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Administrative Measures for Government Procurement of Services (Interim)



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Civil Affairs; State Administration for Industry and Commerce

Document Number: Cai Zong [2014] No.96

Promulgating Date: 12/15/2014

Effective Date: 01/01/2015

颁布机关: 财政部; 民政部; 国家工商行政管理总局

文      号: 财综[2014]96号

颁布时间: 12/15/2014

实施时间: 01/01/2015


Chapter 1: General Provisions

  第一章  总则

  Article 1    With a view to further transforming government functions, popularizing and standardizing government procurement of services, and better playing the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China, the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China, the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues on Comprehensively Deepening Reform, the Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Government Procurement of Services from Non-government Market Players (Guo Ban Fa [2013] No. 96) and other relevant requirements and provisions.

       第一条  为了进一步转变政府职能,推广和规范政府购买服务,更好发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》、《中华人民共和国政府采购法》、《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》、《国务院办公厅关于政府向社会力量购买服务的指导意见》(国办发〔2013〕96号)等有关要求和规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    For the purpose of these Measures, government procurement of services shall mean that part of the public service items that are currently provided directly by the government and service items that are needed by the government to perform duties are handed over to non-government market players and public institutions that possess the necessary conditions according to certain methods and procedures and by playing the role of market mechanisms, and the government pays fees to such non-government market players and public institutions under relevant contracts.

The scope of government procurement of services shall be determined based on the nature of government functions, and shall be in line with the level of economic and social development. In addition, a competition mechanism shall be introduced so that transactional management services are provided by way of government procurement of services.

       第二条  本办法所称政府购买服务,是指通过发挥市场机制作用,把政府直接提供的一部分公共服务事项以及政府履职所需服务事项,按照一定的方式和程序,交由具备条件的社会力量和事业单位承担,并由政府根据合同约定向其支付费用。


  Article 3    The following basic principles shall be upheld during government procurement of services:

(1) The principle of carrying out active, steady and orderly implementation shall be upheld. It is imperative to proceed from the reality, have an accurate understanding of the needs for social and public services, give full play to the role of government leadership, and explore a variety of effective ways to enhance support to social organizations to undertake projects for government procurement of services, strengthen the capability of social organizations to equally participate in undertaking projects for government procurement of public services, and guide non-government market players to participate in service supply in an orderly manner, so as to form concerted efforts to improve public services;

(2) The principle of making scientific arrangements and focusing on practical results shall be upheld. It is imperative to highlight the public and public welfare nature of government procurement of services, consider and arrange areas and projects that are closely related to improving people's livelihood or conducive to transforming government functions on a priority basis, specify rights and obligations, and effectively raise the use efficiency of fiscal funds;

(3) The principle of selecting service providers in an open and merit-based manner, and determining fees based on actual service items shall be upheld. According to the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, it is imperative to always align fees with the actual services involved, select the providers for government procurement of services through fair competition and based on merits, and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism featuring the survival of the fittest; and

(4) The principle of pressing ahead reform and innovation, and improving relevant mechanisms shall be upheld. It is imperative to combine government procurement of services with the reform of public institutions and social organizations, promote the separation of government organs from public institutions and social organizations, lower market entry barriers, hand over to non-government market players all services that they are capable of providing, and constantly improve institutions and mechanisms.

       第三条  政府购买服务遵循以下基本原则:





Chapter 2: Service Purchasers and Service Providers

    第二章  购买主体和承接主体

  Article 4    Parties for government procurement of services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Purchaser") shall be administrative organs at all levels and public institutions with administrative functions.

       第四条  政府购买服务的主体(以下简称购买主体)是各级行政机关和具有行政管理职能的事业单位。

  Article 5    Party organs, and people's groups and organizations that are managed as administrative establishments and have their outlays borne by fiscal funds may, according to actual needs, procure, in accordance with these Measures, public services that they provide for the general public and the services needed for their performance of duties.

