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质量保证条款(Quality Assurance Clause),常见于采购合同、产品买卖合同、国际贸易合同、造船合同、租赁合同等合同内容中。也有质量保证协议(Quality guarantee agreement)和产品质量保证书(Quality Guarantee),在采购合同和买卖合同中,有时作为附件另行约定。



销售合同(Sales Contract)——质量保证条款:


The warranty period of the Contract Products is 12 months, which is calculated from the date of the Buyer’s acceptance. During the warranty period, in case of any quality problem, the Buyer has the right to require the Seller to repair and replace within a time limit, or directly claim return of the products and a corresponding refund, and compensate the Buyer for all direct economic losses caused by the product quality problem, except for those on the part of the Buyer.


Where the warranty period expires, the Seller may provide the Buyer with repair service for defective products at Buyer’s expense. The standards and response time of such repair service shall be negotiated by both Parties.

采购协议(Purchasing Agreement)——质量保证条款:


If the end customer complaints caused by unqualified parts provided by party B, and down Party A’s goods reputation, Party A has the right to give relative compensation.

由乙方产品质量问题导致的甲方产品售后出现质量事故,经甲乙双方调查确认后,乙方应承担所供甲方的相关产品单价的三倍损失。If the serious quality issue happens caused by Parts provided by Party B in at end customer, after both parties confirm the issue, Party B should compensate referring to three times of products price.

甲方采用乙方产品生产出的成品,可能会接受国家、各地方质量监督部门、特殊客户等第三方不定期的抽检,如抽检中发现由乙方产品未达到国家标准而引起的甲方成品的任何不合格,经甲乙双方确认后,乙方应承担第三方的检验费用和其他相关费用; 同时甲方保留因此而造成对甲方名誉损害和经济损失对乙方进行索赔的权利。

The final finished goods produced by Party A may be audited or random inspected by the State, Local quality Bureau or special customer or the 3rd party, if found unqualified goods caused by parts provided by Party B, after both parties confirm the issue, Party B should bear the relative testing and inspection fee or other additional fee; at the same time, Party A retain the right to claim to a reputation for damages and economic loss.

发布于 2023-02-28 17:47:04