"合同中的Advanced payment和accelerated payment的含义和区别 "

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Advanced payment,也称为advances,通常出现在【买卖合同】中,指的是买方向卖方支付的“预付款、垫付款”。Advance在这里指的是to give sb money before the time it would usually be paid“预付”,如:We are willing to advance the money to you. 我们愿意预付款给你。We will advance you the money. 我们将把款子预付给你

预付款是买方在交易合同签订后即向卖方支付一定金额的预付款。此方式不利于买方,一般在交易货物供不应求时采用。买方要负担商业风险(commercial risks)、积压资金(let funds lie idle),实际上是向卖方提供信贷;而卖方在发货前就收到货款,有利于资金周转,也无商业风险。




Accelerated payment,通常出现在【贷款合同】或协议中,可翻译为“加速还款、加速偿还”。指的是贷款方向出借方主动或被迫加速提高还款频率(Increase the frequency of repayment)、缩短贷款周期(Shorten the loan cycle)的一种方式。Accelerate在这里指的是“加速”,如:Inflation continues to accelerate.通货膨胀不断加速。Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.暴露在日光下会加快老化过程。Growth will accelerate to 2.9 percent next year.增长明年将加快到2.9%。


①The revision should (a) reflect clarification on strategic policy and exit strategies, including links to the MTSP and Millennium Development Goals and issues raised in the evaluation of the supply function, organizational review and business process review; (b) include a clear explanation of the roles and responsibilities of Supply Division, Programme Division, regional offices, country offices and the Procurement Services Review Committee (PROSERVE); (c) remove redundancies and ensure that provisions are kept current; (d) explain specific provisions related to local currency payments and waiver of advance payments; (e) explain how Procurement Services can be used in programming and advocacy activities; and (f) ensure consideration of issues raised by Supply Division in the September 2007 meeting of PROSERVE.


②The implementing agency shall monitor the progress of the project activity and related events that could trigger, for example, subsequent loan disbursements, cancellation, write-off or acceleration, until the loan has been fully repaid.


But there seem to be no clauses in the prospectuses for Greek government bonds that would trigger accelerated payment of the rest of what's owed on any particular bond in default or that would put other bonds into default: in the jargon, there are no accelerated payment or cross-default clauses.

但是,希腊政府债券的招股说明书中似乎没有任何条款会触发加速支付任何特定债券违约或导致其他债券违约的剩余债务:用行话来说,没有加速支付或 交叉违约条款。

发布于 2022-03-30 16:12:03