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Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Certain Issues Concerning the Application of the Trial Supervision Procedures of the "Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China"


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2008] No.14

Promulgating Date: 11/25/2008

Effective Date: 12/01/2008

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2008]14号

颁布时间: 11/25/2008

实施时间: 12/01/2008



(Adopted at the 1453rd meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on 10 November 2008)



For the purposes of safeguarding the litigants' right to apply for retrial, standardizing trial supervision procedures, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China; modified on 28 October 2007 and in combination with adjudication practices, we hereby make the following interpretations on certain issues concerning the application of laws in the trial supervision procedures:


   Article 1   Where a party concerned, within the time limit prescribed in Article 184 of the Civil Procedure Law, lodges an appeal for retrial before the people's court at the next higher level of the court of original instance, with retrial reasons specified in Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law, the people's court at the next higher level shall accept the case in accordance with the law.

     第一条 当事人在民事诉讼法第一百八十四条规定的期限内,以民事诉讼法第一百七十九条所列明的再审事由,向原审人民法院的上一级人民法院申请再审的,上一级人民法院应当依法受理。

   Article 2   During the retrial period prescribed in Article 184 of the Civil Procedure Law, provisions relating to suspension, interruption, and extension shall not apply.

     第二条 民事诉讼法第一百八十四条规定的申请再审期间不适用中止、中断和延长的规定。

   Article 3   The party concerned shall, when applying for retrial, submit a retrial application to the people's court, as well as duplicates of the application as much as the number of members of the opposite party.

The people's court shall examine whether the following items are included in the retrial application:

(1) Name, address, effective method of contact and other basic information of the retrial applicant and the opposite party, name and address of the legal person or other organizations and name, post, effective method of contact and other basic information of the legal representative or principal responsible person;

(2) Name of the people's court of original instance, document number of the original judgment, ruling, and mediation;

(3) Legal situations, specific facts and reasons for retrial application; and

(4) Specific retrial requests.

     第三条 当事人申请再审,应当向人民法院提交再审申请书,并按照对方当事人人数提出副本。






   Article 4   A party concerned shall, when applying for retrial, submit to the people's court the written judgment, written ruling, written mediation, identity certification and relevant evidence materials that have become legally effective.

     第四条 当事人申请再审,应当向人民法院提交已经发生法律效力的判决书、裁定书、调解书,身份证明及相关证据材料。

   Article 5   If an outside party claims rights to the subject matters of enforcement that are determined in the original judgment, ruling, or written mediation, but is unable to file an action anew to resolve the dispute, such outside party may, within two years after the said judgment, ruling, or written mediation becomes legally effective or within three months after the outside party gains or should have gained knowledge of harm to his interests, file an application with the people's court at the next higher level of the court that has made the original judgment, ruling, or mediation.

During the process of execution, if the outside party raises a written objection with regard to the subject matters of enforcement, the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law shall apply.

     第五条 案外人对原判决、裁定、调解书确定的执行标的物主张权利,且无法提起新的诉讼解决争议的,可以在判决、裁定、调解书发生法律效力后二年内,或者自知道或应当知道利益被损害之日起三个月内,向作出原判决、裁定、调解书的人民法院的上一级人民法院申请再审。


   Article 6   If the written retrial application or other materials do not comply with the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of this Interpretation or include content such as personal attacks that are likely to aggravate the conflict, the people's court shall require the retrial applicant to supplement or correct the relevant materials.

     第六条 申请再审人提交的再审申请书或者其他材料不符合本解释第三条、第四条的规定,或者有人身攻击等内容,可能引起矛盾激化的,人民法院应当要求申请再审人补充或改正。

   Article 7   The people's court shall, within five days of receipt of the retrial application and other materials that meet the requirements, send the acceptance notice and other acceptance registration procedures to the retrial applicant and send the acceptance notice and duplicate of retrial application to the opposite party of the case.

     第七条 人民法院应当自收到符合条件的再审申请书等材料后五日内完成向申请再审人发送受理通知书等受理登记手续,并向对方当事人发送受理通知书及再审申请书副本。

   Article 8   The people's court shall, after accepting the retrial application, form a collegiate panel to conduct examination.

