约翰内斯堡餐馆的茶壶 | 外刊精读

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本期精读选自The Economist关于南非的一篇文章:Why Johannesburg restaurants are full of teapots




Upon arrival at an expensive restaurant near Sandton, Johannesburg’s financial district, nothing feels unusual, at least in this age of covid-19.


从传统语法上来说,开头这一句其实是悬垂句式,因为句子的主语为"nothing",但句子状语Upon arrival at an expensive restaurant…这一部分的逻辑主语应该是人,也就是说逻辑主语与句子主语不一致。这种垂悬句式在外刊里面也越来越常见,我之前也分析过一个类似的句子,可以参考:这个英语句子是否正确?

The maître-d’ zaps a temperature gun at patrons’ masked faces and spritzes their hands with sanitiser.


Only when ushered into the dining room does something seem odd: every table has a pot of tea.


这一句同样出现了垂悬结构:句子主语是"something",而ushered into the dining room逻辑主语应该是顾客。


South Africans like their rooibos, but the liquid in many tea-cups is a darker red—claret, even. On other tables there are cans of tonic next to teapots. Reality dawns when two young women are given shot glasses of Jägermeister inside their tea-cups.



Dawn在这里用得很简洁,它的意思是“(事物)变得明朗,变得清楚”(to become obvious or easy to understand),“让某人意识到某事”可以说:It dawns on somebody that… 

比如新概念英语中就有这样的句子:It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along at thirty. 我突然感到这趟快车并没以时速90英里的速度呼啸前进,而是卟哧卟哧地向前爬行,时速仅30英里。


South Africa banned alcohol sales for the second time this year on July 12th, so as to prevent drunks from taking up precious space in hospitals. But restaurants, which are struggling to stay afloat, are open and customers are thirsty.


afloat原本是指物品在水中漂浮,stay afloat取其引申义“使维持下去;保持不负债”,例如:They will have to borrow £10 million next year, just to stay afloat. 明年他们得举债1000万英镑才能维持下去。 

“Are you serving special teas?” your correspondent hesitantly asks a waiter. “Yes”, he replies, the ripple of a smile just visible from the edges of his mask.


the ripple of a smile just visible from the edges of his mask这句话写得十分精彩,作者将侍者脸上的笑容比作荡漾的水波,即使在口罩边缘也可以感受到笑意,这一比喻非常准确传神。


An unscientific sample of local establishments suggests the patchiness of prohibition. A steak house in an affluent suburb also uses teapots for red wine, and puts cans of fizzy apple juice next to glasses of beer.


Establishment在这里指的是“机构、企业或单位”(an organization or institution, especially a business, shop etc)。

Other joints are more brazen. At a café popular with families, parents keep one eye on their children ricocheting inside a bouncy castle and the other on their ice bucket.


Joint在这里是一词多义,它指的是“(卖廉价饮食的)酒吧或餐馆”,parents keep one eye on their children ricocheting inside a bouncy castle其中ricocheting inside a bouncy castle作为后置定语修饰children,相当于parents keep one eye on their children (who are) ricocheting inside a bouncy castle


The willingness of South Africans to flout the booze rules is a sign that bans rarely work. It shows that the police are unwilling or unable to enforce them—at least in rich areas.


The willingness of…is a sign that…(XX愿意做……这一事情说明了……)是一个可以借鉴的句式,比如我们可以说:The willingness of Chinese parents to spend a large amount of money on their children’s education is a sign that they attach great importance to it.

But it also reflects how many South Africans are reluctant to obey laws set by a ruling party that itself shows little respect for propriety.



In recent weeks local journalists have revealed how members of the African National Congress and their families have won juicy contracts for supplying personal protective equipment, despite having little experience in medical kit.


Cronyism has been rife for years, but the sight of “tenderpreneurs” coining it is especially galling when thousands are dying. On August 3rd President Cyril Ramaphosa compared such people to hyenas circling wounded prey.


the sight of “tenderpreneurs” coining it is especially galling 读起来可能不太好理解,这里coin it是一个固定搭配,意思是“大发其财”,因此句子断句应该是:the sight of “tenderpreneurs” coining it/ is especially galling



Yet he has done too little to stop the scavengers. More than two years after he took office, South Africans are waiting for prosecutions to be brought against those accused of wrongdoing during the reign of his predecessor, Jacob Zuma.


"he"在这里指代上一段提到的总统Cyril Ramaphosa,"the scavengers"则与上一段提到的hyenas circling wounded prey相呼应。作者通过这种方式实现了两个段落间的衔接。

Meanwhile the former president continues to stall his own trial over an arms deal cut more than 20 years ago. It is enough to make one order a cup of tea.



发布于 2021-02-04 14:32:18