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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Justice on Several Issues Concerning the Examination and Judgment of Evidence in Handling Death Penalty Cases


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court; Supreme People's Procuratorate; Ministry of Public Security; Ministry of State Security; Ministry of Justice

Document Number: Fa Fa [2010] No. 20

Promulgating Date: 06/13/2010

Effective Date: 07/01/2010

颁布机关: 最高人民法院; 最高人民检察院; 公安部; 国家安全部; 司法部

文    号: 法发[2010]20号

颁布时间: 06/13/2010

实施时间: 07/01/2010



In order to handle death penalty cases in accordance with the law and in a fair, accurate and cautious manner, punish criminal offenses and protect human right, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the relevant legal provisions such as the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and based on the actual judicial situations.


I. General provisions


   Article 1  Death penalty cases shall be handled in strict accordance with the criminal law and the criminal procedure law so as to ensure that the facts are clear, the evidence is true and adequate, the procedures are legal, the applicable laws are correct and that the quality of the cases is guaranteed.

     第一条 办理死刑案件,必须严格执行刑法和刑事诉讼法,切实做到事实清楚,证据确实、充分,程序合法,适用法律正确,确保案件质量。

   Article 2  The facts of the cases shall be confirmed on the basis of evidence.

     第二条 认定案件事实,必须以证据为根据。

   Article 3  The investigators, procurators and judges shall strictly comply with the statutory procedures and shall collect, examine, verify and confirm the evidence in a comprehensive and objective manner.

     第三条 侦查人员、检察人员、审判人员应当严格遵守法定程序,全面、客观地收集、审查、核实和认定证据。

   Article 4  Only evidence that is proved to be true after court examination procedures such as presentation, identification and cross-examination of evidence in the court can form the basis for conviction and sentencing.

     第四条 经过当庭出示、辨认、质证等法庭调查程序查证属实的证据,才能作为定罪量刑的根据。

   Article 5  When handling death penalty cases, the confirmation of the defendant's criminal facts shall be based on true and adequate evidence.

True and adequate evidence shall mean:

(1) The facts on which conviction and sentencing is based shall be proved by evidence;

(2) Each conviction evidence shall be examined to be true by statutory procedures;

(3) There shall be no contradiction between the evidence and between the evidence and the facts of the case, or the contradiction can be reasonably eliminated;

(4) In case of joint offenses, the status and function of the defendant have been investigated and clarified;

(5) The course of confirming the facts of the case on the basis of evidence comply with the logical and empirical rules and the conclusion reached on the basis of the evidence is the only conclusion.

When handling death penalty cases, the following facts shall be proved by true and adequate evidence:

(1) The occurrence of the alleged criminal facts;

(2) The criminal offense of the defendant and the time, place, means, consequences and other details of the criminal offense;

(3)The identity status that affects the conviction of the defendant;

(4) The defendant has the ability to assume criminal liability;

(5) The offense of the defendant;

(6) Whether the defendant is involved in joint offenses and the status and functions of the defendant in the joint offenses;

(7) The fact that the defendant is being imposed a heavy penalty.

     第五条 办理死刑案件,对被告人犯罪事实的认定,必须达到证据确实、充分。















II. The classified examination and confirmation of evidence


1. Material evidence and documentary evidence


   Article 6  The examination of material evidence and documentary evidence shall focus on the following content:

(1)Whether the material evidence and the documentary evidence is the original material and document, whether the photographs, videos or duplicates of the material evidence and the copies and duplicate copies of the documentary evidence are consistent with the original materials and original documents, whether the material evidence and documentary evidence has been identified and authenticated, whether the photographs, videos or duplicates of the material evidence and the copies and duplicate copies of the documentary evidence are produced by more than two people, have written explanation about the production process of the producer and the place where the original documents and original materials are kept and are signed.

(2)Whether the procedures and methods of collecting material evidence and documentary evidence comply with the law and the relevant provisions, whether the material evidence and documentary evidence that have been collected and seized after inquisition, examination and search has attached relevant written records or lists, whether the written records or lists are signed by the investigators, item holders or the witnesses, whether reasons are stated for the lack of signatures of item holders and whether the notes on the features, quantities, quality and name of the items are clear.

(3) Whether the material evidence and documentary evidence are damaged or altered during the course of collection, safekeeping and authentication.

