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Notice of the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Forwarding the Interim Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Pilot Program for Encouraging the Purchase and Use of New Energy Vehicles by Individuals Promulgated by Six Relevant Departments Including the Municipal Development and Reform Commission



Promulgating Institution: General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government

Document Number: Hu Fu Ban Fa [2012] No. 73

Promulgating Date: 12/25/2012

Effective Date: 12/25/2012

颁布机关: 上海市人民政府办公厅

文      号: 沪府办发[2012]73号

颁布时间: 12/25/2012

实施时间: 12/25/2012


To people's governments of all districts and counties, commissions, offices and bureaus under the municipal government, as well as relevant entities,

The Interim Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Pilot Program for Encouraging the Purchase and Use of New Energy Vehicles by Individuals, formulated by the municipal development and reform commission, the municipal finance bureau, the municipal commission of economy and informatization, the municipal science and technology commission, the municipal transport and port authority and the municipal public security bureau, has been approved by the municipal government, and is hereby forwarded to you for implementation.

General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government

December 25, 2012

Interim Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Pilot Program for Encouraging the Purchase and Use of New Energy Vehicles by Individuals








Chapter 1: General Provisions

    第一章  总则

  Article 1    With a view to implementing the Development Plan for the Energy-conserving and New Energy Vehicle Industry (2012-2020) printed and issued by the State Council, and the Notice on the Pilot Implementation of Subsidies for the Purchase of New Energy Vehicles by Individuals and the Notice on Furthering the Pilot Demonstration and Popularization of Energy-conserving and New Energy Vehicles promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission, on the basis of the special subsidies from the central financial department, the municipal financial department shall subsidize the purchase and use of new energy vehicles by individuals and give license plate quota support to new energy vehicles to support the demonstrative application of new energy vehicles. With a view to strengthening the administration of subsidies and new energy vehicle license plate quotas, these Interim Measures are hereby formulated.

       第一条  为了贯彻国务院印发的《节能与新能源汽车产业发展规划(2012-2020年)》和财政部、科技部、工业和信息化部、国家发展改革委《关于开展私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点的通知》、《关于进一步做好节能与新能源汽车示范推广试点工作的通知》要求,在中央财政专项资金补助的基础上,本市财政对私人购买和使用新能源汽车给予补助,并对新能源汽车给予牌照额度支持,鼓励新能源汽车示范应用。为加强补助资金和新能源汽车牌照额度管理,特制定本暂行办法。

  Article 2    New energy vehicles mentioned in these Interim Measures refer to plug-in hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles that meet the requirements of the relevant announcement of the State.

       第二条  本暂行办法所称新能源汽车,是指符合国家有关公告要求的插电式(plug in)混合动力乘用车和纯电动乘用车。

  Article 3    Subsidies and license plate quotas shall be arranged for use under the principles of “being scientific, reasonable, impartial and transparent”.

       第三条  补助资金和牌照额度,按照“科学合理、公正透明”的原则安排使用。

  Article 4    Relevant departments, including the municipal development and reform commission, the municipal finance bureau, the municipal commission of economy and informatization, the municipal science and technology commission, the municipal transport and port authority, the municipal public security bureau, the municipal urban and rural construction and transportation commission and the municipal bureau of quality and technical supervision, shall, within the scope of their respective responsibilities and the provisions of these Interim Measures, implement the city's policies of subsidy and license plate quota support for the purchase and use of new energy vehicles by individuals.

The municipal development and reform commission shall, in association with relevant departments, be responsible for the overall coordination and promotion of the implementation, arrange the city's subsidies from the special funds for energy conservation and emission reduction, and evaluate the implementation effects of these Interim Measures.

The municipal finance bureau and the municipal science and technology commission shall be responsible for submitting the annual popularization plan for the purchase of new energy vehicles by individuals to the relevant ministries and commissions of the State, to apply for the special subsidies from the central financial department. The municipal finance bureau shall be responsible for the actual appropriation of and the supervision over the use of the special subsidies from the central financial department and the city's subsidies.

The municipal commission of economy and informatization shall be responsible for accepting subsidy applications, and formulating and declaring the city's annual subsidy use plan, and shall, in association with the departments including the municipal science and technology commission, the municipal urban and rural construction and transportation commission, the municipal transport and port authority, and the municipal bureau of quality and technical supervision, be responsible for determining the product conditions for new energy vehicles, making out confirmation vouchers and regularly releasing the catalogue of new energy vehicles that meet relevant conditions.

