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Measures for the Administration of Central Special Lottery Public Welfare Fund to Support the Construction of Places for Extramural Activities of Juvenile Students



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Education

Document Number: Cai Zong [2008] No.80

Promulgating Date: 11/26/2008

Effective Date: 11/26/2008

颁布机关: 财政部; 教育部

文      号: 财综[2008]80号

颁布时间: 11/26/2008

实施时间: 11/26/2008


Chapter I General Provisions

   第一章 总  则

  Article 1    For the purpose of regulating and strengthening the administration of the central special lottery public welfare fund to support the construction of places for extramural activities of juvenile students, ensuring the smooth implementation of the projects, and enhancing the use efficiency of the fund, These Measures are formulated in accordance with Some Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Further Intensifying and Improving the Ideological and Ethical Construction of Minors (Zhong Fa [2004] No. 8) and the relevant regulations of Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China.

      第一条 为规范和加强中央专项彩票公益金支持青少年学生校外活动场所建设的管理工作,保证项目顺利实施,提高资金使用效益,根据《中共中央 国务院关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设工作的若干意见》(中发[2004]8号)和财政部有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    The term of “the central special lottery public welfare fund to support the construction of places for extramural activities of juvenile students” as referred to in These Measures shall mean the projects of new construction, operation subsidies, facilities renewal, and staff training of the places for extramural activities of juvenile students jointly conducted by Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China during the years from 2008 to 2010 in accordance with the requirements of the State Council.

      第二条 本办法所称中央专项彩票公益金支持青少年学生校外活动场所建设,是指按照国务院要求,由财政部和教育部在2008年至2010年共同实施的青少年学生校外活动场所新建、运转补助、设备更新和人员培训等项目。

  Article 3    The central special lottery public welfare fund shall, in compliance with the principles of openness, fairness, transparency, and the principle of special fund for special use, be allocated in priority to the central and western districts and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps with reference to the progress of the work concerning the use of lottery public welfare fund to support the construction of places for extramural activities of juvenile students in the local places during the years of 2001 to 2006.

      第三条 中央专项彩票公益金按照公开公正透明、专款专用的原则,并参考2001年至2006年地方使用彩票公益金支持青少年学生校外活动场所的工作进展情况,重点分配给中西部地区和新疆生产建设兵团。

Chapter II Scope of Use and Standards of Allocation

    第二章 使用范围与分配标准

  Article 4    The scope of use of the fund shall be as follows:

(1) The projects of new construction of places, which shall mainly focus on the new construction of comprehensive places for extramural activities of juvenile students in the counties (cities, districts) without any places for extramural activities of juvenile students;

(2) The projects of operation subsidies, which shall mainly focus on the expenses in the daily operation of the places for extramural activities of juvenile students that have been in operation;

(3) The projects of facilities renewal, which shall mainly focus on the renewal and replacement of the depreciated and scrapped facilities of the places for extramural activities of juvenile students that have been in operation for a period of three years or longer; and

(4) The projects of staff training, which shall mainly focus on the training of the management personnel and the teaching staff.

      第四条 资金使用范围

   (一) 场所新建项目 主要对地方尚无青少年学生校外活动场所的县(市、区)新建综合性青少年学生校外活动场所。

   (二)运转补助项目 主要对已经开展活动的青少年学生校外活动场所补助日常运转经费。

   (三)设备更新项目 主要对已经开展活动3年以上的青少年学生校外活动场所折旧报废设备进行更新置换。

   (四)人员培训项目 主要对青少年学生校外活动场所的管理人员和教师队伍进行培训。

  Article 5    The fund for the projects of new construction of places shall be calculated and appropriated in light of the standards of RMB 3 million for each place (wherein, the fund for capital construction shall be RMB 2.4 million, and the fund for facilities and equipment shall be RMB 0.6 million) in accordance with the number of the counties (cities, districts) where there are no places for extramural activities of juvenile students in the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as all regions (the Corps included)).

The fund for the projects of new construction of places appropriated to all regions = the number of the counties (cities, districts) planning to construct places for extramural activities of juvenile students in all regions each year×RMB 3 million.