       第五条  党的机关、纳入行政编制管理且经费由财政负担的群团组织向社会提供的公共服务以及履职服务,可以根据实际需要,按照本办法规定实施购买服务。

  Article 6    Parties eligible to undertake projects for government procurement of services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider") shall include social organizations that are registered with registration authorities or that are exempted from registration upon approval by the State Council, public institutions that shall be classified as Class-2 public institutions of public welfare nature or shall be restructured into enterprises under the reform of the classification of public institutions, and enterprises, agencies and other non-government market players that are established after registration with administrations for industry and commerce or competent industry departments pursuant to the law.

       第六条  承接政府购买服务的主体(以下简称承接主体),包括在登记管理部门登记或经国务院批准免予登记的社会组织、按事业单位分类改革应划入公益二类或转为企业的事业单位,依法在工商管理或行业主管部门登记成立的企业、机构等社会力量。

  Article 7    A Service Provider shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) It shall be established pursuant to the law, and be capable of independently bearing civil liabilities;

(2) It shall have a sound governance structure, and robust internal management and supervision systems;

(3) It shall have in place independent and sound financial management, accounting and asset management systems;

(4) It shall have the facilities, personnel and technical expertise necessary for providing services;

(5) It shall have a favorable record of tax payment and social security contribution pursuant to the law;

(6) It shall have no record of grave illegalities in the past three years, shall have passed the annual inspection or fulfilled the obligations to disclose annual reports as required, shall have a favorable credit standing, and shall not be included in the list of enterprises with abnormal business operations or the list of enterprises committing grave illegalities;

(7) It shall comply with the requirements of the State on separating government organs from public institutions, social organizations and enterprises; and

(8) It shall satisfy other conditions prescribed by laws and regulations, and those required by the projects for procurement of services.

       第七条  承接主体应当具备以下条件:









  Article 8    The eligibility and specific conditions required of Service Providers shall be determined by Service Purchasers pursuant to Article 6 and Article 7 herein, and by taking into account the specific needs of the services to be purchased.

       第八条  承接主体的资质及具体条件,由购买主体根据第六条、第七条规定,结合购买服务内容具体需求确定。

  Article 9    Government procurement of services shall be combined with the reform of public institutions, so as to push public institutions to straighten out their relationship with competent departments and detach themselves from administrative functions, and promote public institutions whose conditions permit to be restructured into enterprises or social organizations.

Where a public institution undertakes a project for government procurement of services, it shall, in accordance with the principle of "determining fees based on actual service items", make corresponding adjustments to the ways by which fiscal budgets provide safeguards, so as to prevent the practices whereby fiscal grants are used to finance the costs of personnel assigned to perform relevant tasks, while expenses are also spent to purchase services.

       第九条  政府购买服务应当与事业单位改革相结合,推动事业单位与主管部门理顺关系和去行政化,推进有条件的事业单位转为企业或社会组织。


  Article 10    Service Purchasers shall, under the principle of fair competition, encourage industry associations and chambers of commerce to participate in the activities to undertake projects for government procurement of services, foster and develop social organizations, enhance their capabilities to provide public services, and promote the separation of industry associations and chambers of commerce from administrative organs.

       第十条  购买主体应当在公平竞争的原则下鼓励行业协会商会参与承接政府购买服务,培育发展社会组织,提升社会组织承担公共服务能力,推动行业协会商会与行政机构脱钩。

  Article 11    Service Purchasers shall ensure that all types of Service Providers engage in equal competition, and shall not discriminate against certain Service Providers by setting unreasonable conditions.

       第十一条  购买主体应当保障各类承接主体平等竞争,不得以不合理的条件对承接主体实行差别化歧视。

Chapter 3: Service Items for Procurement and Guiding Catalogues

    第三章  购买内容及指导目录

  Article 12    Government procurement of services shall cover service items that are suitable to be provided in a market-oriented manner and that non-government market players are capable of providing. The approach of government procurement of services shall apply to service items newly added by the government or temporary or phase-based service items, as long as they are suitable to be provided by non-government market players. Service items that are beyond the scope of government functions, and service items that shall be provided directly by the government and are not suitable to be provided by non-government market players shall not be purchased from non-government market players.

