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Abscond一词在法律英语中通常表示“to travel covertly out of the jurisdiction of the courts, or to conceal oneself in order to avoid their process.”翻译为“潜逃(以躲避逮捕或诉讼)、避债”


absconding debtor 逃逸债务人;失踪债务人;在逃;

abscond from 潜逃

absconding defendant 在逃被告

absconding abroad 潜逃境外


1、If someone absconds from somewhere such as a prison, they escape from it or leave it without permission. 从...潜逃

A dozen inmates have absconded from the jail in the past year.


2、If someone absconds with something, they leave and take it with them, although it does not belong to them. 携带(某物)潜逃

Unfortunately, his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds.



Detention is the exception, which may be justified in the concrete circumstances of a case (a) to ensure a person’s appearance at trial whenever there is a serious danger that he or she may abscond; (b) to prevent him or her from obstructing or endangering the investigation or the court proceedings; or (c) to prevent a repetition of the kind of conduct of which he or she is suspected. daccess-ods.un.org


If the sentenced offender remains at liberty and there is no danger that he or she might abscond or otherwise obstruct the execution of the expulsion order, the judge presiding over the case may allow the offender reasonable time (not more than one month) to arrange his or her personal affairs. daccess-ods.un.org

如果被判刑罪犯尚未收押,并且不构成可能潜逃或以其他方式阻挠执行驱逐令的危险,审案法官可给予犯罪人合理时间(不超过 1 个月)处理私事。

However, the provision under which the alien would be given no notice to prepare for his or her departure if “there is reason to believe that the alien in question could abscond during such a period” constituted a vague and totally subjective exception and seemed to negate the first part of the paragraph. daccess-ods.un.org

但是,如果“有理由认为当事外国人 可能在此期间潜逃”,则可以不通知被驱逐的外国人作离境准备,这条规定是一个含糊而且完全主观的例外规定,似乎否定了本款的第一部分。

Some members nevertheless proposed the deletion of the reference to the expelling State’s freedom to shorten the period of notice if there was reason to believe that the alien in question could abscond during that period; the vague, subjective nature of that freedom seemed to weaken paragraph 3. daccess-ods.un.org

但一些委员建议删除当驱逐国有理由认为当事外国人可能在离境期限内潜逃时可自由缩短离境期限的说法;这一自由的模糊性和主观性似乎削弱了第 3 段的内容。

The third point that I would bring to the Council’s attention is that I think there is a chance (I could not put it higher than that) the “substantial grounds” test might lead to bail being granted simply because the prosecution cannot produce evidence to establish that the accused person would abscond, would commit an evidence or would interfere with the course of justice.

我要向本局指出的第三点是,我认为有机会(我只是说有机会而已)出现以下的情况,就是採用“甚有理由相信”的准则,可能导致被告获准保释,而原因纯粹只 是控方未能提供证据证明被告会潜逃、犯罪或妨碍司法公正。

发布于 2023-01-04 22:16:29