     第八条 人民法院受理再审申请后,应当组成合议庭予以审查。

   Article 9   The examination conducted by the people's court shall focus on whether the reasons for retrial are tenable.

     第九条 人民法院对再审申请的审查,应当围绕再审事由是否成立进行。

   Article 10   Where any of the following evidence is submitted by the retrial applicant, it can be identified by the people's court as "new evidence" as specified in Item (1) of Paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law:

(1) New evidence discovered after the trial, which has objectively existed before the end of the trial;

(2) Evidence that has been discovered before the end of the trial but cannot be obtained for objective reasons or be provided within specified time limit; and

(3) Evidence reversing the original conclusion, discovered by the person making the original appraisal conclusion and records of inspection through re-appraisal and re-inspection.

For the major evidence provided by the parties concerned in the original trial, if cross-examination or attestation has not been carried out in the original instance but the evidence is sufficient to reverse the original judgment or ruling, such evidence shall be regarded as new evidence.

     第十条 申请再审人提交下列证据之一的,人民法院可以认定为民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第一款第(一)项规定的“新的证据”:





   Article 11   With regard to facts that have material effect on the original judgment and ruling and are the basis for the ascertainment of the parties' subject qualification, nature of the case, specific rights and obligations, and civil liabilities, etc., the people's court shall ascertain such facts as the "basic facts" prescribed in Item (2) of Paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law.

     第十一条 对原判决、裁定的结果有实质影响、用以确定当事人主体资格、案件性质、具体权利义务和民事责任等主要内容所依据的事实,人民法院应当认定为民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第一款第(二)项规定的“基本事实”。

   Article 12   "Evidence required for the trial of the case" as prescribed in Item (5) of Paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law shall refer to evidence that is required by the people's court to ascertain the basic facts of the case.

     第十二条 民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第一款第(五)项规定的“对审理案件需要的证据”,是指人民法院认定案件基本事实所必须的证据。

   Article 13   Where the application of laws, regulations, or judicial interpretations in making the original judgment and ruling falls under any of the following circumstances, the people's court shall make an ascertainment that "the original ruling or decision contains an error in the application of the law" as prescribed in Item (6) of Paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law:

(1) There is an obvious lack of compliance between the application of law and the nature of the case;

(2) The determination of civil liability is obviously against the parties' agreement or the provisions of law;

3. Laws applied are invalid or have not become effective as yet;

4. It violates the provisions on the retroactive effect of laws;

5. It violates the rules on application of laws;

6. It obviously contravenes the legislation's purpose.

     第十三条 原判决、裁定适用法律、法规或司法解释有下列情形之一的,人民法院应当认定为民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第一款第(六)项规定的“适用法律确有错误”:







   Article 14   Violation of the provisions on exclusive jurisdiction and special jurisdiction, or exercise of jurisdiction rights in serious violation of the law shall be determined by the people's court as "jurisdiction exercised wrongly" as prescribed in Item (7) of Paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law.

     第十四条 违反专属管辖、专门管辖规定以及其他严重违法行使管辖权的,人民法院应当认定为民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第一款第(七)项规定的“管辖错误”。

   Article 15   Where the judicial officers, during the hearing of the original trial, do not allow the parties concerned to exercise the right to debate, or render the parties incapable of exercising the right to debate by not delivering the duplicate complaint or duplicate appeal petition to them, or through other means, the people's court shall ascertain such act as "the parties concerned are deprived of the right to debate" as prescribed in Item (10) of Paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law. Circumstances such as absence from trial in accordance with the law and making an immediate judgment and ruling without hearing in accordance with the law are not included.

     第十五条 原审开庭过程中审判人员不允许当事人行使辩论权利,或者以不送达起诉状副本或上诉状副本等其他方式,致使当事人无法行使辩论权利的,人民法院应当认定为民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第一款第(十)项规定的“剥夺当事人辩论权利”。但依法缺席审理,依法径行判决、裁定的除外。

   Article 16   If the ascertainment of the basic facts and nature of the case is made in the original judgment and ruling in accordance with any other legal documents, and such legal documents have been revoked or changed, the people's court may ascertain it as the circumstance prescribed in Item (13) of Paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law.

