Day 95 strict liability 在法律英语中的含义及用法

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strict liability 严格责任

strict liability(严格责任)侵权法中关于责任标准的一个术语,指一种比没有尽到合理注意义务[reasonable care]而承担一般责任更加严格的责任标准,但又非绝对责任[absolute liability]。它与绝对责任、无过错责任[liability without fault]被认为是广义上的同义词,但是strict liability更常用。


Wikipedia释义:In criminal and civil law, strict liability is a standard of liability under which a person is legally responsible for the consequences flowing from an activity even in the absence of fault or criminal intent on the part of the defendant.


The doctrine of liability fixation in tort takes fault liability as the leading factor while strict liability as complement in our country.

【参考译文】 中国侵权行为的归责原则体系是以过错原则为主导,以严格责任为补充的模式。


To assess criminal strict liability and draw a right conclusion on it, one should have a comprehensive understanding of its background, connotation and basic values.

【参考译文】 要对刑事严格责任进行评判,应当充分了解其存在的背景、内涵及其价值基础,否则,作出的结论往往是不尽妥当的。


There are mainly three theories on principle for attribution in Chinese contract law: strict liability, strict-fault liability and fault liability which is tenable.



strict liability(严格责任)的重要运用领域是产品责任(product liability)。

Under strict liability, the manufacturer is liable if the product is defective, even if the manufacturer was not negligent in making that product defective

【参考译文】在严格责任下,如果产品有缺陷,即使制造 商在生产该产品的过程中没有过失,制造商也要承担责任。








发布于 2020-09-17 16:21:57