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该等条款常出现的词汇:disclose披露;non-defaulting party守约方;defaulting party违约方;confidential information保密信息等等。下面所示为两个该等条款的表达,非常类似,大家可以学习一下:


Each party shall treat as strictly confidential all information received or obtained as a result of entering into or performing this Agreement which relates to the provisions or subject matter of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated by it, to any other party to this Agreement or to the negotiations relating to this Agreement. Any party may disclose information which would otherwise be confidential by virtue of this clause 16.2(c)if and to the extent: (i) it is required to do so by law or by any securities exchange or regulatory or governmental body to which it is subject wherever situated; (ii)it considers it necessary to disclose the information to its professional advisers, auditors and/or bankers provided that it does so on a confidential basis; (iii)the information has come into the public domain through no fault of that party; or(iv)each party to this Agreement to whom such information relates has given its consent in writing.

各方应该对其因签订或履行本协议而收到或获得的、与本协议的规定或标的、本协议预期的交易、本协议的任何其他当事方或本协议的协商有关的所有信息严格保密。任何一方可以在下列情形下披露依照第16.2(c)条的规定本应保密的信息:(i)法律或对该方有管辖权的任何证券交易所或者监管或政府机构(不管该等机构位于何地)要求其披露;(ii)该方认为有必要向其专业顾问、审计师和/或银行人员披露该等信息,前提是该等披露应在保密基础上作出;(iii)该等信息在非因该方错误的情况下已经为公众所知晓;或(iv) 与该等信息有关的本协议各方已经书面同意该等披露。


Either party shall keep confidential all information of the other party which it became aware of due to conclusion and performance hereof , and neither party shall, without written consent of the other party, disclose such Confidential Information to any third parties, nor use it for purposes other than those of this Contract. However, the Confidential Information shall not be subject to such restriction if it falls into any of the following categories: (1) information which has been known to the public at the Disclosing Date;(2) secrets which, after the Disclosing Date, have become known to the public for reasons which are not attributable to any parties hereto who have accepted such information;(3) information which, prior to the Disclosing Date, has been legally owned by the parties hereto who have accepted such information; (4) information which, after the Disclosing Date, has been properly obtained from any third parties by the parties hereto who have accepted such information and have no confidentiality obligations; or (5) information required to be disclosed to courts or government agencies in accordance with applicable laws. 


发布于 2020-04-30 10:49:11