     第十六条 原判决、裁定对基本事实和案件性质的认定系根据其他法律文书作出,而上述其他法律文书被撤销或变更的,人民法院可以认定为民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第一款第(十三)项规定的情形。

   Article 17   "The violation of statutory procedures is likely to affect the correct ruling or decision in the case", as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law, shall refer to circumstances of violation of statutory procedures which are likely to result in a wrong judgment of the case, except those stated in Item (4) and Items (7) to (12) of Paragraph 1 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law.

     第十七条 民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第二款规定的“违反法定程序可能影响案件正确判决、裁定的情形”,是指除民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第一款第(四)项以及第(七)项至第(十二)项之外的其他违反法定程序,可能导致案件裁判结果错误的情形。

   Article 18   "Judicial officers commit graft, take bribes, practice favoritism and other irregularities, or pervert the law in trying the case" as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law shall refer to circumstances that have been ascertained by the relevant criminal legal documents or disciplinary punishment decisions.

     第十八条 民事诉讼法第一百七十九条第二款规定的“审判人员在审理该案件时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为”,是指该行为已经相关刑事法律文书或者纪律处分决定确认的情形。

   Article 19   Where a people's court believes that the reasons for retrial are tenable after examining the retrial application materials, it shall make an immediate ruling to retry the case.

Where the retrial application filed by the parties concerned exceeds the time limit prescribed in Article 184 of the Civil Procedure Law or the reasons for retrial exceed those stated in Article 179 of the Civil Procedure Law, the people's court shall make a ruling to reject the retrial application.

     第十九条 人民法院经审查再审申请书等材料,认为申请再审事由成立的,应当径行裁定再审。


   Article 20   Where the people's court believes it is difficult to make a ruling just by examining the retrial application materials, it shall request access to the trial files of the original instance for examination.

     第二十条 人民法院认为仅审查再审申请书等材料难以作出裁定的,应当调阅原审卷宗予以审查。

   Article 21  The people's court may, according to the needs of the case, decide whether or not to inquire into the parties concerned.

Where an application is filed for retrial on the ground that there exists new evidence that is sufficient to reverse the original judgment or ruling, the people's court shall inquire into the relevant parties concerned.

     第二十一条 人民法院可以根据案情需要决定是否询问当事人。


   Article 22  During the process of examining the retrial application, if the opposite party also applies for a retrial, the people's court shall classify the party as a retrial applicant and simultaneously examine the submitted retrial application.

     第二十二条 在审查再审申请过程中,对方当事人也申请再审的,人民法院应当将其列为申请再审人,对其提出的再审申请一并审查。

   Article 23   The power to permit the retrial applicant to withdraw the retrial application resides in the people's court.

Where the retrial applicant refuses to accept the inquiry without any legitimate reason after being summoned, the people's court can consider it as the withdrawal of the retrial application.

     第二十三条 申请再审人在案件审查期间申请撤回再审申请的,是否准许,由人民法院裁定。


   Article 24   Where a people's court, after examination, believes the reason for the retrial application is untenable, it shall make a ruling to reject the retrial application.

The ruling to reject the retrial application shall be legally effective once it is served by the people's court.

     第二十四条 人民法院经审查认为申请再审事由不成立的,应当裁定驳回再审申请。


   Article 25   Under any of the following circumstances, the people's court may rule to end the examination:

(1) The retrial applicant dies or is terminated, there is no person to undertake any rights and obligations, or the person to undertake the rights and obligations declares to waive the retrial application;

(2) In the lawsuit involving payment, the respondent of the application bearing the obligation of payment dies or is terminated without any property for enforcement, or there is no person to undertake the obligation;

(3) The parties concerned have reached a reconciliation agreement and the implementation has been completed, except that the parties concerned declare to reserve the right of applying for retrial in the implementation of the reconciliation agreement;

(4) The dispute between the parties concerned can be solved separately.

