and appropriate subsidies shall, within a certain number of years, be granted to senior managers and middle-level managers of regional headquarters, based on individual contributions to Pudong New Area.

       第五条 对新引进的国内大企业总部,根据企业对新区的贡献程度,在一定年限内给予重点补贴;对新引进的区域性总部,根据企业对新区的贡献程度,在一定年限内给予一定补贴。同时,对国内大企业总部高管人员、中层管理人员和专业人员按其个人对新区的贡献程度,在一定年限内给予一定补贴;对区域性总部高管人员、中层管理人员按其个人对新区的贡献程度,在一定年限内给予一定补贴。

  Article 6   Where newly introduced headquarters purchase offices for self use in Pudong New Area, lump-sum subsidies shall be granted in an appropriate proportion of purchase prices; where newly introduced headquarters rent offices for self use, lump-sum subsidies shall, within a certain period of years, be granted in an appropriate proportion of annual rents.

       第六条 对新引进的总部在新区购买自用办公用房的,按购房房价给予一定比例的一次性补贴;租赁自用办公用房的,在一定年限内按年租金给予一定比例的补贴。

  Article 7   Existing headquarters shall be encouraged to expand their scale, bring functions into play and get upgraded. Appropriate subsidies shall, within a certain number of years, be granted to regional headquarters of multinational enterprises, based on enterprise (staff) contributions to Pudong New Area; appropriate subsidies shall be granted to headquarters of large-sized domestic enterprises within a certain number of years, based on enterprise contributions to Pudong New Area, and appropriate subsidies shall be granted to senior managers, middle-level managers and professionals of headquarters of large-sized domestic companies within a certain number of years, based on individual contributions to Pudong New Area.

       第七条 鼓励现有总部扩大规模、发挥功能、提升能级。其中,对跨国公司地区总部,根据企业(含员工)对新区的贡献程度,在一定年限内继续给予一定补贴;对国内大企业总部,根据企业对新区的贡献程度,在一定年限内继续给予一定补贴,并对高管人员、中层管理人员和专业人员按其个人对新区的贡献程度,在一定年限内给予一定补贴。

  Article 8   Supplementary Provisions

       第八条 附则

(1) Where both the relevant support regulations of superior authorities and these Measures apply, the former shall be implemented first, and the insufficiencies compared to these Measures shall be implemented retroactively; the same enterprise may be supported based on whichever is better, but shall not enjoy both;


(2) In case of any discrepancy between the regulations that have been promulgated by Pudong New Area and these Measures, the latter shall prevail;


(3) An enterprise that enjoys these Measures shall, as of the year of enjoyment, conduct the business operation for more than ten consecutive years in Pudong New Area. For a supported enterprise that is closed down within ten years or cancels tax registration and transfers out of the area without any special reason, or becomes a shell company after withdrawing funds, or is in serious inconformity with comprehensive assessment indicators, the enterprise's qualification to enjoy financial support shall be canceled and allocated financial subsidies shall be recovered; and


(4) These Measures shall come into effect on the date of promulgation, and shall be jointly interpreted by Pudong New Area Business Council and Pudong New Area Finance Bureau. The implementation rules shall be formulated separately.







中英双语-上海市浦东新区人民政府关于印发浦东新区促进总部经济发展财政扶持办法的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-31 08:27:59