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Administrative Measures for Non-bidding Methods of Government Procurement



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number:Decree No. 74 of the Ministry of Finance

Promulgating Date: 12/19/2013

Effective Date: 02/01/2014

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财政部令第74号

颁布时间: 12/19/2013

实施时间: 02/01/2014


Chapter 1: General Provisions

  第一章  总则

  Article 1    With a view to regulating government procurement practices, strengthening the supervision and administration of procurement activities conducted by non-bidding methods, and safeguarding national interests, public interest and the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to government procurement, these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Government Procurement Law") and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.

       第一条  为了规范政府采购行为,加强对采用非招标采购方式采购活动的监督管理,维护国家利益、社会公共利益和政府采购当事人的合法权益,依据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》(以下简称政府采购法)和其他法律、行政法规的有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    These Measures shall apply to the circumstances whereby procuring parties and procurement agencies adopt non-bidding methods to procure goods, works and services.

For the purpose of these Measures, non-bidding procurement methods shall refer to competitive negotiation, single-source procurement and procurement by price inquiry.

Competitive negotiation shall refer to the procurement method involving the following steps: a negotiation team negotiates with qualified suppliers on matters concerning the procurement of goods, works and services; the qualified suppliers submit response documents and final quotations according to negotiation documents; and the relevant procuring party selects the successful suppliers from the list of candidate suppliers proposed by the negotiation team.

Single-source procurement shall refer to the procurement method whereby a procuring party procures goods, works and services from a particular supplier.

Procurement by price inquiry shall refer to the procurement method involving the following steps: a price inquiry team issues a price inquiry notice for procurement of goods to qualified suppliers, requiring the latter to quote, at one time, prices that cannot be changed; and the relevant procuring party selects the successful suppliers from the list of candidate suppliers proposed by the price inquiry team.

       第二条  采购人、采购代理机构采用非招标采购方式采购货物、工程和服务的,适用本办法。





  Article 3    Procuring parties and procurement agencies may adopt competitive negotiation and single-source procurement to procure any of the following goods, works and services; in the event of procurement of goods, price inquiry may also be adopted:

(1) Goods and services that are listed in a lawfully-formulated catalogue of centralized procurement, but have not reached the monetary threshold for public bidding;

(2) Goods and services that are not listed in any lawfully-formulated catalogue of centralized procurement, exceed the procurement limits, but have not reached the monetary threshold for public bidding;

(3) Goods and services that have reached the monetary threshold for public bidding and are allowed to be procured by non-bidding methods upon approval; or

(4) Government procurement works that are subject to bidding in accordance with the Law on Bidding and Bids and its implementing regulations, excluding engineering construction projects.

       第三条  采购人、采购代理机构采购以下货物、工程和服务之一的,可以采用竞争性谈判、单一来源采购方式采购;采购货物的,还可以采用询价采购方式:





Chapter 2: Universal Provisions

    第二章  一般规定

  Article 4    Where a procuring party intends to procure a goods or services procurement project, by non-bidding methods, which has reached the monetary threshold for public bidding, the procuring party shall, prior to the commencement of procurement activities, report relevant information to the competent budgetary entity for consent, and thereafter apply to the finance department of the relevant people's government at or above the level of cities with districts or autonomous prefectures for approval.

       第四条  达到公开招标数额标准的货物、服务采购项目,拟采用非招标采购方式的,采购人应当在采购活动开始前,报经主管预算单位同意后,向设区的市、自治州以上人民政府财政部门申请批准。

  Article 5    To apply for procurement by non-bidding methods pursuant to Article 4 herein, a procuring party shall submit the following materials to the relevant finance department, and be responsible for the truthfulness of such materials:

(1) The name of the procuring party, and the name, profile and other basic information of the procurement project;

(2) The budget of the procurement project, and budget approval documents or proofs of fund sources; and

(3) The procurement method applied for and the reasons for the application.

       第五条  根据本办法第四条申请采用非招标采购方式采购的,采购人应当向财政部门提交以下材料并对材料的真实性负责:




  Article 6   Procuring parties and procurement agencies shall organize non-bidding procurement activities in accordance with the Government Procurement Law and these Measures, and take necessary measures to ensure that evaluation is conducted under strictly confidential circumstances.

No entity and individual may illegally interfere with, or exert undue influence on, the evaluation process and results.

       第六条  采购人、采购代理机构应当按照政府采购法和本办法的规定组织开展非招标采购活动,并采取必要措施,保证评审在严格保密的情况下进行。


  Article 7    A competitive negotiation team or a price inquiry team shall consist of at least three members in an odd number, including representatives of the relevant procuring party and evaluation experts. Specifically, evaluation experts shall account for at least 2/3 of the total members of the competitive negotiation team or price inquiry team. Procuring parties shall not participate in the evaluation of the procurement projects of their respective department or entity as evaluation experts, while the staff members of procurement agencies shall not participate in the evaluation of the procurement projects undertaken by their respective procurement agency.

A competitive negotiation team or a price inquiry team shall consist of at least five members in an odd number for a goods or services procurement project that has reached the monetary threshold for public bidding, or for a government procurement engineering project whose size has reached the threshold for bidding.

The evaluation experts for a government procurement project to be procured by way of competitive negotiation or price inquiry shall be randomly selected from the lists of experts in relevant fields from the database of government procurement evaluation experts. Where a project to be procured by competitive negotiation is highly technical and involves complicated technologies, and it is difficult to determine appropriate evaluation experts by random selection, the relevant procuring party may select the evaluation experts on its own upon consent of the competent budgetary entity, provided that there shall be one legal expert among the evaluation experts selected.