(4) Whether the material evidence and documentary evidence are related to the facts of the case, whether the biological evidence, traces or items that are related to the criminal offense, left at the scene and meeting examination and authentication conditions, such as the blood stain, fingerprints, hair and body fluid has been authenticated to be the same as the corresponding biological samples, biological features and items of the defendant or the victim by authentication methods such as DNA authentication or fingerprint authentication.

(5) Whether all the material evidence and documentary evidence related to the facts of the case have been collected.

     第六条 对物证、书证应当着重审查以下内容:






   Article 7  If, in the course of inquisition, examination and search, it is discovered that traces and items that may be related to the facts of the case, such as the blood stain, fingerprints, footprints, handwriting, hair, body fluid and body tissue are not collected when they should be and are not examined when they should be and as a result doubt is raised on the facts of the case, the people's court shall explain the situation to the people's procuratorate. The people's procuratorate may collect, investigate and take evidence in accordance with the law, give reasonable explanation or request an investigation authority to conduct supplementary investigation and investigate and take evidence.

     第七条 对在勘验、检查、搜查中发现与案件事实可能有关联的血迹、指纹、足迹、字迹、毛发、体液、人体组织等痕迹和物品应当提取而没有提取,应当检验而没有检验,导致案件事实存疑的,人民法院应当向人民检察院说明情况,人民检察院依法可以补充收集、调取证据,作出合理的说明或者退回侦查机关补充侦查,调取有关证据。

   Article 8  The material evidence that forms the basis for conviction shall be the original material. Only when the original material is difficult to transport or keep or shall be safekept or handled by the relevant department in accordance with the law or shall be returned in accordance with the law can photographs, videos and replications that fully reflect the appearance or content of the original material be taken or produced. If the photographs, videos or replications of the material evidence are found to be accurate when verified against the original material or certified to be true or their authenticity is proved by other methods, they can form the basis for conviction. If the photographs, videos or replications of the original material cannot reflect the appearance and features of the original material, they cannot form the basis for conviction.

The documentary evidence that forms the basis for conviction shall be the original document. Only when it is difficult to acquire the original document can the copies or duplicate copies be used. If the copies or duplicate copies of the documentary evidence are found to be accurate when verified against the original document or certified to be true or their authenticity is proved by other methods, they can form the basis for conviction. If the documentary evidence is altered or shows signs of being altered and no reasonable explanation can be given, or if the copies or duplicate copies of the documentary evidence cannot reflect the original document or content of the documentary evidence, they cannot form the basis for conviction.

     第八条 据以定案的物证应当是原物。只有在原物不便搬运、不易保存或者依法应当由有关部门保管、处理或者依法应当返还时,才可以拍摄或者制作足以反映原物外形或者内容的照片、录像或者复制品。物证的照片、录像或者复制品,经与原物核实无误或者经鉴定证明为真实的,或者以其他方式确能证明其真实的,可以作为定案的根据。原物的照片、录像或者复制品,不能反映原物的外形和特征的,不能作为定案的根据。


   Article 9  If the material evidence and documentary evidence that are collected and seized after inquisition, examination and search do not attach any written inquisition or examination record or search record, collection record or seizure list and the source of the material and documentary evidence cannot be proved, such material and documentary evidence cannot form the basis for conviction.

If the following defects exist in the procedures and methods of collecting material and documentary evidence, but the personnel handling the case has made rectification or given reasonable explanation, such material and documentary evidence can still be used:

(1) With respect to the material and documentary evidence collected, investigated and taken, the written inquisition or examination record, search record, collection record or seizure list are not signed by the investigators, the item holders or the witnesses and the features, quantity, quality and name of the items are marked unknown;

The photographs, videos or replications of the material evidence or the copies or duplicate copies of the documentary evidence collected, investigated and taken are not marked as the same as the original items after verification, do not show the replication time and are not signed (sealed) by the collection or investigation personnel (entity);

With respect to the photographs, videos or replications of the material evidence or the copies or duplicate copies of the documentary evidence, there are no explanations about the production processes of the producers and the place where the original materials and original documents are kept or there is no signature in the explanation.

(4) There exist other defects in the procedures and methods of collecting material and documentary evidence.

