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Measures on the Compilation of Statistics on Donated Funds and Materials for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Civil Affairs; Ministry of Finance; National Bureau of Statistics

Promulgating Date: 07/16/2008

Effective Date: 07/16/2008

颁布机关: 民政部; 财政部; 国家统计局

颁布时间: 07/16/2008

实施时间: 07/16/2008


  Article 1   In order to regulate the information and statistical work of the donations for earthquake relief and disaster relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Management and Use of Donated Funds and Materials for Disaster Relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake" (Guo Ban Fa [2008] No. 39), the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on the Use of Donated Funds for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake" (Guo Ban Fa [2008] No. 51) and the "Notice on Strengthening the Supervision and Administration of Funds and Materials for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief" of five Ministries and Commissions including the Central Committee for Disciplinary Inspection (Zhong Ji Fa [2008] No. 12).

       第一条  根据《国务院办公厅关于加强汶川地震抗震救灾捐赠款物管理使用的通知》(国办发〔2008〕39号)、《国务院办公厅关于汶川地震抗震救灾捐赠资金使用指导意见》(国办发〔2008〕51号)和中央纪委等五部委《关于加强对抗震救灾资金物资监管的通知》(中纪发〔2008〕12号)通知要求,为规范汶川地震抗震救灾捐赠信息统计工作,制定本办法。

  Article 2   These Measures shall apply to all the units that have received donated funds and materials for disaster relief, including all the departments, units, people's organizations under the central government and the State Council and various kinds of nation-wide social organizations and local party committees, governmental organs, and people's organizations at various level and various social organizations as approved by the civil affairs departments.

       第二条  本办法适用于所有已经接收救灾捐赠款物的单位,包括中央和国务院各部门、各单位、各人民团体及各类全国性社会组织和地方各级党委、政府组成部门、人民团体和民政部门批准的各类社会组织。

  Article 3   The civil affairs department shall be responsible for the comprehensive statistical work and collection of donated funds and materials for earthquake relief and disaster relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake. The Ministry of Civil Affairs shall be responsible for the statistical work and collection of information of the donated funds and materials for disaster relief as collected and reported by the units at the level of central government (all the departments, units, people's organizations under the central government and the State Council and various kinds of nation-wide social organizations) and the provincial departments of civil affairs. Various local departments of civil affairs shall be responsible for the statistical work of the donation information of social institutions which have received donations within their respective administrative regions (the party committee, governmental organs, people's organizations and various social organizations as approved by the civil affairs department) and the donation information collected by the direct subordinate departments of civil affairs.


       第三条  民政部门为汶川地震抗震救灾捐赠款物综合统计汇总单位。民政部负责统计汇总中央级单位(中央和国务院各部门、各单位、各人民团体及各类全国性社会组织)和省级民政部门汇总上报的救灾捐赠款物信息。地方各级民政部门负责统计本区域内同级社会接收捐赠机构(党委、政府组成部门、人民团体和民政部门批准的各类社会组织)的捐赠信息和直接下级民政部门汇总的捐赠信息。

  Article 4   The management of statistics on the spot shall be implemented in accordance with the principle of having statistics on information compiled by those to whom the information was received. Various departments, units, people's organizations under the central government and the State Council and various kinds of nation-wide social organizations shall only compile statistics on the donated funds and materials which have actually been received by the units at the corresponding level and on the distribution and use thereof. Local party committees, governmental organs, and people's organizations at various level and various social organizations as approved by the civil affairs department shall also only compile statistics on the donated funds and materials which have actually been received by the units at the corresponding level and on the distribution and use thereof.

       第四条  按照谁接收、谁统计的原则,实行在地统计管理。中央和国务院各部门、各单位、各人民团体及各类全国性社会组织,只统计本级实际接收到的捐赠款物及其分配、使用情况;地方各级党委、政府组成部门、人民团体和民政部门批准的各类社会组织,也只统计本级实际接收到的捐赠款物及其分配、使用情况。

  Article 5   Contents of the statistics. The statistical and investigation work covered by these Measures shall be based on information concerning the social donated funds and materials for earthquake relief and disaster relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake. Relevant departments and units which use financial capital to support the quake-hit area shall not treat such capital as donation for disaster relief but financial investment for statistical purposes. Funds donated for disaster relief which have been deposited into the special financial account shall not be treated as financial investment for statistical purposes when being transferred back to the civil affairs department by the financial department.


       第五条  统计内容。本办法统计调查内容为汶川地震抗震救灾社会捐赠款物信息。有关部门和单位使用财政性资金支援灾区的,作为财政投入,不作为救灾捐赠进行统计;进入财政专户的救灾捐赠资金,财政部门回拨给民政部门时,不再统计为财政投入。

  Article 6   The objects of the statistics shall include the party committees, governmental organs, and people's organizations at various levels and various kinds of social organizations that have received donated funds and materials for earthquake relief and disaster relief.

       第六条  统计对象。包括已经接收抗震救灾捐赠款物的各级党委、政府组成部门、人民团体及各类社会组织。

  Article 7    Channels for the submission of information. Information concerning the donation received by various departments, units, people's organizations under the central government and the State Council and various kinds of nation-wide social organizations shall be directly submitted to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The local party and governmental organizations, people's organizations and various kinds of social organizations shall submit information concerning the received donation to the civil affairs departments at the same level. 