The municipal transport and port authority shall be responsible for issuing quotas of special license plates for new energy vehicles (hereinafter referred to as "Quotas of Special License Plates")

The municipal public security bureau shall be responsible for registering new energy vehicles and providing the relevant registration information of new energy vehicles in Shanghai to departments accepting subsidy applications.

       第四条  市发展改革委、市财政局、市经济信息化委、市科委、市交通港口局、市公安局、市建设交通委、市质量技监局等有关部门按照部门职责分工和本暂行办法的规定,落实本市鼓励私人购买和使用新能源汽车的资金补助及牌照额度支持政策。






Chapter 2: Conditions and Standards

    第二章  条件和标准

  Article 5    The purchase and use of new energy vehicles by individuals shall include direct purchase and vehicle leasing.

(1) Direct purchase: vehicle manufacturers shall be subsidized and sell new energy vehicles to individual users at prices after subsidy deduction.

(2) Vehicle leasing: vehicle manufacturers shall be subsidized and sell new energy vehicles to leasing enterprises at prices after subsidy deduction. The “use nature” of new energy vehicles shall be “leasing”.

       第五条  私人购买和使用新能源汽车包括私人直接购买和整车租赁两种形式。



  Article 6    New energy vehicles and their manufacturers shall meet the following conditions:

(1) New energy vehicles shall be included in the Catalogue of Models Recommended for the Project of Energy-conserving and New Energy Vehicle Demonstration and Popularization. Enterprises shall ensure the consistency between new energy vehicles and products in the catalogue.

(2) The power battery capacity of an electric vehicle and a plug-in electric vehicle is not less than 15 kilowatts and not less than 10 kilowatts (the driving range under the electric mode is not less than 50 kilometers) respectively. Power batteries shall exclude lead acid batteries.

(3) Vehicle manufacturers and manufacturers of key parts including power battery have certain production capacities and perfect after-sales service systems, and provide warranties of not less than five years or 100,000 kilometers (on a first-come-first-serve basis) for key parts including power battery.

(4) When selling new energy vehicles, vehicle manufacturers shall provide consumers with guaranteed product performance parameters tested with methods prescribed by relevant national standards: maximum speed of vehicles within 30 minutes under the electric mode, maximum speed of plug-in hybrid vehicles, acceleration time from 0 km/h to 50 km/h, maximum gradient, power consumption per 100 km (mode test cycle), driving range (mode test cycle), motor type and power, power battery type and total storage capacity, charging mode and time of (fast/slow), power and input voltage of vehicle-mounted charger, etc.

(5) Vehicle manufacturers shall install remote monitoring devices on new energy vehicles for demonstrative operations to monitor daily operations of vehicles, power batteries, motors and other safety systems, thereby collecting, making statistics of and analyzing operation data; and shall establish maintenance outlets and emergency repair outlets in Shanghai, and promise to recycle vehicles and power batteries at certain depreciation rates.

(6) Vehicle manufacturers shall publish to consumers the guided market prices of new energy vehicles and the amount of central and city subsidiaries they may apply for.

(7) Vehicle manufacturers shall go through formalities with the municipal commission of economy and informatization for filing relevant certificates of the conditions specified in Items (1) to (6) of Article 6 of these Interim Measures for the record. Certificates of relevant product parameters specified in Items (2) to (4) shall be issued by test institutions accredited by the municipal bureau of quality and technical supervision.

(8) New energy vehicle users shall purchase vehicles, request sellers to issue purchase invoices, and pay the vehicle purchase tax in the city, and shall, within three months after obtaining purchase vehicles, complete registration formalities at the vehicle administration office of the traffic police contingent of the municipal public security bureau.

       第六条  新能源汽车产品及其汽车生产企业应符合下列条件:









  Article 7    For new energy vehicles directly purchased by individual users and conform to the provisions of Article 6 of these Interim Measures, the city’s department of motor vehicle quota examination (hereinafter referred to as “the Quota Examination Department”) shall issue Quotas of Special License Plates free of charge. For new energy vehicles purchased by vehicle leasing enterprises, quotas of leased vehicle operations shall be obtained in accordance with the Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Biddings for Urban Public Transport Resource Allocation Projects (Hu Jiao Fa [2011] No. 200) and the registration formalities shall be completed in accordance with procedures.