If any doubt is raised on the source of material and documentary evidence and the collection procedure and no reasonable explanation can be given, such material and documentary evidence cannot form the basis for conviction.

     第九条 经勘验、检查、搜查提取、扣押的物证、书证,未附有勘验、检查笔录,搜查笔录,提取笔录,扣押清单,不能证明物证、书证来源的,不能作为定案的根据。







   Article 10  Material and documentary evidence that meet identification conditions shall be identified by the party concerned or the witness and shall be authenticated where necessary.

     第十条 具备辨认条件的物证、书证应当交由当事人或者证人进行辨认,必要时应当进行鉴定。

2. Witness testimony


   Article 11  The examination of witness testimony shall focus on the following content:

(1) Whether the content of the testimony is perceived directly by the witness.

(2) Whether the age, cognitive level, memory ability and expressive ability, or the physical and mental state of the witness at the time the testimony is given affect the testimony.

(3) Whether the witness is an interested party of the parties concerned in the case or is interested in the result of the handling of the case.

(4) Whether the procedures and methods of obtaining the testimony comply with the law and the relevant provisions: Whether the testimony is obtained by violence, threat, inducement, fraud and other illegal means, whether the rule of questioning witness one by one is violated, whether the written records are verified, confirmed and signed (sealed) by the witness or have his fingerprint made thereon, whether the legal representative of a child witness is requested to be and is at the scene when the child witness is being questioned.

(5) Whether the witness testimonies corroborate or contradict each other and whether the witness testimonies corroborate or contradict other evidence.

     第十一条 对证人证言应当着重审查以下内容:






   Article 12  Witness testimony that is obtained by illegal means such as violence and threat cannot form the basis for conviction.

The testimony given by a witness that is obviously drunk, in the state of narcotic poisoning or being anaesthetized by psychotropic drugs and therefore cannot express accurately cannot form the basis for conviction.

Witness testimony that contains guesses, comments and inferences cannot be used as evidence, unless they are in line with the facts when judged by ordinary life experience.

     第十二条 以暴力、威胁等非法手段取得的证人证言,不能作为定案的根据。



   Article 13  Witness testimony given in any of the following ways cannot form the basis for conviction:

(1) Testimony that is obtained without inquiring the witness individually;

(2) The written testimony is not verified, confirmed and signed (sealed) by the witness or has his fingerprint made thereon;

(3) Inquiry has been made to a deaf or dumb person or a member of an ethnic minority group or a foreigner who is not well-versed in the local language or characters and translation service should be but is not provided.

     第十三条 具有下列情形之一的证人证言,不能作为定案的根据:




   Article 14  If the following defects exist in the procedures and methods of obtaining witness testimony, but the personnel handling the case has made rectification or given reasonable explanation, the witness testimony can still be used:

(1) does not fill in the name of the person making the inquiry or taking record or the legal representative or the time when the inquiry begins or ends and the place where the inquiry is made;

(2) The place where the witness is being inquired does not meet the requirement;

(3) The written inquiry record does not record the content that the witness is requested to give a true testimony and shall assume legal liability for giving a false testimony or covering up criminal evidence;

(4) The written inquiry record reflects that the same person making the inquiry inquired different witnesses during the same period.

     第十四条 证人证言的收集程序和方式有下列瑕疵,通过有关办案人员的补正或者作出合理解释的,可以采用:





   Article 15  The people's court shall request a witness who is involved in any of the following situations to bear witness in the court. If the witness refuses to bear witness in the court after being notified in accordance with the law and his written testimony cannot be confirmed after cross-examination, such testimony cannot form the basis for conviction:

(1) The people's procuratorate, the defendant and the counsel for the defense object to the witness testimony and the witness testimony has a significant impact on conviction and sentencing;

(2) The people's court believes that he shall bear witness in the court.

If the witness testimony given in the court contradicts the pre-trial testimony and the witness can give reasonable explanation about the revised testimony given in the court and the revised testimony can be proved by the relevant evidence, the testimony given in the court shall be adopted.

The written testimony given by a witness who refuses to bear witness in the court shall be judged after listening to the opinions given by the procurator, the defendant and the counsel for the defense who appear in court and based on other evidence. If the written testimony given by a witness who refuses to bear witness in the court is contradictory, the contradictions cannot be eliminated and the testimony is not proved by evidence, such testimony cannot form the basis for conviction.

