法言法语 *合同法第98-106条【(债务)抵消+提存+免除+混同】

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第九十八条 合同的权利义务终止,不影响合同中结算和清理条款的效力。

Article  98 The  termination of rights and obligations under a contract shall not affect the validity of its clauses regarding settlement and liquidation.

第九十九条 当事人互负到期债务,该债务的标的物种类、品质相同的,任何一方可以将自己的债务与对方的债务抵销,但依照法律规定或者按照合同性质不得抵销的除外。当事人主张抵销的,应当通知对方。通知自到达对方时生效。抵销不得附条件或者附期限。

Article  99   If the parties mutually owe matured liabilities, and if the varieties and quality of targeted matters of the liabilities are the same, either party may offset its liabilities against those of  the other party, except for the liabilities that cannot be offset according  to the provisions of laws or according to the nature of the contract.

The party that advocates an offset shall notify the other party. The notice shall become effective when it reaches the other party. No conditions or time  limit may be attached to the offset.

第一百条 当事人互负债务,标的物种类、品质不相同的,经双方协商一致,也可以抵销。

Article  100   If the parties mutually owe liabilities and the targeted matters are different in variety and quality, they may also be offset against each other upon consensus through consultation by the parties.

第一百零一条 有下列情形之一,难以履行债务的,债务人可以将标的物提存:






Article  101 The debtor may deposit its targeted matter if it  has difficulty to discharge its debts owing to any of the following  situations:

(1) the creditor refuses to accept the discharge without justifiable reason;

(2) the whereabouts of the creditor is unknown;

(3) the creditor dies without determining an heir or has lost capacity of civil  conduct without determining a guardian; or

(4) other situations as provided for by law.

If the targeted matter is unsuitable for deposit or the deposit is too expensive, the debtor may auction or sell it and deposit the proceeds according to law.

第一百零二条 标的物提存后,除债权人下落不明的以外,债务人应当及时通知债权人或者债权人的继承人、监护人。

Article  102   After the targeted matter is deposited, the debtor shall promptly notify the creditor or his heir or guardian thereof, unless the whereabouts of the creditor is unknown.

第一百零三条 标的物提存后,毁损、灭失的风险由债权人承担。提存期间,标的物的孳息归债权人所有。提存费用由债权人负担。

Article  103 The risk of damage and loss of the targeted matter after deposit shall be borne by the creditor. Accrued interest from the targeted matter during the period of deposit shall belong to the creditor. The expenses for depositing the targeted matter shall be borne by the creditor. 

第一百零四条 债权人可以随时领取提存物,但债权人对债务人负有到期债务的,在债权人未履行债务或者提供担保之前,提存部门根据债务人的要求应当拒绝其领取提存物。债权人领取提存物的权利,自提存之日起五年内不行使而消灭,提存物扣除提存费用后归国家所有。

Article  104   The creditor may collect the deposited targeted matter at any time. However, if the creditor owes the debtor matured liabilities, the depositary agency shall, at the debtor's request, disallow the creditor to collect the targeted matter before meeting its own liabilities or providing a guarantee.

The right of a creditor to collect the targeted matter shall vanish if the right is not exercised within five years from the date of deposit and the targeted matter deposited shall belong to the State after deduction of the deposit expenses.

第一百零五条 债权人免除债务人部分或者全部债务的,合同的权利义务部分或者全部终止。

Article  105   If the creditor exempts the debtor from its liabilities in whole or in part, the rights and obligations under the contract shall terminate in  whole or in part.

第一百零六条 债权和债务同归于一人的,合同的权利义务终止,但涉及第三人利益的除外。

Article  106   If both creditor's rights and obligations are undertaken by one same person, the rights and obligations under the contract shall terminate, except for those involving the interests of a third party.








1.结算、清理条款。立法“结算、清理”两词意义不明,不很规范。官本译为settlement and liquidation,妥当与否要推测立法原意。


3.(标的物)提存。Deposit没有异议。值得注意的是,deposit是法律实务高频用词,它还有a  payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met(定金),a partial payment made at the time of purchase; the balance to be paid later(down payment,首付款)的用法。

4.正当理由。Justified reason。顺便说说justification,其意为1)something  (such as a fact or circumstance) that shows an action to be reasonable or necessary。2)a statement in explanation of some action or belief 3)the act of defending or explaining or making excuses for by reasoning。

5.下落不明。the  whereabouts,下落。

6.价款。Proceeds意思为the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property。注意,是复数,不是proceed!

7. 孳息。Accrued interest?用fruit更好,其意为 income that is produced or earned by other property or services 。


1. settlement and liquidation

2. offset

3.deposit,down payment

4. justified reason,justification

5.the whereabouts

6. proceeds,proceed

7. accrued interest,fruit

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发布于 2020-07-28 16:09:54