了解美国选举中的“Single issue voters”"

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大家可能对“Issue voters”有所了解,即“议题选民”,“issue”在这里指的就是选民们最关心的事情或者话题。“Single issue voters”则翻译为“单一议题选民”,是指那些把选票投给候选人的人,他们的投票是基于一个单一的公共政策问题,而这个问题一直是政治意识形态分歧的根源,比如生殖权利(reproductive rights)、枪支管制(gun control)或LGBTQ平等。在总统选举和州长选举等主要国家和州选举中,单一议题投票是最普遍的。

在许多情况下,单一议题投票可以解释为,大多数选民希望当选官员解决一个问题或纠正一个错误。在国家层面上,它是大多数人的经济。对许多人来说,这是维持自己特殊地位或生活方式的能力。还有一些人认为,这是一种特殊的社会视角或道德问题,比如堕胎(abortion)或性别平等(gender equality)等。

虽然一些问题的重要性有所提升和下降,但历史上有五个问题驱使美国人投票,包括经济(economy)、医疗保健(health care)、移民(immigration)、堕胎(abortion)和枪支政策(gun policy)。


Single issue voters do not need a deep understanding of every issue nor do they need to know where a candidate stands on every issue. Instead, by focusing on a specific issue, they develop a sense of which candidate they agree with the most. Many single issue voters tend to formulate their view on a particular issue by recalling how that issue has affected them in the past and projecting how it might affect them in the future.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest decision making body in which shareholders can exercise their influence by voting on key issues, such as adoption of income statements and balance sheets, allocation of the Company’s profit, discharge from liability of board members and the Chief Executive Officer, election of board members, Chairman of the Board and auditors, as well as remuneration to the board of directors and auditors.


发布于 2022-02-25 17:13:01