     第十五条 具有下列情形的证人,人民法院应当通知出庭作证;经依法通知不出庭作证证人的书面证言经质证无法确认的,不能作为定案的根据:





   Article 16  The witness testimony that involves State secret or personal privacy shall be kept confidential.

If a witness bear witness in a court, the people's court may, where necessary, take protective measures such as restricting the disclosure of information about the witness, restricting inquiry, hiding the appearance of the witness or changing the voice of the witness.

     第十六条 证人作证,涉及国家秘密或者个人隐私的,应当保守秘密。


3. Victim statement


   Article 17  The above provisions relating to witness testimony shall apply to the examination and confirmation of victim statement.

     第十七条 对被害人陈述的审查与认定适用前述关于证人证言的有关规定。

4. The confessions and defense of the defendant


   Article 18  The examination of the confessions and defense of the defendant shall focus on the following content:

(1) Whether the time and place of the inquiry and the identity of the person making the inquiry comply with the law and the relevant provisions, whether there are not less than two investigators questioning the defendant, whether the defendant is questioned individually.

(2) Whether the preparation and amendment of the written inquiry record comply with the law and the relevant provisions, whether the time the inquiry begins and ends and the place where the inquiry is made are marked in the written inquiry record, whether the defendant is informed of his litigation right, such as the application for withdrawal and the engagement of lawyer the first time inquiry is made, whether the defendant has verified, confirmed, signed (sealed) the record or has his fingerprint made thereon, whether the record is signed by not less than two people making the inquiry.

(3) When questioning a deaf or dumb person or a member of an ethnic minority group or a foreigner, whether a person well-versed in sign language or an interpreter is provided, whether the legal representative of a child witness is requested to be and is at the scene when the joint offender who is a minor child is being questioned.

(4) Whether the confession of the defendant is obtained by illegal means such as torture and forced confession. Where necessary, the health examination records or written records of the defendant taken in the detention center may be investigated and taken.

(5) Whether the confessions of the defendant are consistent or different and what are the reasons for giving different confessions, whether all the confessions and defense of the defendants are collected and filed, whether relevant explanation is issued if confessions and defense that should be filed are not filed.

(6) Whether the content of the defense of the defendant is consistent with the case and is logical and not contradictory.

(7) Whether the confessions and defense of the defendant corroborate or contradict the confessions and defense of the joint offenders in the case and whether the confessions and defense of the defendant corroborate or contradict other evidence.

If the audio and visual recording information about the above content is transferred by the investigation authority, examination shall be conducted based on the information in the relevant audio and visual recording.

     第十八条 对被告人供述和辩解应当着重审查以下内容:









   Article 19  The confession of the defendant that is obtained by illegal means such as torture and coerced confession cannot form the basis for conviction.

     第十九条 采用刑讯逼供等非法手段取得的被告人供述,不能作为定案的根据。

   Article 20  Defendant's confession given in any of the following situations cannot form the basis for conviction:

(1) The written inquiry record is not verified, confirmed, signed (sealed) by the defendant or does not have his fingerprint made thereon;

(2) Inquiry has been made to a deaf or dumb person or a person who is not well-versed in the local language or characters but a person well-versed in sign language or an interpreter shall be but is not provided.

     第二十条 具有下列情形之一的被告人供述,不能作为定案的根据:



   Article 21  If the following defects exist in the written inquiry record, but the personnel handling the case has made rectification or given reasonable explanation, the written inquiry record can still be used:

(1) The inquiry time, the personnel making the inquiry and taking record and the legal representative filled in the written record are incorrect or contradictory;

(2) The record is not signed by the personnel making the inquiry;

(3) The first written inquiry record does not record the content that the person being questioned is informed of his litigation right.

     第二十一条 讯问笔录有下列瑕疵,通过有关办案人员的补正或者作出合理解释的,可以采用:




   Article 22  The examination of the confessions and defense of the defendant shall be based on all the evidence given by the plaintiff and the defendant and all the confessions and defense given by the defendant.

If the defendant's pre-trial confessions are consistent but the confession given in the court trial is revised, and the defendant cannot give reasonable explanation for giving revised confessions, or his defense contradicts all the evidence of the case but the pre-trial confessions and other evidence can corroborate each other, then the pre-trial confession of the defendant shall be adopted.

