信托收据 (Trust Receipt) 中英翻译样本

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信托收据 (Trust Receipt) 是进口人借单时提供一种书面信用担保文件,用来表示愿意以代收行的受托人身份代为提货、报关、存仓、保险、出售并承认货物所有权仍属于银行。

今天推荐一则一则信托收据 (Trust Receipt) 的中英文对照翻译,原文为中文,译文为英文。值得有志于从事金融或法律领域翻译的小伙伴可以参考学习下。更多金融或法律翻译内容,敬请回复“金融专题”或“法律专题”获取。


致 : 恒生银行(中国)有限公司   分行 

To : Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited  Branch 


Date : 


本公司/本人基于信托的方式,作为贵行的受托人,从贵行收到贵行加签的如下货物所有权凭证或签发给船公司的银行保函(以下合称 “单据”),以使本公司/本人能够提取下述质押给贵行的货物。 

Received from you upon trust the following document(s) of title covering or the letter(s) of guarantee to the shipping company duly countersigned by you (collectively, the “Documents”) to enable us to take delivery of the undermentioned goods pledged to you as security: 


参考资料Your Reference           货物描述Description of Goods

银行账号Account No.:   

信用证号D/C No.:  

票据号Bill No.:                   船名Vessel: 

提货担保书号SG No.:             货物所有权凭证性质及份数Nature & No. of Title Document(s):  金额Amount 



In consideration of your releasing to us the Documents, we agree with and undertake to you as follows: 

(i) 本公司/本人现在和今后将继续把单据以及与单据相关的货物和/或产品(“货物”)质押给贵行,以作为本公司/本人完全履行义务的担保,该担保不受以任何其他人为受益人的任何担保权益的影响。除非贵行另行同意或指示,本公司/本人将仅为接收货物和/或为销售或加工而向买方或第三方交付货物之目的接收并持有单据。 

The Documents and the goods and/or products to which they relate (the “Goods”) are now and shall remain in pledge to you as security for the dueperformance of our obligations to you free of any security interest in favor of any other person and we shall receive and hold the Documents and take delivery ofand deal with the Goods exclusively for obtaining delivery of and/or making delivery to purchasers of the Goods or third parties for the purpose of processingand selling the Goods unless you shall direct or agree otherwise. 

(ii) 本公司/本人现在和将来均作为贵行的受托人持有单据、货物和销售收益并完全凭贵行指示行事,但是本公司/本人应承担全部风险和费用。本公司/本人一旦收到货物的销售收益(无论以何种形式)以及与货物保险相关的任何金额,应立即向贵行全额支付,不得作任何抵消或扣减。本公司/本人应就贵行对货物享有的利益进行正确记录。在将货物的销售收益支付给贵行之前,本公司/本人应当作为贵行的受托人持有该款项并凭贵行指示行事,并且应当将该款项存放在与本公司/本人控制的其他款项相分隔的单独银行账户中。 

The Documents, the Goods and the proceeds of sale are and will be held by us on trust for you and solely to your order but we shall bear all risks andexpenses. We shall pay all proceeds of sale of the Goods (in whatever form they may take), and any sums received in respect of insurances relating to theGoods, to you immediately on receipt without any set-off or deduction. We shall keep records which properly record your interest in the Goods. Pendingpayment of the sale proceeds of the Goods to you, we shall hold them on trust for you and solely to your order, and shall keep them in a separate bank accountsegregated from all other funds under our control. 

(iii) 本公司/本人在此授权贵行直接向任何买方或其他人请求支付和/或接收货物的销售收益,并行使本公司/本人作为卖方所享有的全部其他权利(如有)。


You are hereby authorised to demand and/or receive the sale proceeds of the Goods directly from any buyer or other person, and to exercise all other rights (ifany) of us as the seller. 

(iv) 本公司/本人应当以贵行名义存储货物并将收据提交给贵行。在货物销售之前,本公司/本人承诺将按贵行不时发出的指示对货物进行仓储。本公司/本人在此授权贵行进入任何地点,以检查或确保货物和单据的占有情况,并授权贵行以销售或贵行认为适当的其他方式转移和处置货物(或其任何部分),以及以贵行认为有利的其他方式处置货物。 

The Goods shall be stored in your name and any warrants for the Goods shall be delivered to you. Pending sale of the Goods, we undertake to warehouse the Goods as you may from time to time direct. You are authorised to enter any premises so as to inspect or secure possession of the Goodsand theDocuments, to remove and dispose of the Goods (or any of them) by sale or otherwise as you may think fit and otherwise to deal with the Goods as you may consider expedient. 

(v) 本公司/本人应支付与货物和单据有关的全部仓储费、运费、码头费和其他费用。

We shall pay all warehousing, freight, dock and other charges relating to the Goods and Documents. 