       第十二条  政府购买服务的内容为适合采取市场化方式提供、社会力量能够承担的服务事项。政府新增或临时性、阶段性的服务事项,适合社会力量承担的,应当按照政府购买服务的方式进行。不属于政府职能范围,以及应当由政府直接提供、不适合社会力量承担的服务事项,不得向社会力量购买。

  Article 13    Finance departments at all levels shall be responsible for formulating the guiding catalogue for government procurement of services at their respective level to determine the types, nature and details of the services for government procurement.

When formulating guiding catalogues for government procurement of services, finance departments shall fully consult other departments concerned, and make dynamic adjustments in a timely manner according to changes in economic and social development, transformation of government functions, public demand, etc.

       第十三条  各级财政部门负责制定本级政府购买服务指导性目录,确定政府购买服务的种类、性质和内容。


  Article 14    Unless otherwise prescribed by laws and regulations, the following services shall be included in a guiding catalogue for government procurement of services:

(1) Basic public services, referring to service items that are suitable to be provided by non-government market players in the following fields: public education, employment, human resource services, social insurance, social assistance, elderly care services, child welfare services, services for the disabled, priority support and placement, medical treatment and health care, population and family planning, housing, public culture, public sports, public security, public transport, services for rural areas, the agricultural industry and farmers, environmental protection and control, urban maintenance, etc.;

(2) Social management services, referring to service items that are suitable to be provided by non-government market players in the following fields: community building, development and management of social organizations, social work services, legal aid, poverty alleviation and support, disaster prevention and relief, people's mediation, community correction services, migrant population management, services for the placement, help and education of ex-inmates, operations and management of volunteer services, public and public welfare advocacy, etc.;

(3) Industry management and coordination services, referring to service items that are suitable to be provided by non-government market players in the following fields: testing and management of industry professional qualifications and levels, industry standards, industry complaints, etc.;

(4) Technical services, referring to service items that are suitable to be provided by non-government market players in the following fields: scientific research and technology popularization, industry planning, industry research, industry statistical analysis, inspection, quarantine and testing, monitoring services, accounting and audit services, etc.;

(5) Ancillary services needed for the performance of government duties, referring to service items that are suitable to be provided by non-government market players in the following fields: legal services, project research, policy (legislation) research, drafting and feasibility discussion, strategy and policy research, preparation of comprehensive planning, development of standard evaluation indicators, social survey, services for conferences, economic and trade events and exhibitions, supervision and inspection, evaluation, performance appraisal, engineering services, project evaluation, financial audit, consulting, technical business training, information technology development and management, logistics management, etc.; and

(6) Other service items that are suitable to be provided by non-government market players.

       第十四条  除法律法规另有规定外,下列服务应当纳入政府购买服务指导性目录:







  Article 15    Service items included in guiding catalogues shall be subject to procurement.

       第十五条  纳入指导性目录的服务事项,应当实施购买服务。

Chapter 4: Procurement Methods and Procedures

    第四章  购买方式及程序

  Article 16    A Service Purchaser shall, based on the supply-demand characteristics of the services to be purchased, the degree of market development and other factors, adopt flexible means to organize government procurement of services according to simplified and convenient procedures and in a transparent, competitive and orderly manner. The results of such procurement shall be subject to evaluation.

       第十六条  购买主体应当根据购买内容的供求特点、市场发育程度等因素,按照方式灵活、程序简便、公开透明、竞争有序、结果评价的原则组织实施政府购买服务。

  Article 17    A Service Purchaser shall, in accordance with the Government Procurement Law, determine Service Providers by public bidding, selective bidding, competitive negotiation, single-source procurement, etc.

The threshold on procurement limits, threshold on procurement by public bidding, review of procurement methods, information disclosure, procedures for lodging and handling questions and complaints, etc. that are related to government procurement of services shall be governed by the legal systems applicable to government procurement.