If the pre-trial confessions and defense of the defendant are inconsistent, but the defendant makes a confession during the court trial and the confession given in the court trial corroborates other evidence, then the confession given in the court trial shall be adopted. If the pre-trial confessions and defense of the defendant are inconsistent, the defendant does not make a confession during the court trial and no other evidence corroborates the pre-trial confession, then the pre-trial confessions cannot be adopted.

     第二十二条 对被告人供述和辩解的审查,应当结合控辩双方提供的所有证据以及被告人本人的全部供述和辩解进行。



5. Authentication opinions


   Article 23  The examination of authentication opinions shall focus on the following content:

(1) Whether the person responsible for authentication shall be but is not withdrawn.

(2) Whether the authentication institution and authentication personnel have legal qualifications.

(3) Whether the authentication procedures comply with the law and the relevant provisions.

(4) Whether the source, acquisition, safekeeping and submission of the material submitted for examination comply with the law and the relevant provisions, whether the material submitted for examination is consistent with the content in the records such as the relevant collection record or the list of seized items, whether the material submitted for examination is adequate and reliable.

(5) Whether the authentication procedures and methods and analytical process comply with the examination and authentication rules of the profession and the requirements on technical methods.

(6) Whether the important documents in the form of authentication opinions are complete, specify the relevant content such as the reason for authentication, the entrusted authentication personnel, the authentication institution, the authentication requirements, the authentication procedures, the examination methods and the date of the authentication documents, whether the documents are stamped with the dedicated authentication seal of the authentication institution and signed and sealed by the authentication personnel.

(7) Whether the authentication opinions are clear.

(8) Whether the authentication opinions are related to the facts of the case to be proved.

(9) Whether the authentication opinions contradict other evidence and whether the authentication opinions contradict the written examination record and relevant photographs.

(10) Whether the relevant personnel are informed of the authentication opinions in a timely manner in accordance with the law and whether the parties concerned object to the authentication opinions.

     第二十三条 对鉴定意见应当着重审查以下内容:











   Article 24  Upon the occurrence of any of the following situations, the authentication opinions cannot form the basis for conviction:

(1) The authentication institution does not meet the legal qualification and conditions, or the issue to be authenticated is beyond the project scope or authentication ability of the authentication institution;

(2) The authentication personnel does not meet the legal qualification and conditions, does not have the relevant professional skill or title or violates the withdrawal provision;

(3) The authentication procedures or methods are wrong;

(4) The authentication opinions are unrelated to the target to be proved;

(5) The target to be authenticated is inconsistent with the material or sample submitted for examination;

(6) The source of the material or sample submitted for examination is unknown or polluted and does not meet the authentication conditions;

(7) The specific authentication standards are violated;

(8) The authentication documents are not signed or sealed;

(9) Other situations in violation of the relevant provisions.

If any doubt is raised on the authentication opinions, the people's court shall, in accordance with the law, request the authentication personnel to testify in the court or issue relevant explanation. The personnel may also supplement the authentication or re-conduct authentication in accordance with the law.

     第二十四条 鉴定意见具有下列情形之一的,不能作为定案的根据:











6. Written inquisition and examination records


   Article 25  The examination of written inquisition and examination records shall focus on the following content:

(1) Whether the inquisition and examination is conducted in accordance with the law, whether the written records are produced in compliance with the requirements of the law and the relevant provisions, whether the records are signed or sealed by the inquisition and examination personnel and the witnesses.

(2) Whether the content of the written inquisition and examination records is complete, given in detail, accurate, standardized and accurately records the reasons for inquisition and examination, the time and place of and persons present at the inquisition and examination, the position of the scene of inquisition and examination and the surrounding environment, whether details such as the locations and features of the scene, items, human body and corpse and the process of inquisition, examination and search are recorded accurately, whether the text of the record is consistent with the real objects, drawings, videos and photographs, whether the form or method of fixing evidence are scientific and regulated, whether the scene, items and traces are damaged or forged, whether the scene is the original scene, whether the human body features, injury status and physiological state are forged or altered.

(3) In case of supplementary inquisition and examination, whether the inquisition and examination situations before and after the supplementary inquisition and examination are contradictory and whether the reasons for conducting re-inquisition and re-examination are explained.