(vi) 本公司/本人应当随时告知贵行货物的所在地点,并保持本交易、单据、货物和全部销售收益的独立性。在得到贵行的书面同意之前,不得允许对货物进行加工或变更。如果货物存放在本公司/本人的场地或者与本公司/本人的其他财产一起存放,本公司/本人应确保本公司/本人作为贵行受托人所持有的货物在物理上具有独立性并且容易与其他财产相区分。 

We shall advise you of the whereabouts of the Goods at all times and keep this transaction, the Documents, the Goods and all sale proceeds separate from any others and shall not permit the Goods to be processed or altered without your prior written consent. If the Goods shall be held in premises belonging to us or otherwise stored with other assets belonging to us, we shall ensure that the Goods are physically segregated and easily identifiable as being held on trust for you. 

(vii) 本公司/本人应当根据贵行的要求,自负费用向贵行批准的保险公司就全部可保风险对货物进行投保,并应当作为贵行的受托人持有保险单、其他保险凭证和保险收益,凭贵行指示行事。本公司/本人将及时通知贵行在相关保险项下可能发生保险金索赔请求的任何情况。如发生损失或损害,本公司/本人将把自保险公司收到的任何款项立即支付给贵行,并就任何差额对贵行作出补偿。 

We shall keep the Goods fully insured against all insurable risks as you may require at our expense with such insurers as you may approve and shall hold the policies and any insurance instruments and proceeds on trust for you and solely to your order. We shall notify you forthwith of any circumstances likely to give rise to an insurance claim under such insurances. In the event of loss or damage, we shall account to you immediately for any moneys received from the insurers and shall make good any deficiency. 

(viii) 本公司/本人不得出售或者以其他方式处置货物,但依照本信托收据的条款和条件并作为贵行受托人进行的出售或其他处置除外。 

We shall not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Goods, except by a sale or other disposalas trustee for you in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Trust Receipt. 

(ix) 贵行可随时终止本信托收据并占有货物和/或单据和/或销售收益,无论其处于何地或何种形式。本公司/本人承诺,一经贵行要求,本公司/本人即向贵行返还单据和/或本公司/本人作为单据的交换品或替代品而收到的其他文件,并立即完全遵照贵行就货物(或其任何部分)的加工和处置方式所发出的,或将货物(或其任何部分)从某地转出或储存于某地的任何指示。

You may, at any time, terminate this Trust Receipt and take possession of the Goods and/or the Documents and/or the proceeds of sale, wherever and in whatever form the same may be. We undertake to return to you forthwith upon your request at any time the Documents and/or any other documents received by us in exchange or substitution for them and to comply promptly and fully with any instructions which you may give as to the manner of processing and dealing with the Goods (or any of them) or the removal of them to, or storage of them at, any place. 

(x) 如本信托收据的授信期间到期,本公司/本人授权贵行在无需通知本公司/本人的情况下,借记本公司/本人的往来账户以偿还全部/部分进口押汇款项及/或结清相关单据款项。 

If the credit term arranged with you on this Trust Receipt expires, you are hereby authorised to debit our current account in full/partial repayment of the loan against import and/or retirement of the relevant bill without reference to us. 

(xi) 本公司/本人确认,如果货物是以向船公司交付银行保函的形式提取,由于本公司/本人或贵行还没收到出口商出具的与货物相关的发票,此时上述的金额是由本公司/本人估计的近似的金额。本公司/本人确认并且同意,当贵行履行了与上述货物有关的责任后,接受上述货物的实际价格,其总额应与贵行根据本公司/本人与贵行随时签署并在贵行存档的有关贸易融资交易文件(该等文件可不时进行修订)所开立的信用证或进口押汇的账面总额相一致。 

We acknowledge that in case the Goods are taken delivery by means of a letter or letters of guarantee to the shipping company, the value appearing above is an approximate value only estimated by us in the absence of the exporter‘s invoice relating to the Goods which has not yet been received by either us or yourselves and we accordingly acknowledge and agree that we shall abide by and accept as the actual value of the Goods such total sum as shall be revealed by your books as relating to the commercial credit or loan against import as the case may be which shall be established pursuant to the document(s) relating to trade financing transactions executed by us and on file with you from time to time (as such document(s) may be amended from time to time) and after you have discharged your liability to your correspondent in relation to the Goods and the same shall be final. 

(xii) 本公司/本人不得为任何目的在货物上设立质押、担保或其他负担,亦不得允许任何人(贵行除外)在货物上取得任何担保利益,并且除了正常经营过程中的买方外,不得放弃对货物的控制。 

We shall not pledge, charge or otherwise encumber the Goods for any purpose, nor allow any person (other than you) to acquire any security interest in them, nor part with control of them except to purchasers thereof in the ordinary course of our business. 

(xiii) 未经贵行书面同意,本公司/本人不得赊销货物(或其任何部分),或者以低于上述票据金额(如有)的价格出售货物,并不得向本公司/本人对其欠付债务或负有任何责任的买方出售货物。 

We shall not without your prior written consent sell the Goods (or any of them) on credit terms or for less than the bill amount (if any) as shown above. Nor shall we sell the Goods to purchasers to whom we are indebted or under any liability. 