The number of the counties (cities, districts) planning to construct places for extramural activities of juvenile students in all regions each year shall be determined by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China with reference to the factors such as the completion of the construction of places supported by the lottery public welfare fund of all regions during the years from 2001 to 2006, the number of the counties (cities, districts) without such places, the period for the construction of places, etc.

      第五条 场所新建项目资金,根据各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团(以下简称各地(含兵团))未建青少年学生校外活动场所的县(市、区)数量,按照每个场所300万元(其中,基本建设资金为240万元,配置设备资金为60万元)的标准计算分配。



  Article 6    The fund for the projects of operation subsidies shall be calculated and appropriated in compliance with the standards of RMB 100 thousand for each place each year with reference to the number of the constructed places supported by the State lottery public welfare fund during the years of 2001 to 2006 in all regions and the completion and use of the constructed places supported by the State lottery public welfare fund during the years of 2008 to 2010.

The fund for the projects of operation subsidies appropriated to all regions each year = the number of the constructed places supported by the State lottery public welfare fund during the years of 2001 to 2006×RMB 100 thousand/place + the number of the completed and put-into-use places supported by the State lottery public welfare fund during the years of 2008 to 2010×RMB 100 thousand/place.

      第六条 运转补助项目资金,根据各地2001年至2006年彩票公益金国家扶持建设场所数量和各地2008年至2010年国家扶持建设场所竣工投入使用情况,按照每个场所每年补助10万元的标准计算分配。


  Article 7    The fund for the projects of facilities renewal shall be calculated and appropriated in light of the standards of RMB 0.6 million for each place with reference to the number of the constructed places supported by the State lottery public welfare fund during the years of 2001 to 2006 in all regions.

The fund for the projects of facilities renewal appropriated to all regions each year = the number of the constructed places supported by the State lottery public welfare fund during the years of 2001 to 2006 in all regions×RMB 0.6 million/place ÷ 3 years.

      第七条 设备更新项目资金,根据各地2001年至2006年彩票公益金国家扶持建设场所数量,按照每个场所60万元的标准计算分配。


  Article 8    The fund for the projects of staff training shall be calculated and appropriated with reference to the number of the management personnel and the backbone teaching staff and the demand of the theoretical subjects of extramural education during the years of 2001 to 2006 in all regions.

      第八条  人员培训项目资金,根据2001年至2010年间各地使用彩票公益金新建青少年学生校外活动场所的管理人员和骨干教师数量,以及校外教育理论课题需求情况计算分配。

Chapter III Project Application And Fund Use

    第三章 项目申报与资金使用

  Article 9    Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China shall be responsible for formulating the measures for the application of projects of new construction of places and the model application form, and Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China shall, in accordance with Article 5 in These Measures, upon discussions with Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China, decide the quota for projects of new construction of places in all regions annually; the administrative departments of education or the offices of the joint conferences on extramural education in all regions shall, in accordance with the measures for the application of projects of new construction of places and the model application form, upon discussions with the financial departments at the same level, organize all counties (cities, districts) to make and fill in the application forms, put forward opinions after examination thereof, and submit the application forms and the examination opinions to the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China; Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China shall approve the projects after organizing experts to review them.

      第九条 教育部负责制定场所新建项目申报办法及申报书范本,并会同财政部根据本办法第五条的规定,按年度下达各地场所新建项目指标;各地教育行政部门或校外教育工作联席会议办公室会同同级财政部门根据场所新建项目申报办法及申报书范本,组织各县(市、区)填制申报书,经审核提出意见后,将审核意见和项目申报书上报教育部;教育部组织专家评审后予以立项。

  Article 10    The fund for the projects of new construction of places shall, in accordance with the examination opinions of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China on the approval of the projects and with reference to the calculation formula provided in Article 5 of These Measures, be appropriated by Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China annually to the financial departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Bureau of Finance of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

      第十条 场所新建项目资金,由财政部根据教育部提出的项目立项审核意见,参照本办法第五条规定的计算公式,按年度下达各省、自治区、直辖市财政部门以及新疆生产建设兵团财务局。