       第十七条  购买主体应当按照政府采购法的有关规定,采用公开招标、邀请招标、竞争性谈判、单一来源采购等方式确定承接主体。


  Article 18    After the procurement budget is issued, a Service Purchaser shall prepare a government procurement implementation plan pursuant to the requirements on government procurement management, submit the same to the government procurement regulatory department at the same level for record-filing, and thereafter carry out procurement activities.

The Service Purchaser shall promptly make public the service items to be procured, the size of the procurement project, the eligibility requirements on Service Providers, relevant materials required to be submitted and other pertinent information.

       第十八条  购买主体应当在购买预算下达后,根据政府采购管理要求编制政府采购实施计划,报同级政府采购监管部门备案后开展采购活动。


  Article 19    Once a Service Provider is determined according to prescribed procedures, the relevant Service Purchaser shall sign a contract with the Service Provider, and may, according to the characteristics of the needs under the service project, adopt the form of purchase, entrustment, leasing, concession operation, strategic cooperation, etc.

The contract so signed shall specify the contents, period, quantity, quality, price and other requirements of the procurement of services, the methods of fund settlement, the rights and obligations of both parties, the liabilities for breach of contract, etc. 

       第十九条  按规定程序确定承接主体后,购买主体应当与承接主体签订合同,并可根据服务项目的需求特点,采取购买、委托、租赁、特许经营、战略合作等形式。


  Article 20    A Service Purchaser shall strengthen the management of procurement contracts, urge Service Providers to perform contracts strictly as required, have a timely understanding and grasp of the implementing progress of procurement projects, make payments in strict accordance with the provisions on centralized payment management by the State Treasury and the progress of contractual performance, and actively assist the Service Providers in their effective communication and coordination with relevant government departments and service recipients based on actual needs and according to contractual clauses.    

       第二十条  购买主体应当加强购买合同管理,督促承接主体严格履行合同,及时了解掌握购买项目实施进度,严格按照国库集中支付管理有关规定和合同执行进度支付款项,并根据实际需求和合同规定积极帮助承接主体做好与相关政府部门、服务对象的沟通、协调。

  Article 21    A Service Provider shall fulfill the obligations to provide services under the relevant contracts, earnestly organize the implementation of service projects, complete the tasks under service projects as scheduled, ensure the quantity, quality and effectiveness of the services provided, and voluntarily accept the supervision of relevant departments, service recipients and the general public. The Service Provider is strictly prohibited from engaging in sub-contracting.

       第二十一条  承接主体应当按合同履行提供服务的义务,认真组织实施服务项目,按时完成服务项目任务,保证服务数量、质量和效果,主动接受有关部门、服务对象及社会监督,严禁转包行为。

  Article 22    After a Service Provider has completed the service items agreed upon under the relevant contract, the Service Purchaser concerned shall promptly organize inspection and final acceptance of the performance of the contract by the Service Provider, and strengthen management according to the prevailing fiscal and financial management system.

       第二十二条  承接主体完成合同约定的服务事项后,购买主体应当及时组织对履约情况进行检查验收,并依据现行财政财务管理制度加强管理。

Chapter 5: Budgetary and Financial Management

    第五章  预算及财务管理

  Article 23    The funds needed for government procurement of services shall be set aside in a coordinated manner under existing fiscal budgets. A Service Purchaser shall, on the basis of currently available arrangements for fiscal funds, gradually increase the percentage of the funds for government procurement of services as required. Pertinent provisions shall apply to service projects for which funds have been allocated under relevant budgets, if it is specified that such services shall be provided by way of procurement. On the other hand, service projects for which funds have been allocated under relevant budgets may be carried out by converting to government procurement of services based on actual situations, if it is not yet specified that such services shall be provided by way of procurement.