     第二十五条 有下列情形之一的,人民法院可以裁定终结审查:





   Article 26   During the examination of the retrial application by the people's court, if the people's procuratorate lodges a protest against the case, the people's court shall rule to retry the case in accordance with the provisions of Article 188 of the Civil Procedure Law. The specific request for retrial proposed by the retrial applicant shall be included in the scope of trial.

     第二十六条 人民法院审查再审申请期间,人民检察院对该案提出抗诉的,人民法院应依照民事诉讼法第一百八十八条的规定裁定再审。申请再审人提出的具体再审请求应纳入审理范围。

   Article 27   A people's court at the next higher level that believes the reasons for retrial application are tenable through examination shall, generally, have the relevant case taken over for review. The Supreme People's Court and higher people's courts may also designate any other people's courts at the same level with the people's court of original instance to retry the case or instruct the people's court of original instance to hold such retrial.

     第二十七条 上一级人民法院经审查认为申请再审事由成立的,一般由本院提审。最高人民法院、高级人民法院也可以指定与原审人民法院同级的其他人民法院再审,或者指令原审人民法院再审。

   Article 28   The people's court at the next higher level shall decide whether to instruct a court to retry the case according to the impact of the case and the people involved in the case. If a retrial is needed, factors such as convenience for the exercise of the litigious rights of the litigant and the trial of the people's court shall be considered.

The people's court that has been instructed to retry the case shall do so in accordance with the procedures specified in of Paragraph 1 of Article 186 of the Civil Procedure Law.

     第二十八条 上一级人民法院可以根据案件的影响程度以及案件参与人等情况,决定是否指定再审。需要指定再审的,应当考虑便利当事人行使诉讼权利以及便利人民法院审理等因素。


   Article 29   Under any of the following circumstances, the people's court of original instance shall not be instructed to retry the relevant case:

(1) The people's court of original instance has no jurisdiction over the case;

(2) The judicial officers commit graft, take bribes, practice favoritism and other irregularities, or pervert the law in making judgment;

(3) The original judgment or ruling is made through discussion of the judicial committee of the people's court of original instance;

(4) Other circumstances where it is not suitable to instruct the people's court of original instance to retry the case.

     第二十九条 有下列情形之一的,不得指令原审人民法院再审:





   Article 30   With regard to cases for which no retrial application is filed by the parties concerned or no protest is lodged by the people's procuratorate, if the people's court discovers that the original judgment, ruling, or mediation agreement may indeed damage the national interests and the social public interest, the case shall be taken over for retrial in accordance with the provisions of Article 177 of the Civil Procedure Law.

     第三十条 当事人未申请再审、人民检察院未抗诉的案件,人民法院发现原判决、裁定、调解协议有损害国家利益、社会公共利益等确有错误情形的,应当依照民事诉讼法第一百七十七条的规定提起再审。

   Article 31   A people's court shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 186 of the Civil Procedure Law, retry the case according to the first instance procedure or second instance procedure.

The people's court shall hold a court hearing for the retrial case, except that the parties concerned have fully expressed their views through other ways and have agreed in writing on not holding a court hearing.

     第三十一条 人民法院应当依照民事诉讼法第一百八十六条的规定,按照第一审程序或者第二审程序审理再审案件。


   Article 32   The people's court shall hold a court hearing for the retrial case according to different circumstances:

(1) Where the parties concerned apply for retrial, the retrial applicant shall first state the request and the reasons for retrial, and the respondent shall then make the answer and other parties concerned of the original instance shall express their opinions;

(2) Where a ruling is made to retry a case after the people's procuratorate lodges a protest, the people's procuratorate shall first read the written protest, and then the parties concerned applying for protest shall make statements, and the respondent shall make the answer and other parties concerned of the original instance shall express their opinions;

(3) Where the people's court rules to retry a case according to its functions and powers, the parties concerned shall express opinions according to their litigation status in the original instance.