(4) Whether the situations recorded in the written inquisition and examination records corroborate or contradict other evidence such as the defendant's confession, the victim's statement and the authentication opinions.

     第二十五条 对勘验、检查笔录应当着重审查以下内容:





   Article 26  Written inquisition and examination records that obviously violate the law and the relevant provisions and cannot give reasonable explanations or descriptions cannot be used as evidence.

If the written inquisition and examination records are about inquisition and examination conducted without witness or the records are not signed and sealed by the inquisition and examination personnel and the witness or the inquisition and examination personnel violate the withdrawal rule, the authenticity of the records and the interrelationship between the records and other evidence shall be examined based on other evidence of the case.

     第二十六条 勘验、检查笔录存在明显不符合法律及有关规定的情形,并且不能作出合理解释或者说明的,不能作为证据使用。


7. Audio and visual information


   Article 27  The examination of the audio and visual information shall focus on the following content:

(1) Whether the source of the audio and visual information is legal, whether the parties concerned face situations in violation of the law and relevant provisions, such as being threatened and induced in the course of producing the audio and visual information;

(2) Whether the identities of the producer or holder, the production time, place and conditions and production methods are clearly specified;

(3) Whether the audio and visual information is from the original item or is duplicated and whether the number of duplicate copies is specified, whether the reasons that the original item cannot be investigated and taken or the explanation of the production process and the place where the original item is kept are attached, whether the information is signed or sealed by the producer and the holder of the original audio and visual information;

(4) Whether the content and the production process are authentic, or are forged or altered by being clipped, supplemented, revised and edited;

(5) Whether the content is related to the facts of the case.

If any doubt is raised on the audio and visual information, such information shall be authenticated.

The authenticity of the audio and visual information and the interrelationship between the audio and visual information and other evidence shall be examined based on other evidence of the case.

     第二十七条 对视听资料应当着重审查以下内容:








   Article 28  In any of the following situations, the audio and visual information cannot form the basis for conviction:

(1) The audio and visual information cannot be determined to be authentic or fake after examination or authentication;

(2) Objection is raised against the time, place and method of producing or acquiring the audio and visual information and no reasonable explanation or necessary evidence can be given.

     第二十八条 具有下列情形之一的视听资料,不能作为定案的根据:



8. Other provisions


   Article 29  The examination of electronic evidence such as email, the exchange of electronic data, online chat logs, online blogs, short messages in mobile phone, electronic signatures and domain names shall focus on the following content:

(1) Whether the mobile storage medium for electronic evidence such as storage disk or storage CD-ROM is submitted with the hard copy;

(2) Whether the time and place of the production of electronic evidence, the target, the producer, the production process and equipment are specified;

(3) Whether the production, storage, transmission, acquisition, collection and presentation procedures and segments are legal and whether the electronic evidence is signed or sealed by the personnel taking the evidence, the producer, the holder and the witness;

(4) Whether the content is authentic, or is forged or altered by being edited, pieced together, distorted or supplemented;

(5) Whether the electronic evidence is related to the facts of the case.

If any doubt is raised on the electronic evidence, such evidence shall be authenticated.

The authenticity of the electronic evidence and the interrelationship between the electronic evidence and other evidence and shall be examined based on other evidence of the case.

     第二十九条 对于电子邮件、电子数据交换、网上聊天记录、网络博客、手机短信、电子签名、域名等电子证据,应当主要审查以下内容:








   Article 30  In any of the following situations, the identification by the investigation authority shall be strictly examined. If the authenticity of the identification result cannot be ascertained, such result cannot form the basis for conviction:

(1) The identification process is not presided over by the investigator;

(2) The person making the identification sees the target to be identified before the identification process;

(3) The identification activity of the person making the identification is not conducted individually;

(4) The target to be identified does not mix with other target with similar characteristics, or the quantity of targets to be identified does not meet the requirement, with the exception of specific targets to be identified such as corpses or premises.

(5) The person making the identification is given apparent hint or apparent indication of suspicion in the course of identification.

