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人身保险,英文表达为Personal insurance,是以人的寿命和身体为保险标的的保险。Personal insurance shall be a type of insurance which takes the life and body of human beings as the subject matter insured.

人身保险业务,包括:人寿保险(life insurance)、健康保险(health insurance)、意外伤害保险(accident insurance)等保险业务。

·人寿保险(life insurance):以被保险人的寿命为保险标的,且以被保险人的生存或死亡为给付条件的人身保险。

·健康保险(health insurance):包括医疗保险、疾病保险、失能收入损失保险、护理保险以及医疗意外保险等。是指在被保险人身体出现疾病时,由保险人向其支付保险金的人身保险。

·意外伤害保险(accident insurance):以被保险人因遭受意外伤害造成死亡、残废为给付保险金条件的人身保险。

财产保险,英文表达为Property insurance,财产保险是以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。Property insurance shall be a type of insurance which takes property and interests related thereto as the subject matter insured. 

财产保险业务,包括:财产损失保险(property damage insurance)、责任保险(liability insurance)、信用保险(credit insurance)、保证保险(guarantee insurance)等保险业务。

·财产损失保险(property damage insurance):财产损失保险是以各类有形财产为保险标的的财产保险。其主要包括的业务种类有:企业财产保险、家庭财产保险、运输工具保险、货物运输保险、工程保险、特殊风险保险和农业保险等种类。

·责任保险(liability insurance):以被保险人的民事损害赔偿责任为保险标的的险种。凡根据法律被保险人应对其他人的损害所负经济赔偿责任,均由保险人承担,一般附加在损害赔偿保险中,如船舶保险的碰撞责任、汽车保险、飞机保险、工程保险、海洋石油开发保险等均已扩展了第三者责任险。

·信用保险(credit insurance):信用保险 以第三者对被保险人履约责任为标的的险种。主要有:忠诚保证保险,承保雇主因雇员的不法行为所致损失;履约保险,承保合同当事人中一方违约所负的经济责任。


The Advisory Committee notes from the reports of the Board of Auditors (A/63/5/Add.11 and 12) that, for both Tribunals, the Board issued a modified opinion with an emphasis of matter on the financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2007 in relation to the deficits in the reserves and fund balances of the two Tribunals, owing to the recognition on the face of the financial statements of end-of-service liabilities, including after-service health insurance.


Lead gas pipe and gas regulator products commodity security mark and Taiwan Gas Association of Insurance certified by the national commodity standard inspection marked the first one hundred million yuan of insurance products accident liability insurance as a priority to the interests of consumers nationwide, as long as insurance label attached to the package paste product installation and Internet Login Register to enjoy the product of accident liability insurance protection. 


It includes significantly fewer requirements than in EU states and is laid down in various acts, most notably the Code of Obligations (individual employment contracts, collective employment contracts, standard employment contracts), the Labor Act (general health protection, working hours and breaks, young people, pregnant women and nursing mothers) and the Accident Insurance Act (occupational health and safety).


发布于 2023-06-02 14:50:59