  Article 11    The fund for the projects of operation subsidies and facilities renewal shall, in accordance with the annual budget plan of the central special lottery public welfare fund and with reference to the calculation formula provided in Article 6 and Article 7 of These Measures, be appropriated by Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China annually to the financial departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Bureau of Finance of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

      第十一条  运转补助和设备更新项目资金,由财政部根据中央专项彩票公益金年度预算安排,以及本办法第六条和第七条规定的计算公式,按年度下达各省、自治区、直辖市财政部门以及新疆生产建设兵团财务局。

  Article 12    The fund for the projects of staff training shall be applied to Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China annually by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China according to the fund demand for staff training, and be listed into the departmental budget of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China after examination and approval, and be managed uniformly.

      第十二条 人员培训项目资金,由教育部根据培训资金需求情况,按年度向财政部提出申请,经审核批准后列入教育部部门预算,统一管理。

  Article 13    The financial departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Bureau of Finance of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the financial departments of all counties (cities, districts) or the divisions, regiments, shall conduct special management and separate account settlement in terms of the central special lottery public fund, which shall be used in strict compliance with the uses provided, and shall not be intercepted, occupied, embezzled for other uses, or used to balance the budget of the government at the same level.

      第十三条 各省、自治区、直辖市财政部门和新疆生产建设兵团财务局,以及各县(市、区)财政部门或师、团场,应对中央专项彩票公益金实行专项管理、分账核算,并严格按照规定用途使用,不得截留、挤占、挪作他用,也不得用于平衡本级预算。

  Article 14    The financial departments of all counties (cities, districts) or the divisions, regiments shall fill in the Expenditure of Lottery Public Welfare Fund Used for Education as listed under the subject of “Basic Public Administration and Services” in the “Categorized Government Income and Expenditure Subjects”.

      第十四条 各县(市、区)财政部门或师、团场安排使用中央专项彩票公益金时,填列《政府收支分类科目》中“基本公共管理与服务”类中“用于教育事业的彩票公益金支出”。

  Article 15    In the fund for the projects of new construction of places, the fund for capital construction shall be appropriated in batches by the financial departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Bureau of Finance of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps according to the progress of the construction; the fund for facilities and equipment shall, upon discussions by the administrative departments of education or the offices of joint conferences on extramural education in all regions with the financial departments at the same level, be used by way of government purchase to purchase facilities collectively, which shall be allocated to the places.

      第十五条 场所新建项目资金中,用于基本建设的资金由各省、自治区、直辖市财政部门和新疆生产建设兵团财务局按工程进度分批拨付;配置设备的资金由各地教育行政部门或校外教育工作联席会议办公室会同同级财政部门,通过政府采购方式集中购置设备,配发给场所。

  Article 16    The fund for the projects of operation subsidies shall subsidize in priority the operation expenses of the completed and put-into-use places supported by the State lottery public welfare fund during the years of 2001 to 2010; where there is any surplus, it may also be used to subsidize the operation expenses of other places for extramural activities of juvenile students.

      第十六条 运转补助项目资金,应优先补助2001年至2010年彩票公益金国家扶持建设场所中已建成并开展活动场所的运转经费;如有结余,也可以用于补助其他青少年学生校外活动场所的运转经费。

  Article 17    The fund for the projects of facilities renewal shall, upon discussions by the administrative departments of education or the offices of joint conferences on extramural education in all regions with the financial departments at the same level, be used by way of government purchase to collectively purchase facilities, which shall be used to renew and replace in priority the depreciated and scrapped facilities of the places that are supported by the State lottery public welfare fund during the years of 2001 to 2006 and that have been in operation for a period of three or more years; where there is any surplus, it may also be used to renew and replace the depreciated and scrapped facilities of other places for extramural activities of juvenile students.

