De facto marriage的含义及在我国法律和英美法中的相关规定

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De facto marriage表示“事实婚姻”,也作Common law marriage,英文释义为:De facto marriage is a term used to define the relationship between a couple who is not legally married, yet meets the civil requirements for marriage.指因同居而非结婚仪式或程序形成的婚姻关系。这种关系是否在法律上被视为婚姻通常取决于双方居住的司法管辖区。在普通法系国家中,事实婚姻与传统的程序式婚姻享有相同的地位,例如,在美国,大多数州承认事实婚姻。欧洲和英国的许多司法管辖区,以及以色列、加拿大和澳大利亚,也承认这类非正式婚姻。在我国,自1994年2月1日以后,尽管我国《婚姻法》不再承认事实婚姻,但这并不代表法律将彻底不承认事实婚姻,例如刑法中的重婚罪,有配偶而与他人形成事实婚姻或明知他人有配偶而与其形成事实婚姻,即使没有到民政部门进行结婚登记,仍然可以认定是重婚。

参考例句:As the Court of Final Appeal has ruled that children born to de facto marriage are also entitled to the ROA in Hong Kong, genetic tests are a reliable means to substantiate the parentage claims when no legitimate proof is available.


For the changes in China's legislation about de facto marriage, non-marital cohabitation appears to be another choice to a man and a woman except lawful marriage.


The court decided that the couple had been living in a de facto marriage and supported the man's claim regarding his financial contributions to the relationship.


发布于 2022-01-24 16:53:53