了解合同中的“Latent defect”和“Patent defect”

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Latent defect又称hidden defect,翻译为“隐蔽瑕疵;不易发现的缺陷”,其中,latent一词表示“潜在的;潜伏的;隐蔽的”,如:latent disease 潜伏性疾病,

latent talent潜在天赋,latent meaning潜在意义。与Patent defect(明显瑕疵)相对,指经由合理的或惯常的观察或检验仍不能发现的产品瑕疵。出租人或者卖家对于由此所造成的损害应当承担责任。买受人在此后发现隐蔽瑕疵的,可以撤销其在此前对产品的接受。在货物买卖中,如果买受人已明示其购买目的,并且依赖于出卖人的能力与判断,那么,应当认为存在一个关于产品质量与此目的合理相适应的默示条件,其中即包括隐蔽瑕疵的担保。

参考双语例Any loss resulting from total loss to the covered vehicle, caused by or resulting from wear and tear, gradual deterioration, obsolescence, rust, corrosion, latent defect, inherent defect, freezing, overheating, or resulting from any repairing, restoration or remodeling process, structural, mechanical or electrical breakdown or failure unless fire or other accident ensues, and then only for the physical loss or damage by such ensuing fire or accident are specifically excluded.


Liability to wastage in bulk, or in weight, latent defect or inherent defect (even if existing at embarkation or commencement of Cruise, quality or vice or natural deterioration of the Vessel or property.


发布于 2022-02-25 15:18:43