       第七条  对私人用户直接购买的符合本暂行办法第六条规定的新能源汽车,由本市机动车额度审查部门(以下简称“额度审查部门”)免费发放专用牌照额度。对整车租赁企业购买的新能源汽车,按照《上海市城市交通公共资源配置项目招投标管理规定》(沪交法〔2011〕200号)获取租赁车辆营运额度,并按照程序办理注册登记。

  Article 8    For new energy vehicles that conform to the provisions of Articles 5 and 6, the central financial department shall grant subsidies in accordance with the provisions of relevant documents of the State. On this basis, the city shall, in accordance with the following standards, subsidize vehicle manufacturers that meet relevant conditions determined by the city including safety, power and maintenance assurance (specific conditions shall be set separately by relevant departments):

(1) A subsidy of RMB 30,000 per plug-in hybrid vehicle and RMB 40,000 per electric vehicle shall be granted to vehicle manufacturers.

(2) A subsidy of RMB 2,000 per unit shall be granted to business entities that organize employees to purchase ten or more new energy vehicles at one time (hereinafter referred to as "Group Purchase Entities"), and subsidies must be used for the construction of charging facilities, maintenance management and creating favorable conditions and environment for new energy vehicle use.

(3) A subsidy of RMB 300 shall be granted to vehicle manufacturers for each pack of recycled power batteries for new energy vehicles.

       第八条  对符合第五条、第六条规定的新能源汽车,中央财政按国家有关文件规定给予补助。在此基础上,对符合本市确定的安全性、动力性、维护保障等有关条件的(具体条件由相关部门另行制订),本市按照以下标准给予补助:




Chapter 3: Process of Special License Plate Application, Examination and Issuance

    第三章  专用牌照额度申请、审核与发放流程

  Article 9    Vehicle manufacturers shall, before selling new energy vehicles, on the strength of materials including motor vehicle quality certificates, apply to the municipal commission of economy and informatization for vouchers for confirming that new energy vehicles conform to the relevant provisions of Items (1) to (7) of Article 6 of these Interim Measures. The municipal commission of economy and informatization shall examine the motor vehicle information provided by vehicle manufacturers and make out vouchers where vehicles meet relevant conditions. Confirmation vouchers (one for each vehicle), shall indicate information including manufacturer name, factory plate model, vehicle identification number, engine number (plug-in hybrid vehicle).

       第九条  汽车生产企业在销售新能源汽车前,应凭机动车出厂合格证明等材料,向市经济信息化委申领新能源汽车产品符合本暂行办法第六条第(一)至(七)款有关规定的确认凭证。市经济信息化委对汽车生产企业提供的机动车产品信息进行审核,符合条件的,开具确认凭证。确认凭证上应注明汽车生产企业名称、车辆厂牌型号、车辆识别代号、发动机号(插电式混合动力乘用车)等信息,每车一张。

  Article 10    When selling new energy vehicles, vehicle manufacturers shall confirm that vouchers are delivered with motor vehicle quality certificates.

       第十条  汽车生产企业在销售新能源汽车时,应将确认凭证随机动车出厂合格证一同交付。

  Article 11    Individual users that have purchased new energy vehicles and paid the vehicle purchase tax shall, on the strength of materials required for quota examination including Shanghai’s resident identity cards or residence permits (excluding temporary residence permits, hereinafter referred to as “Identity Certificates”), purchase invoices and confirmation vouchers issued by the municipal commission of economy and informatization, apply to Quota Examination Departments set at places of vehicle purchase tax collection for Quotas of Special License Plates. Quota Examination Departments shall, after examining the above-mentioned materials and determining that they meet relevant requirements, collect confirmation vouchers, indicate “new energy” on vehicle purchase tax payment proofs and confirm that applicants are approved to use Quotas of Special License Plates.

