Grand jury indictment和Prosecutor indictment

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Indictment,a written statement accusing sb of a crime 即刑事起诉书;公诉书。

Grand jury,大陪审团,大陪审团是英美法系国家对重大刑事案件实行类似预审的组织。美国宪法修正案第5条规定,凡审理最严重的犯罪或其他不名誉犯罪时均须大陪审团审查。美国联邦系统的法院受理的重罪案件如判逆、谋杀、武装抢劫等。

Grand jury indictment,大陪审团起诉书,是指由检察官先向大陪审团提出证据,经大陪审团审查签署后再向法院正式提起的指控刑事犯罪的文书

Prosecutor indictment,检察官起诉书,是指不经大陪审团审查而由检察官直接以州或者国家的名义提起的指控刑事犯罪的文书。检察官起诉书只用于拥有管辖权的法院审判的罪行,检察官需要在该起诉书中写明被告人的姓名,被指控的犯罪行为发生的时间、地点、过程以及法律依据。


To enable preparations by the defence, the judge of the 7th Judicial Circuit Court of Zwedru ordered the prosecution on 11 December 2011 to provide to the defence by 1 February 2012 the voluntary statements made by the defendants, as well as the River Gee Grand Jury testimonies that served as the basis for the charges against the defendants.

为了让辩方作准备,Zwedru 第7司法巡回法院法官2011年12月11日下令检方最迟在2012年2月1日向辩方提供被告人自愿做出的陈述以及作为对被告提出指控的依据的里弗吉州大陪审团的证词。

The Grand Jury can vote an indictment (a written statement charging an individual with the commission of a felony), direct the filing of a prosecutor's information (which contains non-felony charges), direct the removal of a case to Family Court, or issue a report.


The other powers of the Pre-Trial Judge include: (a) evaluating the charges brought by the Prosecutor in the indictment and, if need be, (b) requesting the Prosecutor to reduce or reclassify such charges; (c) facilitating communication between the parties; (d) issuing summonses, warrants and other orders at the request of either party; (e) questioning anonymous witnesses; (f) drawing up a complete file for the Trial Chamber listing the main differences between the parties on points of law and fact, and indicating his views regarding the main points of fact and law arising in the case.


发布于 2022-12-01 00:33:36