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Tesla特斯拉电动汽车鼎鼎大名吧?为什么叫Tesla呢?因为是为了向伟大的塞尔维亚裔科学家Nikola Tesla尼古拉·特斯拉致敬。

Tesla Motors was founded in July 2003 by engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. The company's name is a tribute to inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla.

塞尔维亚人的语言属于斯拉夫语,没错,现在的塞尔维亚就曾经是南斯拉夫(南方斯拉夫)的一部分,而Old Church Slavonic,大体理解做古教会斯拉夫语中,tesla的意思是“斧子”。

Sanskrit taksati "he fashions, constructs," taksan "carpenter;" Avestan taša "ax, hatchet," thwaxš- "be busy;" Old Persian taxš- "be active;" Latin texere "to weave, fabricate," tela "web, net, warp of a fabric;"Greek tekton "carpenter," tekhnē "art;" Old Church Slavonic tesla "ax, hatchet;" Lithuanian tašau, tašyti "to carve;" Old Irish tal "cooper's ax;" Old High German dahs, German Dachs "badger," literally "builder;" Hittite taksh- "to join, unite, build.


同源词角度,这个斯拉夫人的姓氏(Tesla斧子),与拉丁词源的单词如textile n.纺织品,以及希腊词源的technician n.技工,同源,甚至与德语词源的单词dachshund n.腊肠犬中的dachs部分同源。德语中dachs表示獾,字面意思是“builder”,因为獾善于打洞(建洞穴),看腊肠犬那腿短身子长的体型,钻洞捉獾专属。


发布于 2020-10-14 10:36:05