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Measures of Shaoguan Municipality for Implementation of Purchasing Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Land Requisitioned by Government-invested Project Construction



Promulgating Institution: People’s Government of Shaoguan Municipality

Document Number: Order No. 65 of People’s Government of Shaoguan Municipality

Promulgating Date: 10/21/2009

Effective Date: 10/21/2009

颁布机关: 韶关市人民政府

文      号: 韶关市人民政府令第65号

颁布时间: 10/21/2009

实施时间: 10/21/2009


Measures of Shaoguan Municipality for Implementation of Purchasing Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Land Requisitioned by Invested Project Construction which was adopted at 39th Standing Meeting of 12th Session of People's Government of Shaoguan Municipality on September 10, 2009, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect as of promulgation date.

People's Government of Shaoguan Municipality

October 21, 2009






Measures of Shaoguan Municipality for Implementation of Purchasing Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Land Requisitioned by Government-invested Project Construction



Chapter I   General Provisions

    第一章  总则

  Article 1   In order to enhance administration over purchase of shares with compensation funds for rural lands requisitioned by government-invested projects construction, safeguard lawful rights and interests of peasants whose lands are requisitioned and ensure stable investment benefits to the said peasants, These Measures are hereby formulated in accordance with such relevant provisions as Measures of Guangdong Province for Administration of Circulating Right to Use Collective Construction Lands and Guiding Opinions on Improvement of the System for Compensating and Settling Requisitioned Lands and based on the reality of Shaoguan Municipality.

       第一条  为了加强对政府投资项目建设征用农地折资参股的管理,维护被征地农民的合法权益,使被征地农民有稳定的投资收益,根据《广东省集体建设用地使用权流转管理办法》和国土资源部《关于完善征地补偿安置制度的指导意见》等有关规定,结合我市的实际情况,制定如下实施办法。

  Article 2   "Purchase of shares with compensation funds for rural lands requisitioned" means that peasants whose lands are requisitioned contribute compensation funds for requisitioned lands to invested project construction with long-term stable benefits by means of purchasing shares with compensation funds thereof, and the shareholders (peasants) obtain dividends upon the strength of share ownership.

       第二条  “征用农地补偿折资参股”是指被征地的农民以补偿费折资参股方式投入具有长期稳定收益的投资项目建设,股民(农民)凭借股权取得的资本红利收益。

  Article 3   Purchase of shares with compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands shall stick to principles of "voluntariness, quantification of asset, clarified share ownership, fixed returns and withdrawal upon expiry", protect lawful rights and interests of rural joint-share economic cooperative organizations that purchase shares with compensation funds for requisitioned lands and the shareholders thereof, and ensure the realization of benefits of shareholders' long-term investment.

       第三条  以征用农地补偿款参股,实行自愿并遵循“自主自愿、资产量化、股权明晰、固定回报、到期退回”的原则,保障征地补偿款折资参股农村股份经济合作组织和股民的合法权益,确保股民长期投资收益得到兑现。

  Article 4   "Purchase of shares with compensation funds for rural lands requisitioned" shall not refer to investment on shares in general. It shall refer to an operational mode for bonds with a specified investment return period and the basic (minimum) return on investment under which peasants whose lands are requisitioned shall not undertake investment risk as bond investors.

       第四条  “征用农地折资参股”不是一般意义上的股权投资,而是一种债券的运作模式,设有投资回报期和最基本(最低)的投资回报率,被征地的农民(股民)作为债权投资人不承担投资风险。

  Article 5   Share capital for rural lands requisitioned by government-invested project refers to compensation fees for requisitioned lands themselves, resettlement subsidies and compensation for green crops and ground attachment.

       第五条  政府投资项目征用农地股本金是指项目征地补偿费、安置补助费和青苗、附着物补偿款。

  Article 6   "Purchase of shares with compensation funds for rural lands requisitioned" means to invest in government-invested project construction with compensation funds exclusively for requisitioned rural lands through share purchase. Yet, purchase of shares (investment) by peasants or collective economic organizations with the right to use lands to participate in non-government-invested project construction, such as setting up enterprises with others by means of cooperation or joint operation, shall be deemed as circulation of the right to use lands for collective construction, which shall not fall into the category of "purchase of shares with compensation funds for rural lands requisitioned by construction of projects invested by Shaoguan Government".

