威尼斯的小偷 | 外刊精读

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本期精读的文章来自The Economist关于威尼斯街头小偷的报道Volunteers are nabbing Venice’s pickpockets

作为著名旅游城市,威尼斯每年吸引了数以万计的游客前去参观,但威尼斯街头的小偷也盯上了游客。由于当地警力不足,一个名为Undistracted Citizens的志愿者组织也应运而生。他们帮助警方抓住了很多小偷,但他们的行动本身有一定的风险,有的志愿者被小偷袭击,还有的被指控性骚扰。光靠志愿者解决治安问题并不是长久之计。

这篇文章的小标题很有意思:Police cannot cope with petty thieves. Enter the “undistracted citizens” 

在剧本中说“(某人)上(场)”,英文是enter somebody 比如:Enter Othello. 奥赛罗上。因此小标题的意思是:警方无法应对小窃贼,有请“不分心市民”这一组织上场。



With hordes of distracted tourists crowding its labyrinthine streets, Venice offers rich pickings for pickpockets, especially during the summer crush.


pickings意思是“不义之财”(money which can be earned easily or dishonestly),例如:The street-sellers are lured to the town by the rich pickings that are to be had from foreign tourists. 因为可以从外国游客那里赚到大量的钱财,街边小贩被吸引到镇上来了。

crush在这里意思是“拥挤的人群”(a crowd of people forced to stand close together),单词还有一个更加常见的意思“迷恋”,比如A喜欢上了B,可以说:A has a crush on B

crowd在文中的用法也值得注意,我们比较熟悉的是它的名词用法,这里它是作为动词使用,意思是“挤满,塞满”,例如要表达“海滩上挤满了游客”,我们可以说:Tourists crowded the beaches.

The police cannot cope. So volunteers known as Cittadini non distratti(CND), or Undistracted Citizens, help them out.

威尼斯警察无法对应这些小偷,于是被称为Cittadini non distratti(不分心市民)的志愿者们出来帮警察分担工作。

help somebody out意思是“帮某人分担工作,帮某人一把”,比如:When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with a loan. 我买这所房子时,我姐姐借给了我一笔钱救急。短语的另一个替换说法是give somebody a hand


Most of CND’s roughly 60 members just take pictures of suspects, using WhatsApp to pass along leads to cops.


lead在这里用得很准,它是熟词生义,意思是“线索”(a piece of information that may help you to solve a crime or mystery),相当于clue


Some only grab the thieves they spot in the shops and bars where they are employed. Even so, cnd is behind a third of pickpocket arrests in Venice, says Francesco Livieri, a deputy police commissioner.


Collaboration between cnd and the cops is so tight, Mr Livieri jokes, that he spends more time with the volunteers than with his wife.



Cops are thin on the ground but “we have eyes everywhere”, says Franco Dei Rossi, an affable 68-year-old street painter who founded the group nearly three decades ago.


thin on the ground是一个英式短语,可以用来形容某事物很少见,不常有(to exist only in small numbers or amounts),比如我们可以说:

Fifteen years ago, smartphones were thin on the ground, but thanks to rapid technological advances, they are now ubiquitous.

Members must decline any rewards from victims (including, says Mr Dei Rossi, the occasional come-on).



As he is speaking, two men who the group says have been picking pockets for weeks stroll past and, upon recognising Mr Dei Rossi, smile wryly. He shouts back: “Get a job!”



He joined the army after he left school.


He joined the army upon leaving school.


Some members accuse city officials of neglecting pickpockets and pursuing illegal picnickers instead, who are much easier to catch and fine. Slow, lenient courts fuel street crime, says Monica Poli, a cnd member.



Apple's lackluster launch event fuels investors' worries about the company's ability to innovate.

A cleaner, she hunts pickpockets after work near Venice’s train station, where apprentice thieves learn their trade by relieving newly arrived tourists of their wallets.


learn your trade是一个常用搭配,意思是“学习某个行业的手艺,本事”,这里trade是熟词生义,意思是“(尤指需要特殊技术和手工劳动的)职业,行当”,比如:After she left school, she went to college to learn a trade. 她中学毕业后去一家技术学院学一门手艺。

…relieving newly arrived tourists of their wallets 这里使用了讽刺的手法,将偷走游客钱包说成是帮助他们减轻钱包的负担。

“Here, I run things,” Ms Poli says. Perhaps, but Ms Poli was recently beaten twice by packs of female pickpockets. In Venice, they outnumber their male colleagues.


"I run things" 意思相当于于 "I am in charge of things";在对两个事物进行比较时,可以使用out-这一词缀来使表达更加简洁。比如:

As a child, he was smarter than his peers.


As a child, he outsmarted his peers.


In recent years the Austrian economy has performed better than most other industrial economies.


In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies.



The crusade is getting harder. Pickpockets circulate photos of CND volunteers, eroding their element of surprise.


crusade意思是“(长期坚定不移的)斗争,运动”(a long and determined attempt to achieve something which you believe in strongly),例如:They have long been involved in a crusade for racial equality. 他们长期以来一直致力于争取种族平等的运动。

element of surprise是一个固定搭配,意思是“出其不意(出人意料)的方法”(the use of methods which are intended to cause surprise),例如:An element of surprise is important to any attack. 出其不意在任何进攻中都很重要。

Also, it is no longer advisable for volunteers to restrain someone with a hand in a stranger’s purse. The courts now prefer that volunteers wait until the hand has emerged clutching valuables.


the courts是一个固定说法,它的意思是“司法机构”(the system of courts that decide legal cases)。Valuables是一个复数名词,意思是“贵重物品”,例如:Guests should leave their valuables in the hotel safe. 客人应把贵重物品存放在酒店保险柜中。

And female thieves have a dastardly tactic to thwart their pursuers. When caught, they routinely scream that they are being groped or raped.


He says he recently grabbed a thief who promptly ripped her own shirt and screamed that she was being attacked. Says Damiano Gizzi, a volunteer: “we risk a lynching.”




(1) thin on the ground

(2) upon doing something

(3) fuel

(4) outnumber/outperform/outsmart


发布于 2020-11-05 17:47:02