       第十一条  购买新能源汽车并缴纳车辆购置税的私人用户,凭上海市居民身份证或居住证件(不含临时居住证,以下称“身份证明”)、购车发票、市经济信息化委开具的确认凭证等额度审查所需材料,向设于车辆购置税征收点的额度审查部门申请专用牌照额度。额度审查部门审核上述材料并认定其符合要求后,收取确认凭证,在车辆购置税完税凭证上标注“新能源”,确认同意申请人使用专用牌照额度。

  Article 12    Where individual users apply to the vehicle administration office of the traffic police contingent of the municipal public security bureau for going through the formalities for new energy vehicle registration, the office shall examine the confirmation information of Quota Examination Departments on vehicle purchase tax payment proofs and issue special license plates if Quota Examination Departments approve of using Quotas of Special License Plates. The office shall practice the one-plate-one-vehicle system for new energy vehicles that use Quotas of Special License Plates, shall reject applications for plate return, and shall refuse to issue quota update proofs for transfer registration, cancelation registration and theft registration outside its jurisdiction.

       第十二条  私人用户向市公安局交警总队车辆管理所申请办理新能源汽车注册登记,车辆管理所审核购置税完税凭证上额度审查部门的确认信息,对额度审查部门同意使用专用牌照额度的,核发专用号牌专段号码。对使用专用牌照额度的新能源汽车,实行一车一牌制度,不予办理退牌业务,且办理辖区外转移登记、注销登记、失窃业务的,不予发放额度更新凭证。

Chapter 4: Procedures of Subsidy Application, Examination and Issuance

    第四章  补助资金申请、审核与发放流程

  Article 13    After completing new energy vehicle registration, vehicle manufacturers shall, on the strength of relevant materials including new energy vehicle purchase invoices, vehicle purchase tax payment proofs, motor vehicle registration certificates and vehicle licenses, and copies of individual users’ Identity Certificates or leasing enterprises’ relevant certificates (including organizational code certificate and corporate business license), file written applications with the municipal commission of economy and informatization for subsidies.

       第十三条  新能源汽车完成注册登记后,汽车生产企业凭新能源汽车购车发票、车辆购置税完税凭证、机动车登记证书和行驶证、私人用户的身份证明或租赁企业的有关证明(包括组织机构代码证和企业营业执照)复印件等相关材料,以书面形式向市经济信息化委申请补助资金。

  Article 14    Group purchase entities shall, on the strength of materials including new energy vehicle purchase invoices, vehicle purchase tax payment proofs, motor vehicle registration certificates and vehicle licenses, Group Purchase Entities’ organizational code certificates, corporate business licenses or legal person certificates, plans for group purchase subsidy use, and copies of individual users’ Identity Certificates and labor relation certificates, file written applications with the municipal commission of economy and informatization for group purchase subsidies.

       第十四条  团购单位凭新能源汽车购车发票、车辆购置税完税凭证、机动车登记证书和行驶证、团购单位组织机构代码证、企业营业执照或法人证书、团购补助使用方案,以及私人用户的身份证明、劳动关系证明复印件等材料,以书面形式向市经济信息化委申请团购补助资金。

  Article 15    Vehicle manufacturers shall, on the strength of recycling proofs and relevant supporting materials, file written applications with the municipal commission of economy and informatization for subsidies for recycling power batteries for new energy vehicles.

       第十五条  新能源汽车动力电池回收补助,由汽车生产企业凭回收凭证及有关证明材料,以书面形式向市经济信息化委申请。

  Article 16    The municipal commission of economy and informatization shall, after receiving subsidy application materials from vehicle manufacturers and Group Purchase Entities, examine application materials in association with relevant departments. Where relevant enterprises or entities meet subsidy requirements and application materials are complete, the municipal commission of economy and informatization shall determine the subsidies and submit fund appropriation application reports to the municipal finance bureau. The bureau shall, based on fund appropriation application reports, directly appropriate subsidies to accounts opened by vehicle manufacturers or Group Purchase Entities. Where relevant enterprises or entities do not meet subsidy requirements, the municipal commission of economy and informatization shall inform such vehicle manufacturers or Group Purchase Entities in writing.