       第七条  竞争性谈判小组或者询价小组由采购人代表和评审专家共3人以上单数组成,其中评审专家人数不得少于竞争性谈判小组或者询价小组成员总数的2/3。采购人不得以评审专家身份参加本部门或本单位采购项目的评审。采购代理机构人员不得参加本机构代理的采购项目的评审。



  Article 8    The competitive negotiation team or the price inquiry team of a procurement project shall perform the following duties during procurement activities:

(1) To confirm or formulate negotiation documents or price inquiry notices;

(2) To select at least three suppliers from the list of duly qualified suppliers to participate in the negotiation or price inquiry;

(3) To review and evaluate the response documents submitted by suppliers;

(4) To require suppliers to explain or clarify their response documents;

(5) To prepare an evaluation report; and

(6) To inform the relevant procuring party or procurement agency of the illegalities and irregularities committed by suppliers as discovered during evaluation.

       第八条  竞争性谈判小组或者询价小组在采购活动过程中应当履行下列职责:







  Article 9   Members of the competitive negotiation team or the price inquiry team of a procurement project shall fulfill the following obligations:

(1) To abide by laws and discipline, and perform duties in an objective, impartial and clean manner;

(2) To conduct independent evaluation in accordance with procurement documents, and be legally liable for their personal evaluation opinions;

(3) To participate in the drafting of the evaluation report;

(4) To cooperate with the relevant procuring party or procurement agency in responding to the questions raised by suppliers; and

(5) To cooperate with the complaint handling and the supervision and inspection work of finance departments.

       第九条  竞争性谈判小组或者询价小组成员应当履行下列义务:






  Article 10    The negotiation documents or the price inquiry notice of a procurement project shall be formulated based on the characteristics of the procurement project and the actual needs of the procuring party, and be subject to the written consent of the procuring party. The procuring party shall follow the principle of meeting actual needs, and shall not increase the budget, or raise asset allocation and other procurement standards.

Negotiation documents and price inquiry notices shall not contain requirements on, or specify, the names of suppliers or the brands of specific goods, and shall not contain technical, services and other conditions pointing to a particular supplier.

       第十条  谈判文件、询价通知书应当根据采购项目的特点和采购人的实际需求制定,并经采购人书面同意。采购人应当以满足实际需求为原则,不得擅自提高经费预算和资产配置等采购标准。


  Article 11    The negotiation documents or the price inquiry notice of a procurement project shall contain the qualification conditions of suppliers, the procurement invitation, procurement method, procurement budget, procurement needs, procurement procedures, price structure or quotation requirements, requirements on the preparation of response documents, the deadline and the place for submitting response documents, the amount of deposit and the form of payment, the evaluation criteria for determining the successful suppliers, etc.

In addition to the contents prescribed by Paragraph 1 of this Article, the negotiation documents shall also specify the contents that may be substantively changed by the negotiation team based on negotiations with suppliers, including the technical and services requirements under procurement needs and the terms of the draft contract.

       第十一条  谈判文件、询价通知书应当包括供应商资格条件、采购邀请、采购方式、采购预算、采购需求、采购程序、价格构成或者报价要求、响应文件编制要求、提交响应文件截止时间及地点、保证金交纳数额和形式、评定成交的标准等。


  Article 12    A procuring party or procurement agency shall invite at least three duly qualified suppliers to participate in the procurement activities of competitive negotiation or price inquiry by publishing announcements, randomly selecting suppliers from the supplier database established by the relevant finance department at or above the provincial level, or by separate written recommendation by the procuring party and evaluation experts.

Suppliers who satisfy the conditions prescribed by Paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law may be added to the relevant supplier database prior to the commencement of procurement activities. A finance department may not charge any fee from suppliers who apply for being included in the supplier database, and may not use the supplier database for regional and industrial blockade.

The procuring party and the evaluation experts shall issue separate written recommendations if suppliers are to be selected according to their written recommendations. Suppliers recommended by the procuring party shall not exceed 50% of the total number of recommended suppliers.

       第十二条  采购人、采购代理机构应当通过发布公告、从省级以上财政部门建立的供应商库中随机抽取或者采购人和评审专家分别书面推荐的方式邀请不少于3家符合相应资格条件的供应商参与竞争性谈判或者询价采购活动。



  Article 13    A supplier shall prepare response documents in accordance with the negotiation documents or the price inquiry notice of a procurement project, and shall be legally liable for the truthfulness and legality of the response documents submitted.

       第十三条  供应商应当按照谈判文件、询价通知书的要求编制响应文件,并对其提交的响应文件的真实性、合法性承担法律责任。

  Article 14    A procuring party or procurement agency may require a supplier to pay deposit before the deadline for submission of response documents. The deposit shall be paid by check, money order or cashier's order, or via Internet banking, or in the form of a guarantee letter issued by a financial institution or guarantee institution, or in any other non-cash forms. The amount of the deposit shall not exceed 2% of the budget of the relevant procurement project.

Where a supplier is in the form of a consortium, the deposit may be paid by one party or jointly by multiple parties to the consortium, and the deposit so paid shall be binding on all parties to the consortium.

       第十四条  采购人、采购代理机构可以要求供应商在提交响应文件截止时间之前交纳保证金。保证金应当采用支票、汇票、本票、网上银行支付或者金融机构、担保机构出具的保函等非现金形式交纳。保证金数额应当不超过采购项目预算的2%。


  Article 15    A supplier shall deliver its sealed response documents to the designated place before the deadline required under the negotiation documents or the price inquiry notice. Response documents delivered after expiry of the submission deadline shall be invalid, and shall be rejected by the relevant procuring party, procurement agency or the negotiation team or price inquiry team.

A supplier may supplement, revise or withdraw the response documents it has submitted for price inquiry before the submission deadline, provided that it shall notify the procuring party or procurement agency in writing. The contents supplemented or revised shall be integral parts of the response documents. In the event of any discrepancy between the supplemented or revised contents and the response documents, the supplemented or revised contents shall prevail.