     第三十二条 人民法院开庭审理再审案件,应分别不同情形进行:




   Article 33   The people's court shall try the retrial case within the scope of the specific request for retrial, or within the scope of request of the parties concerned, that is supported by the protest. Any addition to or alteration of the litigation request exceeding the scope of original instance by the parties concerned shall not be included in the scope of retrial, unless the parties have requested the addition or change in accordance with the law in the original instance due to the fact that the request involves national interest or social public interest, while it is not tried in the original instance and objectively it cannot constitute a separate action.

After the original judgment of the case is reversed through retrial and the case is remanded for new trial, if the parties concerned add litigation requests, the people's court shall handle the case in accordance with the provisions of Article 126 of the Civil Procedure Law.

     第三十三条 人民法院应当在具体的再审请求范围内或在抗诉支持当事人请求的范围内审理再审案件。当事人超出原审范围增加、变更诉讼请求的,不属于再审审理范围。但涉及国家利益、社会公共利益,或者当事人在原审诉讼中已经依法要求增加、变更诉讼请求,原审未予审理且客观上不能形成其他诉讼的除外。


   Article 34   Where the retrial applicant withdraws the retrial application during the period of retrial, whether or not such permission is granted shall be subject to ruling by the people's court. If the court rules in favor of permitting the withdrawal, the retrial procedure shall be terminated. Where the retrial applicant refuses to appear in court without any justified cause after being summoned, or withdraws from the court halfway without permission of the court, the people's court may regard the act as withdrawal of the retrial application.

With regard to a case for retrial after the people's procuratorate lodges a protest, if the parties applying for protest fall under the circumstance specified in the preceding paragraph, and the application does not harm the national interest or social public interest, or the interest of a third party, the people's court shall rule to terminate the retrial procedure. If the people's procuratorate withdraws the protest, such withdrawal shall be approved.

Where the retrial procedure is terminated, the execution of the original judgment shall be recovered.

     第三十四条 申请再审人在再审期间撤回再审申请的,是否准许由人民法院裁定。裁定准许的,应终结再审程序。申请再审人经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,可以裁定按自动撤回再审申请处理。



   Article 35  Where the plaintiff of the original instance applies for withdrawing the litigation when the case is being retried in accordance with the first instance procedure, whether or not such permission is granted shall be subject to a ruling by the people's court. If the court rules in favor of permitting the withdrawal, a ruling shall be made at the same time to revoke the original judgment, ruling, or written mediation.

     第三十五条 按照第一审程序审理再审案件时,一审原告申请撤回起诉的,是否准许由人民法院裁定。裁定准许的,应当同时裁定撤销原判决、裁定、调解书。

   Article 36   Where the parties concerned reach upon an agreement through mediation during the retrial, the people's court shall prepare a written mediation. The written mediation shall become legally effective after it has been delivered to the parties concerned and signed by them. The original judgment and ruling shall be regarded as having been revoked.

     第三十六条 当事人在再审审理中经调解达成协议的,人民法院应当制作调解书。调解书经各方当事人签收后,即具有法律效力,原判决、裁定视为被撤销。

   Article 37   Where the people's court, through retrial, believes that the ascertainment of facts in the original judgment and ruling is clear and the application of law is correct, the original judgment and ruling shall be sustained; where the ascertainment of facts in the original judgment and ruling, the application of law and the exposition of the reason, are defective, but the judgment is right, the people's court shall sustain the original judgment and ruling in the retrial after correcting the aforementioned defects.

     第三十七条 人民法院经再审审理认为,原判决、裁定认定事实清楚、适用法律正确的,应予维持;原判决、裁定在认定事实、适用法律、阐述理由方面虽有瑕疵,但裁判结果正确的,人民法院应在再审判决、裁定中纠正上述瑕疵后予以维持。

   Article 38   Where the people's court discovers that the ascertainment of facts in the original judgment is wrong or is not clear, when trying the retrial case in accordance with the second instance procedure, it shall render a new judgment after further ascertainment of facts. However, where it is easier for the people's court of original instance to ascertain the facts and resolve the dispute, the original judgment may be revoked by a ruling and the case shall be remanded for a new trial; where the parties concerned that must take part in the proceedings are omitted from the original trial procedure and cannot reach upon a mediation agreement, or the case violates legal procedures and it is not suitable to settle the substantial issues during the retrial procedure, a ruling shall be made to revoke the original judgment and the case shall be remanded for a new trial.