Local departments of civil affairs shall, in accordance with these Measures, compile collective statistics on the donation information of all the receiving units within their respective administrative regions and shall report level by level to the provincial departments of civil affairs which shall then report to the Ministry of Civil Affairs after compiling the collective statistics. The units under the vertical management of the central government shall also submit data to the civil affairs department of the same level at the place where they are located in accordance with the principle of compiling statistics on the spot.

In order to avoid repetition, those which have transferred all the donated funds and materials received by them to other donation receiving institutions and which no longer receive donation for disaster relief shall not submit statistical information about the donations.

       第七条  报送渠道。中央和国务院各部门、各单位、各人民团体及各类全国性社会组织接收捐赠情况直接报送民政部;地方党政机关、人民团体以及各类社会组织,将接受捐赠信息报送同级民政部门。



  Article 8   The time of submission of information. All party and governmental organizations, people's organizations and various kinds of social organizations that have received donations for disaster relief shall fill in relevant information in detail, and timely submit it to the civil affairs department at the same level. The units at the level of the central government and the provincial departments of civil affairs shall, before 10 a.m. of each day, submit information concerning the donation received up to 12 p.m. of the preceding day.

       第八条  报送时间。凡是已经接收救灾捐赠的党政机关、人民团体及各类社会组织,均需详细填写有关信息,及时报送同级民政部门。中央级单位和省级民政部门在每日10时前,将截至前一天12时的接收捐赠信息报民政部。

  Article 9   Requirements in filling in information. The donated funds and materials shall be divided into directly-received donations and indirectly-received donations based on their source. The directly-received donated funds and materials shall refer to the funds and materials that have been directly received by the donation receiving institutions and donated by all walks of life, units and individuals. The indirectly-received donated funds and materials shall refer to the donated funds and materials that have been transferred by other donation receiving institutions. The directly-received donations and the indirectly-received donations shall be filled in separately, so as to avoid any repeated compilation of statistics, mistake and omission.

The direct cash expenditure of donations shall be filled in with items in accordance with the requirements of the "Guiding Opinions on the Use of Donated Funds for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake" of the general office of the State Council (Guo Ban Fa [2008] No. 51).

       第九条  填报要求。捐赠款物按来源分直接接收的捐赠和间接接收的捐赠统计。直接接收的捐赠是指接收捐赠机构直接接收的社会各界单位和个人捐赠的款物,间接接收的捐赠款物是指其他接收捐赠机构转来的捐赠款物。直接接收的捐赠款物和间接接收的捐赠款物要分别填报,以避免重复统计和错报、漏报。


  Article 10   Time and frequency of conducting the statistical work. The commencement date of the statistics based on information concerning the donation for earthquake relief and disaster relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake shall be May 12, 2008, the statistics shall be compiled on a daily basis, and the cut-off time for the statistics shall be 12 p.m. sharp of each day. The quantity of donated funds and materials shall be an accumulated number. The Ministry of Civil Affairs may timely adjust the statistical cycle and the time of submission of information based on the progress of the donations for disaster relief.

       第十条  统计时点和频率。汶川地震抗震救灾捐赠信息统计起始日期为2008年5月12日,统计周期为日报,统计时点为截止到每日中午12点整。捐赠款物数量为累计数。民政部可以根据救灾捐赠工作进展情况,适时调整统计周期和报送时间。

  Article 11   The Ministry of Civil Affairs shall manage the comprehensive statistical information of the donations for earthquake relief and disaster relief and publicize it externally. Pursuant to the principle of having information concerning donated funds and materials publicized by those to whom such donations were received, various institutions for receiving the donated funds and materials shall, through the internet or other media, timely publicize relevant information concerning the donated funds and materials received by the institutions, including the source of the donated funds, scale, the intentions of the donators and the appropriation of donated funds and materials and other information, and shall ensure that the donators can access information concerning their respective donations.

       第十一条  抗震救灾捐赠综合统计信息由民政部门管理并对外公布。依照谁接收、谁公开的原则,各捐赠款物接收机构要通过网络等载体,及时公布本机构接收捐赠款物的有关情况,包括捐赠资金来源、规模、捐赠者意愿以及捐赠款物拨付等信息,确保每一个捐赠人都可以查询到自己的捐赠信息。

  Article 12   Various relevant institutions shall designate personnel to fill in the "Statistics Form of the Donated Funds and Materials for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake" (refer to Annex 1) and submit it timely, and shall ensure that the donated funds and materials received by the institution are submitted to the civil affairs department at the same level in accordance with the requirements. Based on that, the Ministry of Civil Affairs shall establish an information system for the use and management of the donated funds and materials for earthquake relief and disaster relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake, and promote the utilization of it.


       第十二条  各有关机构要指定人员负责填写《汶川抗震救灾捐赠款物统计表》(见附件1)并及时报送,确保将本机构接收的捐赠款物,按照要求报送同级的民政部门。民政部在此基础上,建立汶川地震抗震救灾捐赠款物使用管理信息系统,并推广使用。

Annex 1: Statistics Form of the Donated Funds and Materials for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake(Omitted)

Annex 2: Interpretation on Indexes Relating to Statistics of the Donated Funds and Materials for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief of the Wenchuan Earthquake(Omitted)








中英双语-汶川地震抗震救灾捐赠款物统计办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-31 18:36:57