       第十五条  供应商应当在谈判文件、询价通知书要求的截止时间前,将响应文件密封送达指定地点。在截止时间后送达的响应文件为无效文件,采购人、采购代理机构或者谈判小组、询价小组应当拒收。


  Article 16    When reviewing the validity, completeness and responsiveness of the response documents of a supplier, the relevant negotiation team or price inquiry team may require the supplier to provide necessary clarification or explanation or make correction as regards ambiguous contents, inconsistencies on similar issues or apparent wording or calculation errors in its response documents. The clarification, explanation or correction by the supplier shall not exceed the scope of the response documents, or change the substantive contents thereof.

The negotiation team or price inquiry team shall require a supplier to clarify, explain or correct response documents in writing. The supplier's legal representative or the authorized representative thereof shall affix his/her signature or official seal to the clarification, explanation or correction made by the supplier. The letter of authorization issued by the legal representative shall be attached if such clarification, explanation or correction is signed by an authorized representative. Where the supplier is a natural person, such clarification, explanation or correction shall be signed by him/her in person, and be attached with his/her identity proof.

       第十六条  谈判小组、询价小组在对响应文件的有效性、完整性和响应程度进行审查时,可以要求供应商对响应文件中含义不明确、同类问题表述不一致或者有明显文字和计算错误的内容等作出必要的澄清、说明或者更正。供应商的澄清、说明或者更正不得超出响应文件的范围或者改变响应文件的实质性内容。


  Article 17    The negotiation team or the price inquiry team of a procurement project shall prepare an evaluation report according to evaluation records and evaluation results, and its key contents shall cover:

(1) The specific ways to invite suppliers to participate in procurement activities and relevant situations thereof, as well as the list of participating suppliers;

(2) The date and place of evaluation, and the list of the members of the negotiation team or price inquiry team;

(3) Records and explanations of the evaluation situations, including supplier qualification review, evaluation of the suppliers' response documents, negotiation situations, quotations, etc.; and

(4) The list of candidate suppliers proposed and the reasons therefor.

The evaluation report shall be signed and confirmed by all members of the negotiation team or price inquiry team. Where certain members of the negotiation team or price inquiry team have objections to the evaluation report, the negotiating team or price inquiry team shall recommend candidate suppliers according to the principle of majority rule, and the procurement process shall continue. The members of the negotiation team or price inquiry team who have objections to the evaluation report shall sign their dissenting opinions on the said report and explain the reasons therefor, and the negotiation team or price inquiry team shall record relevant circumstances in writing. Members of the negotiation team or price inquiry team who neither sign the said report nor provide dissenting opinions and reasons shall be deemed as agreeing to the evaluation report.

       第十七条  谈判小组、询价小组应当根据评审记录和评审结果编写评审报告,其主要内容包括:






  Article 18    The procuring party or procurement agency of a procurement project shall, within two working days after the successful supplier is determined, announce the procurement results via the media designated by the relevant finance department at or above the provincial level, and at the same time, send the notice of award to the successful supplier, and announce the competitive negotiation document or the price inquiry notice together with the procurement results. The announcement of procurement results shall cover the following information:

(1) The name, address and contact details of the procuring party or procurement agency;

(2) The name and serial number of the procurement project;

(3) The name, address and transaction amount of the successful supplier;

(4) The name, specifications and model, quantity, unit price and service requirements of the key procurement subject matter; and

(5) The list of the members of the negotiation team or price inquiry team, and the list of single-source procurement personnel.

Where suppliers are recommended in writing to participate in procurement activities, the recommendations by the procuring party and evaluation experts shall also be announced.

       第十八条  采购人或者采购代理机构应当在成交供应商确定后2个工作日内,在省级以上财政部门指定的媒体上公告成交结果,同时向成交供应商发出成交通知书,并将竞争性谈判文件、询价通知书随成交结果同时公告。成交结果公告应当包括以下内容:







  Article 19    A procuring party shall, within 30 days upon issuance of the notice of award, enter into a government procurement contract with a successful supplier in accordance with the contract text determined in procurement documents, as well as matters such as the procurement subject matter and its specifications and model, procurement amount, procurement quantity, technical and services requirements, etc.

The procuring party shall not impose on the successful supplier any requirements other than those included in the procurement document as conditions for entering into the relevant contract, and shall not enter into any agreement with the successful supplier that is contrary to the contract text determined in the procurement documents, as well as to such substantive contents as the procurement subject matter, its specifications and model, procurement amount, procurement quantity, technical and services requirements, etc.

       第十九条  采购人与成交供应商应当在成交通知书发出之日起30日内,按照采购文件确定的合同文本以及采购标的、规格型号、采购金额、采购数量、技术和服务要求等事项签订政府采购合同。


  Article 20    A procuring party or procurement agency shall promptly return the deposits paid by suppliers upon completion of procurement activities, unless the deposits cannot be promptly refunded due to reasons attributable to the suppliers themselves. The deposits paid by unsuccessful suppliers shall be refunded within five working days after the issuance of the notice of award, while the deposit paid by a successful supplier shall be refunded within five working days after the conclusion of the relevant procurement contract.

A supplier's deposit shall not be refunded under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Where the supplier withdraws its response documents after the submission deadline;

(2) Where the supplier provides false materials in the response documents;

(3) Where the supplier who is a successful supplier refuses to enter into a contract with the procuring party except under force majeure events or any circumstances recognized by the negotiation documents or price inquiry notice;

(4) Where the supplier maliciously colludes with the procuring party, other suppliers or the procurement agency; or

(5) Where there are any other circumstances prescribed in the procurement documents.