     第三十八条 人民法院按照第二审程序审理再审案件,发现原判决认定事实错误或者认定事实不清的,应当在查清事实后改判。但原审人民法院便于查清事实,化解纠纷的,可以裁定撤销原判决,发回重审;原审程序遗漏必须参加诉讼的当事人且无法达成调解协议,以及其他违反法定程序不宜在再审程序中直接作出实体处理的,应当裁定撤销原判决,发回重审。

   Article 39   Where the new evidence proves that the original judgment and ruling indeed contains an error, the people's court shall amend the original judgment.

Where the retrial applicant, or the parties concerned applying for protest, present new evidence that leads to amending the original judgment in the retrial, and the respondent and other relevant parties concerned fail to present evidence during the original instance procedure in a timely manner, due to the fault of the retrial applicant or parties applying for protest and request compensation for their increased traveling expenses, expenses incurred due to absence from work, and other litigation expenses, the people's court shall support such claim. A separate action may be filed for requesting compensation for direct losses incurred.

     第三十九条 新的证据证明原判决、裁定确有错误的,人民法院应予改判。


   Article 40   If a case concluded through mediation by the people's court is ruled for retrial, and the reason presented by the retrial applicant, stating that the mediation has been reached contrary to the principle of free will, is found to be untenable, and the contents of the mediation agreement do not violate the compulsory provisions of the law, a ruling shall be made to reject the retrial application and the execution of the original written mediation shall be resumed.

     第四十条 人民法院以调解方式审结的案件裁定再审后,经审理发现申请再审人提出的调解违反自愿原则的事由不成立,且调解协议的内容不违反法律强制性规定的,应当裁定驳回再审申请,并恢复原调解书的执行。

   Article 41   The parties concerned of the civil retrial case shall be the parties of the original-instance case. Where the party of the original-instance case dies or is terminated, the person who undertakes his/its rights and obligation may apply for retrial and participate in the retrial proceedings.

     第四十一条 民事再审案件的当事人应为原审案件的当事人。原审案件当事人死亡或者终止的,其权利义务承受人可以申请再审并参加再审诉讼。

   Article 42   Where the people's court rules to retry the case as a result of an application by an outsider and believes that the outsider shall be an indispensable party concerned to the co-litigation, the people's court shall add the outsider as a party concerned and render a new judgment while retrying the case in accordance with the first instance procedure; when an agreement cannot be reached through mediation while retrying the case in accordance with the second instance procedure, the original judgment shall be revoked and the case shall be remanded for a new trial, and the outsider shall be added as a party concerned in the new trial.

Where the outsider is not an indispensable party concerned to the co-litigation, only the legality of the part of the original judgment against which the objection has been raised shall be tried, and the relevant items of the original judgment shall be revoked or the retrial application shall be rejected by a ruling according to the trial situation; where the relevant items of the original judgment are revoked, the outsider and the parties concerned of the original instance shall be notified that they may file a new action to solve the relevant dispute.

     第四十二条 因案外人申请人民法院裁定再审的,人民法院经审理认为案外人应为必要的共同诉讼当事人,在按第一审程序再审时,应追加其为当事人,作出新的判决;在按第二审程序再审时,经调解不能达成协议的,应撤销原判,发回重审,重审时应追加案外人为当事人。


   Article 43   If the judicial interpretations previously promulgated are not in consistency with this Interpretation, this Interpretation shall prevail.

Where it is not specified in this Interpretation, the relevant previous provisions shall apply.

     第四十三条 本院以前发布的司法解释与本解释不一致的,以本解释为准。本解释未作规定的,按照以前的规定执行。


中英双语-最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》审判监督程序若干问题的解释(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-22 18:37:02