In any of the following situations, the identification result can be used as evidence if the personnel handling the case has made rectification or given reasonable explanation:

(1) The identification process is presided over by less than two investigators;

(2) The person making the identification is not asked about the details of the specific characteristics of the target to be identified;

(3) Specialized and standardized written identification records about the identification process and results are not prepared, or the written identification records are not signed or sealed by the investigators, the person making the identification and the witnesses;

(4) The written identification records are too simple and only record the results but not the process;

(5) The archives contain only the written identification records, without information such as the photographs or videos of the target to be identified such that the actual identification situations are unknown.

     第三十条 侦查机关组织的辨认,存在下列情形之一的,应当严格审查,不能确定其真实性的,辨认结果不能作为定案的根据:












   Article 31  The material issued by the investigation authority that shows the process of cracking the case shall be examined to see whether the personnel or authority handling the case and issuing such explanatory material has signed or sealed the material.

If any doubt is raised on the process of cracking the case, or on the basis on which the defendant is determined to be under great suspicion, the investigation authority shall be requested to give supplementary explanation.

     第三十一条 对侦查机关出具的破案经过等材料,应当审查是否有出具该说明材料的办案人、办案机关的签字或者盖章。


III. Comprehensive examination and utilization of evidence


   Article 32  The probative force of the evidence shall be examined and judged based on the specific situation of the case and the interrelationship between the evidence and the facts to be proved and the interrelationship between all the evidence.

Only evidence that is interrelated, points towards the same fact to be proved and can reasonably eliminate contradiction can form the basis for conviction.

     第三十二条 对证据的证明力,应当结合案件的具体情况,从各证据与待证事实的关联程度、各证据之间的联系等方面进行审查判断。


   Article 33  If there is no direct evidence proving that the criminal offense is committed by the defendant but the following conditions are satisfied, the defendant can be convicted of an offense:

(1) The indirect evidence that forms the basis for conviction has been verified to be true;

(2) The indirect evidence that forms the basis for conviction corroborates each other and there exists no contradiction that cannot be eliminated or queries that cannot be explained;

(3) The indirect evidence that forms the basis for conviction has formed a complete evidence system;

(4) The fact of the case confirmed by the indirect evidence has only one conclusion that is sufficient to remove all the reasonable doubts;

(5) The inference made by using the indirect evidence is in line with the logical and empirical judgment.

If indirect evidence forms the basis for conviction, death penalty shall be imposed in a particularly cautious manner.

     第三十三条 没有直接证据证明犯罪行为系被告人实施,但同时符合下列条件的可以认定被告人有罪:







   Article 34  If hidden material and documentary evidence are collected based on the confession and identification of the defendant, and such evidence corroborates other evidence that proves the criminal facts, and the possibility of acting in collusion to make each other's confessions tally, coerced confession or inducing someone to make confession is eliminated, then the defendant can be convicted of an offense.

     第三十四条 根据被告人的供述、指认提取到了隐蔽性很强的物证、书证,且与其他证明犯罪事实发生的证据互相印证,并排除串供、逼供、诱供等可能性的,可以认定有罪。

   Article 35  The material evidence, documentary evidence and other evidence collected by the investigation authority by special investigation measures in accordance with the relevant provisions may form the basis for conviction after being verified by the court to be true.

In accordance with the law, the court shall not disclose the special investigation procedures and methods.

     第三十五条 侦查机关依照有关规定采用特殊侦查措施所收集的物证、书证及其他证据材料,经法庭查证属实,可以作为定案的根据。


   Article 36  After the defendant is convicted of an offense, the people's court shall examine the following situations that affect sentencing in addition to the statutory situation when determining the sentencing facts of the defendant:

(1) The cause of the case;

(2) Whether the victim is at fault and the extent of his fault, whether and to what extent shall the fault be held accountable for intensifying the conflict;

(3) Whether the close relative of the defendant helps to arrest the defendant;

(4) The normal behavior of the defendant and whether the defendant shows repentance;

(5) The victim's compensation provided through the civil litigation and whether the defendant is forgiven by the victim or the close relative of the victim.

(6) Other situations that affect sentencing.

If there exist situations that require the imposition of light or reduced penalty as well as situations that require the imposition of heavy penalty, all the relevant situations shall be considered in accordance with the law.

If the possibility that the defendant may face sentencing situations such as the imposition of light or reduced penalty cannot be ruled out, the death penalty shall be imposed in a particularly cautious manner.