       第六条  “征用农地折资参股”是指以农地补偿款折资入股方式投入政府投资项目建设的资金。而农民或集体经济组织以土地使用权作价入股(出资),参与非政府投资建设的项目,如与他人合作、联营等形式共同兴办企业的,视同集体建设用地使用权流转,不属于“韶关市政府投资项目建设征用农地折资参股”的范畴。

Chapter II   Share Management

    第二章  股份管理

  Article 7   Finance Bureau of Shaoguan Municipality is the regulatory department of "purchase of shares with compensation funds for rural lands requisitioned", taking in charge of the regulation on confirmation of share capital and division of return thereof.

       第七条  韶关市财政局是“征用农地折资参股”的监管部门,负责股本金确认以及股金收益分配等监管工作。

  Article 8   Bureau of Land and Resources at municipal (county) level in Shaoguan shall, on behalf of the government thereof, conduct the calculation and confirmation of rural land requisition, compensation fees for requisitioned lands themselves, resettlement subsidies, compensation for green crops and ground attachments and guide rural committees and peasants to purchase shares actively.

       第八条  韶关市(县)国土资源局代表政府实施农地的征地、土地补偿费、安置补助费、青苗、附着物补偿款的计算和确认工作,引导村委及村民积极参股。

  Article 9   Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality shall administrate purchase of shares with compensation funds for rural lands requisitioned for construction purpose specifically on behalf of the municipal government.

 (1) In charge of mobilizing through propaganda rural committees and peasants involved in land requisition to participate actively in share purchase with compensation funds thereof and raising share capital actively;

 (2) In charge of economic appraisal on share purchase with compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands, purchase of shares and confirmation of share ownership;

 (3) In charge of administration of shareholders' files;

 (4) In charge of entering into Contract on Purchase of Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Lands Requisitioned by Government-invested Project Construction in Shaoguan Municipality with rural collective economic organizations or individuals involved in share purchase hereof;

 (5) Investing on behalf of the government in construction of invested-projects with long-term stable benefits approved by the standing meeting of Municipal Government; in charge of entering into Contract on Purchasing of Shares in Project Construction with investing construction units, participating in operation and administration of invested projects and settling invested projects;

 (6) Examining the exclusive accounts concerned of the project operating units and requiring the operating units hereof to withhold funds for share capital to redeem shares at a certain ratio year by year on behalf of the government;

       第九条  韶关市国土资源储备交易中心代表市政府具体负责建设用农地折资参股的管理工作。







  Article 10   Ways of raising share capital (compensation funds for lands requisitioned by projects hereof) are as follows:

(1) Purchasing shares with compensation fees for requisitioned lands themselves in the name of rural collective economic organizations;

(2) Purchasing shares with resettlement subsidies in the name of rural collective economic organizations; or purchasing shares in the name of individual peasants where uniform resettlement is not required;

(3) Compensation for green crops and ground attachments shall be paid directly to peasants in cash bankbook; or peasants may purchase shares with compensation hereof in the name of individuals if they please;

(4) Compensation funds for requisitioned lands of all counties (county-level cities or districts) shall be used to purchase shares in the name of counties (county-level cities or districts), which shall be responsible directly for their respective rural collective economic organizations or individuals who hold shares hereof;

       第十条  股本金(项目征地补偿费)的筹集方式:





  Article 11   Procedure of subscribing share capital is as follows:

(1) Shareholders enter into Contract on Purchase of Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Lands Requisitioned by Government-invested Project Construction in Shaoguan Municipality with Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality;

(2) Shareholders fill in Application Form of Purchase of Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Lands Requisitioned by Government-invested Project Construction in Shaoguan Municipality;

(3) Shareholders store share capital into exclusive accounts designated by Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality at designated banks (or present certificates on purchase of shares with compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands issued by land and resources bureaus upon approval), and open accounts for yearly dividends of investment;

(4) Shareholders submit to Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality accounts for yearly dividends, business licenses, duplications of identity certificates or identification cards of legal entities, heads in responsible or individuals thereof, Contract on Purchase of Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Lands Requisitioned by Government-invested Project Construction in Shaoguan Municipality that has been entered into, Application Form of Purchase of Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Lands Requisitioned by Government-invested Project Construction in Shaoguan Municipality that has been filled, and payment certificates (or certificates on share purchase with compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands issued by land and resources bureaus upon approval) (shareholders in counties, county-level cities or districts shall have the said materials submitted in care of designated units).