      第十七条 设备更新项目资金,由各地教育行政部门或校外教育工作联席会议办公室会同同级财政部门,通过政府采购方式集中购置设备后,优先更新置换2001年至2006年彩票公益金国家扶持建设的、并开展活动3年以上的场所中折旧报废设备;如有结余,也可以更新置换其他青少年学生校外活动场所的折旧报废设备。

  Article 18    The newly constructed places, facilities and equipment, or public activities financed and supported by the central special lottery public welfare fund shall be marked with the sign of “Financed by Lottery Public Welfare Fund----China Welfare Lottery and China Sports Lottery” at notable spots.

      第十八条 中央专项彩票公益金资助的新建场所、设施设备或公益活动,应在显著地方标识“彩票公益金资助——中国福利彩票和中国体育彩票”字样。

Chapter IV Supervision and Administration

    第四章 监 督 管 理

  Article 19    The financial departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Bureau of Finance of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps shall ensure the central special lottery public welfare fund to be appropriated to the financial departments of all counties (cities, districts) or the divisions, regiments in time. The financial departments of all counties (cities, districts) or the divisions, regiments shall ensure the central special lottery public welfare fund to be used in compliance with the uses as provided. Any violation shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions against Illegal Fiscal Acts (Order No. 427 of the State Council).

      第十九条 各省、自治区、直辖市财政部门和新疆生产建设兵团财务局要确保中央专项彩票公益金及时拨付到县(市、区)财政部门或师、团场。县(市、区)财政部门或师、团场必须确保中央专项彩票公益金按照规定用途使用。对于违反规定的,依照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)的有关规定处理。

  Article 20    Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China shall carry out examinations and random inspections over the progress of the construction of the places for extramural activities of juvenile students, and the administrative departments of education or the offices of the joint conferences on extramural education in all regions shall also strengthen the examinations over the progress of the construction of the places for extramural activities of juvenile students of counties (cities, districts) to prevent the occurrences of law-breaking or rule-breaking acts such as occupation or embezzlement. Where any law-breaking or rule-breaking joint construction is found, or the construction of a project is still not conducted after the fund has been appropriated for half a year, the administrative departments of education or the offices of the joint conferences on extramural education in all regions shall, upon discussions with the financial departments, recover the fund and make other arrangements; the recovered fund shall not be embezzled for other uses.

      第二十条 教育部将对青少年学生校外活动场所建设工作进展情况进行检查和抽查,各地教育行政部门或校外教育工作联席会议办公室也要加强对县(市、区)青少年学生校外活动场所建设工作进展情况进行核查,杜绝挤占、挪用等违法违纪行为的发生。凡发现违规合建或资金拨付到位半年后未开工者,由各地教育行政部门或校外教育工作联席会议办公室会同财政部门追回资金,另行安排,追回资金不得挪作他用。

  Article 21    The financial departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Bureau of Finance of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps shall report the implementation situation of the central special lottery public welfare fund of the previous year to Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China within three months from the end of the year; the administrative departments of education or the offices of joint conferences on extramural education in all regions shall report the construction situation of the places for extramural activities of juvenile students of the previous year to Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China within three months from the end of the year.

      第二十一条 各省、自治区、直辖市财政部门和新疆生产建设兵团财务局应在年度终了后3个月内,将上一年度中央专项彩票公益金的执行情况报送财政部;各地教育行政部门或校外教育工作联席会议办公室应在年度终了后3个月内,将上一年度青少年学生校外活动场所建设情况报送教育部。

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

    第五章 附   则

  Article 22    These Measures shall take effect as of the date of promulgation.

      第二十二条 本办法自发布之日起施行。

  Article 23    The interpretation of These Measures shall be vested in Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China.

      第二十三条 本办法由财政部负责解释。

  Article 24    The financial departments, educational departments, or offices of joint conferences on extramural education of all province, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, as well as the Bureau of Finance and the Bureau of Education of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, may formulate specific administrative measures in accordance with These Measures and in combination with the local situations, and report to Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China and Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China record.

      第二十四条  各省、自治区、直辖市财政、教育部门或校外教育联席会议办公室,以及新疆生产建设兵团财务局、教育局,可根据本办法,结合本地实际情况,制定具体管理办法,并报财政部、教育部备案。





中英双语-央专项彩票公益金支持青少年学生校外活动场所建设管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-31 18:46:24