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1.调整债券 Adjustment bond
通常指与公司重组有关而发行的债券,有时也指为把一些已有债券调整为有统一利率的同一类债券而发行的新债券,因此发行这种债券是为了替换未偿付的债券。调整债券只有在公司盈利时才支付利息,这一点与收入债券〔income bond〕相同。如果公司因没有达到债券契约中规定的利润而不能支付利息时,不能视这种行为为未履行债务。调整债券的利息支付在所有优先的、具有固定利息的债务支付之后,即其对收入的要求权仅先于股票。调整债券是一个比较灵活的工具,当企业的资本结构相对其预计收益过大时,重组公司可运用调整债券来帮助其调整资本结构。为使公司资本化更灵活并减少固定费用开支,可要求拥有重组公司次级固定利息债券的持有人,部分或全部接受其利息支付依收益状况而定的调整债券或收入债券。因此,这两种债券的作用就是以不确定的支出代替固定的支出。
An adjustment bond is issued by a corporation when it restructures its debts to cope with financial difficulties or potential bankruptcy. During a restructuring, holders of existing, outstanding bonds receive adjustment bonds. This issue allows for the consolidation of the debt obligation to the new bonds. Adjustment bonds become an alternative to bankruptcy if a company’s financial difficulties make it difficult to make debt payments. 相关例句如下,可供参考:
A company facing financial difficulties will generally meet with its creditors, including bondholders, to negotiate an arrangement more preferable than bankruptcy. Issuing adjustment bonds requires the permission of existing bondholders.
Adjustment bonds may help companies maintain viability and avoid bankruptcy, yet creditors may be required to wait for many years to be repaid. Also, other options for reorganizing a company’s capital structure might include a debt to equity exchange.
2.收益债券 Income bond
An income bond is a type of debt security in which only the face value of the bond is promised to be paid to the investor, with any coupon payments paid only if the issuing company has enough earnings to pay for the coupon payment. The income bond is a somewhat rare financial instrument which generally serves a corporate purpose similar to that of preferred shares. However, it’s different from preferred shares in that missed dividend payments for preferred shareholders are accumulated to subsequent periods until they are paid off. Issuers are not obligated to pay or accumulate any unpaid interest on an income bond at any time in the future.
Income bonds are typically issued either by companies with solvency problems in an attempt to quickly raise money to avoid bankruptcy or by failed companies in reorganization plans looking to maintain operations while in bankruptcy. In order to attract investors, the corporation would be willing to pay a much higher bond rate than the average market rate.
Income bonds may be structured so that unpaid interest payments accumulate and become due upon maturity of the bond issue, but this is usually not the case; as such, it can be a useful tool to help a corporation avoid bankruptcy during times of poor financial health or ongoing reorganization.
发布于 2020-06-21 13:49:33