(5) Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality verify materials submitted and issue certificates of share ownership to shareholders (as for shareholders in counties, county-level cities or districts, certificates of share ownership shall be delivered in care of designated units);

       第十一条  认购股本金的程序:






  Article 12   As for administration of shareholders' files, requirements on file administration shall be applied. Application forms, certificates and contracts of shareholders shall be numbered and shareholders' files shall be stored as permanent files.

       第十二条  对于股民档案资料管理,按照档案管理的要求,对股民的申请书、证明书、合同书进行编号管理,股民的资料作为永久性资料进行保存。

Chapter III   Returns on Shares

    第三章  股份的回报

  Article 13   Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory shall calculate dividends at an annual interest rate of no less than 5% by taking RMB 100 as an issue of share in accordance with total amount of compensation funds for requisitioned lands. Calculation of dividends hereof shall be commenced from the execution of Contract on Purchase of Shares with Compensation Funds for Rural Lands Requisitioned by Government-invested Project Construction in Shaoguan Municipality and share purchase and be terminated by December 31. After that, dividend calculation shall be conducted from January 1 to December 31 each year.

       第十三条  按照征地补偿总金额的部分,以100元折算为1股,由韶关市国土资源储备交易中心按照不低于年息5%计算股息分红。红利的计算从签订《韶关市政府投资项目建设征用农地补偿费折资参股合同书》并入股之日起至12月31日止,以后每年的红利的计算从1月1日至12月31日。

  Article 14   In consideration of respecting peasants' willingness in investment and ensuring peasants whose lands are requisitioned to reduce operation risk, investment return period is set to be 10 years. In consideration of the factor that bank rate may rise within ten years, the minimum return on investment is set to be 5%.

       第十四条  基于尊重从农民投资意愿和保障失地农民减低经营风险角度出发,设定投资回报期为10年,考虑到在十年期限内,银行利率有可能上调的因素,设定最低回报率为5%。

  Article 15   Sources of Benefits of Share Capital:

(1) Benefits obtained from invested construction projects (including benefits obtained from transfer of lands under the projects hereof);

(2) Project funds arranged in the municipal budget (including collected taxation arrangement concerning the projects hereof);

(3) Other funds.

       第十五条  股本金收益来源渠道:




  Article 16   Administration of Share Capital:

(1) In case of purchasing shares directly with compensation funds for requisitioned lands (free shares), share capital hereof shall be reported to municipal finance bureau for record upon authentication;

 (2) In case of purchasing shares directly with share capital (in cash), the share capital shall be incorporated into exclusive accounts at Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality and administrated by means of independent account verification.

(3) Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality enter into contracts with operation units that are entitled to use share capital upon approval of the municipal government and report the contracts to municipal finance bureau for record;

(4) Use of share capital adopts the principle that the user thereof shall be responsible for dividend payment. Where the dividend ratio of operation units of government-invested projects is less than 5% in the period of project construction and operation, the government shall be responsible for dividend payment through overall planning. As for interests for deposit in exclusive accounts or benefits of other non-risk investment, risk reserve funds or funds for redemption of share capital shall be established at a certain ratio year by year.

       第十六条  股本金的管理:





  Article 17   Investing construction units that use requisitioned rural lands practically shall transfer dividends for compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands used to purchase shares into exclusive accounts of Finance Bureau of Shaoguan Municipality; Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality shall, by the end of January of the following year, divide the dividends of compensation funds for rural lands requisitioned in the preceding year. Dividing method: transferring dividend into shareholders' bank accounts directly.

       第十七条  具体使用征用农地的投资建设单位,须在每年12月30日前将上年使用征用农地折资入股的分红款转入韶关市财政局专用账户;韶关市国土资源储备交易中心在次年1月底前将上年征用农地补偿款入股红利全部分配。分配方式:直接划入股民银行账户。

  Article 18   In accordance with the principle of "compensating peasants whose lands are requisitioned", only shareholders whose contracted lands are requisitioned shall be entitled to obtain benefits, other shareholders of joint-share economic organizations shall not participate in division of return on investment through share purchase by compensation funds for requisitioned land; returns on collective shares shall be divided averagely among all shareholders, regardless of contracted lands, rural population or other factors. Returns on investment through share purchase with compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands shall be divided among rural population in accordance with registered household.