       第十六条  市经济信息化委收到汽车生产企业、团购单位提交的补助资金申请材料后,会同有关部门对申请材料进行审核。对符合补助要求且材料齐全的,由市经济信息化委核定补助资金,并向市财政局提出资金拨付申请报告。市财政局根据资金拨付申请报告,将补助资金直接拨付到汽车生产企业或团购单位开设的账户。对不符合补助要求的,由市经济信息化委以书面形式告知汽车生产企业或团购单位。

Chapter 5: Supervision and Administration

    第五章  监督管理

  Article 17    Departments including the municipal development and reform commission, the municipal finance bureau, the municipal commission of economy and informatization, the municipal science and technology commission, the municipal transport and port authority, the municipal public security bureau, and the municipal bureau of quality and technical supervision shall, within the scope of respective responsibilities, strengthen the follow-up inspection, supervision and administration of new energy vehicle purchase, subsidy issuance, actual sales prices and issuance of special quotas of new energy vehicles, to ensure the safe and timely issuance of subsidies and Quotas of Special License Plates and the proper implementation of policies. The municipal commission of economy and informatization shall, before April 15 each year, disclose the subsidy use in the city in the previous year.

       第十七条  市发展改革委、市财政局、市经济信息化委、市科委、市交通港口局、市公安局、市质量技监局等部门应在各自职责范围内,加强对新能源汽车购置、补助资金发放、实际销售价格、新能源汽车专用额度发放等情况的跟踪检查和监督管理,确保补助资金和专用牌照额度安全、及时发放,用好支持政策。市经济信息化委应于每年4月15日前,向社会公开上一年本市补助资金使用情况。

  Article 18    Individual users, leasing enterprises, Group Purchase Entities and vehicle manufacturers shall be responsible for the authenticity of application materials provided respectively, and vehicle manufacturers shall be responsible for product consistency. Where new energy vehicles disagree with application materials and performance indicators do not meet relevant requirements, individual users, leasing enterprises, Group Purchase Entities or vehicle manufacturers have provided false information or swindled subsidies and Quotas of Special License Plates, or have sold new energy vehicles without deducting subsidies, upon investigation and verification, the subjects of responsibility shall, based on specific conditions and the seriousness of circumstances, be subject to punishments including recovering subsidies, issuing circulation notices of criticism and canceling qualifications.

       第十八条  私人用户、租赁企业、团购单位和汽车生产企业对各自提供的申请材料的真实性负责,汽车生产企业对产品一致性负责。凡新能源汽车产品与申报材料不符、性能指标未达到要求,提供虚假信息、骗取补助资金和专用牌照额度,以及未按照扣除补助金额销售新能源汽车产品的,一经查实,视具体情况、情节轻重与责任主体给予追缴补助资金、通报批评、取消资格等处罚。

  Article 19    Subsidies must be earmarked for specified purposes, and no entities may intercept or divert such subsidies for any reason and in any form. Liabilities of relevant entities and staff that have violated relevant regulations shall be pursued in accordance with relevant regulations including the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions for Fiscal Violations (Order No. 427 of the State Council).

       第十九条  补助资金必须专款专用,任何单位不得以任何理由、形式截留、挪用。对违反规定的,由有关部门依照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)等有关规定,依法追究有关单位和人员的责任。

Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions

    第六章  附则

  Article 20    These Interim Measures shall be interpreted by the municipal development and reform commission, the municipal finance bureau, the municipal commission of economy and informatization, the municipal science and technology commission, the municipal transport and port authority and the municipal public security bureau within the scope of respective responsibilities.

       第二十条  本暂行办法由市发展改革委、市财政局、市经济信息化委、市科委、市交通港口局、市公安局按职责分工负责解释。

  Article 21    The relevant municipal departments shall, in accordance with these Interim Measures, formulate operational documents for the pilot implementation of subsidies for the purchase of new energy vehicles by individuals.

       第二十一条  市有关部门依据本暂行办法,制订私人购买新能源汽车补助试点的操作性文件。

  Article 22    These Interim Measures shall come into effect from the date of promulgation and remain valid till December 31, 2013. The implementation term of central financial subsidy policies shall be in accordance with relevant documents of the State. These Interim Measures shall be applicable to new energy vehicle purchased after May 31, 2010.

Shanghai Municipal Development & Reform Commission

Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau

Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization

Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission

Shanghai Municipal Transport and Port Authority

Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Public Security

December 24, 2012

       第二十二条  本暂行办法自发布之日起施行,有效期至2013年12月31日。中央财政补助政策实施期限按国家有关文件规定执行。2010年5月31日以后购买新能源汽车的适用本暂行办法。












中英双语-上海市人民政府办公厅关于转发市发展改革委等六部门制订的《上海市鼓励私人购买和使用新能源汽车试点实施暂行办法》的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-31 08:29:43