     第三十六条 在对被告人作出有罪认定后,人民法院认定被告人的量刑事实,除审查法定情节外,还应审查以下影响量刑的情节:









   Article 37  Evidence given in any of the following situations shall be used cautiously and shall be adopted if corroborated by other evidence:

Statements, testimonies and confessions given by a victim, witness and defendant who are physically or mentally handicapped, who have difficulty in understanding and expressing the facts of the case, but have not lost the accurate cognitive or accurate expressive ability;

(2) Testimonies that are favorable to the defendant and given by a relative of the defendant or a witness that has close relationship with the defendant or testimonies that are unfavorable to the defendant and given by a witness that has conflict of interest with the defendant.

     第三十七条 对于有下列情形的证据应当慎重使用,有其他证据印证的,可以采信:



   Article 38  The court that casts doubt on the evidence may request the procurator, defendant and the counsel for the defense who appear in court to supplement the evidence or give explanation. If verification is needed, the court may adjourn so as to investigate and verify the evidence. Where necessary, the court may request the procurator, defendant and the counsel for the defense who appear in court to be present at the scene of investigation out of the court. If either or both of the procurator and the counsel for the defense do not arrive at the scene, the court shall take a record.

For evidence that are supplemented by the people's procuratorate or the counsel for the defense and evidence verified and collected from investigation out of the court, the court may solicit out of the court the opinions of the procurator and the counsel for the defense who appear in court. If the opinions of both parties are not the same and either party requests the people's court to open a court session for investigation, the people's court shall do so.

     第三十八条 法庭对证据有疑问的,可以告知出庭检察人员、被告人及其辩护人补充证据或者作出说明;确有核实必要的,可以宣布休庭,对证据进行调查核实。法庭进行庭外调查时,必要时,可以通知出庭检察人员、辩护人到场。出庭检察人员、辩护人一方或者双方不到场的,法庭记录在案。


   Article 39  If the defendant and the counsel for the defense give confession facts and reasons but the relevant authority does not give recognition, the relevant authority shall be requested to provide evidence materials or the relevant personnel shall be requested to testify and other evidence shall also be considered so as to judge whether the confession is established.

If the evidence material about whether and how the defendant helps to arrest the joint offenders in the case is incomplete such that it is impossible to confirm that the defendant did a deed of merit, the relevant authority shall be requested to provide evidence materials or the relevant personnel shall be requested to testify and other evidence shall also be considered so as to judge whether the deed of merit is established.

If the defendant reports and exposes other's offense to the authority, it shall be examined whether the offense has been investigated and verified to be true. If the offense has not been investigated and verified, it should be investigated and verified in a timely manner.

If the evidence material about the defendant committing repeat offenses is incomplete, the relevant authority shall be requested to provide evidence materials.

     第三十九条 被告人及其辩护人提出有自首的事实及理由,有关机关未予认定的,应当要求有关机关提供证明材料或者要求相关人员作证,并结合其他证据判断自首是否成立。




   Article 40  When investigating whether the defendant has reached the age of 18 when committing the crime, the proof of household registration shall be referred to in general. If there is objection against the proof of household registration, and evidence such as the birth certificate that has been verified to be true or the testimony of a disinterested party proves that the defendant has not reached the age of 18, it shall be confirmed that the defendant is less than 18 years old. If there is no proof of household registration and birth certificate, judgment shall be made by considering evidence such as the census registration and testimony of a disinterested party. Bone age assessment can be conducted where necessary and the assessment result shall be used as a reference for judging the defendant's age.

If the contradiction between the evidence cannot be eliminated and there is no sufficient evidence to prove and it is impossible to verify that the defendant has reached the age of 18 when committing the alleged offense, it cannot be confirmed that the defendant has reached the age of 18.

     第四十条 审查被告人实施犯罪时是否已满十八周岁,一般应当以户籍证明为依据;对户籍证明有异议,并有经查证属实的出生证明文件、无利害关系人的证言等证据证明被告人不满十八周岁的,应认定被告人不满十八周岁;没有户籍证明以及出生证明文件的,应当根据人口普查登记、无利害关系人的证言等证据综合进行判断,必要时,可以进行骨龄鉴定,并将结果作为判断被告人年龄的参考。


   Article 41  These Provisions shall come into force on July 1, 2010.

     第四十一条 本规定自二〇一〇年七月一日起施行。


中英双语-关于办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-28 17:14:03