       第二十三条  政府购买服务所需资金,应当在既有财政预算中统筹安排。购买主体应当在现有财政资金安排的基础上,按规定逐步增加政府购买服务资金比例。对预算已安排资金且明确通过购买方式提供的服务项目,按相关规定执行;对预算已安排资金但尚未明确通过购买方式提供的服务项目,可以根据实际情况转为通过政府购买服务方式实施。

  Article 24    A Service Purchaser shall make reasonable estimates, calculations and arrangements of the expenditure needed for government procurement of services in light of the characteristics and relevant budgets of a project by giving full play to the professional advantages of competent industry departments, industry organizations, professional consulting and evaluation agencies, experts, etc., and by taking into comprehensive consideration prices, wages, taxes and fees, and other factors.

       第二十四条  购买主体应当充分发挥行业主管部门、行业组织和专业咨询评估机构、专家等专业优势,结合项目特点和相关经费预算,综合物价、工资、税费等因素,合理测算安排政府购买服务所需支出。

  Article 25    When designing the work for annual budget preparation, a finance department shall raise specific requirements on relevant budgetary arrangements for the procurement of services, and formulate a dedicated service project procurement form in budget statements.

A Service Purchaser shall fill out the service project procurement form as required, include in government procurement budgets projects for government procurement of services that are listed in the catalogue of centralized procurement or that are above the threshold of procurement limits, and submit the same together with its departmental budget to the relevant finance department for review.

       第二十五条  财政部门在布置年度预算编制工作时,应当对购买服务相关预算安排提出明确要求,在预算报表中制定专门的购买服务项目表。


  Article 26    The organ in charge of managing government procurement of services within a finance department shall be responsible for reviewing the service project government procurement form completed and submitted by a Service Provider.

       第二十六条  财政部门负责政府购买服务管理的机构对购买主体填报的政府购买服务项目表进行审核。

  Article 27    The service project procurement form reviewed by a finance department shall be issued to the relevant Service Purchaser together with the approval of its departmental budget. The Service Purchaser shall organize the procurement of services according to the service project procurement form issued by the finance department.

       第二十七条  财政部门审核后的购买服务项目表,随部门预算批复一并下达给相关购买主体。购买主体应当按照财政部门下达的购买服务项目表,组织实施购买服务工作。

  Article 28    A Service Provider shall set up ledger accounts for government procurement of services, record relevant documents, work plans and programs, approvals of projects and funds, information on project progress and fund payment, work reports and summaries, major activities and other relevant materials and information, and accept and cooperate with the supervision, inspection and performance appraisal conducted by relevant departments over the use of funds.

       第二十八条  承接主体应当建立政府购买服务台账,记录相关文件、工作计划方案、项目和资金批复、项目进展和资金支付、工作汇报总结、重大活动和其它有关资料信息,接受和配合相关部门对资金使用情况进行监督检查及绩效评价。

  Article 29    A Service Provider shall establish and improve its financial system, strictly comply with relevant fiscal and financial provisions, conduct standardized financial management and accounting of the funds under projects for procurement of services, strengthen self-supervision, and ensure the standardized management and use of funds.

       第二十九条  承接主体应当建立健全财务制度,严格遵守相关财政财务规定,对购买服务的项目资金进行规范的财务管理和会计核算,加强自身监督,确保资金规范管理和使用。

  Article 30    A Service Provider shall establish and improve its financial reporting system, and provide Service Purchasers with materials on the use of funds, the implementation of projects, the summary of the achievements made, etc. as required.

       第三十条  承接主体应当建立健全财务报告制度,按要求向购买主体提供资金的使用情况、项目执行情况、成果总结等材料。

Chapter 6: Performance and Supervision and Administration

    第六章  绩效和监督管理

  Article 31    Finance departments shall step up cost-effectiveness analysis, and push forward the performance appraisal of government procurement of services pursuant to the requirements on establishing a whole-process budgetary performance management mechanism.

Finance departments shall push for the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation mechanism comprising Service Purchasers, service recipients and professional agencies, promote third-party evaluation, and follow the principles of combining the evaluation of process with the evaluation of results, the evaluation of short-term effects with the evaluation of long-term effects, and the evaluation of social effects with the evaluation of economic effects to conduct performance appraisal and evaluation in terms of the quantity, quality, use of funds, etc. of projects for procurement of services. Evaluation results shall serve as important references in the selection of Service Providers.