       第十八条  按照“征谁补谁”的原则,由被征用承包地的股民获得回报,股份经济组织内其他股民不参与农地资产参股红利分配;集体股份的红利回报由全体股民平均分配,不考虑承包地、农业人口等因素;征用农地补偿款参股红利分配按户籍所在地农业人口分配。

Chapter IV   Withdrawal of Shares

    第四章  股份退回

  Article 19   Investment period of share capital is 10 years. Upon the expiry of the contract, share capital shall be paid back in accordance with the principle that the user of share capital shall be responsible to pay back share capital. Share capital shall not be withdrawn within the contract period in principle. In case of any particular case that requires share withdrawal during the contract period, an application shall be submitted to Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality in advance and share capital may be withdrawn upon approval.

       第十九条  股本金入股投资期限为10年。合同期满,归还本金,实行谁使用股本金,谁归还到期股本金的原则。合同期内原则上不能退股,如有特殊情况要中途退股的,则须提前向韶关市国土资源储备交易中心提出申请,并经批准方可退股。

  Article 20   Period for share withdrawal is two months before the expiry of the contract during which relevant formalities concerning share withdrawal shall be undergone at Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality.

       第二十条  股份退回的期限为合同期满前两个月内到韶关市国土资源储备交易中心办理股份退回的有关手续。

  Article 21   When shares are withdrawn, amount equivalent to original share capital shall be remitted into shareholders' bank accounts directly.

       第二十一条  股份退回时按入股的本金数直接划到股民银行账户。

  Article 22   Procedure of share withdrawal is as follows:

(1) Shareholders themselves or their agents fill in Application Form for Share Withdrawal and submit forms to Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality.

(2) Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality cancels appliers' accounts opened when purchasing shares, and remits appliers' share capital to their designated bank accounts directly.

       第二十二条  股份退回的程序:



Chapter V   Supervision and Examination

    第五章  监督检查

  Article 23   In order to enhance administration on compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands used to purchase shares, improve transparency of the acts of shares purchase hereof, such departments as finance, auditing or discipline inspection and supervision departments shall intensify their efforts in supervision. Construction units that invest in projects and project operation units shall regulate their operating procedures. Meanwhile, hearings shall be held on share purchase with compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands and an offence report system shall be established, which allows all quarters of the society to supervise the process of share purchase with compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands.

       第二十三条  为了加强征用农地折资入股资金的管理,增强征用农地补偿款入股行为的透明度,市财政、审计、纪检监察等部门要加大监督力度。项目投资建设单位、项目营运单位要规范操作程序。同时实行征用农地补偿款折资入股听证会,建立举报制度,允许社会各界对征用农地补偿款折资入股过程实行监督。

  Article 24   Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality shall disclose operation status of invested projects regularly. Economic organizations or individuals who hold shares shall be entitled for reference hereof.

       第二十四条  韶关市国土资源储备交易中心应当定期公开投资项目的运营状况,入股的经济组织或个人有权查阅。

  Article 25   Trade Center for Land and Resources Repertory of Shaoguan Municipality shall repot to the Municipal Finance Bureau in written form the situation about the number of share holders, share capital and dividend of each month.

       第二十五条  韶关市国土资源储备交易中心应当每月对入股的户数、入股资金及分红等情况以书面形式函告市财政局。

  Article 26   In order to ensure shareholders' interests, no unit or individual shall be entitled to misappropriate, embezzle or divide privately dividend of share capital. In case of any violation against These Measures in the process of share purchase with compensation funds for requisitioned rural lands, the person directly responsible shall be held reliable; in case of constituting a crime, the person shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with laws.

       第二十六条  为了确保入股人的利益,任何单位或个人不得挤占、挪用、私分入股分红资金。若在征用农地折资入股过程中违反本办法规定的,应追究直接责任人的责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Chapter VI   Supplementary Provisions

    第六章   附则

  Article 27   These Measures shall come into effect as of the promulgation date.

       第二十七条  本办法自发布之日起施行。





中英双语-韶关市人民政府关于印发《韶关市政府投资项目建设征用农地折资参股实施办法》的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-31 17:21:29