       第二十条  采购人或者采购代理机构应当在采购活动结束后及时退还供应商的保证金,但因供应商自身原因导致无法及时退还的除外。未成交供应商的保证金应当在成交通知书发出后5个工作日内退还,成交供应商的保证金应当在采购合同签订后5个工作日内退还。







  Article 21    A procuring party or procurement agency shall not re-organize evaluation for any reason unless there are recognition errors in qualification review and price calculation errors. Where a procuring party or procurement agency finds that the negotiation team or price inquiry team fails to carry out evaluation in accordance with the evaluation criteria prescribed in procurement documents, the procuring party or procurement agency shall conduct a new round of procurement activities, and report relevant situations to the finance department at the same level in writing.

       第二十一条  除资格性审查认定错误和价格计算错误外,采购人或者采购代理机构不得以任何理由组织重新评审。采购人、采购代理机构发现谈判小组、询价小组未按照采购文件规定的评定成交的标准进行评审的,应当重新开展采购活动,并同时书面报告本级财政部门。

  Article 22   Unless in the event of force majeure, a procuring party who changes the procurement results, or a successful supplier who refuses to sign a government procurement contract, after the notice of award is issued, shall bear corresponding legal liabilities.

Where a successful supplier refuses to sign a government procurement contract, the procuring party concerned may determine another supplier as the successful supplier to sign a government procurement contract pursuant to the principles prescribed by Paragraph 2 of Article 36 and Paragraph 2 of Article 49 herein, or may conduct a new round of procurement activities. The successful supplier who refuses to sign a government procurement contract shall not participate in the new round of procurement activities organized for the procurement project.

       第二十二条  除不可抗力等因素外,成交通知书发出后,采购人改变成交结果,或者成交供应商拒绝签订政府采购合同的,应当承担相应的法律责任。


  Article 23    Where a procurement project is cancelled during procurement activities due to major changes, the relevant procuring party or procurement agency shall terminate the procurement activities, inform all participating suppliers, and report the project progress and the reasons for cancellation of the procurement to the finance department at the same level.

       第二十三条  在采购活动中因重大变故,采购任务取消的,采购人或者采购代理机构应当终止采购活动,通知所有参加采购活动的供应商,并将项目实施情况和采购任务取消原因报送本级财政部门。

  Article 24   A procuring party or procurement agency shall conduct acceptance inspection of the performance of contracts by suppliers according to the technical and services requirements under procurement contracts, and issue acceptance inspection documents. An acceptance inspection document shall cover the compliance by a supplier with each technical and services requirement. As regards a large or complex project, a quality inspection agency accredited by the State shall be invited to participate in the acceptance inspection. Members of the parties conducting the acceptance inspection shall affix their signatures on the acceptance inspection documents, and bear corresponding legal liabilities.

       第二十四条  采购人或者采购代理机构应当按照采购合同规定的技术、服务等要求组织对供应商履约的验收,并出具验收书。验收书应当包括每一项技术、服务等要求的履约情况。大型或者复杂的项目,应当邀请国家认可的质量检测机构参加验收。验收方成员应当在验收书上签字,并承担相应的法律责任。

  Article 25    Members of the negotiation team or price inquiry team of a procurement project and personnel related to the evaluation work shall not divulge the evaluation situations as well as the State secrets and trade secrets that come to their knowledge during evaluation.

       第二十五条  谈判小组、询价小组成员以及与评审工作有关的人员不得泄露评审情况以及评审过程中获悉的国家秘密、商业秘密。

  Article 26    A procuring party or procurement agency shall properly keep the procurement documents for each procurement activity. Procurement documents shall include records of procurement activities, procurement budget, negotiation documents, price inquiry notice, response documents, recommendations on suppliers, evaluation report, documents determining the successful suppliers, records of single-source procurement consultations, contract texts, acceptance inspection certificates, replies to questions, complaint handling decisions and other relevant documents and materials. Procurement documents may be kept as electronic files.

Records of procurement activities shall at least cover the following information:

(1) The category and the name of the relevant procurement project;

(2) The budget, funding structure and contract price of the procurement project;

(3) The procurement method, the reasons for selecting the procurement method and relevant explanatory materials;

(4) The ways for selecting suppliers to participate in the procurement activities, and the reasons for such selection;

(5) Evaluation criteria and the reasons for determining the successful suppliers; and

(6) Where the procurement activities are terminated, the reasons for termination.

       第二十六条  采购人、采购代理机构应当妥善保管每项采购活动的采购文件。采购文件包括采购活动记录、采购预算、谈判文件、询价通知书、响应文件、推荐供应商的意见、评审报告、成交供应商确定文件、单一来源采购协商情况记录、合同文本、验收证明、质疑答复、投诉处理决定以及其他有关文件、资料。采购文件可以电子档案方式保存。








Chapter 3: Competitive Negotiation

    第三章  竞争性谈判

  Article 27   A procurement project that falls under any of the following circumstances may be procured by way of competitive negotiation:

(1) Where there is no bid-submitting supplier or no qualified bid after bids are invited for the procurement project, or where a new round of bid invitation fails to materialize;

(2) Where detailed specifications or specific requirements are unable to be determined because the procurement project is technically complicated or is of a special nature;

(3) Where the time needed for bid invitation cannot meet the urgent needs of the relevant user due to reasons not foreseeable by the relevant procuring party or reasons other than the delay caused by the procuring party; or

(4) Where the total price cannot be calculated in advance because the time or quantity of the procurement of art works, patents, proprietary technologies or services cannot be determined in advance.

