防弹少年团为何如此成功? | 外刊精读

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本期精读的文章来自The Economist对于韩国男团的报道:The company behind BTS, K-pop’s biggest act, is going public

防弹少年团(BTS)是一个非常成功的韩国男子演唱组合,他们在全球各地也拥有众多粉丝。推出该组合的Big Hit Entertainment也将于本月在韩国上市。本文详细分析了BTS成功的原因:风格深受女性观众喜爱,以及能和年轻一代产生共鸣。

小标题中Woke blokes来自澳大利亚歌手Thelma Plum的一首同名歌曲。主标题中act是一词多义,这里意思相当于“演出者,表演者”,标题含义即:韩流舞台上最大的演出者“防弹少年团”,其背后的公司将要上市。

向公众号回复:BTS 可以获取本文的英文原文、译文以及音频。


For the past couple of years, the biggest news in the world of k-pop has been decidedly unpleasant.



A scandal centred on “Burning Sun”, a glitzy nightclub in Seoul, South Korea’s capital, saw several male k-pop stars and industry executives accused last year of sexual abuse, procuring sex for business partners, drug-peddling and bribery.


句子主干是:A scandal saw several male k-pop stars and industry executives accused of… 其中saw在这里的意思相当于“目睹,见证”,这是一个在外刊中经常出现的说法。

Later in the year two female idols committed suicide in the space of a few weeks. Both had been subject to misogynistic abuse for years.


in the space of XX 是一个固定搭配,意思是“在XX的时间内”,例如:He fell asleep in the space of a few minutes. 没几分钟他就睡着了。


But the industry’s biggest stars seem untouched by its seedy side.



BTS, the world’s most successful k-pop group and the biggest boy band on the planet, has found global success by selling something close to the opposite of the machismo and aloofness that are usually required from k-pop idols.


The seven 20-something men present themselves as down-to-earth, frank about the pressures and downsides of fame, socially engaged and aware of their own shortcomings.


Somebody presents himself/herself as adj. 是一个常见搭配,意思是“某人以……的形象示人”,句子中down-to-earth, frank about…, socially engaged, aware of… 四个部分为并列成分。

When fans got upset about a set of sexist lyrics a few years ago, the member who wrote them apologised for his ignorance and vowed to “study more” to avoid such lapses in future (he has since been spotted reading a feminist novel).


And when American fans asked the group to support the Black Lives Matter protests this year, they promptly did.



Such behaviour resonates with fans in South Korea and beyond. “The message they send is so different from other boy bands,” says Lim Hyun-jee, a 26-year-old from Seoul.


“They talk about growth, mental health, bullying and anything that we can all relate to,” she gushes. “And they get along so well, it’s very appealing.”

她说:“他们谈到了成长、心理健康、霸凌以及其他我们都能产生共鸣的东西,而且他们相处得很好,这一点非常吸引人” 。

Somebody relates to something意思是“某人能够理解某事,某人能对某事产生共鸣”,例如:The culture that he describes is so different from mine that I sometimes find it hard to relate to. 他所描述的那种文化和我所处的文化如此迥异,有时我觉得很难理解。


Hong Seok-kyeong of Seoul National University believes that BTS’s success stems partly from the hope they offer a generation of fans worn down by the pressure to compete and conform in their education and careers.


Something wears somebody down意思是“某事让某人心力交瘁”(to make someone tired or weak),比如要表达“家庭和工作上的压力正让她心力交瘁”,可以说:The pressure at home and at work is wearing her down.

“Both in their songs and in their interactions with fans they show that they can relate to these pressures,” she says. “Their whole story suggests that it’s ok to be different and that you can still be successful even if you don’t really fit in.”


She thinks that young women, in particular, like their softer, emotionally vulnerable brand of masculinity as an alternative to South Korean machismo.


a brand of something这里是熟词生义,意思相当于“一种……的风格,一种做……的方式”。

Being pretty helps, of course. “The way they make themselves beautiful is very much about providing visual pleasure to a female audience.”



Some Korean feminists speculate that the band’s woman-friendly image is too good to be true, given the sexist norms of the industry in which they work. Others take it at face value.


Take something at face value是一个固定搭配,含义是“仅凭表象就对……信以为真”。

At the very least, BTS’s success has shown that niceness is a marketable quality, which may encourage others to give it a try.


The numbers speak for themselves. After teetering on the brink of bankruptcy a decade ago, Bang Si-hyuk, who founded bts’s production company, Big Hit Entertainment, is now a squillionaire.


XX speaks for itself/XX speak for themselves意思是“XX是不言自明的,XX是有目共睹的”,比如要表达“学校的优秀成绩是有目共睹的”,可以说:The school's excellent record speaks for itself.

The company’s planned listing on the Korean stock exchange on October 15th looks set to make him and BTS even richer. Massively oversubscribed by both institutional investors and hardened fans, it is expected to value Big Hit at $4bn or so.


Look set to do something是一个外刊常见表达,意思是“看上去将要做某事”,比如:Interest rates look set to rise again. 看样子利率又要提高了。

最后一句it is expected to…这里it指代上一句提到的the company’s planned listing on the Korean stock exchange

发布于 2021-02-04 15:15:12