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在法律英语中经常出现的同义词重复主要有:buy or purchase,provisions and stipulations,full force and effect,own or possess,property or chattels or goods,minor or child or infant,terms and conditions, pardon or forgive,to have and to hold,constable or sheriff,entering or breaking,larceny or theft or stealing,rented or loaned,attorney or lawyer,damaged or destroyed,last will and testament,due and collectible,heirs and devisees,null and void,adopted by me or born to me,aid and abet,part and parcel,safe and sound,cease and desist。

在各种法律条文中,经常出现类似以上的成对词,表示固定的意义,因而在使用和翻译时不能随意拆开:rights and interests(权益),terms and conditions(条款),complete and final understanding (全部和最终的理解),customs fees and duties(关税),losses and damages(损坏),null and void(无效),sign and issue(签发)。

有些短语是由两个同义词构成的,表达的是一个共同的含义。比如法律英语中常用的unless otherwise,由两个同义词构成,意为“除非另”。

provided that为法律英语中常用的短语,意为“但规定”,“但”。该短语常出现在某一法律条款对某事作出规定后,为使条款的规定更加准确、全面,而作出进一步规定的场合。例如:

In exceptional circumstances,the Ministerial Conference may decide to waive an obligation imposed on a Member by this Agreement or any of the Multilateral Trade Agreements,provided that any such decision shall be taken by three fourths of the Members unless otherwise provided for in this paragraph.


发布于 2021-07-01 10:50:08