Where there are only two suppliers who have submitted bids or have substantively responded to bidding documents upon evaluation during the bidding process of a goods or services procurement project subject to public bidding, the relevant procuring party or procurement agency may engage in competitive procurement negotiation with the two suppliers after obtaining approval by the finance department at the same level in accordance with Article 4 herein. The procuring party or procurement agency shall prepare negotiation documents according to the procurement needs under bidding documents, and form a negotiation team to be responsible for confirming the negotiation documents. Under the circumstance prescribed by this Paragraph, the minimum number of suppliers prescribed by Article 33 and Article 35 herein may be two.

       第二十七条  符合下列情形之一的采购项目,可以采用竞争性谈判方式采购:






  Article 28    To apply for adopting competitive negotiation to procure a project that falls under Item (1) of Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of Article 27 herein, the procuring party or procurement agency concerned shall, in addition to the materials required under Item (1) through to Item (3) of Article 5 herein, also submit the following application materials:

(1) Proofs that bidding announcements have been published via the media designated by the relevant finance department at or above the provincial level;

(2) Statements issued by the procuring party or procurement agency on whether any supplier has questioned the bidding documents and bidding process, and on the handling of such questions; and

(3) Panel discussion opinions issued by the bid evaluation committee, or three or more evaluation experts, that the bidding documents contain no unreasonable term.

       第二十八条  符合本办法第二十七条第一款第一项情形和第二款情形,申请采用竞争性谈判采购方式时,除提交本办法第五条第一至三项规定的材料外,还应当提交下列申请材料:




  Article 29    There shall be at least three working days between the issuance of negotiation documents and the deadline for suppliers to submit the first set of response documents.

The procuring party, procurement agency or negotiation team may make necessary clarifications or modifications to the negotiation documents already issued before the deadline for the first submission of response documents, and such clarifications or modifications shall form integral parts of the negotiation documents. Where the clarifications or modifications may affect the preparation of response documents, the procuring party, procurement agency or negotiation team shall give a written notice to all suppliers who have received the negotiation documents three working days prior to the deadline for the first submission of response documents, and shall postpone the said deadline if there are less than three working days for such notification.

       第二十九条  从谈判文件发出之日起至供应商提交首次响应文件截止之日止不得少于3个工作日。


  Article 30   The negotiation team of a procurement project shall evaluate the response documents, and negotiate with the suppliers who have substantively responded to the requirements of the negotiation documents according to the procedures and evaluation criteria specified in the negotiation documents. Response documents that fail to substantively respond to the negotiation documents shall be invalid, and the negotiation team shall inform the relevant suppliers of the same.

       第三十条  谈判小组应当对响应文件进行评审,并根据谈判文件规定的程序、评定成交的标准等事项与实质性响应谈判文件要求的供应商进行谈判。未实质性响应谈判文件的响应文件按无效处理,谈判小组应当告知有关供应商。

  Article 31    All members of a negotiation team shall separately negotiate with a single supplier in an intensive manner, and give all suppliers participating in the negotiation equal negotiation opportunities.

       第三十一条  谈判小组所有成员应当集中与单一供应商分别进行谈判,并给予所有参加谈判的供应商平等的谈判机会。

  Article 32    During negotiation, a negotiation team may substantively change the technical or services requirements under procurement needs and the terms of the relevant draft contract according to negotiation documents and negotiation progress, provided that it shall not change any other contents in the negotiation documents. Substantive changes are subject to the confirmation of the representative of the procuring party concerned.

Substantive changes made to negotiation documents are effective parts of the negotiation documents, and therefore the negotiation team shall promptly give a written notice to all suppliers participating in the negotiation at the same time.

A supplier shall re-submit response documents according to the changes of the negotiation documents and the requirements of the negotiation team, and have its legal representative or authorized representative affix his/her signature or official seal thereon. The letter of authorization issued by the legal representative shall be attached if the re-submitted response documents are signed by an authorized representative. Where the supplier is a natural person, the re-submitted response documents shall be signed by him/her in person, and be attached with his/her identity proof.

       第三十二条  在谈判过程中,谈判小组可以根据谈判文件和谈判情况实质性变动采购需求中的技术、服务要求以及合同草案条款,但不得变动谈判文件中的其他内容。实质性变动的内容,须经采购人代表确认。



  Article 33    Where the technical or services requirements of the procurement subject matter can be detailed in negotiation documents, the relevant negotiation team shall, upon conclusion of the negotiation, require all suppliers who continue their participation in the negotiation to submit final quotations within the specified time period. There shall be at least three suppliers who submit final quotations.

Where the technical or services requirements of the procurement subject matter cannot be detailed in the negotiation documents, and instead need to be addressed in the final designs or solutions provided by suppliers after negotiation, the negotiation team shall, upon conclusion of the negotiation, recommend the designs or solutions of at least three suppliers by voting according to the principle of majority rule, and require such suppliers to submit final quotations within the prescribed time limit.

A supplier's final quotation shall be an effective part of its response documents.

       第三十三条  谈判文件能够详细列明采购标的的技术、服务要求的,谈判结束后,谈判小组应当要求所有继续参加谈判的供应商在规定时间内提交最后报价,提交最后报价的供应商不得少于3家。



  Article 34   A supplier who has submitted response documents may withdraw from the negotiation according to negotiation progress before the submission of the final quotation. The relevant procuring party or procurement agency shall refund the deposit paid by a supplier who withdraws from negotiation.

       第三十四条  已提交响应文件的供应商,在提交最后报价之前,可以根据谈判情况退出谈判。采购人、采购代理机构应当退还退出谈判的供应商的保证金。

  Article 35    A negotiation team shall, according to the ascending order of their final quotations, propose at least three candidate suppliers from all suppliers who can meet the substantive response requirements prescribed by procurement documents in terms of both quality and service, and prepare an evaluation report.

