一文了解One Person Company(OPC)

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On the basis of ownership, a company can be of three types: 1. One Person Company 2. Private Company 3. Public Company. The Companies Act, of 2013, introduced a number of ideas that had never before been used in Indian corporate law. One such major shift was the emergence of the one-person company concept. Before the new Companies Act was passed in 2013, several other nations had previously acknowledged the capability of people to create a corporation. China, Singapore, the UK, Australia, and the USA were a few of these.

根据所有权,公司可分为三种类型: 1. 人公司 2. 私人公司 3. 上市公司。 2013 年的《公司法》引入了印度公司法中以前从未使用过的许多想法。 其中一项重大转变是一人公司概念的出现。在 2013 年新公司法通过之前,其他一些国家此前已经承认个人创建公司的能力。其中包括中国、新加坡、英国、澳大利亚和美国。


According to Section 2 (62) of the Companies Act, 2013, One Person Company means a company which has only one person as a member.



It is incorporated as a private company which has only one member. Therefore, a corporation can be registered even when it only has one shareholder or member. The main aim of One Person Company was to encourage corporatization of micro-businesses and entrepreneurship. The JJ Irani Expert Committee recommended the formation of OPC in India, in 2005. It has all the benefits of a private limited company, such as a separate legal entity, protecting personal assets from the liabilities of the business and perpetual succession.

一人公司是一家私人公司,只有一名成员。 因此,即使只有一名股东或成员,也可以注册公司。一人公司的主要目的是鼓励微型企业的公司化和创业。2005 JJ Irani 专家委员会建议在印度成立一人公司一人公司具有私人有限公司的所有优势,例如独立的法人实体、保护个人资产免受企业责任和永久继承。


One Person Company (OPC) is officially a company with only one shareholder, as its member are recognized as the company’s shareholders. OPCs often develop when there is just one founder or promoter of the company. Due to the multiple benefits that OPCs provide, businessmen or entreprenerd, who are just starting a business, choose this form of business over sole proprietorships.

一人公司OPC)正式是一家只有一名股东的公司,因为其成员被视为公司的股东。 OPC 通常在公司只有一名创始人或发起人的情况下发展起来。 由于 OPC 提供的多种好处,刚开始创业的商人或企业家会选择这种业务形式而不是独资经营。


Characteristics of a One Person Company


The characteristics of One Person Company are as follows:



·Only a natural person, who is an Indian citizen and resident in India: a) shall be eligible to incorporate a One Person Company; b) shall be a nominee for the sole member of a One Person Company. The term ‘resident’ of India’ means a person who has stayed in India for a period of not less than one hundred and eighty two days during the immediately preceding one calendar year.

·只有印度公民并居住在印度的自然人: a) 才有资格成立一人公司; b) 应是一人公司唯一成员的提名人。印度居民一词是指在上一个日历年内在印度居住不少于一百八十二天的人。


·OPCs differ from other types of businesses in that the sole member of the company must appoint a nominee when registering the business. No person shall be eligible to incorporate more than one OPC or become a nominee in more than one such company.

·OPC 与其他类型企业的不同之处在于,公司的唯一成员在注册企业时必须指定一名代理人。任何人不得有资格成立一家以上的 OPC 或成为超过一家此类公司的提名人。


·No minor shall become a member or nominee of the OPC or can hold share with beneficial interests.

·任何未成年人不得成为 OPC 的成员或提名人,也不得以实益利益持有股份。


·Under Section 8 of the Act, OPC cannot be incorporated or converted into a company.

·根据该法第 8 条,OPC 不能成立或转换为公司。


·OPC cannot carry out non-banking financial investment activities, including investment in securities of any corporate.



·OPC cannot convert voluntarily into any kind of company unless two years have expired from the date of incorporation of One Person Company, except when paid-up capital is increased beyond 50 lakh rupees or its average annual turnover during the relevant period exceeds 2 crore rupees.

·OPC 不能自愿转换为任何类型的公司,除非自一人公司成立之日起已满两年,除非实收资本增加超过 500 万卢比或其在相关期间的平均年营业额超过 2 千万卢比 。


·When a natural person, being a member in OPC becomes a member in another OPC by virtue of his being a nominee in that OPC within a period of one hundred and eighty days, i.e., he shall withdraw his membership from either of the OPCs within one hundred and eighty days.

·当一个自然人作为 OPC 的成员,在一百八十天内凭借其作为该 OPC 的提名人而成为另一个 OPC 的成员时,即,他应在一百八十天内退出任何一个OPC


·The word “One Person Company” shall be mentioned in bracket below the name of such company, wherever its name is printed, affixed or engraved.





发布于 2023-09-19 10:09:16