


收养(Adoption)是指公民依法领养他人子女作为自己的子女,使原来没有直系血亲关系的人之间产生父母子女关系的一种民事法律行为。无效收养行为(Invalid act of adoption)自始没有

The grass is greener on the other side是什么意思?怎么翻译?

The grass is greener on the other side,完整版是The grass is always greener on the other side of the fenc

Foot the bill是什么意思?怎么翻译?

Foot the bill:pay for something;to be responsible for paying the cost of sth翻译为支付账单,为某事支付费用。Foot在这里作

Drop-dead gorgeous是什么意思?怎么翻译?

Drop-dead gorgeous,也可写成Drop dead gorgeous,是一种夸张的说法,指某人实在太漂亮,以至于别人在见到其容颜后,会因心脏受不了负荷而倒地死去(drop dead)。指

Bells and whistles是什么意思?怎么翻译?

Bells and whistles:special features that are added to a product or system to attract more buyersBell

Bark up the wrong tree是什么意思?怎么翻译?

Bark up the wrong tree:to be wrong about the reason for something or the way to achieve something。Ba

Wild-goose chase是什么意思?怎么翻译?

Wild-goose chase:a search that is completely unsuccessful and a waste of time because the person or

Happy as a clam是什么意思?怎么翻译?

Happy as a clam即“非常开心或满足”,形容一个人非常快乐和满足,通常是因为他们正在做自己喜欢的事情或者处于一个愉快的环境中。Happy as a clam完整版本是:happy as a


