迪士尼利润大幅下滑 | 外刊精读

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本期精读选自The Economist商业板块一篇关于迪士尼的文章:Cruising for a bruising

迪士尼在过去几年里进行了激进的扩张,其业务包括影业以及线下主题乐园等。这一策略曾经取得了巨大成功,但随着疫情的发生,这些业务都出现了巨额亏损。执掌迪士尼长达14年之久的前CEO鲍勃·伊格尔(Bob Iger)最近也不得不重返公司以帮助其度过困境。

文章小标题Cruising for a bruising是一个固定搭配,意思相当于“容易导致麻烦的举动”(following a course of action likely to result in injury or other trouble for oneself),这里是指迪士尼前几年多元化的策略导致了麻烦。同时,Cruisin' for a Bruisin' 也是一首歌的名字,这首歌出自电影Teen Beach Movie,而这部电影正是由迪士尼推出,因此标题在这里也具有双关的意味。下面是对文章的详细分析:

开头段报道了鲍勃·伊格尔(Bob Iger)重返迪士尼的新闻。

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away—February, to be precise—Bob Iger quit as head of a wildly successful company.


开头句引用了《星球大战》电影著名的开场白:A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… 这一引用非常贴切,因为自从年初疫情爆发后,世界已经天翻地覆,现在看来,2月份感觉已经是很遥远的过去了。A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…很好地写出了这种沧桑感。同时,《星球大战》的版权目前就在迪士尼手里,下文中也会出现更多与《星球大战》相关的背景知识。

Disney ruled the box office, with seven of the ten biggest hits of 2019.It had just launched a streaming service, Disney+, to take on Netflix.And it had completed a $69bn debt-fuelled acquisition of 21st Century Fox. In Mr Iger’s 14 years in charge, the firm’s share price quintupled.


这句话中要特别注意动词时态,Disney ruled the box office…这里是用过去时,说明迪士尼称霸票房榜是发生在过去(即2019年)。同时后面的两个句子使用了过去完成时:It had just launched…, And it had completed… 过去完成时即“过去的过去”,这一“过去”参照的时间点是开头句提到的2月份。查询新闻可以发现,迪士尼推出“迪士尼+”的时间是2019年11月份,收购21世纪福克斯是2019年3月份,这也可以印证前面的时间点。从这里也可以看出英文对于时态使用的严谨。

On May 5th he was back, like a Jedi summoned from semi-retirement, to introduce a first-quarter earnings call where Disney suspended its dividend and said covid-19 had caused net profit to fall by 91% from a year ago.




Covid-19 has infected all big media groups. Cinemas are shut; advertising is down; shooting is disrupted and there are no live sports to televise. But few have suffered as badly as Disney.


Netflix is thriving as locked-down consumers sign up. AT&T and Comcast are stabilised by their dull yet dependable cable and mobile businesses.


Disney has been whacked for the same reason that for years it thrived: under Mr Iger, the world’s best-known media company grew into far more than a media company. Alas, it diversified into exactly the wrong businesses for a pandemic.




A decade ago Disney’s media networks, which include the Disney Channel, ESPN sports and ABC broadcasting, raked in two-thirds of Disney’s operating profits from its various businesses. Last year they made up half.


Rake in是一个固定搭配,意思是“大赚一笔”(to earn a lot of money),例如:The privatisation allowed companies to rake in huge profits. 私有化使许多公司大赚了一笔。

With pay-TV in decline, Disney has invested elsewhere. One area is its film studios, where profits have been lifted by the acquisition of companies like Lucasfilm (which owns Star Wars) and Fox.


That has boosted its consumer-products business, as fans snap up plastic lightsabres and Iron Man toys.


that指代上一句提到的"the acquisition of companies like Lucasfilm (which owns Star Wars) and Fox"

But last quarter, with cinemas closed, Disney studios’ profits fell by 8%, year on year. With new releases postponed until July, the next quarter looks worse.



The Fox deal apart, Disney’s biggest expansion under Mr Iger was in theme parks and resorts. Capital spending on these was $4.1bn last year—more than Disney paid for Lucasfilm in 2012.


The Fox deal apart是一个独立主格结构,XX apart也是英语中常见的一个结构,意思是“除了……之外”,例如:The car industry apart, most industries are now seeing an improvement in their economic performance. 除去汽车工业,目前大多数行业的经济状况都在好转。

Six parks and four cruise ships (plus a private island in the Bahamas) helped generate a third of Disney’s operating profit in 2019, nearly double the share a decade ago. Bob Chapek, who replaced Mr Iger as ceo in February, ran the division.


Yet this business is especially vulnerable to social distancing. With parks closed and ships docked, quarterly profits in this segment swooned by 58%.



Disney’s Shanghai park, at least, will re-open on May 11th, at below 30% capacity.


Visitors are banned from hugging Mickey Mouse and must wear face-masks. The Disney shop sells those in packs of four, featuring Mickey or r2-d2, for $19.99.



发布于 2020-11-19 16:29:23