投融资协议中的8个代表性核心术语(6)——对赌 (Valuation Adjustment Mechanism (VAM))

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上期我们介绍了可转债条款,大家还记得这个条款的英文说法及相关分类吗?本期我们将介绍第六个核心术语条款,对赌 (Valuation Adjustment Mechanism (VAM))。





对 赌


Valuation Adjustment Mechanism (VAM)










The Target Company C’s net profits after tax in 2011, 2012 and 2013 should not be less than RMB 10 million Yuan, RMB 15 Million Yuan and RMB 20 Million Yuan respectively; if these net profits were less than the aforesaid standards, C and D should compensate A and B in cash (the compensation formula: Amount of Compensation = Aggregate Investment × Unaccomplished Net Profit Per Year ÷ Committed Net Profit).




When the net profit of the Target Company C in any year was less than 80% of the committed performance or it had failed to obtain the dealership for Business M or Business N before the end of 2011, D should be obliged to acquire the equities of the Target Company held by A and B at an annual rate of return equal to 20%, and C should assume unlimited joint and several liabilities for the aforesaid acquisition obligation. The equity repurchase price should be the actual investment amount corresponding to the equities to be repurchased × (1 + 20% × the number of days from the date when the contribution of capital was accomplished to the date when equities were repurchased ÷ 365).





发布于 2020-07-10 14:38:32