       第三十五条  谈判小组应当从质量和服务均能满足采购文件实质性响应要求的供应商中,按照最后报价由低到高的顺序提出3名以上成交候选人,并编写评审报告。

  Article 36    A procurement agency shall send the evaluation report to the procuring party concerned for confirmation within two working days following the conclusion of the evaluation.

The procuring party shall, within five working days upon receipt of the evaluation report, determine the successful supplier from the candidate suppliers proposed in the evaluation report according to the principle that the successful supplier shall be the supplier who is able to meet the substantive response requirements prescribed by the procurement documents in terms of both quality and service and has the lowest final quotation, or may authorize the negotiation team in writing to directly determine the successful supplier. Where the procuring party neither determines the successful supplier by the prescribed deadline nor raises objections, it shall be deemed to determine the supplier proposed in the evaluation report who has the lowest quotation as the successful supplier.

       第三十六条  采购代理机构应当在评审结束后2个工作日内将评审报告送采购人确认。


  Article 37    Under any of the following circumstances, the procuring party or procurement agency of a procurement project shall terminate the procurement activities of competitive negotiation, publish an announcement of project termination, state the reasons therefor, and conduct a new round of procurement activities:

(1) Where due to changes in circumstances, the procurement project no longer falls under the prescribed circumstances whereby procurement by competitive negotiation is applicable;

(2) Where there are violations of laws or regulations that affect the fairness of procurement; or

(3) Where there are less than three suppliers who meet the requirements on competition or whose quotation does not exceed the procurement budget during the procurement process, except under the circumstance prescribed by Paragraph 2 of Article 27 herein.

       第三十七条  出现下列情形之一的,采购人或者采购代理机构应当终止竞争性谈判采购活动,发布项目终止公告并说明原因,重新开展采购活动:




Chapter 4: Single-source Procurement

    第四章  单一来源采购

  Article 38   Where a goods or services project that falls under Item (1) of Article 31 of the Government Procurement Law and reaches the monetary threshold for public bidding is to be procured by way of single-source procurement, the procuring party or procurement agency concerned shall, before reporting relevant information to the finance department concerned for approval in accordance with Article 4 herein, announce such information via the media designated by the relevant finance department at or above the provincial level, and submit the announcement situations to the finance department as well. The announcement shall last for at least five working days, and contain the following contents:

(1) The name and details of the procuring party and the procurement project;

(2) Descriptions of the goods or services to be procured;

(3) Reasons for adopting single-source procurement, and relevant information in this regard;

(4) The name and address of the sole supplier preliminarily determined;

(5) Detailed panel discussion opinions issued by professionals that the relevant supplier is unique due to reasons such as patents or proprietary technologies, and the names, employers and professional titles of the professionals;

(6) The period of announcement; and

(7) The contact address, contact persons and contact phone numbers of the procuring party, procurement agency and the relevant finance department.

       第三十八条  属于政府采购法第三十一条第一项情形,且达到公开招标数额的货物、服务项目,拟采用单一来源采购方式的,采购人、采购代理机构在按照本办法第四条报财政部门批准之前,应当在省级以上财政部门指定媒体上公示,并将公示情况一并报财政部门。公示期不得少于5个工作日,公示内容应当包括:








  Article 39    Any supplier, entity or individual that has objections to the announcement of single-source procurement may provide the relevant procuring party or procurement agency with written feedback within the announcement period, and at the same time copy the feedback to the relevant finance department.

       第三十九条  任何供应商、单位或者个人对采用单一来源采购方式公示有异议的,可以在公示期内将书面意见反馈给采购人、采购代理机构,并同时抄送相关财政部门。

  Article 40    Upon receipt of the objections to the announcement of single-source procurement, the relevant procuring party or procurement agency shall organize supplementary panel discussion within five working days upon expiry of the announcement period, and adopt other procurement methods in accordance with the law if the objections are considered as justified after discussion. If the objections are considered unjustified after discussion, the procuring party or procurement agency shall report the objections, panel discussion opinions and announcement situations to the relevant finance department.

The procuring party or procurement agency shall inform the supplier, entity or individual that has raised objections of the conclusions of the supplementary panel discussion. 

       第四十条  采购人、采购代理机构收到对采用单一来源采购方式公示的异议后,应当在公示期满后5个工作日内,组织补充论证,论证后认为异议成立的,应当依法采取其他采购方式;论证后认为异议不成立的,应当将异议意见、论证意见与公示情况一并报相关财政部门。


  Article 41   Where a project is to be procured by way of single-source procurement, the relevant procuring party or procurement agency shall organize professionals with pertinent experience to consult with the supplier to determine the reasonable transaction price and ensure the quality of the procurement project.

       第四十一条  采用单一来源采购方式采购的,采购人、采购代理机构应当组织具有相关经验的专业人员与供应商商定合理的成交价格并保证采购项目质量。

  Article 42    Personnel engaging in single-source procurement shall prepare consultation records which shall mainly cover:

(1) Announcement situations, where announcement is made pursuant to Article 38 herein;

(2) The dates and places of consultation, and the list of procurement personnel;

(3) The costs of the procurement subject matter, contract prices of similar projects and descriptions on relevant patents and proprietary technologies as provided by the supplier; and

(4) Key contract clauses, and price negotiation and determination situations.

Consultation records shall be signed and confirmed by all procurement personnel. Procurement personnel who have objections to the consultation records shall sign their dissenting opinions on the said records and explain the reasons therefor. Procurement personnel who neither sign the said records nor provide dissenting opinions and reasons in writing shall be deemed as agreeing to the consultation records.

