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said在法律英语中不是say的过去式,而是一个形容词,相当于aforesaid或abovementioned,如the said matter前述事项,the said payment前述付款等。


当满足上述分配之后, 若合伙企业从任何一个项目投资退出后收回的本金和收益产生的可分配金额仍有剩余, 则应将相当于按照上述条款计算的有限合伙人优先回报分配金额除以65%再乘以35%的金额分配给管理人和普通合伙人。

After the said distributions, with respect to the distributable cash generated from the principal recovered andthe proceeds earned from any project investment withdrawn by the Partnership, if there is the remaining, an amountequivalent to thePreferred Return to Limited Partners under the Paragraph above divided by 65% then multiplied by 35%shall be distributed to the General Partner andthe Manager.


PARTY B shall exercise the said right in a commercially reasonable manner without affecting the normal operations of PARTY A. The purchase price for PARTY A's purchase of Licensed Models from PARTY B shall be 82% of the Net Revenues with respect to the sale of Licensed Models to PARTY A’s customers, less certain incremental costs incurred on such sales of Licensed Models including: sales tariffs, duties and value-added tax (at a rate of 9% or otherwise determined by the competent tax authorities).

乙方应以商业上合理的方式行使上述权利,且不影响甲方的正常运作。 甲方从乙方购买许可模型的购买价格应为向甲方客户销售许可模型的净收入的82%减去许可模型销售所产生的某些增量成本,包括:销售关税、关税和增值税(以9%的税率或由主管税务机关另行决定)。

发布于 2020-05-14 09:40:01