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轻微伤,slight bodily injury,是指各种致伤因素所致的原发性损伤,造成组织器官结构轻微损害或者轻微功能障碍

轻伤,light/minor injury,是指使人肢体或者容貌损害,听觉、视觉或者其他器官功能部分障碍或者其他对于人身健康有中度伤害的损伤,包括轻伤一级和轻伤二级。













During the reporting period, at least 23 pupils were killed and 342 suffered serious or minor injuries from such incidents, while 24 teachers and education personnel lost their lives and 41 were injured throughout the country.


In providing military and security services, employees may use force or firearms only (a) to defend him/herself or other employees of the company against what he/she believes to be an imminent unlawful threat of death or serious bodily injury, in respect of the exercise of the essential right of selfdefence; (b) to defend persons whom he/she is under a contract to protect against what he/she believes to be an imminent unlawful threat of death or serious bodily injury; (c) to resist what he/she reasonably believes to be an attempt to unlawfully abduct him/her, other employees of the company or a person whom he/she is under contract to protect; (d) to prevent or put a stop to the commission of a serious crime that would involve or involves a grave threat to life or of serious bodily injury.

在提供军事和安保服务时,雇员在下列情况下方可使用武力或火器:(a) 保卫自己或公司其他雇员免遭其认为迫在眉睫的非法的死亡或重伤威胁,属于行使自卫的基本权利;(b) 保卫按照合同受其保护者免遭其认为迫在眉睫的非法的死亡或重伤威胁;( c) 阻止其有合理理由认为非法绑架其本人、公司的其他雇员或按照合同受其保护者的企图;(d) 预防或阻止犯下可能或已经构成死亡或重伤威胁的罪行。

In the case of causing bodily injury, damage to health, violating of privacy or other personality rights, a person may request applying of a restraining order in respect of the violator, regulating of the use of housing or communication, or applying of other similar measures.


发布于 2023-02-03 16:59:02