       第四十二条  单一来源采购人员应当编写协商情况记录,主要内容包括:






  Article 43    Under any of the following circumstances, the procuring party or procurement agency of a procurement project shall terminate procurement activities, publish an announcement of project termination, state the reasons therefor, and conduct a new round of procurement activities:

(1) Where due to changes in circumstances, the procurement project no longer falls under the prescribed circumstances whereby single-source procurement is applicable;

(2) Where there are violations of laws or regulations that affect the fairness of procurement; or

(3) Where the quotation by the supplier exceeds the procurement budget.

       第四十三条  出现下列情形之一的,采购人或者采购代理机构应当终止采购活动,发布项目终止公告并说明原因,重新开展采购活动:




Chapter 5: Price Inquiry

    第五章  询价

  Article 44    The technical, services and other requirements under the needs of price inquiry procurement shall be complete, unambiguous and in line with relevant laws, administrative regulations and government procurement policies.

       第四十四条  询价采购需求中的技术、服务等要求应当完整、明确,符合相关法律、行政法规和政府采购政策的规定。

  Article 45    There shall be at least three working days between the issuance of a price inquiry notice and the deadline for suppliers to submit response documents.

The relevant procuring party, procurement agency or price inquiry team may make necessary clarifications or modifications to the price inquiry notice already issued before the deadline for submission of response documents, and such clarifications or modifications shall form integral parts of the price inquiry notice. Where the clarifications or modifications may affect the preparation of response documents, the procuring party, procurement agency or price inquiry team shall give a written notice to all suppliers who have received the price inquiry notice three working days prior to the deadline for submission of response documents, and shall postpone the said deadline if there are less than three working days for such notification.

       第四十五条  从询价通知书发出之日起至供应商提交响应文件截止之日止不得少于3个工作日。


  Article 46    During the price inquiry process, a price inquiry team shall not change the technical, services and other requirements, evaluation procedures, evaluation criteria, contract texts and other matters determined in the price inquiry notice.

       第四十六条  询价小组在询价过程中,不得改变询价通知书所确定的技术和服务等要求、评审程序、评定成交的标准和合同文本等事项。

  Article 47    A supplier participating in procurement activities of price inquiry shall, according to the relevant price inquiry notice, make a one-time quotation that cannot be changed.

       第四十七条  参加询价采购活动的供应商,应当按照询价通知书的规定一次报出不得更改的价格。

  Article 48    A price inquiry team shall, according to the ascending order of their quotations, propose at least three candidate suppliers from all suppliers who can meet the substantive response requirements prescribed by procurement documents in terms of both quality and service, and prepare an evaluation report.

       第四十八条  询价小组应当从质量和服务均能满足采购文件实质性响应要求的供应商中,按照报价由低到高的顺序提出3名以上成交候选人,并编写评审报告。

  Article 49    A procurement agency shall send the evaluation report to the procuring party concerned for confirmation within two working days following the conclusion of the evaluation.

The procuring party shall, within five working days upon receipt of the evaluation report, determine the successful supplier from the candidate suppliers proposed in the evaluation report according to the principle that the successful supplier shall be the supplier who is able to meet the substantive response requirements prescribed by the procurement documents in terms of both quality and service and has the lowest quotation, or may authorize the price inquiry team in writing to directly determine the successful supplier. Where the procuring party neither determines the successful supplier by the prescribed deadline nor raises objections, it shall be deemed to determine the supplier proposed in the evaluation report who has the lowest final quotation as the successful supplier.

       第四十九条  采购代理机构应当在评审结束后2个工作日内将评审报告送采购人确认。


  Article 50    Under any of the following circumstances, the procuring party or procurement agency of a procurement project shall terminate procurement activities of price inquiry, publish an announcement of project termination, state the reasons therefor, and conduct a new round of procurement activities:

(1) Where due to changes in circumstances, the procurement project no longer falls under the prescribed circumstances whereby procurement by price inquiry is applicable;

(2) Where there are violations of laws or regulations that affect the fairness of procurement; or

(3) Where there are less than three suppliers who meet the requirements on competition or whose quotation does not exceed the procurement budget during the procurement process.

       第五十条  出现下列情形之一的,采购人或者采购代理机构应当终止询价采购活动,发布项目终止公告并说明原因,重新开展采购活动:




Chapter 6: Legal Liabilities

    第六章  法律责任

  Article 51    A procuring party or procurement agency that falls under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to make correction within the prescribed time limit, be given a warning, and be concurrently fined if fines are prescribed by relevant laws or administrative regulations; where criminal offenses are suspected of being involved, the case shall be referred to judicial organs for handling in accordance with the law:

(1) Failing to release government procurement information via designated media in accordance with these Measures;

(2) Failing to form a negotiation team or price inquiry team in accordance with these Measures;

(3) Consulting and negotiating with suppliers during the process of price inquiry procurement;

(4) Failing to determine candidate suppliers according to the procedures and requirements under the Government Procurement Law and these Measures; or

(5) Divulging evaluation situations or the State secrets or trade secrets learnt during evaluation.

Where a procurement agency falls under any of the circumstances listed in the preceding Paragraph, and the circumstances are grave, its qualifications as a government procurement agency shall be suspended for three to six months. Where the circumstances are especially grave or the procurement agency fails to correct by the prescribed deadline, it shall be disqualified as a government procurement agency.

       第五十一条  采购人、采购代理机构有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,给予警告;有关法律、行政法规规定处以罚款的,并处罚款;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关处理:







  Article 52    A procuring party that falls under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to make correction within the prescribed time limit, be given a warning, and be concurrently fined if fines are prescribed by relevant laws or administrative regulations:

(1) Failing to adopt non-bidding procurement methods in accordance with the Government Procurement Law and these Measures;

(2) Failing to determine successful suppliers in accordance with the Government Procurement Law and these Measures;

(3) Failing to enter into government procurement contracts according to the matters determined in procurement documents, or entering into a separate agreement contrary to the substantive contents of the relevant contract with the successful supplier; or

(4) Failing to submit the duplicate of the government procurement contract to the finance department at the same level for record-filing.

