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自愿保险,英文表达为voluntary insurance,也称任意保险,是指保险双方当事人通过签订保险合同,或是需要保险保障的人自愿组合、实施的一种保险。自愿保险的保险关系,是当事人之间自由决定、彼此合意后所成立的合同关系。投保人(insurance applicant /policy holder)可以自行决定是否投保、向谁投保、中途退保等,也可以自由选择保障范围、保障程度和保险期限等。

强制保险,英文表达为compulsory insurance,又称为法定保险,是由法律规定必须参加的保险。商业保险一般都实行自愿原则,但是对少数危险范围较广、影响人民利益较大的保险标的,则应实行强制保险。







Even if during the last years actions to attract people in the social insurance system have been undertaken (opportunities for voluntary insurance), including annual increases of the amounts of allowances for children, in essence their effect is insignificant.


The Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labour Relations is the primary forum for discussing the most pressing social and labour issues, including promotion of the labour market, job creation, improved remuneration and pension systems, compulsory and voluntary social insurance, labour rights protection and worker safety.

 俄罗斯联邦调节社会劳动关系三方委员会成了讨论社会和劳工关系方面最 紧迫问题的主会场,这些问题包括:发展劳动力市场和支持就业,完善工资和养 老金保障即强制和自愿社会保险制度 ,维护公民的劳工权利和保护工作。

Without wishing to disappoint the Honourable TIK Chi-yuen in any way, supporters for reform both in and outside this Council, including such important institutions as the Hospital Authority and the Hong Kong Medical Association, have not only supported the voluntary insurance option, but have suggested ways for early implementation of schemes such as the health maintenance organizations in Hong Kong.


According to the Law No. 4447, the unemployment insurance is defined as the compulsory insurance which averts any possible plight of the insured and family members, and which partially meets the income loss of those who have lost their jobs without their own will and fault, although they possess the will, the capacity, the health and the sufficiency required by the job.


发布于 2023-01-05 00:30:20