(xiv) 贵行知悉本公司/本人在信托收据项下的义务被违反,或者未能履行或疏于履行义务,不得视作贵行放弃本信托收据项下的任何权利,也不得以其他方式阻碍贵行行使相关权利。 

Your knowledge of any breach, failure or omission in respect of any of our obligations under this Trust Receiptshall not operate as a waiver of or otherwise preclude you from exercising any of your rights under this Trust Receipt. 

(xv) 贵行无需就贵行提交给本公司/本人的单据的正确性、有效性或充分性承担责任,也无需就货物的存在、性质、质量、数量、状况、包装、价值或交付承担责任。

You shall have no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness, validity or sufficiency of the Documents handed to us or for the existence, character, quality,quantity, condition, packing, value or delivery of the Goods. 

(xvi) 本公司/本人在此同意,如果贵行、贵行的往来行和代理行因向本公司/本人释放单据或与货物有关的其他事项遭致或发生任何责任、索赔、请求、损失、损害、税赋、成本、费用和任何形式的支出(包括但不限于全部法律费用),或贵行提起或被提起合同、侵权或其他任何诉讼或程序,只要贵行不存在疏忽或故意的违约行为,本公司/本人一经请求,将立即对贵行、贵行的往来行和代理行做出充分补偿。 

We hereby agree to promptly and fully indemnify you, your correspondents and agents on demand against all liabilities, claims, demands, losses,damages, taxes, costs, charges and expenses of any kind (including, without limitation, legal fees on a full indemnity basis) which may be suffered or incurred by youor any of your correspondents or agents and all actions or proceedings which may be brought by or against you or any of your correspondents or agents whether in contract, tort or otherwise arising from or in connection with your release to us of the Documents or otherwise in relation to the Goods in the absence of any negligence or willful default on your part. 


(xvii) 无论本公司/本人发生死亡、破产、清算、丧失行为能力,或者本公司/本人的组织机构、账户结算或其他任何事项发生任何变更,本信托收据将继续有效,并作为贵行当前和今后持有或可获得的合同或其他权利、补偿或任何担保、质押、单据、票据、抵押、(如法律允许)留置或其他担保(无论以质押单据的方式或其他方式创设)的补充,不得与其混同,并且不得以任何方式受到上述合同或其他权利、补偿或任何担保、质押、单据、票据、抵押、(如法律允许)留置或其他担保的损害或影响,或因其无效,或因贵行现在和将来交换、释放、变更、放弃完善或强制执行上述合同或其他权利、补偿或任何担保、质押、单据、票据、抵押、(如法律允许)留置或其他担保或贵行当前和将来拥有的任何其他权利,或因贵行给予付款延展期,宽限或与其他责任人达成妥协而受到损害或影响。 

This Trust Receipt is of continuing effect notwithstanding the death, bankruptcy, liquidation, incapacity or any change in the constitution of us or any settlement of account or other matter whatsoever and is in addition to and shall not merge with or otherwise prejudice or affect any contractual or other right or remedy or any guarantee, pledge, bill, note, mortgage, (if permitted by law) lienor other security (whether created by the deposit of documents or otherwise) now or hereafter held by or available to you and shall not be in any way prejudiced or affected thereby or by the invalidity thereof or by you now or hereafter dealing with exchanging, releasing, varying or abstaining from perfecting or enforcing any of the same or any rights which youmay now or hereafter have or giving time for payment or indulgence or compounding with any other person liable. 

(xviii) 如果本信托收据由合伙签署,则不时以该合伙名义或以该合伙存续的业务在当时所使用的名义从事经营的全部人士均应受其约束并承担连带责任,无论该合伙的任何合伙人发生退休,死亡或其引入任何新合伙人。 

If signed by a firm, this Trust Receipt shall be binding jointly and severally on all persons from time to time carrying on business in the name of such firm or under the name in which the business of such firm may from time to time be continued notwithstanding the retirement or death of any partner or the introduction of any further partner. 

(xix) 本信托收据(“本信托收据”)受中国法律(为本信托收据之目的,不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区及台湾省之法律)管辖并按其解释。任何与本信托收据有关或其履行中产生的纠纷均应由本公司/本人与贵行协商解决。如果协商无法解决,则任何一方均有权向本信托收据首页规定之分行所在地有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。本条款并不限制贵行在任何其他有管辖权的法院向本公司/本人提起诉讼的权利。为了避免疑问,任何不涉及纠纷的条款在诉讼过程中应继续履行。 

This Trust Receipt (“this Trust Receipt”)is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of the People’s Republic of China(for the purpose of this Receipt, excluding the laws of Hong Kong Administrative Region, Macao Administrative Region and Taiwan). Any dispute arising from the performanceof this Trust Receipt or in connection with them may be resolved by negotiation between us. If it could not be resolved by negotiation, any party may take proceedings in the court of competent jurisdiction in the place of the branch provided in the first page of this Trust Receipt. Nothing in this clause shall limit your right to take proceedings against us in any other court of competent jurisdiction. For the avoidance of doubt, any provisions other than those in dispute shall continue to be performed during the proceedings. 


This Trust Receipt is signed in English and Chinese, both versions shall have the same legal effect.) 



Authorised Signature and Chop 




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发布于 2020-05-25 14:33:13