       第五十二条  采购人有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,给予警告;有关法律、行政法规规定处以罚款的,并处罚款:





  Article 53   Where a procuring party or procurement agency falls under any of the circumstances prescribed by Article 51 or Article 52 herein, and the circumstances are grave or the procuring party or procurement agency refuses to correct, its primary persons directly in charge and other personnel subject to direct liabilities who are staff members of State organs shall be given disciplinary sanctions by appointment and removal authorities or supervisory authorities pursuant to the law, and be circulated against a notice on such situations.

       第五十三条  采购人、采购代理机构有本办法第五十一条、第五十二条规定情形之一,且情节严重或者拒不改正的,其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员属于国家机关工作人员的,由任免机关或者监察机关依法给予处分,并予通报。

  Article 54    A successful supplier who falls under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to make correction within the prescribed time limit; under grave circumstances, the said supplier shall be included in the list of suppliers with malpractices, be banned from government procurement activities for one to three years, and be circulated against a notice on relevant situations:

(1) Failing to enter into a government procurement contract according to the matters determined in procurement documents, or entering into a separate agreement contrary to the substantive contents of the relevant contract with the procuring party;

(2) Failing to enter into a contract with the procuring agency without justification after the deal is reached; or

(3) Refusing to fulfill its contractual obligations.

       第五十四条  成交供应商有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,情节严重的,列入不良行为记录名单,在1至3年内禁止参加政府采购活动,并予以通报:




  Article 55    A member of the negotiation team or price inquiry team of a procurement project who falls under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to make correction, be given a warning, and be concurrently fined if fines are prescribed by relevant laws or administrative regulations; where criminal offenses are suspected of being involved, the case shall be referred to judicial organs for handling in accordance with the law:

(1) Accepting money, valuables or other improper benefits from the relevant procuring party, procurement agency, suppliers or other interested parties;

(2) Divulging evaluation situations or the State secrets or trade secrets learnt during evaluation;

(3) Failing to abstain in accordance with the law despite clear knowledge of his/her relationship of interest in a supplier;

(4) Leaving his/her position without permission during evaluation, affecting the normal progress of the evaluation;

(5) Having obviously unreasonable or unfair bias during evaluation; or

(6) Failing to conduct evaluation according to the evaluation criteria prescribed by procurement documents.

Where an evaluation expert falls under any of the circumstances prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, and the circumstances are grave, he/she shall be disqualified as a government procurement evaluation expert, and be banned from the evaluation of any government procurement project. Relevant information shall also be announced via the government procurement information release media designated by the relevant finance department.

       第五十五条  谈判小组、询价小组成员有下列行为之一的,责令改正,给予警告;有关法律、行政法规规定处以罚款的,并处罚款;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关处理:








  Article 56    Where any of the illegalities listed under Article 51, Article 52 or Article 55 herein is committed, which has affected or may affect the procurement results, the situations shall be dealt with separately in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) Where no successful supplier is determined, this round of procurement activities shall be terminated, and a new round of procurement activities shall be organized pursuant to the law;

(2) Where the successful supplier has been determined but the relevant procurement contract has not been performed, the said contract shall be revoked and another successful supplier shall be selected from the list of qualified candidate suppliers; or if there is no other qualified candidate supplier, a new round of procurement activities shall be carried out; or

(3) Where the relevant procurement contract has been performed, and losses have been caused to the procuring party or supplier concerned, the persons subject to liabilities shall be liable for compensation pursuant to the law.

       第五十六条  有本办法第五十一条、第五十二条、第五十五条违法行为之一,并且影响或者可能影响成交结果的,应当按照下列情形分别处理:




  Article 57    Parties to government procurement activities who cause losses to others due to violations of the Government Procurement Law and these Measures shall bear civil liabilities in accordance with civil laws.

       第五十七条  政府采购当事人违反政府采购法和本办法规定,给他人造成损失的,应当依照有关民事法律规定承担民事责任。

  Article 58    Any entity or individual that illegally interferes with, or exerts undue influence on, the evaluation process or results shall be ordered to make correction. Where the person in charge of the entity or the individual is a staff member of the State organ, he/she shall be given disciplinary sanctions by the relevant appointment and removal authority or supervisory authority pursuant to the law.

       第五十八条  任何单位或者个人非法干预、影响评审过程或者结果的,责令改正;该单位责任人或者个人属于国家机关工作人员的,由任免机关或者监察机关依法给予处分。

  Article 59    Staff members of finance departments shall be given disciplinary sanctions pursuant to the law if they illegally interfere with procurement activities, or abuse power, neglect duties or practice favoritism for personal gains during supervision and administration; where criminal offenses are suspected of being involved, the cases shall be referred to judicial organs for handling in accordance with the law.

       第五十九条  财政部门工作人员在实施监督管理过程中违法干预采购活动或者滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予处分;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关处理。

Chapter 7: Supplementary Provisions

    第七章  附则

  Article 60    For the purpose of these Measures, competent budgetary entities shall refer to State organs, public institutions and organizations that are responsible for preparing departmental budgets and submitting budgets to finance departments at the same level.

       第六十条  本办法所称主管预算单位是指负有编制部门预算职责,向同级财政部门申报预算的国家机关、事业单位和团体组织。

  Article 61    Finance departments of the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may formulate detailed implementing measures in accordance with these Measures.

       第六十一条  各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府财政部门可以根据本办法制定具体实施办法。

  Article 62    These Measures shall come into effect on February 1, 2014.

       第六十二条  本办法自2014年2月1日起施行。





中英双语-政府采购非招标采购方式管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-04-09 10:07:00