       第三十一条  财政部门应当按照建立全过程预算绩效管理机制的要求,加强成本效益分析,推进政府购买服务绩效评价工作。


  Article 32    Finance departments, audit offices and other departments concerned shall strengthen the supervision and audit of government procurement of services to ensure the standardized management and reasonable use of the funds for government procurement of services. Whoever withholds, misappropriates or retains such funds, or commits other violations of these Measures shall be investigated for legal liabilities in accordance with the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on Punishments and Sanctions against Finance-related Illegalities and other relevant provisions of the State, and shall be referred to judicial organs for handling pursuant to the law if criminal offenses are suspected of.

       第三十二条  财政、审计等有关部门应当加强对政府购买服务的监督、审计,确保政府购买服务资金规范管理和合理使用。对截留、挪用和滞留资金以及其他违反本办法规定的行为,依照《中华人民共和国政府采购法》、《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》等国家有关规定追究法律责任;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移交司法机关处理。

  Article 33    Civil affairs departments, administrations for industry and commerce, competent industry departments and other departments concerned shall, according to the division of responsibilities, include the credit records of Service Providers in undertaking projects for government procurement of services in annual inspection (annual reporting), assessment, law enforcement and other regulatory systems, and continuously improve the mechanism where honest conducts are rewarded and dishonest practices are sanctioned.

       第三十三条  民政、工商管理及行业主管等部门应当按照职责分工将承接主体承接政府购买服务行为信用记录纳入年检(报)、评估、执法等监管体系,不断健全守信激励和失信惩戒机制。

  Article 34    A Service Purchaser shall strengthen the development of the system of standards for service projects, raise scientific service needs, objectives and requirements, establish a pricing system and a quality standards system for service projects, and prepare texts on standard service norms in a reasonable manner.

       第三十四条  购买主体应当加强服务项目标准体系建设,科学设定服务需求和目标要求,建立服务项目定价体系和质量标准体系,合理编制规范性服务标准文本。

  Article 35    A Service Purchaser shall establish a supervision and inspection mechanism, strengthen supervision throughout the entire process of government procurement of services, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to include the activities of Service Providers to undertake projects for government procurement of services in annual inspection (annual reporting), assessment, law enforcement and other regulatory systems.

       第三十五条  购买主体应当建立监督检查机制,加强对政府购买服务的全过程监督,积极配合有关部门将承接主体的承接政府购买服务行为纳入年检(报)、评估、执法等监管体系。

  Article 36    Finance departments and Service Purchasers shall, in accordance with the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Government Information Disclosure, the Administrative Measures for the Announcement of Government Procurement Information and relevant provisions on the disclosure of budgets, make public fiscal budgets and information concerning the activities of government procurement of services by departments and entities, excluding information involving State secrets, commercial secrets and personal privacy.

       第三十六条  财政部门和购买主体应当按照《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》、《政府采购信息公告管理办法》以及预算公开的相关规定,公开财政预算及部门和单位的政府购买服务活动的相关信息,涉及国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私的信息除外。

  Article 37    Finance departments shall, in conjunction with other departments concerned and Service Purchasers, set up credit records on the activities of Service Providers to undertake projects for government procurement of services, mete out administrative punishments pursuant to the law against Service Providers who practice fraud, defraud fiscal funds or commit other violations of laws and regulations, and include such Service Providers in the blacklist of government procurement of services.

       第三十七条  财政部门应当会同相关部门、购买主体建立承接主体承接政府购买服务行为信用记录,对弄虚作假、冒领财政资金以及有其他违法违规行为的承接主体,依法给予行政处罚,并列入政府购买服务黑名单。

Chapter 7: Supplementary Provisions

    第七章  附则

  Article 38    These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance in conjunction with other relevant departments.

       第三十八条  本办法由财政部会同有关部门负责解释。

  Article 39    These Measures shall come into effect on January 1, 2015.

       第三十九条  本办法自2015年1月1日起施行。





中英双语-政府购买服务管理办法(暂行)(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-04-09 10:54:11