银发族与智能手机 | 外刊精读

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最近一期The Economist的商业版块有一篇讲中国老年群体智能手机使用的文章Silver screens,其中谈到目前中老年群体的智能手机渗透率仍然不高,但这一群体消费能力很强,因此众多互联网公司纷纷开始布局这一市场。



Soon after dinnertime, Xiangyang Park in central Shanghai transforms into a ballroom. Loudspeakers pump out old pop songs as elderly folk sway under the plane trees.


pump out意思是“(流行音乐等)响亮地奏出”,这里用的非常精准。

A picture of geriatric nostalgia—until you meet Ms Shi and Mr Zhou, a couple in their 70s whose enthusiasm for the waltz is matched only by that for their smartphones.

(这是一个)充满老年怀旧气息的场景 - 直到你遇到施女士和周先生这对70多岁的夫妇。他们对华尔兹的热情只有智能手机能与之相比。


…whose enthusiasm for the waltz is matched only by that for their smartphones 这里that指代前面的enthusiasm,句子写得非常巧妙,因为它将上文跳华尔兹与下文智能手机使用这两个场景很自然地连接了起来,实现了过渡。

Mr Zhou reads online novels. Ms Shi watches far-flung Chinese parks come alive with their own group dancing on Huoshan, a short-video app favoured by teens.


come alive意思是“(某地)变得热闹起来,繁忙起来”(if a town, city etc. comes alive, it becomes busy),比如:The city starts to come alive after dark. 这座城市天黑以后便热闹起来。


She and her husband remain unusual. Less than one in three Chinese over 50 reported owning a smartphone in 2016, the latest year for which the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank, has data, half the share in America.


句子中the latest year for which the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank, has data是插入语,half the share in America则是同位语,对前面的Less than one in three…in 2016进行补充说明,相当于:Less than one in three Chinese over 50 reported owning a smartphone in 2016, (which is) half the share in America.


Tech companies want to lure more Ms Shis and Mr Zhous online—and take a bigger slice of the 7trn yuan ($1trn) that Chinese seniors are expected to spend on consumer goods in 2020.


more Ms Shis and Mr Zhous指的是“更多像施女士和周先生这样的人”,之前的精读文章中也出现过一个类似的句子:

The wheeler-dealers of commercial property are a world away from the hipsters of big tech—more mini Donald Trumps than Steve Jobses.


句子后半部分的Donald Trumps/Steve Jobses是指“川普式的人物”以及“乔布斯式的人物”,两者分别是房地产以及科技行业的代表——川普在当选总统前是纽约著名的地产大佬,乔布斯则是科技界的代表人物。

Lure这个词在写作中非常好用,它有一个搭配lure somebody away from something(让某人远离……)该表达适合用在各种题材中。比如要表达“电子游戏分散青少年的注意力,让他们无心向学”,可以说:

Video games lure youngsters away from their studies.


Providing free public transport could lure people away from their cars.

To tech firms, the disconnectedness of China’s 250m-odd old, or 18% of the population, is an opportunity.


数字后面接-odd是一个固定用法,意思是“大约;略多”,比如:He has worked there for twenty-odd years. 他在那里工作了二十多年。

Unlike the young, whose fragmented attention is fought over by thousands of apps, retirees are up for grabs. And once on the internet, they splurge.


up for grabs是一个固定表达,意思是“(工作、奖金、机会等)人人都可以争取,供大家争取”。


The reason why so many young people are moving to the city is that there are plenty of opportunities up for grabs.

Splurge意思是“挥霍”(to spend more money than you can usually afford),splurge在这里使得短句更加简洁,与第一句的长句形成对比。


Early adopters may be better-off than a typical senior, rattled when shops refuse cash. But startups see rich pickings.


rattled when shops refuse cash这一部分修饰的是a typical senior,相当于Early adopters may be better-off than a typical senior, (who is) rattled when shops refuse cash

rich pickings是一个常见的搭配,意思是“大量的金钱,利润”,比如:There are rich pickings to be had by investing in this sort of company. 向这类公司投资大有油水可捞。

"I Have A Partner", a grey-dating app, debuted last year with bold fonts and voice messaging for slow typists. Tangdou Guangchang Wu (“Jelly Bean Square Dance”), which started out posting dance videos (with filters to iron out wrinkles), aspires to be a one-stop shop for the old.


这篇文章中出现了很多关于“老年”的表达,比如granny, senior, the old, elderly folk, retirees,这里出现的grey-dating则用grey(头发花白)来指代“年老”。

one-stop是指“一站式的,综合性的”,比如:We offer our customers one-stop banking services and investment advice.我们向顾客提供一站式银行服务和投资建议。


The big generalists hope to lock the oldies in early. The over-60s use four-fifths of their mobile data on WeChat, against 7% for those aged 18-35.


Lock somebody in本来的含义是“将某人锁在屋里”,这里取其引申义“将某人留住,将某人锁定”。

Against在这里的意思是“与……对比”,这一用法在描述数字的场景中很常见,比如:This year' s profits amounted to only £35 million, against £52 million last year. 今年的利润只有三千五百万英镑,这与去年的五千两百万英镑形成了对比。

In 2017 Tencent made a video of old-timers rapping about their confusion over tech to encourage children to set their parents up with WeChat Helper, an app assistant. People over 55 are now WeChat’s fastest-growing cohort.



Cohort也是图表类文章中经常出现的一个表达,意思是“有共同特点(通常指年龄)的一群人”(a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behaviour),它可以用来代替group这一说法。

Ele.me, a food-delivery service bought by Alibaba last year, is trialling meal and medicine deliveries for the elderly, and one-off help with things like changing light bulbs.


Trial在这里的意思是“测试,试验”,比如:These techniques were trialled by teachers in 300 schools. 这些方法经过了 300 所学校的老师的试用。

此外单词的名词形式还有一个很常见的用法:do something by trial and error 通过不断探索试验而学会某事。比如在教育话题中我们可以说:

Children often learn by trial and error, so it is important that teachers and parents show more tolerance for their mistakes. Otherwise children will be so afraid of making mistakes that they prefer not to try.



(1) come alive

(2) lure somebody away from something

(3) up for grabs

(4) do something by trial and error


发布于 2020-11-10 09:47:51